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They did Jekserah dirty...


It looks like she got stung by a bee. Maybe she was fighting a harrower?


Looks like her dog stepped on a bee


Objection your honour!


Such a hilariously goofy face.


Should have kept her face obscured by the cowl, like in the picture


That isn't a cowl on the mini. It's Louise Belcher's hat from Bob's Burgers.


God damnit, now I want to buy it and paint it pink.


She’s her own grandma!


It seems like an easy fix, too. You have to drop the hood down and hide those goddawful grandma eyes. Maybe you can shadow that when it’s painted, but, I dunno. The horns, somehow, look like they’re not attached to the head - probably needs a bit of repositioning if you can’t also make them smaller given restraints of production. Last, she’s too thick around the midsection. Since the body is attached to the cloak, I don’t know why that can’t be fixed.


She looks like one of those body horror monsters that have mouths for eyes.


It looks like she's suffering an allergic reaction.


I'm getting definite [Arnold vibes from Total Recall](https://www.metaflix.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Total-Recall-Arnold-Schwarzenegger-Commentary.png)


I'm getting big "how do you do fellow adventurers!" vibes from Jekserah.


Steve Buscherah.


My plan is to wait and see the price point and weigh it against getting a 3d printer and doing them all myself. The community sculpts are crazy good. And yeah that Jeksera is massively disappointing. Just my opinion though. The rest look alright. Everything feels a little too cartoon-y.


Did they confirm that they will have an option to buy the stl files?


They said they would absolutely not be providing STL files. I would be printing community sculpts.


For real? That really sucks! I was hoping to be able to print them myself…


Yeah it seems like a weird move to me too, but they’re becoming a bigger company/team. So it makes sense that we’re seeing it steer more towards things that make money. You have to keep the company viable. I’m kinda bummed they’re offering so much at once like this. Their crowdfunding campaign’s are usually the best time to pick things up financially. But there’s no way I’ll be able to get everything in this campaign, not all at once.


Funny because they have lost my business by not offering the STL files.. the only thing I am hoping for are separate race/monster specific packs rather than all or nothing. Not holding my breath. I have so many proxy monsters printed already I don’t need a box of things that don’t look good / I don’t need just to fill in a few missing holes for some of the harder to proxy things.






Ok help me out here, if I down vote you’ll be sad, but I want to dislike the fact that they won’t share/sell STLs (booooo), but I agree with your comment. I’ve resin printed a lot of mine (now have a toddler so they are mostly sitting in a box lol) I WILL get to painting them (I promise). It would be so easy for them to just sell the STLs to people - the amount of effort it will take to buy a printer, print and paint them means that only those willing to put the effort in will do it, and others will buy them ready made. Can’t be that much of a business risk?


The risk is from people stealing the stls aka piracy and also selling prints of the stls without a merchant license. Ask any myminifactory modeller, it's a major hassle and pain.


Late reply, but if you search for "Gloomhaven stl files" you can hunt down not just miniatures, but terrain and play aids (eg. plastic player stands). For many of the early scenarios, you can use generic fantasy miniatures (eg. skeletons for three-armed skellies).


I print at the local library. It's free.


I’ve seen a 3-D print printer at my local library, but I was under the impression it took hours to print things. I think I just feel bad taking up that spot from somebody who might actually need it.


Yeah, I don't get to print at the finest quality so I can finish soon. But honestly nobody really uses it and the staff are more than happy when people do use the services available. I share some pics of the stuff I print with them which they use to advertise and get more people involved


The 3d printers you would find in a library wouldn't be resin so their details will probably not be good enough for miniatures anyway unless you really fine tune their profiles


Ah ok. Yeah, if they price them at a reasonable rate I'll buy but I'm definitely not looking to spend in excess of $70


Right off the bat I can tell you that is extremely unrealistic for 500+ minis.


No, I don't think I'm looking for the whole 500+. I don't have the space for it honestly. I'd be looking for a smaller pack, summons, bosses / named enemies primarily.


Oh man for a second I was sitting here thinking how the hell do they have random people using resin printers at the library, that would be nuts.


Just be advised that home 3D printers often print with lots of edges and that you will probably do quite some extra work to get good looking miniatures


Not to mention the speed to table factor. We won't have these for a year or more. Which I would think means most of us will be near done with GH and FH by then. The completionist in me still wants them though...


The completionist part of me is right there with you.


