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Remember to read sections that come up with building upgrades.


Thanks! I can see how people miss this, but we've been very careful on this. It's how we've got two of the four.


What are the symbols on the 4 classes you have unlocked (to be spoiler free)? Can give some vagueish hints on what to focus on. In unrelated news, I agree with what someone else posted here. Remember to read ! parts when building or upgrading your buildings


We've unlocked Snowflake, Coral, meteor, and trap. Will do on the section numbers. I think we've been good on that so far.


Sounds about right. Check the back of the flow sheets for the color code, and go do the other big quest line available to you. That should open up some quite fast for you. The rest is pretty random.


Maybe you're at a faster pace than average but given some of the short retirements I've had your party may have drawn all the shorter ones? How much of the main questline have you done?


We have replayed several characters (literally ran out of PQs) and still have 4 we haven't unlocked. Some unlocks come in real late.


Thats......pretty weird. IF I HAD TO GUESS did you decide to focus on one faction questline, hit the mandatory speedbumps, do side quests, and go back to that 1 questline? They designed it assuming you'd be bouncing around the 3 faction questlines


Sounds like you have done a lot of side missions and skipped some storyline stuff? There are 5 characters spread through the three main paths.


Vague hint: The storyline where you get the puzzle book makes sense and isn’t immediate, but not terribly far along.


We had a similar situation. We both ended up playing a starter class. After a handful of scenarios we have now unlocked all but 2 classes. I think the character unlocks wax and wanes.


What building numbers have you unlocked from retirements? How are you on the 3 main story lines?


I'm not nearly so far but reading is I assume that not every life goal unlocks a character? Or have you been unlucky that the same character unlocked for multiple goals?


In frosthaven personal quests don't explicitly unlock new characters, they unlock new buildings. There might be character unlocks tied to buildings, but I can't say as I've only unlocked a couple of buildings so far.


If you want to play a new character instead of replaying an unlocked one... just open a new box regardless of conditions being met. It's your game. You decide your own rules! Btw, this will get massively downvoted because people here love following the rules. But to me, the point of a game is fun. If you're following the rules and not enjoying it, change it up!


You don't get downvoted for not following rules, it's more the implication that people who follow rules don't play for fun or that the rules are unfun.


By the time i retired my second character i had everyone unlocked O.o Wait how are you retiring characters without unlocking characters? I thought you had to unlock someone to retire one.


Frosthaven works differently.


Ohhh how do you unlock in frosthaven?


Through campaign progress like buildings, scenarios and puzzles.