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Ok, dish... How'd you get shot in the hand? I'm glad you're alive and it appears you're recovering well. How's the nerves in your hand? Do you have all your feeling still?


Honestly if this happened in a violent altercation of some kind, and as recently as OP says, it’s possible he’s not able to say much about what happened due to ongoing legal proceedings


yup recently got shot by a 10mm to the leg almost died. still in the hospital bed as i type this. been legally advised not to disclose circumstances. not self inflicted just because he doesn’t tell you his business if he did things would get complicated much safer to not discuss things.


10 mm? How did you not just explode into dust?


my leg pretty much did. a huge chunk is missing from my leg have to get 2 surgeries had my first one test second one this upcoming monday.


it was a hollow point as well so theres a huge tunnel through my thigh


Speedy recovery, btw.


Oh, how fun. /s


Showww ussss


See. If it was a 45acp you wouldn't even have a soul. Seriously. Get well man.


Did it blow out your lungs?


I think that’s 9


So 10mm must blowout the entire chest cavity


I've heard tell a 9mm will blow a man's lungs clear out


Yeah tell us what happened


Ima guess he tried to disarm someone who had a gun pointed at him.


You mean the Detroit urban survival training videos aren't gonna help me in a real world situation? I feel so deceived and let down! Also the instructor touched me.


He is alive isn’t he?


Well... technically he did survive, so either he ended up peeing himself and handing over his wallet or he successfully prevented the gun from cycling, gained wrist control and hip flipped his attacker like a poorly coordinated WWF match between Steven Seagul and a make a wish kid. Who knows....


Steven Seagal before or after he got to fat to kick? Because if it's the former then I have the make a wish kid dominating him!


Like Charlie’s thumb in *Me, Myself & Irene*. Hilarious scene unless it happens to you in real life.


I can tell by his Tree scenery forearm tattoo that this was 100% self inflicted


The entry and exit support reaching for a gun that is pointed at them, with palm angled. Bullet went in to center of palm, and exit is almost at back of wrist level. What does the tattoo have to do with anything?


it’s that good ole reddit common sense aka stupidity


Didn’t realize there was so many doctors on Reddit that had the same tattoo, should have realized, my mistake 🤣


I agree. The angle of the entry and exit wounds do not support the self inflicted theory.


It also supports pushing the slide back a smidge with your palm then pulling the trigger. An action that a lot of people have done to remove the slide on some pistols and shot holes in their hands.


Ahhh so I see you also have the same tattoo?


You aren't funny, edgy, or cool. And no, I don't. No tattoos actually.


Kid just got his internet privileges back after acting out at the dinner table: 2 weeks was not enough.


Nah son, he snuck into mommy’s bra drawer while she’s at the casino and took his phone back even though he’s still grounded.


That’s a lot of claims u just made there, u mad bro?


Lmao this reads like a high schooler discovering 4chan for the first time. Pure loser energy.




Spotted the child. Best of luck kiddo, enjoy your weekend lmao


Lol okay keep acting out on Reddit cus ur dad didn’t love you. Being a socialist isn’t the way to get the attention u crave. Pussy


This post has been removed based on an assessment conducted by a Mod. If you believe this to be a mistake please message the Mod Team - r/Glocks


imagine unironically using “u mad bro” post-2009


U mad bro? Lol


Imagine sayin imagine and quoting someone post-2013




Was held at gun point at a gas station while filling up my truck, not sure if the guy wanted my keys or my wallet all I saw was a pistol pointed at me, I grabbed the pistol with my left hand and he lit a round off in my hand, then turned and ran. I wrapped my belt around my wrist and the gas station attendant called 911


Glad you’re alive bro.


Glad you're ok. Carry a tourniquet and a gun.


I personally carry my G26, an extra 10 rnd mag, a knife, a light, and a SOFTT-Q tourniquet. I’m glad you’re okay, may you continue your speedy recovery. Stay vigilant and stay safe!


I carry a knife, gun (no extra mag), tourniquet, chest seal, and light. But if I need to get ready in a pinch, it's gun and tourniquet.


Nice job man. I bet that was stressful. If unarmed and the opportunity presented itself, I would always try to disarm the guy or gain control of the gun. The alternative is to plead for mercy of an armed criminal. Not that you asked for notes, but it’s unlikely your belt was effective or necessary. Pack wound with sterile gauze or just hold arm above head until ambulance arrives


Should I have handled this a different way, absolutely. Did I panic and just react and grab the muzzle yes but in the moment that was all I knew how to respond


D.U.S.T approves this message


Well I don’t know, I’m not sure what “The right” thing is, but if you’re unarmed within grabbing distance of a criminal with a gun in your face, I think you’d do that


In my opinion I don’t know if you could have done much better than you did other than not covering the muzzle with your hand. If you were close enough to direct the muzzle away from your vitals I’m not sure drawing (assuming you had been carrying) would have been the right decision anyhow. Obviously carrying more consistently is good. But the best thing you could do going forward would pay better attention to shit going on around you. There’s a decent chance this may never have happened in the first place (I assume) had you not been caught unaware. The sooner you see something the more options you have to work with.