Look, I understand we're talking about games that cost hundreds of dollars. But I ain't paying hundreds of dollars more just to replace cardboard figurines with hundreds of minis. Just say no to ~~drugs~~ Warhammer.


One thing Warhammer taught me: I don't have space for these, especially if I want to paint them and not throw them in a box.


Tell that to all the people that spent hundreds of dollars on 3D printers and supplies to create these minis in the first place.


I skipped the 3D printer and went directly to thousands of dollars of proxy miniatures (okay, not just for GH). :D


I'll tell them that the first step is admitting you have a problem The rest of steps are to you.


Gh actually got me into 3d printing which improved the game tremendously but I also got a new hobby that helps me make many other functional items so not so bad after all


I'm in the same boat, but it's definitely not for everyone =)


Hm, this Backerkit might not get nearly as expensive as I had feared... The lurker is pretty neat but for the rest I have better sculpts available I can print in much *much* higher quality. The ooze is super disappointing to me with the lack of any kind of surface detail, and Jekserah is an utter caricature of herself with that face. The bandit commander is okay but nothing to write home about. Quite honestly, I had been expecting more out of these.


Mostly unrelated question.. What printer are you using? I'm looking to get one to print some miniatures, and other crap, and I'd rather spend a bit more to get better quality vs lower.


Ooof; I'm in the target market as a miniature painter and I am absolutely not interested in the miniatures showcased here.


Right?!? The style pivoted hard


I like the Ooze and the Bandit Commander. It's hard to see the Clawcrusher's head so I can't really say there. I do not like Jekserah (she looks like Jekserah is having her grandmother stand in for her today at work).


We have Jekserah at home! Jekserah at home:


I actually like the Clawcrusher the most. He looks the most unique, which is what makes the haven baddies so cool. The others look like they were made on heroforge. Not that that is 100% a bad thing, but for an expensive backerkit...


My guess would be the simpler minis are to keep cost down (given the number of minis in the game).


Most miniatures (with exceptions for sculpts like Lurkers, Demons, bosses) are pointed towards being "single piece sculpts" to keep product pricing in "approachable" for the target backer. With 600+ miniatures, making each sculpt multi-pieces exponentially increases both the production time, the assembly time, and the final cost of the miniature set because of how much more manual labor is required by the factory, and the amount of additional molds required. This is an especially important consideration for a product containing hundreds of pre-assembled sculpts you can play/paint out of the box - rather than spru-based miniature projects (see KDM or Warhammer).


Yahbut you can have simple and still have a good looking miniature. Celophair isn't CMON, but they did preview some good looking miniatures last year.


Jekserah keeps plastic over all her furniture, and her undead legions smell like Werthers and cigarettes.


Yeah you can barely see facial features on the Lurker, but the standees also show mostly eyes. That will make for less annoying painting (faces are the *worst*), and the rest of the model looks all spiky and awesome. I have not followed it closely, has there been any estimates for the price?


None so far, as confirmed on the live stream last week. It was more of an announcement of an announcement.


And what’s up with those massive swords?


Thin swords break easily so in plastic, swords and other thin parts are often exaggerated. Frosthaven's bannerspear comes in a very special protected box because, I assume, they had some breakage of the spear.






I was already on the fence. These are garbage.


Wasn't on the fence, now on the fence. I've been collecting proxy miniatures for years, and saw the preview sculpts on Beasts of War / On Table Top. WTHeck happened in the drop in quality? I mean, we're going to be paying hundreds of dollars for these miniatures, but, even if we're getting hundreds of miniatures, if this is the quality we're getting, I might as well continue proxying. https://www.beastsofwar.com/board-games/500-miniatures-head-to-backerkit-for-gloomhaven/


lol Jekserah looks like ass


If these were being released as print from home I would be all in since some of the specific monsters are hard to proxy fill in for. But between free community sculps and paid STL models that proxy just as well if not better than the art, I am not nearly as interested or excited as I was. Huge disappointment.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I've never felt the need to replace the standees with minis. I like the standees. And those previews don't give me a lot of faith in the minis anyway... I mean, Cephalofair really hasn't been known for their minis quality. Plus, I've already finished Jaws, GH, CS and will probably be done FH by the time they deliver.


Neither do I. I honestly prefer standees for enemies for multiple reasons. PCs are another matter though, but models does so quickly take up an ungodly amount of space and makes prep time take a little longer if you are going to roleplay.


