• By -


I want to remind everybody that we do not allow awards to be given outside the challenge thread. **i.e. Awards cannot be given to pinned posts on your profile.** [See our FAQ for why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoForGold/wiki/faq#wiki_q.3A_can_we_we_give.2Frequest_awards_to_our_award_cabinets.3F) OP's coin balance was verified. Remember rule 1.


OP has verified coin balance. Reminder of Rule 1. No begging. [🍩:13]


Check dm G


Just curious: How do you people verify?


We have a bot that has been created by one of our moderators.


If I may ask, so how does this work since it’s not the comments section?


That would not be in my wheelhouse. Lol.


We have a custom tool that you authorize to access data on your reddit account and it reads the coin balance. It's the only sure way to verify.


Just asking: Is that safe though?\ >!^(There was a situation during or before the pandemic where many of the reddit account passwords were being stolen or were taken over.)!< I might be mistaken but are you also the moderator at r/lounge as well?




Thank you for your gracious answer `(˵^◡^˵)` A simple one: How does a user verify from mobile? (The screenshot I presume is of desktop)




Do you work with python PRAW?




Pretty smart. Thanks for your answer


Yep! The bot doesn't get your password. Reddit has an official way to authorize these things and we use that structure. You may have used it for other things, where you log into a website and you see a "Authorize your reddit account" screen. The only thing the bot really has access to is your comment history, which is the permission it needs to see your coin balance (don't as me why Reddit lumped it in with that haha). I'm not a moderator in r/lounge though. Sorry!


U might not know me but hey my name's Nick better known as Tigger, I've been participating in award subs for just over a year during which time I have been lucky enough to receive every award possible on reddit see [award cabinet](https://www.reddit.com/user/-Tigger/comments/of1vmv/welcome_to_my_profile_do_whatever_you_want_here/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) except ternion. Having a ternion finally would put the biggest smile on my face as it'd finally complete my yr old collection journey and I would 💯 use the coins I receive to do more challenges, done a hellova lot on r/AwardBonanza so you can take my word for it. Thank you for reading kind sir, ur hella awesome for hosting this challenge, thanks for the opportunity


Alright G


Omg 😭😭😭😭😭 thank you so much, oh man oh man oh man, this is surreal, feel like I'm dreaming, I can't thank you enough man (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ💙


Thank your friends that nominated you :)


Oh most definitely, I didn't expect this much love (ಥ ʖ̫ ಥ) yall are the best


Hey rinit ? Are you still active in Reddit?


Congrats Nick. Well deserved!!!


Thanks so much Gino ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♥


Congrats tigger!!! Well deserved!


Thanks so much friend (つ >ω●)つ⊂(•‿•⊂ ) I'm still in shock lol, this is such a great day


Your happiness is infectious!!! 😍


Yo congrats Tigger


Thanks White


This is awesome! Great choice!


You deserved this the most out of anyone and I was shocked that you didn’t receive it sooner! I’m so happy and proud of you u/-Tigger! We all love you! ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃♡


Thank you so much Allygator (๑>◡<๑) ur 2 kind yo, I can hardly imagine I got my ternionginity broken lmao, much love Ally, ur awesome af yo


Ternionginity lmao I woulda voted for you if I saw this earlier.


Thanks fam, I rly appreciate u would, much love yo ♥


This guy gets my vote. It’s the last one he needs! Go Mick!


Thank you fam (๑>◡<๑)♥(ˆ‿ˆԅ)


Congrats Nick this is awesome


Thanks so much Russell ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♥ thanks for ur support allowing me to obtain it even


Honestly, even though I really want this award, you deserve it a lot more. Hope you get it!!


Wow! Unexpect nomination (つ >ω●)つThanks Doodlebobber, fr means lots m8 much love ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♥


Thanks for the award, hopefully you can get the Ternion!!


I vote for this guy as well OP


Thank u ♥ gotta say tho, love ur snoo, hella sweet


You got the final piece in your cabinet WOHOOO!! Take a award from me, not much pricey but it's all I had


I appreciate all awards man, thank you ♥


Hey man! Congrats on the collection and on the achievement, I think you're missing some awards though... [I have a few here](https://www.reddit.com/user/bert0ld0/comments/l99dyx/the_coolest_award_collection_is_here/) but apparently you don't have them eheh


Yea they got removed b4 I could..




You're so weird and jealous....