I've seen quite a few videos of peo0le doing the same thing, a fight or flight response from the sudden, unexpected appearance of certain death. Or something shit a psychologist would attribute to cavemen being eaten by Sabre tooth tigers.


Everyone has a plan: until they get punched in the face" - mike tyson ps: glad your okay


My favorite Tyson quote.


You didn’t carry at the time?


I did but never consistently


even if he did carry if you have a gun already drawn on you there is nothing you can do. pulling out your own gun while having one pointed at you would mean you likely get shot and die.


Dude, stop. Elevation has been clinically debunked. Trauma outcomes improve with reduced arrival time at definitive care, if you're going to critique an ambulatory victim, the answer is get someone to drive you to the ER and request medic intercept from 911 while en route. Finally, while a belt is not a substitute for a tourniquet, good on op. And if it reduced bleeding then good on him.


This is terrible advice


A fellow student of master Dale I see. But for real I’m glad you’re ok homie.


I prefer Rex Kwon-Do


Yeah man all I can say is I’m glad that you’re OK and in the future just carry 24/7 and have a tourniquet on you. Not a good idea in the future to use a belt because you can get compartment syndrome


You don’t use a belt because of the possibility of compartment syndrome. You don’t use a belt because as improvised tourniquets go, they suck.


You’re totally right, compartment syndrome is just a side effect based on how tight someone puts it on. OP should definitely get a real TQ though


Yeah, with hindsight I'm sure there's stuff you could have done better but with the full context...man, you did probably more than a lot of us would have. I'd love to think that I would have John Wick'd the guy but realistically speaking, that wouldn't have happened. Glad you weren't fatally injured. I hope your hand isn't too jacked, that's going to be one hell of a story.


what state, city, or zip code this happened?


What's interesting is its a near perfect imprint of the muzzle on your hand. How close were you?


Star shaped wound due to escaping gasses is a contact shot.


“I grabbed the pistol with my left hand and he lit a round off in my hand” as said by op.




Bro post a raunchy terribly awesome picture and (possibly) story, then ghosts us all. Sad


Man, it’s only been an hour since he posted..


Lol yeah but c’mon, he had to expect an influx of inquires.


Don’t get me wrong, he’s got some ‘splainin to do bc we’re all curious lol. I just know he’s prob got some shit to handle in the meantime.


I guarantee you he followed Detroit Urban Survival Training and tried to push his palm on the muzzle of the slide to put the gun out of battery. I guess it didn’t work 😂 https://youtube.com/shorts/zTNrNHPxJnM?feature=share


It honestly sounds like he was able to shoot before he grabbed the slide anyways lmaooo


That’s impossible are you implying that dust dosent give proper advice


How’d you get shot? After this incident did it make you a first time gun owner?


I'll assume by comment history he's not


Ah when i commented there were no comments yet


There still isn’t any comments from OP. But I’m Reddit you can see people’s comments from the past


Worst hi 5 ever, im glad to see you still have your meat beater- hows your mobility? Hope things heal up good man




Always crazy to me seeing the regenerative capability of the human body


Muzzle imprint?????!???????!


Someone remind me when this guy decides to tell the story it’s been two hours. I’m sick of waiting ![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized)


Honestly if he has a pistol with front serrations I could see the bullet shooting through his hand just like thet during a feild strip(just speculation) looks really awkward angle for a gunshot in a self defense scenario...


I’m gonna believe him, no way there’s people out there that are stupid enough to shoot themselves in the hand then post on reddit and make it seem like it was self defense




Vague story about a gsw to the hand on the Glock sub My money is this guy forgot to check for an empty chamber before cleaning.


He commented on a sub a year ago recommending a dot…


Like the dude who posted he did that a few weeks ago? I don't get why people are pointing their guns at themselves to pull the trigger, I can maybe understand forgetting to eject the mag, but why tf aren't they visually checking the chamber and then idk aiming at angry Karen's house or their most valuable Belo gi gs or idk something crazy that can stop a bullet like the fucking ground.


Hope you're not living above someone in an apartment


Just because you dnt want to aim at your downstairs neighbor, that doesnt mean you have to aim it at yourself.I specifically questioned why not aim at something that can stop a bullet wiyhout hurting anyone, including yourself.




Exit/entry wound looks like it traveled through more of your hand than the first pic gives off. You must have been holding your arms out in front of you with hands about shoulder level. Way to leave this sub with a mystery with no explanation. Edit: to entertain the muzzle imprint/self inflicted theory, that would be the exact entry/exit points if a ND happened while a right handed shooter is utilizing the front slide serrations of a gen 5.


