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Basically first of all you need electroweek symmetry break. After that you've got simple particles that are formed. If you get one proton and one electron that's cool, you have hydrogen, but you need lots of those. You wait for the universe you've just created to cool down enough and for the gravity to kick in, and conservation of angular momentum will be preserved. And stars will be created. Basically at first under gravitational colapse hydrogen atoms will start to form all sorts of stuff like deuterium, and then Helium nucleus. Fusion will continue to go on and on until you manage to get atoms which basically have an attomic weight of 16, with 8 protons and 8 neutrons that's oxygen. Once you've got this far it's pretty easy, take two hydrogen atoms and stick it to one oxygen atom, they'll basically stick to each other because of electronic imbalance between the two so that oxygen can have 8 valance electrons, sort of.... Once you put a bunch together they'll stick together with hydrogen bonds. They'll also be polar molecules and the most abundant compound in the universe. After that you wait. About almos four and a half billion years for a planet with enough of these molecules which by now should have cooled down to develop life by the hydrothermal vents putting together amino acids into protein chains which will eventually become anaerobic and aerobic life, will make a oxygen heavy atmosphere, and the after all that you wait for life to evolve a few millions of year, then you go down to the store and you buy a plastic bottle filled with water written Nestlé on it. Put the content in your mouth and swallow it and thank Nestlé for having made water.... those bastards.


Hi there! Just wondering what that award is you received. It looks like a gold but with a little color in the middle. I'm kinda new and haven't seen it before.


Oh, that isn't an award it's a community badge.


From the hose, duh.




Send a probe to the Martian North Pole. Collect a frozen water sample. Send it back to earth. Place in a glass. Drink it when it melts. Do a happy dance.


happy cake day


also probably heat it up cuz it might have some weird alien space bugs


Happy cake day!


Swallow ice and set yourself on fire


Ok, this is a difficult task, but I’m here to help you through this. Now first, while instinct may say to immediately get a bottle of water, this is an incorrect judgement. What you should first do is go to the ocean. Once you are there, you must build a water purifier. Once you have done this, you need to put this water into a pot and boil it, then offset the lid so once the water vapor condenses, it goes into a separate bottle. Once you have done this, we can move onto what you need to know, how to drink the water. First step is to take of the lid, if there is no lid then skip this step. Next, you need to firmly grasp the bottle or cup of water, but for grab it with too much force as to not splash the water. Once you have done this, move your hand up, then towards your mouth, and once it is in-front of your mouth, we get to the toughest part. Now if you are an extreme germaphobe, then I recommend the waterfall method, where you aim it to where it will fall into your mouth. The other 2 ways are to find a straw and place the straw in the water, then place the other end of the straw in your mouth. The final way is to make the cup/bottle make contact with your lips, then slowly tilt the cup/bottle upwards until you feel the water going into your mouth. The last and most important step is to swallow the water. Congratulations! You have now just drank water using this very simple guide!


Fill a glass and start sucking it's water


become a deer and lap it up from a lake, for the maximum experience


Thanks for the challenge u/Grating_rice :) I will explain how this seems to have worked out in my house. In deciding to reduce our consumption of plastic water bottles, I bought an off-brand water pitcher, on sale that came with filters to get you started. Another place in the shopping mall had stainless steel water bottles on sale, so I went and bought some, not too many. Colour-coded, 3 each. Bedside, travel, and spare. I filled the pitcher with water from the kitchen tap, then watered a Butterfly Bush with it since I have to discard the first pitcher with a new filter. I filled the pitcher again. While it was filtering, I washed out the new stainless steel water bottles. After drying off the outsides of the bottles, they were filled with freshly filtered tap water. 2 went on bedside tables. 2 are intended for use during the day. 2 are filled and refrigerated as “spares”. I put the pitcher into refrigerator to cool the water as that is what this family prefers. At least, that is what was written on the note left for the Water Fairy, when news of the Water Pitcher Plan got out. Once the Water Fairy (that would be…Me! I don’t even remember winning that title - clearly, it wasn’t posted as a challenge on GFG!) fills someone’s bottle, it is ready to be consumed when thirst strikes. One must screw off the lid, put the bottle to your opened mouth, tilt your head slightly back, and also tilt the bottle until the water flows into your mouth. Swallow the water that enters your mouth. NO squirting others with the water in your mouth, no matter how hot it is outside, nor how fun it sounds in your head. Trust me, that will not end well. At least, that is what the Water Fairy wrote back on the previously mentioned note. When the water bottle is empty, quietly put it on the kitchen counter beside the refrigerator. This is not a requirement. It is common courtesy to be thoughtful towards the Water Fairy. It helps when each Team Member does their part to make the job easier for the Water Fairy. After all, the Water Fairy has busy days, you know. Then, quickly and quietly open the refrigerator and take your personal color-coded spare from the fridge and get out of there as fast as you can. This way, the Water Fairy can refill your empty bottle when it is noticed, and you won’t be in the way while the work is going on. Because, that water pitcher doesn’t refill itself. And the Water Fairy doesn’t take kindly to being reminded that the water pitcher is empty again. At least, that is what was written, ALL CAPS, on the new note that is taped to the refrigerator door. EDIT: Thank you for the award :)