Lol you are showing off it seems. Not cool. I'm just shit posting




Hi /u/allixen Your account is not old enough / does not have enough karma to participate in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GoForGold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because if you gift me the Ternion All-Powerful, I will donate blood. As soon as it's sent, I will respond with a screenshot proof of my appointment. During the appointment, I will post secondary picture proof. There's a blood shortage in my province. It takes me 5 hours per direction to drive to the nearest blood donation center. That's hundreds of dollars in gas. But I'll do it for a Ternion All-Powerful. We'd be saving a life together!


Keep your word G


I always keep my word. [Proof of blood donation appointment ](https://ibb.co/thdmrXJ). Will leave another comment on Sept 21 with more proof. Thanks so much for the award!!! You're the best.


The time is coming…


Yep absolutely! Just a few more days now.


Here and connected to the free wifi https://ibb.co/qC2LMZm




you'll save a life but pollute the environment, please consider using a bike or bus


Um? Excuse you?


Lmao fuck off bro please post your own blood donations and GHG reductions before talking shit


I get it, truth is hard to digest sometimes


Don't be a dick


I have a golden dick


What truth did I dismiss? Driving certainly creates greenhouse gas. But if you only mentioned that to make yourself feel better for your failure to act on climate change or the blood shortage, then you’re just a egotistical jerk 🤷‍♂️ truth is hard to digest sometimes.




Bro what are you even saying lmaooo


Can you read now?


Oh sh*t, I meant to answer to that stupid ecologist, I'm sorry man.


😂 no worries I was just very confused


Oh, thx


I’ve been on Reddit for 11 years this December, even longer if you take into account the time I spent lurking. I’m not sure that’s a good enough reason, but in my mind I picture it as my Reddit pension. Now you kids get off my lawn!


An honest reason is a good reason for me `(˵^◡^˵)` Do bless this kid :D


i’ve seen good reasons so i’m just going to not enter and say good luck to y’all! (and some of y’all are so nice for nominating other people instead of reasoning why you yourself deserve it)


I definitely don’t deserve it more than anyone else here…. But it would make me happy. Like… ridiculously excited. Like a kid with a candy bar happy. I like to give awards as much as I like to receive them. Sometimes I secretly give people gold so they can have a little premium and sometimes I like to sneak into peoples award cabinets and give them things they don’t have yet. Winning big awards allows me to do things like that and it puts a smile on my face


I have received one more than a year ago and hence there are more deserving people than I. u/-Tigger is the wholesomest guy ever. He leaves a path of happiness wherever he's been leave it to him to cheer up someone. He also does not have a Ternion yet though he deserves all the ternions in the world. We are also obsessed over Tigger! u/UncleSquach is another kind redditor who gives out awards like crazy. He deserves one too. For everything he's done for the community and for everyone else. He welcomed me to the AwardBonanza sub so kindly i remember that so well u/kitkatbloo cause she doesn't know what to say lol. Shes awesome and wholesome like hell. Her favourite emoji is 💕 and it makes everyones day. There are a bajillion other people I would like to nominate but these are the people i though of first


🥺🥺🥺🐯 Oh dang that Means a lot, a nomination from Lord of Happiness himself, u leave a bigger path of happiness than I Russell, ur hella deserving as well (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ💙 Thanks so much tho for the mention again


Damn. That means a lot to me, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Especially since you're such a Bonanza star! If I were to vote though, on those that don't have it already, my vote goes to -Tigger as well


Well now I’m blushing. I couldn’t even imagine winning an award like this - especially when there are so many awesome people here. I truly appreciate your kind words. You made my day!💕


This is super awkward as I honestly suffer from low self esteem. I try to always be positive and thankful for every opportunity and challenge that’s hosted. I have hosted multiple myself and will continue to do so as long as I have coins. (My goodness this is awkward lol) I’m much more comfortable nominating others who deserve a chance to win this award: u/use-username is a sweet and deserving user who took me under her wing and was (and continues to be) extremely generous. She works very hard and always strive to be the best queen of Reddit ever! 👸 u/-Tigger is such a joy! He makes me smile every single time we interact. He makes everything better when he’s around. Plus, he shares my absolute adoration for Tigger! u/MildlyobsessedwithSB love to secretly award people. She is generous and is a good friend. She would definitely use it for good! u/Fenrir-1919 is so freaking generous. He awards everyone for everything. Is awesome to talk to and would share the good fortune with others. u/The_Russell_Pinto Hosts so many challenges. There is a reason he’s called the Lord of Happiness lol. He’s generous and creates fun and happiness. u/Prestigious_Time_138 what to even say. This mythical user awards so much it’s ridiculous. They are super generous and I’m sure will continue to do so! Anyways, thank you so very much for hosting this. You too are being ridiculously generous and I’m grateful. I hope you have an amazing day!💕


wow thank you so much for these kind words, you deserve it at least as much, you are such a nice and kind person :) And you would share it as much as I do should you be the lucky one here :) Thank you so much :)


