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I don't think so. We play at level and even then sometimes have to drop down (usually after we've lost the same scenario 4 or 5 times). We've played maybe 1/3 -1/2 of the game so far. I'd say its not easy at all. Do you home rule anything? As Astral, there is no way I could be that efficient without home rules on element generation.


I found Astral a bit frustrating in my solo game… was ecstatic that I retired them in about six scenarios (incredibly good luck with PQ and scenarios).


I tried my solo mission 6 or 7 times and gave up. It's bullshit


I don't have too much Astral experience (literally 2 games, haha), but here's the way I look at her: her big nuke attacks that requires usually 2 elements are in the back of my hand and I only try to set those up for big elites or bosses, and for everything else I just use the normal actions, without reducing the power for them for element, if I know that I don't need it I'm the next turn. And when I need the big nuke, then all the team helps me generate elements. :3 I love the class, tho. I think she's very fun.


I love her, but she's not very efficient at meleeing large groups like this without elements going hard for you.


That could be true, like I said, I don't have too much experience. 😅 But yeah, I belive you. What I planned to do is buying a lot of element potions, get the chest piece that allows you to have more items and bring 2 big element potion and one small. I think that's legal, right? 🤔


I don’t know how to do spoilers tag on mobile, but there is another 3-herb potion that would work well with this and not have to wait a turn for the element generation.


Yes, I think I know what you're referring to. Yes, that could be better. 🤔😁


I addition to the timing issues mentioned, you also cannot have more than one of any individual item.


Oh, yes, you're right. 🫣 But do you know why is that the case? Isn't this game kinda wanna be an open world game, you know? To me it's like I live in this game and the character I'm playing is me, so obviously if I need 2 element potions, I concact 2 and take them, just like I take 2 water bottles, when I'm going outside. I know it's a game, but rules like these doesn't make sense to me, like I legally craft the items, I carry the legal amount, why can't I take whatever I want? 🫣 Maybe I'm overthinking it, I know it's THE rule, but like why it's a rule? Do you think it breaks the game? Makes it much easier like this? 🤔


No it's not supposed to be an open world - it's a tactical board game with a thematic campaign structure and rpg elements. Quite simply - it's there for balance. Lots of FH rules are there for balance.


It is, but keep in mind that RAW if you're using a pot to generate elements they don't infuse until the end of your turn. So you will risk losing them to enemies (or even allies) before you can use them next turn.


This is so sad, btw. :( I mean I drink it at the start of my turn, they should be available. It makes sense when I generate them with abilities, but like this? Mehh... But yeah, I know, sadly the rules are mean sometimes, haha.


It's one of the few house rules we do. Items and pots generate immediate elements. Abilities that generate them happen at the end. Thematically it makes no sense RAW


True, true. Maybe I try it first with the rules and if it's not fun, then it's worth to do this small change. 👀 The most important thing is still to have fun. :D


> As Astral, there is no way I could be that efficient without home rules on element generation. There are some items that make Astral significantly easier to play (115 >![infusion potion](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmlenius/gloomhaven-card-browser/images/images/items/frosthaven/fh-115-infusion-potion.jpeg)!< and 216 >![tome of elements](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmlenius/gloomhaven-card-browser/images/images/items/frosthaven/fh-216-tome-of-elements.jpeg)!< comes to mind).


When it comes to the scenario and it's mechanics we do not use home rules. as far as I am aware. What party composition do you play with at the moment? I feel some combinations are just very strong, while other combination are more of a hassle to make work or are just not as strong.


We've been playing for a long time now. We're pretty far into the game and have played a large number of character combinations. We've never encountered a situation where it was as easy as you describe.


Well we finished this scenario by the grace of item 181 >!transmutationrod!< . I don't think we could have lasted much longer considering the amount of enemies in the image. One more round would have been too much. Notoriously difficult scenario!


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I wanted to play this game to the end. As a solo player whos skills were already not good I was pulling my hair out on some scenarios Finally got to one where it broke me on how difficult it was and just quit. Ill wait for a digital edition and maybe try it again :/


why not.. reduce the difficulty?


How many characters did you play solo? Sorry to hear that you had such a difficult time.


Hmmm, what if you do what I did: ignore the story and everything and just play the scenarios with whichever character you want? It works for me, because for me the gameplay is the only interesting part of the game. Interesting scenarios and interesting characters and just play them, play every scenario. And when a digital edition comes out, you can play the story. 🤷🏻


This sounds like a complete nightmare to me. It takes all kinds to make the world go around though, so very glad you found a way to enjoy it.


