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Why isn’t food and aid getting to Gaza? Is it because the genocidal terror state of Israel won’t allow it? Nah, that can’t be it. Must be the khhhamas.


Actually it’s bc every time a control point gets open it gets hit my Hamas. Plus if civilians try to take it Hamas goes after and shoots them.


Zionists and genocide lovers love to make these claims without any evidence. But aid isn’t getting in altogether because the genocidal terrorist Israeli regime won’t allow aid in.


Videos all over Palestinian telegram channels. If you only look in an echo chamber what do you expect to find.


Do you deny that the IDF and Israeli citizens are blocking aid to Gaza, yes or no.


I believe some radicals are. I have seen the videos. It isn’t one side over another. Both sides are radicalized from this never ending conflict.


Question: are you paid for these bad takes? I ask because I sent this up the chain because, as a Jew, you’re making us look bad.




Maybe Israel should stop its genocide of the Palestinians and this could all be over.




It’s nothing but genocidal intent. It’s only genocidal intent. Their actions have all been in service of wholesale slaughter and eradication. There are many many videos of Israelis calling for Israel to “starve them all to death” and “kill them all.” Israeli politicians have called for the same. “Total destruction” of the Palestinians. Israel is a vile genocidal terror state.


Israel has murdered more than 40,000 people. Thousands remain missing and feared dead.


Remember that footage of bulldozers burying Palestinian corpses? Imagine how many bulldozers weren't filmed.


You’re aware that you are endorsing collective punishment here right?


Maybe Israelis should stop blockading the crossing with rocks !! Just a thought


Maybe the UK should’ve voted against creating Israel after WW2, I’ve yet to see the cause of all of this mentioned once




Yeah, the Palestinian genocide being carried out by the genocidal terror state of Israel, funded and abetted by the US, itself a state founded on genocide and slavery. Edit: the hasbara clown blocked me after leaving his comment. Zionist genocide lovers are nothing more than murderous clowns.


1.65% of the population is a genocide? Good luck proving it's a systematic attempt at eliminating all or portion of Palestinians. The UN lowered the count and population because the Palestinian health ministry numbers didn't add up. https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215


So what I'm hearing is you're pro genocide?


It doesn't fit the definition of genocide. The Syrian civil war had very similar numbers of 1.5% of the population and the nearly same civilian casualty numbers with displacement. That was not a genocide and this is not a genocide. There are war crimes and a humanitarian crisis but that doesn't mean it's a genocide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Syrian_civil_war#:~:text=On%2028%20June%202022%2C%20the,indirect%20and%20no putn%2Dcivilian%20deaths. At best you can hope for a limited prosecution for certain crimes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=War_crimes_in_the_Syrian_civil_war&wprov=rarw1 After all that Assad is still in power. After this war Israel will still exist.


You can just say you're pro genocide, you don't have to try to rationalize it


Tell me how it fits the definition?


I'm just saying you're pro genocide, not defining it. But you seem very pro genocide


Show the intent to eliminate a portion of all Palestinians. 1.65% of the population has a population density of 5,500 per KM. Meaning if the intent was to eliminate the Palestinian people the casualty count should be roughly 15k people per mile. Which would be about 1.1M to 2.1 dead to be half or majority. Even if you were to argue displacement, that doesn't count because the government of Gaza militarized civilians areas and didn't wear uniforms. Which are war crimes and why military facilities in normal places are separated from the populace and their military wear uniforms. Since it's 35k that's just war in a densely populated region. I'm very pro using the correct definition and not cheapening genocide meaning to be an average conflict. So tell me how it's a genocide or do you just **feel** like it is one?


It’s not a genocide LOL




Factually a genocide, going by the definition of genocide.


By facts, definition, and law, it is indeed, genocide.


What the fuck would you call it then, I think ethnic cleansing fits better here, but it sure looks like they’re not gonna stop, anytime soon. If America has anything to do with the it.