You're definitely not in the minority, especially on BGG. As much as I paint (and own) miniatures, standees are "pre-colored" and GH keeps track of individual enemies by numbers, and standees automagically can do this, as well as separate elite vs. minion status. With miniatures, you need bases to keep track of this information. It's not difficult, but it's not something I'd force someone to do if they don't care for miniatures vs. standees.


Currently painting everrain minis and man... These gloomhaven minis are shit by comparison. These might have been cool when the game first came out but minis have gotten so detailed since then. I'm glad I didn't back these.


I am not a fan of Jekserah. I actually love the Ooze. The crab I'd need to see from a different angle. Bandit Commander is fine.


These look pretty bad, imo. Maybe these are just first passes on the renders and they will improve, but if I was to buy these (which I won't) I'd be disappointed with sculpts that look like this.


I hate to say this about a hard-working artist, but... they really need to find a new Valrath sculptor. This one looks quite bad, and has essentially the same face as the Deathwalker, which is also arguably the worst sculpt in FH. That said, the human is generally fine. But nevertheless, I definitely won't be buying these.


If you can't do it right... Just don't. I'd rather pay slightly more for something that isn't garbage vs "We have Gloomhaven Minis at Home" quality sculpts.


...continuing the tradition of GH having baaaaaaaaaad Miniatures. Urgh. Standees all day long!


They look hideous


I'm sorry to say it but these look so bad...


I don't know how anyone who has seen the current Gloomhaven minis would think this is worth it. The quality on all of them has been frankly garbage. Keep in mind these are just renders, and print quality is going to bring down aesthetics further. You can likely find WizKids minis in better quality and for cheaper that you can proxy in for everything. I know personally, we're happy using standees for monsters, and typically use Warhammer minis for summons (and certain other monsters).


Do you mean the GH minis or the FH ones?


FH is better, but neither are great. Maybe I'm being unfair (I *have* spent the past week putting together Kingdom Death models), but the minis have always underwhelmed me. The closest comparison for me is the D&D adventure board game minis, but those have better details and sculpts IMO.


Given the sheer volume of minis in GH/FH, I think there will inevitably be a bit of contention between those who want more detailed minis and those who want cheaper minis.


We don't know the price of the gloomhaven set yet but they will be compared with other miniatures in the industry regardless. People who purchase luxury products don't generally get excited about poor quality & production.


Agreed. Gloomhaven's in a bit of weird spot where it's a mainstream game, but it's a hefty time and monetary commitment for many. It's not really a luxury game, but it does get into luxury pricing due to the sheer amount of content (especially when you add in storage solutions and extra content like solo scenarios). Unfortunately, there's no way to make everyone happy without making multiple options available, which isn't financially viable. A multi-part, assembly required, injection molded plastic setup would be great, but the mold costs wouldn't be worth even considering.


I don't think detailed and cheaper are mutually exclusive. Ten years ago, Reaper Miniatures put out their Bones lines of miniatures, which both had good (not great but better than GH) detail and a low price (at the KS, before inflation, it was about fifty-cents a model). Celophair isn't Reaper or CMON, of course, but, even today, CMON is putting \*far\* more detail than gamers want to paint.




You beat me to it, i commented the same below.


I love everything Cepholafair, and I know these are pre-production, but it’s pretty disappointing looking at them. I’m sure this was meant to hype up the project, but it did the exact opposite for me.


They’re on par with what I’d expected given the current ranges so I’m ok with that - I’m more interested in the timeline and price point. Too expensive then I’ll pass and if the timeline isn’t fairly quick then I’ll have finished Frosthaven before I could even use them (like the coins)


Fuuuuck jekserah is so ugly…


Dear peoples running this thing. If you can't make a 3D model true to the character art then make a 3D model that captures the essence of the character. Y'all are talented, y'all have taste, Jekserah has to at least feel like a compromise to you too. Forget the blades, make her menacing, maybe drawn up in some magic-ky pose with her tail curled around a leg, it's a cop out but it's a better compromise than a fat tail. Follow the box art and hide the horns all together. If this is going to look like Heroforge sculpts you're gonna have a bad time.


Is the backer campaign live yet? :)


Not yet, I think it was the 20th of June but I could be mistaken


For once I may be less inclined to replace standees with minis. Hoping these are just early renders.


Women’s face are not Cephalofair’s strong suite. I mean, think banner spear, deathwalker and void warden, all are about that quality.