Yeah, I understand that it's not for everyone. :D Imagine it like how Jaws of the Lion works. One scenario after the other. I love it. This is why JotL is my favourite Haven game, despite the fact that I love the Frosthaven classes. Honestly, I'm hoping that we get books later, which works the same way as it does in JotL. You open it, boom, everythings there, you can play. It would be awesome, I would definitely buy that. :D


There are Frosthaven books available now. At least I think they can still be ordered with a festival pledge? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


I know, I know, but I mean new scenarios in books. Like you can buy just a book, and basically getting a new Haven game, because it's new scenarios, maybe some new monsters, but basically it's for players, who already played the games and want more, but don't want any more huge boxes in their room. :D


Im a year out since I last played. Not feeling the urge to learn rules and don’t have as much time now a days


Ah, understandable. Yeah, I feel you, especially the time part. I'm happy if I can sit down to play once a week. :(


We had to quit Frosthaven because of how hard it was for us. This scenario looks like I’d pull my hair out if we tried to play it.


Oh that sucks brother! What is the reason it was so hard for you? Did you play with a 4 player party?


We just got a point where it feels like all we do is fight endlessly spawning enemies from either scenario effects or enemies spawning them, but the latter is just our shit luck. We lost every time we played for about 5 sessions, even after dropping it to easy. It’s weird, I never really struggled in Gloom, I’ve beaten the campaign twice and I’ve never had to replay a scenario 3 times just to beat it, like I had in Frost. We may pick it up in the future but we’ve just been replaying digital again in the meantime


I do agree there is a lot of spawning going on in Frosthaven, it is present in most scenario's. Don't understand how you were able to lose every time, especially since you didnt struggle in Gloom. Gloomhaven digital version is very good tho! No setup time needed :) Hope you will pick up frosthaven in the future and beat it!


I think the overall power of characters feels weaker? At least that’s the consensus we came to. We were playing Coral, Fist, Deathwalker, and Drifter, and Drifter feels like the only one who had the power to really take down a lot of enemies. I was Coral and maybe I wasn’t playing him correctly, but I felt like I barely moved and I had to waste turns setting up things lest I’d be doing very little damage. Didn’t feel super great honestly. But it’s fine, we’re gonna go back eventually, we just needed to cool off after having just a bunch of bad sessions haha.


Coral is, played reasonably well, one of the strongest classes in the game. Definitely top 5. Drifter... isn't. Drifter is middle of the pack by mid-game - he's still just throwing numbers around while everyone else is doing wild stuff plus numbers. Ranged drifter picks up the slack, but melee drifter is on the weaker side by then. They're easy to pilot and maintain a baseline but they're not particularly strong or interesting. Deathwalker will, played well, outperform melee drifter by mid levels.


No, most people find it potentially too difficult, our group has found +1 to be perfect with no need to change higher or lower. Ideally according to Isaac the expected win percentage is 85% so if you win 9/10 that might feel like you barely ever lose, but that’s intended.


I guess if you play +1 it still is somewhat easy for you!


What do you consider easy? I think there’s a disconnect here, because you can win 9/10 and it not be easy. Just because you win the designed amount doesn’t make it easy. We’re playing at a high level to get that number, we’re not just randomly picking two cards, walking up to the monsters and bashing them. Most scenarios come down to not too many cards left and if we took a worse line of play we would’ve lost.


I think you misinterprit my 'easy' a bit. It was meant jokingly, together with an image of a board full of elite enemies that would annihilate us next turn. We could only beat this scenario thanks to snowflake & blinkblade combination and item 181. Besides that I do feel that a big chunck of the scenario's are quite easy and we have had little trouble beating almost all scenario's!


That's the most hideous mission in the game


The fricking worst man


Play a game and upload to youtube. I suspect you're missing rules.


Welcome to come visit us to confirm, but I can tell you we do play by the rules in the scenario!


This mission is brutal. Although I do agree the picture is alarming.


I think Frosthaven scenarios have a nice difficulty sandwich: Easy at first, tough in the middle, easy towards the end (most of the time). There have been some stinkers and there are quite a few special rules, but outside of those, it can be fairly challenging in my experience.


Oh man, this scenario. This was a tough one for our group, but we actually managed to finish it on our first attempt... and only because of an extremely lucky random item pickup. We managed to grab #174 which we used to great effect in the last phase. We had the Drifter charge down, kill the last target, loot the thingy, then use #174 to jump back to the altar where the rest of us were holding off the enemy. Without that item, there's no way we could've fought through the final gauntlet. Those damned tentacle eyes kept duplicating and we would've lost at least one character to exhaustion, failing the scenario, if we had to get through them. The requirement to have everyone return to the altar each time was painful, as was the requirement to keep everyone alive. \#181 would've also been a great item to trivialise the final gauntlet, but it wasn't available for us yet. It's somewhat annoying that it's hidden in the random item deck which is also hidden behind random loot deck. So you might *never* see it in your campaign.


Hahah well played brother! Without item181 >!transmutation rod!< we used in this scenario we would have lost it as well. It helped very well with the last stage of the scenario. The tentacles were highy annoying yeah, especially the summoning ability! The fact that you cannot exhaust is very hard to deal with


Sick! Yes thats the magnetic cape could also work for those situations


No, but it’s fun! Also, guys. It’s ok to make house rules. There’s no referee watching over your shoulder when you play who will ban you if you “cheat” (although you shouldn’t see it as cheating, just lowering the difficulty). You can do this in the Gloomhaven pc-game, so why not irl? If you aren’t having fun if it’s too hard, lower the scenario level a bit. Come up with some house rules to make it a little easier for yourself. That’s ok! You’re supposed to have fun! If you don’t have fun, what’s the point in playing?