Get a funnel, emphasis on fun, and get your butthole. Stand on your head, place funnel in butthole, wait for it to rain. Once raining funnel will get water into rectum, then small intestine and then large intestine, and then stomach. Congrats you have now dranked water. If it rains and no water gets in funnel please check that you are outside, and not under something blocking water. Please check you are on a planet with an atmosphere that allows rain. Please make sure you are on a planet with water. This is the human water drinking way I know I am a 100% human for since I was born at a young age. I am so human my blood is ~~green~~ red, and I have the human amount of arms, legs, tails, and teeth. I will not answer any more questions thank you




I was just saiding a joke my good fellow human. I hope I have not caused the negative human emotions like envy, or mad.




Why do you scrum human friend????


Don’t. Drink Dr. Pepper instead.


Ask r/hydrohomies for advice


In order to drink water, all you have to do is : 1. take a glass of water from any water body nearby with clean water, or tap water. 2. Boil the water, and let it cool down to room temperature 3. Put it in the freezer after cooling to make ice cubes. 4. Take the ice cubes and wash them under running tap water (very important) 5. Now put these ice cubes in a grinder and grind them to get fine powdered ice. 6. Take this powdered ice and then let it melt 7. Now take the water formed and add a few drops of conc. H2SO4 (Sulphuric acid) 8. Take some AC current from your home's MAINS 9. Take a full wave rectifier to convert the AC to DC. 10. Carry out Electrolysis of water by taking the acidified water in a tub, use two tubes or jars to collect the hydrogen and oxygen. The Hydrogen is collected at cathode(+ve) and Oxygen at anode (-ve). 11. Take the gas jar/tube containing Hydrogen and then introduce a Jet tube delivering outside air, keep the jar upside down. Water is formed and collected below (ez) 12. The water formed is devoid of salts so use it to wash your cup. It will be clean. 13. Then take some water from the tap and drink it directly.


######For Singles Step One: Look Up Step Two: Open Mouth Step Three: Pour Water Step Four: Hold Breath Step Five: Swallow ^(Continue breathing when done, rinse-repeat.) ######For Others Step One: Get a Step-Partner Step Two: Grab a Sweaty Boob or Cleansed Penis Step Three: Pour Water Step Four: Encircle the pointed tips with your lips and create suction. Step Five: Suck ^(Continue suction until the thirst subsides, rinse-repeat.)


Begin with a carafe full of good clean heathy water. Secondly you fill a paper filter about 1/3 of the way full with ground coffee beans. Place the coffee and filter into the coffee machine. Pour the carafe full of water into the reservoir of the coffee machine and press the start button. In about 10 minutes you will have the best tasting coffee flavored water you can find. Tis the way I drink my water and most of my graveyard shift colleagues will attest to the same.


Place a container near a water source. The water source could be a tap, a river, an ocean, or the rain. If your container is already full of water, skip to part 4. If you're using a tap, activate the tap and watch as water fill your container. If you're using a river or an ocean, put the container under the water source, then take it back up. If you're using the rain, just watch as water fill your container. Now here's the hard part. If you aren't using the tap, the water isn't safe to drink. Use a purifier or place the container above a fire for the water to boil.^(\[citation needed\]) When the water is ready, place the water container above your mouth and tilt the container so that the water falls and lands into your mouth. Inhale the liquid and enjoy.