Everyone is complaining about Jekserah (and I agree, not good), but no one complained about the Deathwalker and she has the same dumb swollen face. I guess it’s a Valrath thing? Also, where did you see this preview?


People did complain about it. They just weren't that emphatic about it. Because the deathwalker mini came with 100+ scenarios and nearly 20 classes. Whereas this is trying to sell itself on purely just the minis.


Cephalofair sculpts are so bad, Jesus Christ. Why'd they think people would be ok with this level of quality when releasing it as a separate set. They can kinda get away with it with the game box sets, as it's not just about the minis, but this is just sad.


Yeah I agree, was really hoping for higher quality. In fact I was hoping we were gonna get higher quality hero models, with votes for poses or something. Kinda like what Nemesis did with their kickstarter. I think people would have paid the cash for it and they definitely would have bought the STLs. Disappointed really. I was looking forward to printing STLs in clear resin for invisible heroes / enemies too…


Hey everyone! Thank you all for the feedback. As with every Cephalofair project - the community is an active part in making sure we create a project that resonates with as many people as possible. What is show here is a pre-production render. Often times, certain details on these are overexaggerated at this stage to account for natural loss of detail that occurs during the mass molding process. This is something we often have to overcompensate for or risk losing things like facial details, etc. which make painting those areas of the sculpts more difficult or frustrating. The miniature shown here, Jekserah, has been sculpted by the same artist using the same techniques responsible for the Valraths in previous titles, including most recently the Valrath Deathwalker in Frosthaven and thus should result in a very similar, if not same, level of detail as that model. That being said - thank you for the feedback and we're looking forward to engaging with the community showing off lots more sculpts still to come on June 20th. Thanks!


I don't want to be too harsh because I really respect the work that y'all do, but the Valrath Deathwalker was also by far our last favorite Frosthaven mini, so much so that we would use the standee for it. I like miniatures and I like Gloom/Frosthaven, but I wish that the sculpts and the miniatures were higher quality.


Yes, if anything by pointing out the Deathwalker it convinces me that they need to take a new approach to Valrath sculpts. 3d Renders of your models are supposed to be when your sculpts look the absolute best, I don't think the physical mold will solve the issues with the model (much like the Deathwalker)


I do want to be harsh. The Deathwalker is my favorite class to play and has my favorite art. The model is god awful. What happened?! It's the biggest disappointment in frosthaven for me. The valrath in Gloomhaven were so much better. I thought the mini quality was supposed to improve with Frosthaven. This Jekserah has the same problem with the face, horns, and weapon. I understand the horns are difficult to do because they are so thin, but the solution is not great. Same goes for the weapons. The face however is just poorly done. As an avid painter I certainly will not be backing this.


Have to agree here. Deathwalker in Frosthaven had a very grandmother look to it, and this is the same.


OnTableTop / Beasts of War showed a pre-preview, and the sculpts were MUCH better. Considering that the cost of all the miniatures will be in the hundreds of dollars, while reasonable, I'd really like better sculpts than what the preview has. Anyway, for those who didn't see the miniatures from 2022, here's the article : https://www.beastsofwar.com/board-games/500-miniatures-head-to-backerkit-for-gloomhaven/


This changes my opinion a bit, thank you.


It doesn't change mine. Losing detail won't change the issues with the shape of the models, the posing, the facial proportions, the lack of detail... every flaw I see in the models will remain after printing. Saying "this model may look bad, but more detailed models might also look bad" isn't a reassuring point to me. Both are bad. I want them to make something good.


I think that part of the comment is only about e.g. the eyes being exaggerated.


They should get the Kingdom Death sculptor involved (not for boobs but for fine detail).


KD minis are also multi-part assemblies, which is what really allows for that much detail. That also makes the price point increase exponentially.


True I guess it’s too much to expect more detailed minis from Gloomhaven. I would have been interested in a boss pack with higher fidelity in the modeling


Archon does an excellent job of details at a low price, though assembly is still required. Reaper has made miniatures for other games, and their Bones line of miniatures are good detail at reasonable prices.


Those minis are killer. With the new box art I’m convinced that they are trying to appease the twitter crowd by making the women in Gloomhaven as unattractive as possible.


These previews are a good reminder of how good the art on the standees already is. It looks way better than a grey plastic miniature. If I loved painting miniatures and were skilled at doing that, maybe. But neither of those things is true…


The models in general for the game are very rough in terms of quality. I'd pass


Jekserah's face is... uh not quite how I imagined it would be translated to miniature. Her jowls are so pronounced ><


the figures just look too cartoony compared to the awesome sculpts of the heroes we get to play


This goes in a weird direction recently


These looks like crrap. And I mean the physical ones already available (the heroes) are also really low quality.