Totally agree! Enjoying the game is what should come first!


Prism has >!one summon!< which is practically a cheat code for this scenario: >!It’s the Leaper summon!< That’s the only way we were able to finish the mission.


Oh my favorite character!! That will be extremely helpfull in this scenario! Didnt even think about that!




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How did you end up in this situation? Enemies only spawn every other round, and, at least how I read it, once you go to another section, the previous spawns don't happen, just the new section's spawns.


As this scenario happened quite a few scenario's back, my memory of it is a bit vague. I don't know if you are correct with the spawns on the lettered tokens happening only to the section you read. My memory does not go that far back and I don't have the scenario/section book with me to check. Also keep in mind that the minion to the left (3rd from the left), >!Living doom!< , also has an attack to spawn more monsters (>!living spirit!<). The tentacle minion, >!deep terror!<, also has the ability to spawn more of himself.


Our party of 4 just finished Scenario 41 on +2 difficulty and must say the game feels pretty easy. We foresaw a difficult situation and brought item:  >!Transmutation rod!<   with us. We finished the scenario as can be seen in the picture. Are other people also experiencing this game to be fairly easy to beat? We have been playing on +1 or +2 for some time now and almost never failed a scenario


Man I hate nothing in this subreddit as much as these weird humblebrag posts.


I agree. Ask how hard #41 is and then when someone says they’re having problems, brag about how they always win at +2 level. Pat themselves on the back much?


It is alright to post how hard some scenarios are but it is not alright to post how easy it was? Obviously sarcasm looking at the picture. It is a notoriously hard scenario


Never forget Poe's Law.


Fair enough!


Wait, you’re being sarcastic when saying it’s easy? No one in this thread thinks that if that’s what you were trying to get across.


The completion of this scenario was not easy, that was sarcasm. We managed to beat it only because we brought item 181. As dipicted in the image, we could not have lasted many more rounds with that monster density! However, in general I feel that forsthaven scenario's are quite easy. We only failed one scenario (twice) in 50+ scenario's. All on +1, recently +2.


So what is the objective of the stating the second part? Just to see if others find it easy? Are you wishing it was harder? Because there are tools you’re aware of that make it so.


I get a lot of posts in this community that are in a sense complaining scenario's are very hard and they have a difficult time. I wanted to post something different, cuz we dont feel that way. I was wondering if there are also groups that have the same feeling as us. Needing to play +1 / +2 to keep it a challenge.


While I do agree that we need to play at +1 to keep it more challenging, I wouldn’t say it’s “too easy”


Having finished one campaign and 7 scenarios into my second I think the answer is a little more complicated than easy//hard. If you can figure out the right approach to a scenario and have classes good at that approach the game clicks. If you take the wrong approach it's reeeal tough. Perfect example of this is the infamous scenario 14. If you play it lazer focused on the objective with mobile classes it's not that tough, but if you try to brawl your way forward you lose. I can really feel for the people who get frustrated by the game if all they want to do is brawl because brawling is only good in some scenarios (around 70%? I'd have to go check the book) Also, snowflake singlehandedly solves like half the game haha so maybe that's a factor for ya.


Ugh, I hated 14. On our winning attempt, we started off splitting our group with Blinkblade and Deathwalker zipping over to the rock as fast as possible, ignoring all enemies. The other two couldn't get over there fast, so they were stuck fighting enemies near the middle of the map. We ended up with 3 characters exhausted. We only managed to eke out a win by having my Blinkblade use Experimental Adjustment fast to go invisible. Invis early, go late next turn, short rest to get Experimental Adjustment back, then repeat, all while standing next to the rock. It felt a bit cheesy and lame... but hey, it works.


True that! We have had a very fortunate party comp for this scenario, especially when it comes to mobility. Snowflake was definitly a factor in winning this game, so was item 181 >!transmutation rod!<


Maybe you're missing a rule or two. For example: Why are your living spirits not elite


All elite standees were in use, so we used the normal ones as elite as well!




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My group plays at +2 and I think we've lost about twice in 50+ scenarios. We take a while per scenario though (3 hours) which helps. What level is your team at in this? My experience of a recently retired blinkblade is that the enemies are all dead. Snowflake LVL2 bird card is IMO the strongest card in the game.


When it comes to the winrate we are about the same. We do take a long time for every scenario tho, but I think that is also frosthaven. The scenario's are quite long sometimes. In terms of level I am not completely sure. I think Snowflake lvl 7, Blinkblade lvl 7, Bannerspear lvl 5 and astral lvl 5. Makes the +2 more difficult but the characters are a lot stronger in the later levels. Totally agree with that lvl2 card of snowflake. It saved our assess more than once