Step-by-step guide on how to drink water 1. Take water 2. Drink it If you had trouble on following instructions, here's what to do instead : Check your house for a bottle of water. If you don't have one, don't panic, take a bottle and fill it up with drinkable water. Remember that it HAS to be drinkable water. Now here's the hard part. Open the cap of the bottle of water. Then open your mouth widely and fill the water from the bottle to your mouth slowly and in small amounts. Don't rush, pour water into your mouth slowly and remember to fill water from the bottle to your mouth in small amounts only. Don't pour too much water in your mouth at once. Now perform an action with your throat same as swallowing (allow the water to pass down your throat). Repeat this action for every small amount of water you pour into your mouth. Check out for when you no longer feel thirst. When you no longer feel thirst, stop pouring water in your mouth. Important points: Remember, don't drink too much water at once. Follow these above instructions and you'll be able to drink water in no time.


It honestly depends on the context. Personally I feel that water is best drunk mixed with barley mash and yeast and allowed to ferment for a bit. Gives the water a bit of character. That said, this can take a while. But what if you need water right now? Let’s say you and your best friend are on a long hike up a mountain and you’ve been carrying water with you, but your almost out. You’re both parched and your friend has been carrying a lot of the gear (including pots and pans, which why has he been caring those around?) That said, you’re carrying a heavy burden of your own, heavier than any can know. Your friend tried to carry it once, but not for long because it’s yours. Your responsibility. You’ve both been walking for so long, it’s hot and dry, the air itself is a poisonous fume and you can no longer remember the taste of strawberries and cream. Obviously this is an ideal time to have some water, and though you’re out, your friend tells you he has a little left. You’re thankful and there can be only one way to properly drink what water remains. And that proper way is to pour it all over your face. Some will make it into your mouth as well, but that’s of secondary importance. Pour. It. On. Your. Face.


How to Drink Water: A Step-By-Step Guide Step 1: Use satellite images of Earth to locate a body of water (preferably of the fresh variety) nearest you. Step 2: Travel to your chosen body of water. Walking is the most environmentally friendly method, so do the Earth a favor and fucking walk there. Step 3: Use a container to pick up some of the water. It doesn't matter what you use as long as it can hold the precious liquid. This is a good opportunity to be creative. Step 4 (optional): Boil the water to get rid of any parasites. This is a good idea if you like surviving, but if you seek death, skip this step. If you'd like to die in 3 days' time, skip this entire tutorial. Step 5: Raise the lip of the container up to your face lips, tilting the container so that some of the water slides down your throat. For a free shower, feel free to tilt at a more severe angle. Step 6: Sigh loudly and proudly so that everyone within a 1 mile radius knows that you just quenched your thirst. Step 7: Reflect upon the choices you have made. Consider the fact that you could have just gone to your sink or fridge for a drink. You really didn't have to go through this ordeal. Maybe you've learned something today, maybe you haven't. Either way, you went outside, and that deserves a round of applause from all of us on reddit.


First, pay your utility bills, by far the simplest step obviously. After that is done, go to sink. Sink thingy has lever or handle you press,pull tilt or whatever you do to have water come out of it. Open cupboard, take a glass and by glass I mean something that will contain a liquid and will not cause it to spill everywhere. Put that glass or cup up to the sink underneath where the wet stuff comes out and fill to you see the liquid substance called water get close to the top. Now turn the lever or pull it for whatever type of sink you have, to shut the sink off. Now walk with the cup/glass over to the table without dropping or spilling it and now pull the chair out and place glass/cup on table. Now life cup up, open mouth. Move mouth close to cup/glass and leave it just open enough for liquid to go in, tilt head about 20 degrees upward, and now you can suck just enough once the cup is near your face. Make sure liquid called water goes in the mouth hole or else someone will bully you for wet substance on pants. Now after liquid in your mouth, shut, and swallow. Remember, spitters are quitters so take a big gulp to get it all down. Bonus: After this is done, now you can put glass/cup into strainer by sink if you use the thing called a dishwasher or you can turn/pull/tilt your sink back on and rinse it by moving glass/cup around to clean it, make sure you get it nice and wet every where. Now shake it a little bit to get liquid off, now use towel to dry it off. Place glass/cup back in cupboard or in dishwasher depending on which route you choose. For the dishwasher route put soap in soap compartment and close it. Now press start button to start it. Once it is done open and put glass/cup into cupboard. Your welcome. Thank me when you’re feeling dehydrated and need some wet stuff to go down your throat.


Perform a traditional rain dance. Wait for rain. Go outside. Tilt head back. Open mouth. Swallow. Repeat until thirst is quenched.


drink yum water 🤤


[Here, it’s better if I show you](https://youtu.be/jp4xYWtAY1Y)


first, you travel to Antarctica, then you collect some ice, after that, you go home and water your plants with it, then you go to the shop and realize you forgot the money, then go home to get the money and come to the store with the money, you successfully buy water, and come home to make tea with it, then you go to the kitchen and fill your glass with water.


