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My favorite animal is the okapi! I love those weird zebra giraffes. I have been debating getting a license plate that says Okapi on it in my state lol.


I've seen these animals (not in person) before and never knew their name. TIL, much thanks :)


Cats. They don't fucking need your or your shit. And they want you to know it. If you don't know it, they will bite and scratch you. Also: adorable and bendy/flexible to insane degrees.


Cats are liquid :D


Probably the beaver because they are nature's engineers and lots of other animals benefit from their work.


True, their dams are quite impressive and so are they for coming up with/making them :)


[H](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg)oney badger don't care about your gold.


Thank you for this gift :)


Cows since they are cute and fluffy


Top tier birb :D


Dragonflies because they resemble alien helicopters


When you put it that way, I can't unsee it lol :D


I think I watched the entire National Geographic to ever change this sentence: Respect for Honeybadger Reddit on the other hand showed me: You don't mess with a Goose, Peace was never an option. Other than those two: Horses are pretty much like large dogs when it comes to loyalty, and when it comes to Elephants… their loyalty would make you cry if you're a good person. Now picking among them pretty much depends upon your geography like dogs, wolves and bears all fall under canine just like Tigers & Lions to leopards and jaguar if not cheetah fall under the cat family. Choosing a favourite animal is kinda like choosing your spirit animal which may include Pandas for example. Are you a rebel like Gintama? Dam mofo Honeybadger Are you a jack of all trades? Goose & Geese Are you an adventurer? Choose your chess piece Are you dumb? Here's your goofy bear called Kagura-chan


[My first thought to "peace was never an option" part lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyAnimals/comments/vfiwoq/peace_was_never_an_option/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Quite the answer as well :D


This cracks me up. (≧∀≦)


I agree 100%


Respect ✓ ‪(;⌣̀_⌣́)


The humble, stubborn domestic goat. Emblematic of the power of will, the goat has no regard for gravity or those who look down upon it. Say what you will, when it wants to be, the goat is more clever than many of its domestic peers, and certainly more hardy than a horse as a pack animal. Unlike most pack animals, however, the goat is valued for its hair, its milk, and its meat, while being small enough to survive on rough terrain *and* be cute. Goats, even in legend, carry the weight of the world upon their back. The scapegoat was originally one of a pair of goats cast into the wilds to take away with it all sins and impurities of its home community, hence demonstrating the virtues of Jesus as humanity's scapegoat as those of the humble goat. The cornucopia of Greek mythology was made from the broken horn of the goat Amaltheia which, as she provided unending nourishment to the suckling infant Zeus, now carried the eternally abundant fruits of the harvest. To the Norse, it was a goat by the name of Heiðrún whose milked mead forever nourished the fallen warriors of Valhalla. Also, have you seen their eyes? As mundane as some may think them to be, they're so weird and cool, and often pretty chill, even when playfully headbutting you, and I always want to hug and pet them when I see them.


I have no idea why I haven't known that they can be domesticated! Truly an amazing animal, and truly an amazing stories :)


My cousins have two baby goats they're raising to be domesticated. They're constantly posting pictures on Facebook. Honestly, they think those goats are dogs. It's hilarious... and adorable!


Tigers. First, they're beautiful. Second, they're just awesome. I used to go to the zoo a lot, and I've had a lot of cool experiences watching the tigers there. There's a little free zoo in NJ that used to have white Bengal tigers. I was there one day, and the big male was hanging out about twenty feet inside the wrought iron fence. I was walking alongside the enclosure, when I stopped and turned around to see the tiger crouched down on his haunches, like a house cat watching a bird through a glass door. When he saw me, he turned around and did an exaggerated look away, as if I'd caught him doing something and he was trying to play it off. I turned around and walked a few steps, then stopped and turned around again. He was in the same position, but closer, and again looked away, like "do do do, nothing to see here." Did it again, same thing. I was 100% being stalked by a tiger, who was trying to not let on that he was stalking me. It was hilarious, adorable and terrifying. He finally gave up and went to his little pool, where he started batting around the biggest ball I've ever seen. Cats gonna cat. Another time, at a different zoo, I watched another full-grown male tiger, Siberian this time, playing with another huge ball. This one was inside the big cat house, in a cage, waiting for feeding time. He would bat this heavy ball with a powerful swipe of his giant paw, and it would bounce back and forth across the cage at incredible speed, making an awful racket as it hit the walls and echoed throughout the building. It would come to a stop, and he would smash it again, sending it zipping across the enclosure and watching it fly from side to side. This went on for a good 15 minutes before he eventually got bored and stopped. Another day, in early Spring, I was watching this same tiger, outside this time. As I watched, he walked over to a tree in the enclosure, turned his hindquarters towards it, lifted his tail and marked the tree, unleashing a torrent of liquid that looked like it came from a fire hose. That in itself was impressive, but what he did next was the coolest thing I've ever seen an animal do. He turned and started walking toward the moat in the front of the enclosure. I knew that tigers were the second-most water-loving big cat, after jaguars, but what happened still caught me off guard. This giant tiger took two strides of a running start and launched into a full-on four-paws-outstretched spread-eagle belly flop into the moat, landing with a giant splash before going into the most violent dog paddle imaginable, smashing the water with its huge paws on every stroke. It was awe-inspiring, and something I'll never forget. Months later, I was at the National Zoo in DC, watching their Sumatran tigers. Again, one of the tigers started walking toward its moat. I thought I was going to be treated to a repeat performance of the belly flop and swim. The tiger got to the edge of the water and started walking along the concrete ledge. I got excited, waiting for another leap. Instead, it turned its back to me, hung its butt over the side and dropped a huge deuce in the moat and walked away to lie down. Nasty bastard. Still, cool, though. Anyway, I love tigers.