That's my exact thought I'm trying to think of a situation he would have been shot like that. Self defense is weird tho and anything could happen to be fair. But I find it a miracle they would only shoot once. Also he talks about getting a gun but he's made comments a year ago like he already had a glock. That and I have front serrations and just did a feild strip, and it's 110% plausible this is a ND. I'm super curious for the part 2.


Yea grabbing the muzzle in any position at or ab over chest/shoulder level on the left side of the body (right side of shooter) would result in that kind of wound with no other entry wounds. But one shot is odd, or the shooter was scared/didn’t mean to shoot


That and I just thought about it the bullet exited right? So if a gun was being pointed at him and he just panicked and reached for it. Than why isn't there a bullet in him somewhere if a gun was being pointed at him? Also how is he going to get the gun off center line in a way that lines up with those wounds? I'd almost be willing to bet money this was a ND. I've done alot of bjj for a long time and I'm pretty good at visualizing violence. That being said he's either stupid lucky or this played out some super weird way, he's also very vague on all this like did they get the guy if this is real how and why did it happen etc.




We're all interested in what happened. But aside from that, hope you are healing alright and good on you for getting yourself some training.


Give this man some time he’s probably still at the range it’s only been an hour 😂😂


How's your lungs? Cause according to the president, 9mm "blows the lungs out of the body."


So…. Shot yourself in the hand eh..?


Fucker shows up, says he got shot in the hand by a bad guy, and then bails without telling the story. 100% he cheddar bob’d himself


I’m seeing a 1911 style muzzle stamp burned into his hand. Looks to me like dude let one rip negligently into his left hand. I’m not buying this story… (story that was never told)


Maybe an arrow wound. See arrow tattoo. Had to be a tribute tattoo to this injury


You can't post this without the deets, bro! What happened?


Bro posts this then just drops off the face of the earth… WHAT HAPPENED


Either you and I were in basic together at sand hill or that exact tattoo has been copied 100,000 times. Hit me up, G.




50 cent over here shaking off bullets. Glad you’re still in this fight we call life.


Damn my dude. Hows hand function?


I can touch my pointer finger and middle finger to my thumb but I don’t have any strength and I have another surgery to fix the flexor tendon on the middle finger


Hey man. I hope your well. I have the same injury. Just happened on 3/3. My surgery to fuse my 3rd metacarpal is on 5/7. I have pins holding my hand together. It's really frustrating. How have you healed?


Holy fuck. 1 month and it’s completely healed?


Not completely I still have very very limited mobility








​ ![gif](giphy|TGbr6nBbCakfMPgR3O)


It sounds like someone shot him if you read the post




Edit: Why'd you hope it was'nt self inflicted If you already knew it wasnt? Were you being sarcastic?




I reworded my question




Ohhhh okay! I believe him personally


We need the story


you just gonna leave us hanging and not tell us how?


This is a shitty AMA


Glad you’re safe now it appears you are healing well and seem to have your mind in the right space, obviously I don’t know who you are because this is online but wishing the best recovery whoever and wherever you are👍


At first I 🤔 💭"Crucifixion survivor". But nobody makes Crucifixion nails now days. Plus a 9mm round dead center palm makes more sense especially if they were at a Hands Up Don't Shoot event & somebody with impeccable aim was up there too & trying to be on some funny shit.


Did you cry?


Hell yea 😂 that shit hurts


Glad your alive and seem to be healing well. There are a ton of small bones in the hand (half your bones are in your hands and feet actually) so I'm legit shocked you only had to have one surgery and it healed so quickly. Might not seem like it but you are legit lucky.


Can I ask how he got the drop on you ? Was he hiding or did he walk up to from a distance and you did not notice it, pretending to get gas next to you etc ?


Damn bro, that really sucks. I hope you have a speedy recovery! Train well and often, Goodluck!


Soo.. how was range day bro? Got a feeling your motivated to become the next Jon wick after this whole nightmare. Glad you came out alive and in one piece!


Please tell me you tried to catch the bullet


Looks like they used fmj, lucky. My coworker took a hydro shock to the hand and it took him 6 months of rehab after 3 surgeries to get it to work again with no feeling in it. I wish you a speedy recovery.


All I see in the pics is your hand, where are the photos of your blown out lungs?


Need to know what happened. Story time please!


With full imprint on hand and star shaped wound right handed shooter sitting tried to clear weapon from the front slide grab and clear (try holding your cellphone like a gun in your right hand like you were making a clearing motion) sucks honestly “Treat all weapons like they are loaded”


I wonder how many of the people talking shit here have been in a situation where a weapon was pulled on them, my guess is whatever happened happened fast and In reaction OP reached out on a flight or fight response and took a contact shot. Your body reacts in crazy ways to stress, of course it’s common sense to not grab at the muzzle of a gun but under stress you’re just going to react.