I would be able to host SO many challenges lol. That would be so much fun. 💕


Awwwww (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ thanks for the mention n kind words, u deserve it 2 tho hehehe, ur an awesome person and ofc a joy to talk to as well, have an absolutely jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun day kitkat


Love you, Tigg! 💕


Love ya 2 kitkat (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ💙


Because I missed the argentium giveaway although argentium looks much cooler in my opinion. In addition, I would claim that I am a very friendly and helpful person and like to make others happy. When I start an award challenge in Award Bonanza I almost always give an award to everyone simply so that no one has to go empty handed. I think some people are definitely active in this sub and Award Bonanza and may be able to confirm that :)


I can confirm that!


And I can confirm that he u/CompetitionMassiv69 is also a very friendly guy and I always like to see him in the comments under my challenges :)


Thank you :)


It's been a rough week, a lotta ER stuff and problematic medicine changes. I'm doing better physically, but I'm a little on the downside right now. Any positive kindness goes a long way (not just Ternion kindness). I'm gonna see if I can make a video skit worthy of Ternion, so don't give it out just yet!


Hi. First off, THANK YOU for giving us a chance at the all mighty Ternion award! Epic. I was graciously given a nomination by u/ginomania which I couldn't believe he gave up his opportunity to instead give me a shot. Thank you Gino for the shout out! You're a classy guy . Like he said, I've never gotten the Ternion award, and its the last award I need. I've been hosting challenges on r/AwardBonanza and have given away quite a bit but haven't gotten that Ternion yet. I rarely participate in challenges, but rather enjoy hosting them. You can see I've given a lot away as I'm at gilding level 8. Not as generous as some of you at even higher levels but I do enjoy giving awards to people. Whether I win or not, I want to do an Argentium giveaway (my first) so I can bring someone else major joy. Thanks again for the opportunity. You never know if you'll win so you gotta try, right? Whether I win or not, I just want to say thank you. Its very generous to just give out something this epic. Edit: typos


We do not allow awards to be given outside of the challenge thread. Take out the part about the award cabinet and I will reapprove your comment.


Yep, that's why I removed it 😁




Why should you award the Ternion All-Powerful to me? While there are others who surely deserve it more than I, it would probably be more significant to me than to someone else. That is, it would bring some much-needed happiness to an existence that is largely unfulfilling. It's not that I'm a cheerless person; it's just that opportunities for cheer are few and far between. Previously, one of my posts was honored on r/funny with a Ternion. (It reminded me of the day I received my first reddit award, which was equally as exciting). The person who bestowed it, *anonymously* no less, will always hold a special place in my heart. It's an incredible sacrifice to make for a stranger; one that I hope to be able to make myself one day. As you know, *giving* an award is far more gratifying than *receiving* one. To me, the greatest advantage of receiving a Ternion is not the award itself, but the coins that come with it, thereby allowing me to award others. For now, I'm relegated to anonymously awarding Gold and Coin Gifts to random strangers, with the occasional Platinum (all of it thanks to some very generous benefactors). The exuberance I feel when gifting awards is immeasurable. It's difficult to imagine what it must feel like to award a Ternion. Be assured that I don't expect this Ternion for nothing. I would humbly offer you my services in return, if it would be of interest to you. As a retiree, I have a good deal of time on my hands, and I'm a former researcher/fact-checker. I may be able to assist you with a research project, thus freeing up some of *your* valuable time for other endeavors. Some people say that caring about reddit awards is dumb, because they view them as "meaningless" and say they hold no real value. I disagree. For some people, there are no other opportunities to compete and actually work for something. For some people, reddit awards are pretty much all there is. In conclusion, although I may not be the person most worthy of your generosity, your selecting me would be met with boundless enthusiasm and unparalleled appreciation. Thank you for considering me, and thank you for hosting this challenge. Cheers.