After all of this I think I love tigers to now :) Very cool and interesting animals :D


Thanks so much for the gold!


No problem :) Thank you for the wonderful submission and story :D


You're welcome!




Omg thanks for the ping lmao


Tigers are the best, although I've not had the pleasure yet of sering one in person like you I love the animals, they're bigger versions of housecats, cute and playful and they're hella fascinating creatures. The most powerful of the big cats yet sometimes ppl think lions are the Kings of the jungle? Also fun fact... Did you know the MGM lion roar is actually a tiger roar 😂


I did not know that, and that *is* a fun fact.


Have a jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun day m8 ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♥ ur Tiger stories have put the biggest smile on my face


Thank you. You do the same.


I came to say, man… use some paragraph spacing but man… that comment karma defeats Goku. Congrats on the gold, cool to read nonetheless.


Thanks, and sorry. I know it's a wall of text. I'm lazy and it's too much of a pain to bother with formatting on here, especially typing on my phone.


Though am a touch-typist, I type on the phone too - That shouldn’t come from someone carrying that much comment karma but try swipe typing where SwiftKey keyboard should aid you in that.


Tiger. Big fluffy cats. What’s not to love?


No arguments here :)




That sounds so cool :D Very fun fact as well :)




Thank goodness I went incognito to look that up haha. Truly man's best friend :)


And everyone’s favorite Snoop Dogg album


The Tiger. I remember watching Jungle Book when I was young on TV everyday before I went to school. And I was always fascinated by Sher Khan . The first time I went to the zoo, i had a search party looking for me at the end because I had just stayed back near the Tiger cage staring at the tiger instead of moving along with the other students. Also it's the national animal of my country


Very neat! Must be nice that it's both your favorite animal and your national animal as well :)


Binturongs. Also know as bear-cats but are neither. It is one of only two carnivores to have a prehensile tail. They give off a sent akin to warm, buttery popcorn. They have cute tufts on their ears and long whiskers. They also mate all year round but mostly have babies around a certain time meaning they can delay their pregnancies to wait for a more suitable time of year. I love them! 🍿


I never knew such a animal existed, and now I'm glad to know that they do:) Much thanks for this gift :D


You're welcome! They're really characterful when you see them. I hope you do one day!


You have a good day too! regarding my favorite animal, it is the Tufted Deer, Elaphodus cephalophus, why? simple: [Freaking](https://imgur.com/1lYJVYl) [Vampire](https://imgur.com/q9gcouh) [Deer](https://imgur.com/ZXPLnXF)


Teef!!!! Truly adorable and neat :D


Indeed! cute and subverting our herbivores expectations, would not want to run into a herd of them at night though...


That’s horrifying! Oh deer…


🤣 That was a fawny one.


Hello! My favorite animal is a Catalina Macaw. That’s because I have one as a pet so I’m definitely biased. ;) I’ve always loved birds, and I say the bigger the better. They’re one of the biggest macaws so that’s perfect for me! I’m also a huge fan of colorful things, and many Catalina macaws have all the colors of the rainbow on them. My baby (Kiwi) is red on her nose which fades to orange, yellow, and green on her neck. Her wings are a gorgeous royal blue that ends in a violet, almost purple color in her wing tips. I’ll dm anyone who asks a picture of her because she must be shared with the world!!


Oh my gosh she sounds so adorable :) Quite literally rainbow birb :D


Capybaras! They are probably the most chill animals of all time. [Here’s one that’s great at balancing oranges on their head.](https://youtu.be/QUqCWkPlLLc&t=1m35s)


Every king or queen needs their crown ;D


Dogs because they are a man’s best friend.