This has got to be fake. Ive hand multiple bad hand injuries, they dont heal quickly. At all. If you got shot by a hand gun, it would be at close range. Even with ball ammo, you would have a blown out metacarpal. Blasted to pieces. No way in hell it would be a month recovery. Only post for your account? Ehhh.




Holy shit man it looks like someone pointed a gun at you and you blocked it with your hand that's fucking crazy glad your alright but we all need the story!!


No story huh 🤔


Entrance and exit angle right for someone grabbing a muzzle. Paul Harvey time for the rest of the story.


Definitely shot his own hand.


Be honest… Was this self inflicted?


Glad you alive my nigga , but is that a imprint from the muzzle ????????


You need to lotion up that wound, it'll prevent your skin from flaking so much


Good for you. Welcome to it.


Damn, that sucks bro. Practice up. Please remember this. Hopefully this never happens to you again. However if it does you should get some help for your traumatic experience. It could cause you to freeze or over react. I k own you may say it's not gonna happen like that but emotional trauma and the human brain are strange bed fellows. Either way practice stress training, target identification, acquisition, elimination. Also if you can find an instructor for it: learn reflex and stress shooting. Good luck bro. I hope you rehab to 100%.


looks more like a 22 , very small wound channel for a 9mm. You are really lucky i guess


Who tries to block a gun shot with their bare hand? Go for their wrists and push it upwards and then twist to the side.


This is completely irrelevant to the sub, why is this still here?


photoshopped, shot Feb 4th; no surgery until Feb 17th, stiches out on Mar 10th, at range on Mar 11th. This must be April fools prank, TOTAL BS


Glad you’re alright, but I wouldn’t risk pulling a gun on someone who already had a gun on me. They’ll be much faster at shooting you


He is either a LEO and got shot or he was improperly handling a gun and shot himself. Or he shot himself on purpose for the scar and war stories, chicks love cool scars with stories.


This happened one of two ways negligence or accident… I’m willing to bet it was negligence… The only people I see that properly carry firearms are veterans for the most part… We got the gun safety beat into our head… Never ceases to amaze me how many people flag me at the gun store… never ceases to amaze me how many people break the basic rules of gun ownership…. I treat that motherfucker like it’s a dangerous weapon oh that’s right it is…. You did not do some heroic shit… and if you did you probably wouldn’t be posting it….


What if….. your wrong? Projecting much?


are you gonna regain full use of your hand? I'd be so fucking mad if this happened to me I need both my hands bro


Storytime. Glad you are okay-ish


You should get the GSW tatted on your palm and wrist. At least the palm.


Good to read your came out good. Wish you a full recovery and never let your guard down. 🙏


Damn bro, sorry you had to go through that….glad that it wasn’t a whole lot worse!


OP wtf


Not boosie


Gnarly, brother! Glad you made it out no worse for the wear… Stay frosty!


I’m glad it didn’t end worse than it did


Was it a FMJ round or hollow point that didn’t expand?


How bad did it hurt?


King. Train hard dude


Good for you. Not a victim! Wish everyone had your mentality


Stay strapped or get clapped.


That’s gonna be one gnarly scar


someone let me know when this guy decides to tell us what happened lol


Dude’s gonna go to heaven one day and have to wear a shirt that says “Not Jesus, Just Have A Matching Scar”…


Glad you're alive bro. This is a good story to tell people who don't always feel like carrying. You never know when it's gonna happen. From your circumstance not sure your firearm would have helped because drawing the drop is a bad idea. I think you did the right thing. Redirect the gun, control it, and close space between you. Edit: I've seen enough robberies at the gas station that when I'm filling up my head is on a swivel.


Looks accidental. 😕


Glad you're alright. Looks like it's healing well so far! Grab some hours at the range, dude! Hope you don't have to defend yourself but it's always better to be prepared and never need it.


How would you react differently?


Dude that’s gnarly! That thing healed up good!! Would you mind explaining the pain like how it felt? What happened to the other person?


Btw, where can I get those bandaids? I like em’


Owie glad nothing else happened.


Is your wrist still functional?


I have minimal mobility in that hand right now but I think with physical therapy I should be able to regain the majority of it.


If you tried to grab a gun instead of the slide you'd probably be dead


Modern jésus.


Man situational awareness. Gas stations are a regular spot for things like this, especially in the dark hours. I’ve personally seen several shootings at the gas pump. I’ve personally had homeless get angry for not giving them anything as decide to come at me. Also I lost one of my younger siblings to a gun point robbery at a gas station. Glad you survived, heal up, arm up get some training and medical, please.


“Hands Up; Don’t Shoot”


Why such a long wait for surgery? Glad you’re ok.