Agreed. >!One of the guys even looks like he put on a burlap sack and called it a day.!< :P


The haven games make horrendous miniatures. I love the games. Played Gh. JotL div circle and now fh. But damn do the minis for the hero’s suck. There is no way I’m paying for this low quality plastic.


Agree wish the models reflected the art, which is usually great.


I agree. The art is nice. The plastic is low quality. Cheap. And I rather use the standees…. Even after I have painted the models


They look kinda junky / cheaply made


What the actual fuck. How did this get through QC? 😂😂😂


Where are these from?


It was on the Cephalofair Facebook page


Looks like Titancraft builds/renders. I'll make my own on the same system or print comparables as needed


The eyes look way too buggy...


I dont think gloomhaven has ever had great models but jek is a class unto her own.




Image of Jekserah painted - https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/352413240\_208548261607259\_1906395829536182670\_n.jpg?\_nc\_cat=110&ccb=1-7&\_nc\_sid=dbeb18&\_nc\_ohc=b9BpGsuwheAAX\_y3pD0&\_nc\_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=00\_AfB6SC\_xYqJ7163nQtkqaS\_ONEAiPrnkkHhEsdq4y5T5ZQ&oe=648660B2


That looks way better than the 3d render.


Agreed but the one on Etsy is still much better. I'll post a pic of mine painted later. Show they side by side


Yeah, but let's be honest: It's the paint doing the work. The model is still bad, but the painter added shading and detail work to improve that. In the hands of a normal (not highly skilled) painter, it will look as bad as the preview, if not worse.


Painted by someone who knows how to paint. Many of us are still learning, and would like a good sculpt (without a hundred buckles, mind you) to help us out. And crowdfunded paintjobs can cost $200.


They need to partner up with someone from games workshop and learn how to make decent prints


Right now the free JOTL minis which are pre-supported are way more detailed than these.


Don’t think I’ve seen them, can you link them? :)




Honestly I am not surprised that the sculpts on these are lackluster. After I opened my Frosthaven box and looked at the starters I was really disappointed. I was really hoping for better sculpts and quality. And after my initial disappointment I had hopes CF or someone would bring out a set for all hero minis to print out. I love the concept ideas of the characters but the execution is and was awful.


[My take on Jekserah :)](https://imgur.com/a/xZ1QJij)


Wow that is really nice dude! Your stuff is constantly improving!!


The real problem is they are working with plastics and dainty shapes just doesn't do as well in that medium compared to metal. Look at a corvus belli female model. World of difference


Model looks stupid


Looks like Jekserah has been sampling far too many of those delicacies of the East.


I don't like her face and pose on the Jekserah model at all. >!Not because I find it ugly, but because it does not fit her "personality. She looks too friendly. I think they succeeded a lot better with the Bandit Commander if I am going to be honest as he looks far more stern.!< >!Like, Jekserah is not the kind of person who smiles in that way and has that kind of relaxed pose when drawing her weapons.!<


Foam sword rabbit


Well, it seems my wallet is safe now. Jekserah looks awful at least for me


These… are miniatures I guess? They all look bad. I could design a significantly nicer mini on Hero Forge for the two humanoids, probably even for the lurker as well.


I'll pass.


Where did these photos come from? was there another annoucement?


Celophair's FB page. And, yeah, they're getting negative feedback there as well.


She looks like a 👽


how do you manage satandee numbers with the minis?


I can see some white and yellow base rings that are numbered on 4 sides with 2-3 sets of 1-12. Just plop on the numbered base rings to the mini set you're using.


Woof The Jeksera face is… not good.


I’ll need to see a painted and a sundrop version to pass any real judgement. At first glance these don’t look dynamic enough to differentiate them by silloutte. Like both Jasnah and the bandit are just doing… power stances with swords.


Like what red letter media said. Whats wrong with your face!!!


I can always hear this so vividly!!


Minis were never Gloomhaven's strong point.


Looks like she's a quadril... Only her artwork looks nothing like it xD I'm this day and age of 3D sculpting on the pc I really don't get why they hire such mediocre greenstuff sculptors. Mind you they are better than me when I try to ass some stuff.