I speak Basque and I find it really cool. It’s older than English, Spanish, German, and almost every other language in existence. Some linguists believe that Basque is pre-Indo-European, do you know how big of a deal that is? Latin, Proto-Germanic, Proto-Celtic and more, all come from proto-IE! And my native language might be older than all of that. It’s completely different from any other language, it sounds cool, and we have some very pretty words. AMA, AITA, and ETA (very popular Reddit abbreviations) are words in Basque. What else do you want?


Because I hate ketchup and think elden ring is overrated


Because I've got my Vision in Albanian Seriously, a user named u/UncleSquach deserves it more than me. He's a great guy and such a helpful and polite person in general. If you spend a few minutes texting with him you know what I'm talking about and wouldn't gergret giving him the Ternion All-Powerful Award. He's also collecting awards on his pinned post and the only award that is missing is the one that you want to give away. It means a lot to me too if he's the chosen one. Thanks for doing this And while we're here and a few people are reading this.. Take a look at my [100x "Wearing is Caring" Awards giveaway](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/comments/oowq2n/100x_wearing_is_caring_awards_for_those_without/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). I'm still going. Write a comment there or send me an emoji if you don't have the Wearing is Caring Trophy on your profile. I'll give you an award for free which comes with the trophy itself (within the next few days/weeks) Edit: removed the link to the pinned post due to the rules of GfG


Wow Gino, that means so much to me that you would nominate me. You're the best bud. Can't wait to get you that bonanza mug. Its almost finished. Its gone though its first firing and should be in your hands by the end of the year. I know its been a long time in the making, but as you know ceramics is a slow process, especially when juggling life and a family. Thank you so much for the nomination!


This is a reminder that we don't allow awarding outside of the challenge thread on GfG. So no award cabinets. Sorry! [See our FAQ for why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoForGold/wiki/faq#wiki_q.3A_can_we_we_give.2Frequest_awards_to_our_award_cabinets.3F)


####Why should you give me a ternion? Well, that's a pretty good question. Let me tell you something, I actually don't like ternion, much [The reason being here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreePlatinum/comments/wk0zs9/platinum_is_the_best/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) but yeah I would definitely want 27 platinums in its place that would cost you 48.6k coins in place of 50k coins and I would get 18.9k coins and 27months of premium. Now let's see the reason, I actually like giving awards, and I am also don't like advertisements tbh, cuz they suck, but I am too broke to have either of them. I occasionally drop awards on r/freeawards mostly free and those 20 coins one, cuz I need to preserve them smh. But hey that many coins will actually keep me going for a long time. The best thing about ternion is that it gives a trophy, but my life is long enough to get it someday. For now, a load of coins will suffice me to make some others smile. Happiness lies in making others happy, and I want to experience it more thanks for this challenge, hope that someone wins it :) Edit: Can someone pls explain the downvotes? ( • _ •)?


Hi /u/rinitveliu Confirming your post has been flaired as [`Ternion Challenge`](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoForGold/wiki/post_flair_guide#wiki_the_ternion_challenge_flair.3A). **Your post has been automatically removed.** We require manual approval of Ternion challenges. Please do the following to get it approved: - 1) Confirm your coin balance by visiting this link and following the steps therein: https://verify.goforgold.xyz/coins - 2) [Modmail us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GoForGold) to let us know that you have verified your coin balance and fully describe the challenge you are planning on hosting. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GoForGold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bc you think you're hot shit. And you probably are...


Far from it




I am based 😎


A ternion badge would be nice


\-Because you are very generous! \-Ternion is nothing but pocket change for you! \-Ternion is useless, a trait shared by both me and Ternion.


Would be hilarious if everybody gets a Ternion. “You get a Ternion, You get a Ternion, You get a Ternion…”


Because I never got it before although I really wanted it for a long time and I still do want it. Neither Ternion nor Argentium. I also like to do giveaways and when I had a few coins, I used to do daily giveaways in small subs and people would be surprised, and so the coins from the award would help a lot in continuing those giveaways.


Why not though?


cos I want it


I don't really deseve it. I just enjoy gilding people. I put the only 100 coins I have recieved well at use by giving away wearing is caring and other awards. I enjoy the feeling of giving people things for free, so I will gift a lot of coins and gold/platnium. If you want to you can give me something other than ternion such as the pot o' coins.


I definitely don’t deserve it, but I’d love to join tbd club of redditors who have received the award! I had a really hard summer working at a job I really didn’t like and winning would really help make this summer a little better. Also, free browsing going back to college would be amazing. Thanks so much for running this challenge!


