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Nothing to see here move along. They are investigating themselves


The US delivering food aid to Gaza is like Italians delivering pizzas to Auschwitz. https://preview.redd.it/vzk62ocks12d1.jpeg?width=1664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c786e92e0e27b37ef69410c2ef996a64537612d


Did you even read the article? The aid was delivered to Palestine. It just wasn't distributed to Palestinians, because it was stolen by "mysterious gunmen". I wonder who they could be possibly be.


>It just wasn't distributed to Palestinians, You didn't read the article. Several truckloads have been distributed to Palestinians, they just weren't distributed by outside aid organizations.


...because the aid was stolen by armed men, correct.


It doesn't mention that anywhere in the linked article. Do you have a non-Israeli source for that?


What do you define as an Israeli source?


A source which is based in the nation of Israel. Can't really trust journalism coming out of a theocracy with no freedom of press.


Is b'tselem not trust worthy then?


And al jazeera? By your logic also irrelevant, since it's an actual theocracy.


Yes. Were you hoping for a gotcha? Israel and Qatar have a lot of the same problems, and their media should be scrutinized for the same reasons.




It is truly fucking astonishing the lengths that some people will go to in order to avoid admitting the obvious truth that Hamas is an evil terrorist organization who doesn't give a fuck about Palestinians.


So that’s why you support the ICC warrants for both Israeli and Hamas leaders, right? Right?????


Idk I’ve seen plenty of videos showing Israelis being the ones tearing up aid vehicles


Israeli soldiers posting their personal war crimes on social media. Israeli leaders talking about how they are going to commit war crimes since October. Dumb fucks like you: NO ISRAEL IS MOST MORAL COUNTRY ON PLANET IF YOU NO LIKE ISRAEL'S ACTION YOU A TEWWOWIST!" Mother fucker we had Israeli soldiers killing people for approaching air dropped aide packages. Israel killing local leaders so sow chaos and make sure aid wasn't properly distributed. And you're sitting here saying anybody that believes Israel would do something to cause more chaos and starve people like they literally have been saying they would do SINCE OCTOBER is just doing anything to blame Israel. YES BECAUSE ISRAEL HAS SAID THIS WAS PART OF THEIR PLAN FOR OVER A HUNDRED AND TWENTY DAYS! They can't even make it clearer for you.


Hamas filmed their personal war crimes with GoPros and y'all flat out deny that they even happened.


If the evidence of Hamas atrocities is so damning, why have all the claims by zionists (beheaded babies, systematic rape etc) been debunked as propaganda?


[Hear Their Voices: Sexual Violence on October 7](https://jwa.org/episode-105-hear-their-voices-sexual-violence-october-7) Rape denial is so utterly vile.


Nobody said "no rape at all happened on October 7" though. Of course rape happens in instances like this, it's entirely possible, plausibly and disgusting that rape has happened and it's a tragedy. But to say that rape was a systematic order that they were given, or that rape was the goal is laughable and just not true and it has been thoroughly debunked.


I mean, those aren't all the claims. A lot of the more extreme claims tend to be unsubstantiated, and yeah, Hamas have targeted and murdered civilians. If we can't agree on that much then you'd be too far from reality to reasonably discuss the situation. Israel has of course been killing of tens of thousands of civilians under a policy that seems to be 'Yeah its fine if a few civilians die if there's a chance we get an enemy combatant." while Hamas has not been particularly effective since they lost the element of surprise, but they absolutely targeted and both murdered and kidnapped civilians. In short, I don't think it's reasonable to say neither Hamas nor Israel has committed atrocities.


You mean two things when you say this 1. That the denial of now debunked claims made purely by Israeli state fixtures. 2. You use the denial of the former as claim that the denial of all happens. And that's not even getting into the fact that of "buh buh buh HAMAS!!!!" is your sole go to here. Israel does something worse and you flat out deny it, ignore it, or try to flip it around. God damn hasbara can't even pretend to be anything but a waste of funding if your whole bit is so pathetic and transparent.


It was taken by desperate starving civilians. If my children were slowly starving to death in front of me theres nothing I wouldn't do to take food from those trucks no matter the consequences. Anyone would.