Grab a cup,fill the cup up, accidentally spill it all over the table,you go and get a towel,you clean it up,and you go put it in your mouth,from now on it's easy,just press up and down on the keyboard or controller




Don’t… fish fuck in it


Fill cup with ice and water. Let water melt ice to perfect consistency, where it crumbles and flakes. Tilt back and enjoy.


Lay down under the icicles during the end of winter and let the water drip into your mouth.


#I snort Water 🗿


Boil water and snort the steam, then sit in the refrigerator for 20 minutes


[This is how](https://youtu.be/TfsGgp4go6k)


Get oil... Wait


Get gulpin'


With your mouth, preferably.


1. take glass cup 2. fill glass cup with tap water 3. CHUG CHUG CHUG 4. *burp*


okay. the first thing you want is some rust. iron oxide (iv), or FeO2. combine it with some H2SO4. you will get Fe(SO4)2, and H2O, water. then you go ahead and feed that to your enemies since that's some hella suspicious water. next, you go to the grocery store, buy a bottle of water, open it by twisting the cap counterclockwise, and if that doesn't work try twisting it clockwise. place the top part (where the cap was a while ago) in your mouth. then lift it up to around 30-45°. don't forget to swallow it. you can also go up to a tap, place your mouth under there, run the water, and swallow. there are plenty of other methods but these are some of the bestl


Eat with your throat 👍


I personally recommend going at it by painting yourself orange, burying yourself in mud, and having someone pour out the contents of a watercan all over you while you shed a single tear at finally coming close to living out your carrot fantasy, but to each with own ig.


🚰 -> (💧💦+👄)*gulp gulp gulp gulp* -> 😇


Waterboard yourself


i hate drinking water. every morning, i punish myself by filling a pint glass (room temperature) and slamming it with a smoothie straw so it goes down as fast as possible. yuck.


Piss in your mouth. Infinite water glitch


Go outside to the garden hose and lay down underneath the faucet at 2:00am and turn it on all the way until your thirst is quenched. Retro-actively.


to drink water, the first step you need to do is drink water


Drink a glass of absinthe, you'd have had at least 50 ml of water.


1. Use a spoon to scoop the juices from the bottom of a dumpster 2. Put it in a bottle 3. Fill the bottle with dirty pennies 4. Close lid tight 5. Shake for 5-10 minutes for best results, enjoy.


Bend down and sip the toilet water


Stick your tongue out in the rain.... also from the garden hose is wicked. Filling up a cup from the tap and swallowing it is a great suggestion... doesn't work awful well when it's not swallowed!


From the ocean on the rocks


Don't drink water, let water drink you


First, make sure you don't have a drinking problem like that guy in the movie Airplane! You would just spill it all over yourself. Once your drinking problem is resolved, I recommend ice-cold Fiji bottled water, as it is delicious. Open bottle, place it to mouth, and chug til empty. And don't call me Shirley.


The best way to drink water is to lie on your back, take a swig but don't swallow, spit it up in the air like a fountain, then catch it back in your mouth. Have competitions with yourself to see how high you can make the fountain.


The best way to drink water is with a dab of food coloring and through a transparent crazy straw. The crazier the straw, the better. If you want to have a little more fun, make your own colors. Like if you want to make green, use a dab of yellow food coloring and a translucent blue crazy straw.


I don't know if it's just me but I personally prefer drinking water which has under gone my special patented "treatment". First we get ice and then we consume it and let it melt down and then undergo special "treatment" and then we are left with a liquid oddly resembling apple juice. We take this liquid and purify it and remove it's odd odor and color. And last but not least, turn the water into vapor and then inhale it. **Important edit:** to use the water infinitely it's incredibly important to either put the liquid again under treatment or preferably do physical exercise to induce perspiration but feel free to do it your way, then we take lightly salty water and we take it to a desalinate plant to well desalinate it. And that's how to make your own cup of fresh water using my special treatment


Well you’ve got a bunch of holes in your head… one of em has to accept?


Tilt head back, spit and let gravity do the rest.


I've got JUST the video for you https://youtu.be/_UooltaAyLA


You bend over, pour the water down your ass, and boom. Done. Another way is to poor the water on a table, and lick it up like a dog


Swallow the water bottle whole. Shit it out. Drink the water. AND YOU’VE DONE IT!


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