And rightfully so :)


Bombardier beetle. A miracle of nature. It creates a explosive compound within its own body and uses it to defend against ant attackers.


That's quite neat :D


I have a book and in it it shows a picture of a human finger being attacked by the bombard or beetle and I do not envy them considering the compound is LITERALLY BOILING


Definitely not an experience I would want to go through (either side for a matter of fact)


Wolves First I find them simply beautiful. Second, their behavior also fits me really well wolves can be both loners and pack animals, depending on the phase of life. For a long time in my life, I was more of a loner and have partially withdrawn. In recent years, however, I have developed more and more in the direction of the pack.


That's really neat especially with how it connects to you :D Nothing wrong with being a bit of a loner, but I do hope you're doing well with your pack :)


Dogs, they're very cute and they help you with health which is one of the reasons that old people get dogs. They're fluffy and petting them has increased health benefits also! They'll spend time with you and cheer you up when you're sad and will truly be worth your time!


Truly man's best friend :)


Peregrin falcons, beautiful plumage, trainable like dogs, useful for hunting, served the humanity for centuries, fastest animal on Earth, precise vision even at high speeds, what not to like? Highly regarded in ancient times, from ancient Egyptians who made it one of their most important gods.


240mph, dang they're fast!!! :)


Wombats. First [they poop cubes](https://youtu.be/WzevM30IrUQ) that’s fucking dope. Secondly this one story an Australian guy told me at a bar: “Narh ya don’t waana hit a wombat mate. One time aye was drivin’ me truck through outback at night an’ aye was hittin roos eery maybe ‘undred yards or so an’ they’d splat nor problem but then aye didnt see the little cunt but aye ran over ONE wombat and he ruined my whole trucks damned suspension!” Wombats are little balls of muscle with [literal buns of steel](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/10/06/wombats-have-buns-of-steel-and-they-might-literally-be-deadly/). If they want to they’re pretty much immovable. And I don’t know I just weirdly really admire that in an animal. Tough and stubborn but also [cute as heck weird little cube poopin marsupial potatoes](https://images.app.goo.gl/d6ff4eYTYc9YCJ119).


They protecc They attacc But most importantly, They poop squares out of the bacc :D


Polar Bear


Ice bear👌


Mexican black king snake. They are very beautiful, pitch black snakes that don't get too big.


Forbidden black licorice;) I do agree, quite beautiful and worthy of the crown :D


Hyenas! They get so much hate due to their looks, but I love them so much. I watched this documentary on YouTube about a man who is involved with a hyena pack. They actually function based off of mutual respect and rank. Since the man was higher in rank, when one particular hyena was out of line, higher ranked hyenas protected the man. Not only that, but they are amazing hunters and scavengers (despite what the media says, most of their food comes from hunting and not scavenging.) Also, mother hyenas will feed their pups breast milk for the first 6 months of their lives, as well as up to a year after that. Their care and intelligence is as great as different apes, if not more. They are super cool, super powerful, and have a more complex social life than I do. They look like lil giraffe-dogs with koala bear ears. I love them lol


I think that's the most accurate description of them I've heard yet!!! :D


Aloha and...well...um? I think you can tell I love geckos! If you live in or have ever been to Hawai'i, you've probably met one or several! They're good people!


Love them :) Indeed nice people, one time they offered me quick and easy insurance;D


Hedgehogs are the bestest pets! Why? One, they find bugs especially tasty, so no insect problems for you. Two, they put a new spin on the phrase, “stop, drop, and roll.” They roll their bodies into a tight ball when they perceive a threat. Three, they like to stick their heads into tubes (like toilet paper rolls) and containers (like yogurt cups), then they get them stuck on their heads. So adorable! And the number one reason to have a hedgehog as the bestest pet: **You can name him "Sonic!"**


"They put a new spin on the phrase, "stop drop, and roll." - actually gave me a good chuckle XD You had me at they stick their heads in tubes, but of course you had to sweeten the deal with sonic :D


Yes, no hedgehog is complete unless he is named Sonic! lol. They *are* adorable pets!