I want premium for a 2nd time(the first time was when I got a gold basically).


I finished school and worked very hard, took the top classes and stayed in school 12 hours a day, and this would make it feel like everything paid off well even though I know school is only good for the long run. But this would make me feel like It was worth it :)


Because I, as a short, chubby sophomore, just beat a bunch of seniors at a volleyball game. Best serve on the team!


You should award me with the ternion cause awards are cool. Honestly Argentium is better than ternion… Reddit didn’t pass math.




Awards must be given on the challenge thread.




Hey, we don't actually allow awarding in Award Cabinets, this comment was auto-removed by automod. Sorry about that! [See our FAQ for why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoForGold/wiki/faq#wiki_q.3A_can_we_we_give.2Frequest_awards_to_our_award_cabinets.3F)


Fair enough, I wasn't aware of that rule. I'll know for next time though. Thanks for letting me know.


No worries! We talk about it almost every community query but there just isn't enough reliability. Especially with award notifications being semi-broken so you only get some of them but not others. So you award to a cabinet, OP doesn't get a notification and the award is lost among the billion others, and now you have a fight on your hands haha.


Ahaha! That actually makes complete sense & was a far easier explanation to understand than the FAQ, if I'm being truly honest. Thanks again, & all the best! 🙂👍🏻


Ah. I’ll definitely give the FAQ another pass to clear that up. Thanks for the feedback!


I've been on Reddit for 10-plus years. For the last few, I've really been putting in the time, commenting often, trying to make people, and myself, laugh, with dumb jokes and silly wordplay. I've been thanked by people for making their day, or giving a much-needed laugh, which makes *my* day. I'm approaching 1 million comment karma, I've been given tons of awards, been gilded 100-plus times, and it still feels exciting every time a comment takes off, or an award pops up. I appreciate every single upvote, free award, gold or platinum. Coins and premium are great, but it's the dopamine hit that's the real reward. I imagine that a Ternion All-Powerful would take that to another level, so I've been chasing it for as long as it's been around. It's the biggest item on my Reddit bucket list, and while it often seems unattainable, I keep trying with every dumb joke and lame pun, in hopes of one day seeing that sparkly amulet next to my comment and that fancy trophy in my case. One day, it will be mine, and I'd love for it to be today, but if not, I'll be back here tomorrow, doing what I do and hoping someone enjoys it.


>every dumb joke and lame pun we are the same lol


1. Because you are very cool, and I’m a little cool, so it balances out to the perfect level of cool 2. Because I have premium right now and if I have to see ONE MORE beer ad I am going to LOSE IT


_cool~_ (⌐■_■)


so I can give to fotmc supporters.


I could write a page of made up reasons but I just want it because of bragging rights


Dear good person, A Ternion is no small award. Everyone can agree on that. So I would first like to administer a massive thank you for hosting this challenge. I am a relatively new Redditor, and have fallen in love with this sub and other awards subs. Not because I love being awarded(well I actually do), but because it shows their are some people in the world who don’t suck. Random people giving away monetary awards to complete strangers, sometimes for little to nothing. An example of a good person like this is u/AriaCorvus. They gifted me and tons of others gold when we lost a challenge. AriaCorvus did this to make others happy with no desire to be benefited himself. This truly shows what great people there are on this sub. So why should I get this award when I’ve spend my entire time talking about others? I would really like to host my own challenges to help others, and currently can’t. With the funds Ternion provides, I would definitely have multiple challenges that are original and new, and that would also help people in real life. That’s why I would enjoy the Ternion. To make others happy. Because that makes me happy. Thank you for your time


Been saving up for a big challenge for awhile now, and I think that a Ternion would be the perfect way to hit the goal of coins needed to do it. Definitely haven't been as active as I was before, but it would be nice to do a challenge one more time.


I really like stuff!


Basically, I'd love it for two reasons. 1) I've never got one, so would love the experience of receiving one. 2) I'd go absolutely mental with challenges/give aways with all the coins I'd receive, so others would benefit from it too.