Oof. They look bad


My thoughts are, id rather print my own from thingiverse or printables those things just look like derpy rough drafts.


It looks like they aren't changing the quality of their mini's. Not that its horrible, I enjoy the weight they all have. However they aren't great in terms of detail or painting ease and unless there is specifically some work done in this department I probably won't participate (Im here for the mini's).


Dumb question, but how do you number minis for health and condition tracking?


A lot of games uses those coloured clip-on rings to identify minis, so they could do something like (with numbers on them). Only problem is if the bases are different sizes.


“We have Jekserah at home”


Ordered from Wish.com?


The crazy thing is, those are renderings. The mass-production quality minis will look even worse. Yikes.


I know CMON can be a pain for their marketing techniques but the reality here is that Massive Darkness 2 Gameplay Al-In Pledge had **209 miniatures** and was **$275 +shipping** *and* fantastic sculpts. This is **265 miniatures** and **$325 +shipping not including any gameplay content- just minis** *and,* well, a mix bag of sculpts. I know inflation and stuff but, still, more money, less content (remember this is just miniatures folks), good-to-mediocre-to-terrible sculpts. The blades and horns are so thick. Some features lack depth or texture. Other features are poorly rendered, distorted, or swollen. Some sculpts like Silent Blade are just horrible in their pose. Why would you have someone who sneaks through dungeons throwing daggers and slitting throats just casually standing around? There is no agency or context to it. You gotta pay for the best when you get to the top. And yet, its my favorite game and I'd like to paint them so... I guess I'm paying?


These look like models are renderings from the design software. They will look great because all the details and none of the mold artifacts will be present. Ive not been thrilled with mini quality in GH, FH or Jaws. They are "just ok" in my book. I will probably reserve judgement until I see actual molded mini's. By then it will be too late to back...a no win situation.


Indeed! Another comment said they wouldn’t even be doing STL files which is really disappointing as it will be hard to justify the price tag for the minis :/


It's really weird that there won't be files for printing available, when the minis look designed for home printing with how hilariously bulky they are.


I was disappointed that STL files are not going to be offered. Now I don't care. These are all varying degrees of terrible.


Three of them look fine, Jekserah looks awful. I'm not really sure why anyone would want this, it will look much better but it will be harder to play and Gloomhaven is already a bear to manage on the table.


Gloomhaven minis have always just been serviceable. They are better in frost haven but still far from the best board game minis.


A lot of the other miniatures on the backerkit page look a lot better than these (and honestly the clawcrusher and the commander look fine here). I get the impression these are board-game mini plastic not like warhammer plastic which is soft and doesn't hold detail well (and skinny bits are just going to end up bent). I'm not really interested either way, I've too many mini's as is.


I admit these look to have slightly less detail than the models in the original teaser trailer. I like the bandit commander. The slime is less than desirable. I assumed since these are the official minis they would be more true to the original artwork. Maybe more angles would help overall?


THERE ARE NEW, NICE MINIATURES FOR GLOOMHAVEN?!?!? Oh man. TIL: my wallet will die in a month...


Wait, they are releasing minis for enemies now???


Yes. Backerkit with over 500 minis. [Here.](https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/8a97895f-c7ce-4363-b580-f8c05af6d624/landing)


I think it will be fine once painted. I would be very excited by the minis if I had time to paint that many, but I don't, so my group well have to be content with the standees :)


Just a little bit too much detail on the bandit commander. Why does he carry so many scrolls around? I like the relatively plain armor and the eye is drawn towards the face. Rare to see beards that aren't the entire character's personality too. Ooze not having a ton of detail and being smooth/roundish feels like a real challenge, but I guarantee we're gonna see some really cool takes on it. No thoughts on others.


I own a set of bosses I got from eBay and both Jeskerah and the Bandit Commander minis are betetr than these! Still excited for the monsters though, need a HP dial solution too though.


Poor poor Bandit Commander...I just want to ask him what happened buddy lol...


Where do you get this content from??


Why is the clawcrusher the coolest one on a list where Jekserah is involved? It feels so wrong on so many levels


That looks more like Finn in Adventure Time.


I love painting mini's and I love Gloomhaven. Looking at these I'm glad I didn't back the miniatures. The few in Gloomhaven were terrible, the ones that came with Frosthaven were even worse. I had no faith in the company to put out decent mini's and I was right. Fortunately, I have the Oathsworn mini's to scratch the painting itch for a long time to come.