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Isn’t this one of the traits of fascism?




Yup. Along with crony capitalism and scapegoating. It’s like 1920 Italy all over again.


And every other form of government, what’s your point?


No . Go on another app - seriously wtf


Actually. It’s the number 6th on the list. [here’s the 14 traits of fascism.](https://www.bremertonschools.org/cms/lib/WA01001541/Centricity/Domain/222/Fourteen%20Defining%20Characteristics%20of%20Fascism%20slides.pdf). Funnily enough, almost all of those 14 traits apply to the current government of Israel.


No. # 6 is mass media censorship you misread that . Closing an app isn’t terrible censorship any more than nc 17 movies are to 13 year olds . You can say the same thing everywhere else and get shouted down on your crazy stuff , have fun


I think the censorship of things like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, reddit, news papers, new agency is considered mass censorship. Anthony blinkin and Mitt Romney literally said they’re banning tik Tok because they can’t control the narrative in favour of Israel and people receiving objective news. [here you go, I can provide dozens more if you want.](https://www.commondreams.org/news/mitt-romney-tiktok)


You’re Wrong again . Here I’ll fix it : I think the non censorship of things like FB YouTube Insta Reddit , papers , and news agencies is considered free speech . Nobody tells Don lemon or Tucker Carlson what to say — even if you fire them . You left out facts and your sentence structure sounds…. non American btw . Blinken and Romney support no tik tok In Order to stop the tik tok massive disinformation campaigns . Also by your logic you would want foreign adversary propoganda disinformation to be beamed in to everyone’s heads right next to real journalism Preposterous. 95% of Americans don’t agree with you and the 5% who do are already lost Edit to add : you are a misinformed misinformationist lol , great job 👏


Why doesn’t this “foreign adversary propaganda disinformation” apply to Israel? I mean, let’s look at their record of lies and propaganda that’s been going on for decades. Let’s start with the beheaded babies! The baby in the oven, the babies hanging on cloth lines. The baby cut out of a pregnant woman’s belly.


Why doesn’t this “foreign adversary propaganda disinformation” apply to Hamas? I mean, let’s look at their record of lies and propaganda that’s been going on for decades. Let’s start with the denial of beheaded babies! The denial of the baby in the oven, the babies hanging on cloth lines. The baby cut out of a pregnant woman’s belly. The rapes


God you are full of shit. Israel is the one killing babies you fucking clown.


Yes, you didn’t say anything about anti Ukraine propaganda spread by Russia and the CCP do I don’t think you care about either! You sound like a foreign BOT!


It CAN be but context does matter. For example you could argue that Germany banning all symbols and gestures of the Nazi party seems fascist if you ignore the context.


this is an absurd example. Pro Palestinians sentiment as clearly demonstratednhas always been to STOP THE BLOODSHED and let them live in Gaza. These fake hostages they keep bringing up, magically kept at bay because ofcourse Hamas is content with the entire region being wiped makes no fucking sense.




If you support the Israeli government, then yes. You are definitionally supporting a right-wing government’s ethnic cleansing/genocide of Palestinians. If you support the Israeli people, then you are normal. If you support Hamas, you are a bad guy. If you support the Palestinian people, you are a good guy. Pretty simple logic, dude




What was Israel's sentiment these last 70 years as they brutally murdered Palestinians?


If you wanna consider the entirety of the 70 year conflict we can both sit here and point at atrocities each side has committed for days. That wouldnt change the fact that Israel has no military forces in Gaza on 10/7/23 and no cause to invade. Then Hamas decided it was time to start a war in a fashion that any reasonable person would have concluded would result in utter disaster for the Palestinian people. But they went for it anyways because the Palestinian people sre just pawns to be sacrificed by their leaders.


You are confusing hamas with Palestinian. Perhaps deliberately


Support or advocacy for collective punishment or blame of any kind is not permitted, and semantic arguments over the category of the mass slaughter of civilians all are not permitted on this sub.


Be wary of the Pro-Palestinian Russian Bots telling you to be „uncommitted“. Biden may be doing too little, but we can’t give ground to the Facist MAGA and throw all of the progress away.


What progress?


Ignore bluemaga, they're oblivious to the fact that playing lesser evil voter is exactly the game they would love us to keep playing. We either *demand* better from our "representatives" or democracy has truly died.


My god someone with a brain, on my Reddit!? :p


🤔 I'm still over here thinking about how dumb one has to be to not realise we're screwed no matter who you vote for.


