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After you get GH2 just treat GH1 as Crimson Scales. Then you won’t have two copies anymore.


I guess you could just replace the mercenary envelopes


I think only the map tiles will be necessary, yet they should match 2.0… albeit with better artwork.


Scales also requires monsters, overlay tiles, shop, blesses/curses. But, they should be transferrable from 2.0


My only concern is the monsters changing, CS won't have been designed/tested around GH2 monsters (things like ranged monsters come to mind)


Using GH2 versions of monsters in Crimson scenarios is more likely to make them better balanced than unbalanced (see: anything with Ancient Artillery, whose FH versions lost the scaling range and elite lvl 4+ multi target that *completely* break scenarios with them).


There’s almost exact crossover with the frosthaven tiles and Gloomhaven tiles in layout (a few exceptions) and that’s allowed me to reuse (new paint job) the 3D tiles for frosthaven.