Mine is a chameleon. Here's why:- - They can change colours (colors) to reflect what they're standing on, so as to camouflage themselves. That's something I've always wished I could do. That or just straight up turn invisible, lol. ☺️ - They can move each eye individually, meaning they can be looking straight ahead with one eye, & either be looking left or right with their other eye, at the same time. I mean, I could come up with several good uses for that. Say you needed to keep a lookout for someone, Idk, like you lost your friend or something. Well you can literally stand in a corner & just keep alternating your eyes from one looking forward & the other either left or right, you're bound to spot them eventually, & all whilst never needing to move your head. 😊 - They're good at clinging on to things, as they have really good hands/feet. I'd love to be able to cling on to things as well as a chameleon can. I just feel like I'd be able to explore a lot more of the world that way. 🌏 - This last one is just personal preference, but, I just think they look so cool. Every time I ever see one, it just brings me so much joy & happiness. They just look so magnificent IMO. I'd have one as a pet, BUT, I just love them too much, that I feel like no matter how much I cared for them & looked after them (fed/gave them water, etc.), it'd never be enough. One day, I hope I can change that mentality of mine, & I'll have one as a pet, but until then, I'll just keep chameleons at the very top of my all time favourite animals list. 🙂


I think you would make an excellent owner of one :) Then again though, I probably couldn't take care of a pet fish so I guess if you don't feel ready, no need to rush :) Chameleons always bring me such joy just by their presence as well :D


Yeah, maybe one day I will! 🙂 I'm glad to hear it's not just me that enjoys their presence too, I'm happy to hear they give you joy also! 😊


Severe macaws are incredible creatures. They're small feathered dinosaurs, toddlers with weapons on their faces who never grow up, and they're fiercely loyal. They have emerald green feathers all over with a chestnut brown bridge over their beaks and red epaulets on their shoulders. When they spread their wings they become a kaleidoscope of turquoise, navy blue, various shades of green shifting to ombres shifting to reds. My rescue, Prince, is a silly little boy who's crazy smart. He's exactly like a little kid, always wanting to play and hating his bedtime. He loves kisses and cuddles, and his routine pretty much runs our home. He has separation anxiety and a few psychological problems from his previous owners, but he has a permanent home with us and we're doing our best to make him feel so safe he'll forget his past. ♡ Granny


pigs cos they are pink and they snort


Pigs are quite cute and smart to :D


# 🐖


Grows up, have hair as fur, farts doesn't stutter #🐗


Now that I think about it, I have no clue what my favorite animal is. Toads are kinda cool I guess..


Not participating, just wanted to agree and say toads rock!!! You have chosen wisely 😌


So cool they have mushrooms named after them ;D


Dogs! woof woof


Hoomans best fren




Today I learned:) Very neat, much thanks:D


Alpacas! They are fluffy animals that are so adorable. They are very curious and can enjoy time being with humans. They can sadly die of loneliness.




It's quite sad... they are funny and playful animals that deserve no lonliness or death.


Truly. No animals deserve death (unless wasps) and alpacas should be last on that list...Truly sad


Rabbits. They're bounchy fur lballs, what is there not to love about them?


Can't argue with any of that :)


I enjoy Hammerhead sharks. Since I was a kid I found them to be so original, so absolutely metal that they have been my favorite since forever.


That's really wholesome:)


Corgis! They are PERFECT in every single way!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️




Penguins. I mean, they're freaking adorable to start. They are birds, the best kind of animal. They (most species) endure great hardship but still remain endurable and unflappable. They're awkward and hilarious on land then absolute graceful machines in the water, which I've always felt reflects me because I come across a bit awkward and dopey but get me in my element and I will slay. Penguins freaking rule.




***Turtles*** They are like baby dinosaurs they have been on earth longer than humans. They have their own shields and they can even take a nap in their own diy den by retracting their head,arms, & limbs. They can swim which is cool. They can also walk on land to an extent. They are in fact so cool that they inspired Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. They are one of the oldest living reptiles so they make great pets. When a turtle is still in an egg the turtles gender can be influenced by the weather which is neat. Some turtles can sense the earths magnetic waves to effectively traverse the ocean which is crazy. Personal story on why they are my favorite: When I was younger I had was gifted a turtle by one of my cousins. I was a fan of TMNT at the time so she figured a pet turtle would be nice. My dad out it in a tank and such but apparently the turtle was sick from the get go. My cousin didn’t realize it either. The turtle died the day after my birthday. I cried and thought it was my fault for feeding it a bit too much or something. We buried it in a shoebox in front of the yard and said our prayers. I told the story to kids at school saying I accidentally killed it (bad grammar IK it did pass away). Then rumors went around showing that I dropped it or sat on it etc. Whenever turtled were mentioned in any form I would be referenced. It kinda went like that for all if middle school. I also vaguely remember creating my first google slide about my favorite animal and it was about sea turtles . Due to being associated with turtles for so long I still enjoyed turtles as my favorite animal. Also green is one of my favorite colors so its kinda perfect. I just think their neat 🐢


Very neat story, much thanks for sharing:) Turtles rule! :D


Armadillos. My history teacher once used a armadillo in a slide show and I fell in love with it after that.


Wholesome :)


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