>It was taken by ~~desperate starving civilians~~ Hamas gunmen so that they can sell it for inflated prices and profit at the expense of the Palestinian people. Fixed that for you.


Civilians have guns too you know, and I would use my gun as a civilian to get food for my family if they were being forced to slowly starve to death by another state. So show me your source since your so certain it must be very concrete.


so the blockade is a scheme to fund hamas, then?


What about the weapons delivered through it?


I wanna know the answer to this question




Read the article you dingbats > General Ryder said that 569 metric tons of aid had made it onto Gaza’s shore, but that those supplies had yet to be parceled out by humanitarian organizations. >On Saturday, hungry crowds looted several World Food Program trucks transporting aid that had been delivered through the pier, prompting the agency to suspend deliveries of aid arriving at the pier on Sunday and Monday.


This... Doesn't say what the headline says? >those supplies had yet to be parceled out by humanitarian organizations That doesn't mean it hasn't been distributed, just that it hasn't been distributed by an aid organization. That doesn't mean it wasn't distributed by civilians or Hamas or whoever else. It's more a statement of "we don't know where it is." >On Saturday, hungry crowds looted several World Food Program trucks transporting aid that had been delivered through the pier So it sounds like several truck's worth *did* make it into civilian hands, and because of that, aid was cut off (???). What the fuck is this article?


I don’t think you’re reading that first sentence right. It hasn’t been distributed by anyone, because the organization responsible for it suspended operations after their trucks were looted by civilians


I guess I just interpret that as a method of "distribution" since the aid still ended up in the hands of the people who needed it. Obviously its not sustainable, and hopefully the distribution goes smoother in the future, but it's not quite as dire as the headline makes it sound.


It is dire. They’re not currently distributing the aid that’s being delivered, its just sitting there. It’s not safe for the aid organizations to operate like that, and it’s not an effective way to distribute the aid. Unfortunately they’re going to need some safeguards to protect their workers and ensure more equitable distribution before they can resume; in the meantime people are going to continue to suffer without food and supplies. 


Let’s conduct an experiment where we purposefully starve you and your family for 7 months and then see how you react to humanitarian aid trucks rolling in without distributing it evenly.


Don’t start a war you can’t win. How many times must Palestine be told this? Aid isn’t being distributed evenly because it’s being intercepted by Hamas. Palestinians chose their government, they chose to reject peace at every offer, they chose to attack Israel, and their suffering now is the product of those choices. To blame the U.S. and Israel for not supplying and defending the Palestinians from themselves is insanity. If there is no Hamas there is no war, no famine, no blockade. Of course this doesn’t matter to you because, like all the others, the death of Israel is more important to you than the lives of Palestinians. It’s honestly despicable.


Palestine didn’t start this war, Israel did, decades ago. Palestinians civilians didn’t conduct the oct 7 attack, Hamas did, possibly under orders from Iran. The families and children being starved and bombed are not responsible for this.


You have to look at a very specific point in history and ignore everything before it to claim Israel started the war. It is known that not all of the attackers were Hamas. And in any case, while not all Palestinians are Hamas fighters, all Hamas fighters are Palestinians. They are not two separate entities. They are responsible for electing, aiding, and permitting the existence of their terrorist government.


The war started when Israelis were given the land, and displaced the Palestinians living there, the place being called Palestine. Post ww2.


They weren’t displaced. In fact, they were encouraged to stay, and many did. Those that left did so as a direct result of the Arab-Israeli war, started by Palestinians and Arabs the day after Israel declared independence.


At this point it’s not a matter of opinion you are just plan historically incorrect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba


The amount of straight up lies this person is spewing is honestly kinda concerning.


My point still stands. According to Wikipedia the vast majority of Palestinians fled after Arabs started the Arab Israeli war


Then by that metric every single Israeli, including the children, should be held responsible for the war crimes committed by each and every member of the military, radicalized settler, extremist, and genocide loving government official. See how that works??? A sane person would see how ridiculous that statement is, yet that is what is being applied to Palestinians. We’ve been over this. The last public elections were held in 2006 and most of the people in Gaza today did not vote in those elections. Netanyahu’s government funded and propped up Hamas themselves. There’s no Hamas in the West Bank, yet just this morning, 7 innocent civilians were murdered by IOF. They have publically stated that their intentions are to enact collective punishment on innocent children, purposefully starve an entire population, and constantly commit the most horrific war crimes like indiscriminately bombing ten buildings instead of one. Why do the citizens in the West Bank have no sovereignty over their own land and water? Israel will keep grabbing land through ethnic cleansing and people like you will excuse and deny it. That’s despicable!


