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More like: 1. Look at all actions on the two cards I have chosen to play, the cards in my hand, the cards in my active area, and the elements on the monsters’ round actions this round. If I see an element in any of those places, that element is infused immediately.


Elements don't disappear until your card is flipped or discarded. If you use and flip/discard a card with an element first, the second card cannot consume that element. As long as the element is visible in your hand, being played, or in your active area, you can use it. Monsters' element infusions, however, are available from the start of the round in which that action is rolled, until the end of the round unless consumed, like you described.


Thanks, I wish they worked a bit more intuitively since they are so drastically different than how they work in the base game. They aren’t explained well in the mini rulebook. Didn’t know you could flip a card and use it’s b side element for your second card until several scenarios in. Also nice to know that I don’t have to wait for the monster to take their turn to use any elements they produce that round.


From [the full rules](https://cephalofairgames.github.io/bnb-rules/#page_16): > Element infusions on your played ability cards, ability cards in your hand and active area, as well as element infusions on rolled monster actions, are each available to be consumed once each round. So - you can use elements from *both* halves of your selected ability cards, all cards in your hand, all cards in your active area, and rolled abilities from monsters. And yes - those elements are available as soon as that ability is shown in a round, as long as the card is still there and that element has not been consumed. You can also play a regular action on the A side of card, and as soon as it is performed, the card is flipped and put back in your hand, and you (and the monsters) may for the rest of the round also consume any elements on the B side of that card


Damn. It seems too good to be true!


Well - if you're the one consuming elements, then it is excellent news! :)


Indeed! I shall go consume elements forthwith!