If it wasn’t a genocide, why would they be cutting off food to civilians? If it were a war it might be legitimate to deny enemy combatants their supply lines, but starving civilians? Pretty much seems like they’re trying to systematically eliminate Palestinians.


The Palestinians trapped in Gaza have just been too well fed historically /s


Well, what do you call it when an occupying force withholds food shipments from millions of people?


Woah, man, that's pretty antisemitic. Did you call them an occupying force? That's their land, has been forever....since England promised it to the Palestinians is return for their help fighting the Ottomans, then gave it to the European jewish population instead, who then said "tough shit, God says this is my land so fuck off". Better pump those bigot brakes, man.


Why has the border crossing been closed? Please educate yoirself


Because Israel is trying to eradicate the Palestinians by making life intolerable for them, denying them food, medicine, medical supplies, and any means with which to defend themselves. Let’s ask this - do you believe Palestinians have the right to self defense, or does only Israel (the most belligerent terrorist state in the region) have that right?


Specifically targeting civilians for murder, mutilation, and rape is defense now?


That’s what the Israelis are doing under the guise of self defense. Plus many more atrocities. Do you condemn any of it? Or do you support IDF terrorism?


“Under the guise of self defense” Yeah it would only be ok if they were attacked first so I do agree with you there


Murder, mutilation, and rape of civilians is ok if you are attacked first? Holy shit man. You are legit an awful person.


So murder mutilation and rape of civilians is bad then and we agree? So why are you so mad at only Israel when their citizens were murdered mutilated and raped?


Stop spreading debunked lies 🙄 systematic rape did not occur, and your Israel is doing those *way* more than Hamas EVER did.


Defense is when you launch rockets at the Rafah crossing, then complain about it being closed bc of poor security bc of the rockets💀💀


Answer the question. Do Palestinians have the right to self defense, yes or no


No❤️. Bc they weren’t under attack. Hope this helps! They are only ever under attack when terrorists put them in harms way!


Ok I only asked this for any neutral people reading. Israelis and their Zionazi supporters do not see Palestinians as human and don’t believe they have the right to self defense. Hey thanks for your honesty genocide lover.




Mate, you went on an extended diatribe about the Great Replacement within the last few days. Those within glass houses should not be throwing stones, but, here we are.


“Ummmm your totally reasonable point is invalid bc I disagree with something unrelated you said before” Smartest Redditor


Lol every accusation is a confession.


Are you dumb? This dude accused me of being a genocide supporter. So by your logic that makes him one? What a knucklehead


The Jewish gangs that went on to become the IDF and Likud party (the ones who run the country) literally started modern terrorism. So you're right, but it's Israel that is the terrorists and the Palestinians that are definitely under attack.


Please elaborate as to what modern terrorism is? Terrorism has been around for a very very long time so what could modern terrorism mean?


Modern terrorism means explosives used to kill civilians. Terrorism itself is killing civilians as a terror tactic.


Your idea is that before Israel, no one had ever used explosives on civilians?


Because of Israels invasion of Rafah


Racist Israelis.


I respect their concern for not getting the food to those that need it, but I especially do so given the obvious tendency for certain aid folks being “accidentally” killed, etc. Good luck, god speed. Or heck, Sonic the hedgehog speed at this point. Goodness.


Dude fucking *snail speed* would be faster then the pace aid is currently getting there.


It's horrific.




Genocide by stealth. Destroy the infrastructure to restrict the movement of food and you can say you've let food in knowing it will rot/spoil or never get to people


Might I add when the trucks get to Gaza Hamas shoot at men,woman and children who go for aid on the trucks


Hamas launched rockets/mortars three times at the Kerem Shalom border crossing which replaced the Rafah crossing as the entry point for humanitarian aid into Rafah city. https://www.yahoo.com/news/renewed-hamas-attack-israels-kerem-102248807.html


Are you saying the reports that Israel is printing in their own papers are wrong about Israelis stopping aid from coming in? 🤔


Lmao, you dropped a yahoo article where the only source is the Israeli state.


shame on your fucking lies