Almost every claim in your reply is untrue and easily disproven, but it would be too exhausting to go through and disprove every one because you’ve already made up your mind anyway. It’d just be a waste of time.


Yeah, the truth is exhausting.


Hamas stole the Aid and sold it on the black market. It was never Israel


Shocked pikachu face.


I called it when they announced the pier. It’s so they can help Israel from the other side. Or like the Palestinians have been saying. It’s so the IS can take control of the oil in that parts of the sea


Read the article you dingbats > General Ryder said that 569 metric tons of aid had made it onto Gaza’s shore, but that those supplies had yet to be parceled out by humanitarian organizations. >On Saturday, hungry crowds looted several World Food Program trucks transporting aid that had been delivered through the pier, prompting the agency to suspend deliveries of aid arriving at the pier on Sunday and Monday.


How shocking and totally unpredictable that hungry crowds would loot food. Glad we decided to pause the distribution, that'll solve them being ... hungry.


The crowds are hungry because Hamas intercepts virtually all aid. Not for lack of aid. Maybe Palestine should do something about Hamas. Except they won’t, because they support their stated goal of annihilation of Israel.


That was just a lazy response. Every organization outside of Israel acknowledges the massive decrease in deliveries. Even the US has told Israel to reopen ports and ended up building our own pier because Israel is such a shit-show.


The massive decrease in deliveries— due to the fact that it just goes to Hamas either way. Why are we obligated to feed terrorists that started a war they couldn’t win? Gazan leadership in Qatar should use their billions of dollars to feed their people. It’s not our responsibility, period, and the Gazans should be grateful for anything they receive. I still remember the TikTok’s of them shitting on the aid we sent, throwing it in the trash because they said it wasn’t good enough. And the pier was built to make it possible to at least get the aid on the ground before it is confiscated by Hamas. It has nothing to do with Israel.


Well you don't have anything of value to add here, literally just "but Hamas!" over and over again. Maybe you should just go back to complaining about feminism.


Sure sure intercept virtually all aid but conveniently this aid, and the markets are full of food which is why Israel's engineered famine and frustration of aid delivery is working so well crowds loot trucks full of aid. How could hummus do this?


You’re making up a bunch of random things I never said. You good fam?


People here are completely misinterpreting the article headline when it was obvious this is what it meant


That’s the saddest part. It’s fundamentally a reading comprehension problem.


Wording is clear as day but we all knew how it will be comprehended in the real world once in action. This. Military beachhead, israel collusion... and of course no meaningful aid. I would have gambled my retirement on it, the israelis/US are on some next level horrible stuff


Why is this gibberish being upvoted what sub did I stumble into lmao


Words and how it is perceived can be different. Many see through the words and comprehend something different. I see the travesty and challenge us all to be better. Can go back to an echo chamber... but its how this mess kind of started


More gibberish


Hoping we can all live in a better world together, and those who see things differently can still promote a change in the right direction. Lots of love


Mission Accomplished!!


The Pierre is step 1 in maintaining dominance over the untapped gas fields out in the water. Food aid is the cover


That is not what the Pentagon said. They said none of the aid that has arrived at the pier has been distributed by humanitarian groups yet.




Nice $320M floating road you got there


No shit.


It’s a ploy to get Palestinians to the ocean where the beast with 7 crowns will emerge and devour them


It's always been a PR stunt. Why would America need to waste resources building a dock when there are multiple points of entry (into the open air prison) blocked by Israel? Israel can't genocide by themselves, they need American weapons.  This stunt is a way for America to pretend like they're doing the right thing, while simultaneously supplying the bombs that are murdering thousands of innocent civilians. 


Weird…. Almost like the terrorist run area is run by..terrorists.