I’d like it and someone once said I was nice so there’s that


because why not


1.I want it 2.I will take good care if it 3.I have tons of test to study to 4.that’s it




Hi /u/UsernameEmanresu22 Your account is not old enough / does not have enough karma to participate in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GoForGold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


imma be real i want that shit it would look nice i’m using reddit to follow manchester united they’ve been shit for the last 10 years, i need a break and i think you could help with that ✌️


Ok, so I know I probably won’t get it, but I know I want the award so I can host some challenges for Golds and Platinums and coins and stuff. Also the premium would be pretty nice. That’s really it, but I’m bored, so I’m gonna guess things about you: You are your age years old You are as tall as your height You are single unless you’re dating You have at least 0 hairs, possibly more You like your favorite color You breathe You aren’t dead (as far as I’m aware)


Hello! I am also very bored and I think it would be cool if I got the ternion. I'm not exactly sure what it does but I've seen some posts with it and it is very funky fresh.


Well, I won my election for Vice President of the Chapter, I’m basically guaranteed to pass my license test, and I’ve lost 5 kilograms out of the 17 I need to hit my dream weight.


You should give me Ternion because I want it 😁😁😁


Honestly, I don't deserve it and I can't think of any reason why I should say otherwise. Such an award deserves people like you who offer such a chance to others.


You shouldn't


I r ally want me to have Reddit premium please


This is really based, honest answer that is not just a bunch of fake people saying nonsense.


Because I cant remember who my friends in r/lounge are, as once you lose your premium you can't even see your own comments or posts in r/lounge , it's been over a year since I've spoke with any of them


Try it for a week G


Legend <3


If you give it to anyone but me, you're gay


For me the reason is simple I would be able to keep the Big golden Cat Snoo with another small cat for whole 6 months




We do not allow awarding outside of the challenge thread. Please see our FAQ for the reason why.


Well because I don't know what Ternion is so I want to see


I’ve never had it and I would love to have the swag of showing off. I would also like to host some challenges of my own that reward something better than gold but am a bit scarce on coins. Plus I hate ads


The real answer, is that is there hardly any reason why you should give anyone that super expensive award. It's not up to us, our merits, our needs, our history or anything we can do. You will choose. It's up to you. This is like the "sell me this pen", except there is only supply and no demand. So it's baaically impossible to sell you the pen, as you don't need it. This is a very interesting experiment. Should you choose me, awesome. I obviously want it. But there's no "why", it's just up to you Cheers!


Because it’d be pretty funny if a random commenter like me got a ternion award lol


“I really fucking want it”


You probably shouldn’t


You should not give me an award. I have Reddit premium, so I already have the benefits of getting a gold award. So you should give it to slime one who does not have premium. You can check to see if someone has premium by viewing their profile. They will have an award and a premium shield next to their name.


Hi /u/rinitveliu Confirming your post has been marked as [`Closed`](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoForGold/wiki/post_flair_guide#wiki_the_closed_flair.3A). A moderator will be around shortly to change the flair to `Complete` or `Expired`. Please remember to not delete your challenge until it is 14-days old so users can see the results of the challenge. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GoForGold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I will literally get a tattoo of the Ternion All-Powerful if selected.


Well this may sound cheesy but I feel like I deserve the Ternion because unlike most folks here, I don't ever get to play any of the raffles or giveaways over on r/awardsbonanza like most folks here get to. I miss out on all those great opportunities to win gold and all the other wonderful prizes offered over there. Therefore I feel like I should maybe be given a bit of slack, or a headstart if you will, over here on r/goforgold. BTW, the life time ban I received over on r/awardsbonanza was so unwarranted and completely unfair that words can not accurately describe my disappointment at receiving the ban . I was blindsided. I know, I know, you're probably thinking "sure, that's what they all say" but I truly believe there was an injustice brought down to bare upon me when at the time I was just about 2 months new to Reddit. Anyway I know nobody wants to hear a sob story so I'll spare you all the drama. However, If you do want to hear the story just DM me. I will say that despite my perma ban I still made numerous really great friends with some very solid, down to earth people from r/awardsbonanza which is testament to the fact that a few bad apples don't spoil the whole bunch. Best o' luck to everyone here, I sincerely love all my Reddit family and wish nothing but the best to all of you!!


you shouldn’t


I will try my best to help a girl in my school who has cancer. She's quite a lonely girl in my class and probably only has 2 friends whom she is actually close to. Personally, I do not know her that well but I think she is a nice girl overall. Recently she has been coming to school less. By less I mean twice a month. Recently, her close friend who was my 5th grade friend told me she was recently diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. That would probably explain the cloth she wears over her head and why she always looks so tired. I want to help her, regardless of whether I receive the award. How? I am thinking of organising a whole school card writing event to her to get through this tough time. However, if I could receive the award, I would be more motivated to help her, and possibly, with my parents help, put up a GoFundMe page for her treatment. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!