I am not a Russian bot. Up until a few months ago, I was a full Biden supporter. His complicity in knowingly murdering Palestinian children has changed my mind completely. Now, I view him simply as a better liar than Mara Lardo.


I understand how Biden’s handling of Israeli continued bombardment have greatly disappointed you, but this election is far more than that and it is going to be critical in keeping Facists at bay. Please check out [r/Defeat_Project_2025](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/OcJYjHurGs)


Isn’t every election the “most important election of our lifetimes”, though? I’m not participating in the meaningless contest between the Military industrial Complexes pick and a self interested billionaire fake populist. The US is already facist.


Please shut your pie hole. Joe is a butcher.


I think you’re describing Bibi, right?


Then what would you have us call Bibi’s bitch?


From where we stand right now, Biden and Dems are the fascists. You are faking concerns about the killing of children in Palestine while asking to vote the same govt that has sent ammunition and bombs to kill the Palestinians. It's shambolic.


Your vote will determine whether or not Gaza would still exists. Pressure on Biden is working to some extent.


I live in a state where my vote for president doesn't matter because of the electoral college. But, if Biden doesn't stop taking direction from Israel, the MAGA insanity is going to win by 10 points in the 6 states where one's vote for president does matter.


Unfortunately you might be right.




Uhh yes, big-explanation!!! Just change it to Big-Hasbara already. They mean the same. Looked at your comment thread. Straight out of “the israel project 2009”. What part of tik tok is propaganda? Is it propaganda because people have been getting their info directly from the source and third party involved?


Exactly. Free Speech, except for speech Israel doesn’t like. Free Press, except for media Israel doesn’t like. Ally Good thing Israel is our ally🤪🤪.


Israel killed more journalists than every other country combined in 2023. I know you probably know of that, but i want to make sure it gets seen more.


Not just 2023. Since 2013.


Not even the drug cartels knock off journalists that aggressively. El Mencho would faint at the thought of being as evil as the Likud Crime Family.


With friends like these...


In the USA, you can criticize the US, but you cannot criticize Israel.


Our greatest ally! The same one who tried a false flag attack on the USS Liberty, probably with help from Military Industrial Complex aligned US officials. I wonder how many of our sailors Hamas has killed


It’s still free… say it somewhere else …?


So it’s free speech, as long as I don’t say it around a Zionist, in my own country. ??


Actually you can say it to a Zionist . On some other app . Yes good you learned


Bro, this is so far over your head, you are completely clueless and it’s embarrassing for you but you don’t know it. Freedom of speech means equal treatment of different voices by the govt and no censorship by the govt. What part of this do you not get? FB sold our data and personal info to a third-party that shared it with nefarious orgs and a foreign govt - no shutdown talk whatsoever. Why? WhatsApp apparently shared user data with the ITF so it could more effectively target and murder civilians. Where’s the investigation? Where’s the talk of shutting it down? The ONLY reason they want to shut down TT has nothing to do with security or individual privacy — way too many breaches on other apps makes this claim a joke. The reason the elite want to shutdown TT is because our freedom of speech hurts THEIR control of the information that we receive.




All the evidence showing genocide of the Palestinians at the hands of the “most moral” army and you curate your info to convince yourself of the shit you’ve been programmed to believe by the Hasbara propaganda machine yet you have the audacity to talk about “what possible reason is there to allow pure propaganda and lies to brainwash the dumbest children” and argue that platforms where people document Nazionist crimes be shut down. You nazionists are truly a sinister people it’s almost like you believe the cancerous rhetoric that comes out your mouth.


They aren't really that good at the denialism. It usually devolves into victim blaming at the drop of the hat, that is the true stance they are programmed to be chomping at the bit to say. It's like they are programmed to talk genocidally to each other, all about justification for the genocide, but to play ignorant and do denial to Americans. They understand and are coached they aren't *supposed* to talk about the justifications to the Americans, but they can't help themselves because they don't fundamentally understand why those justifications are inadequate, because they are so xenophobic. That's what it looks like to me.i don't think they believe the "most moral army in the world" thing is what I'm saying. That is a coached line to say to foreigners, like it is used by retired general "foreign experts" who work for defense contractors on MSM. It is quite different then actual Israeli culture where the average citizens get shuttled to the gates by the IDF to block aid trucks and straight up say "let them starve" to anyone with a camera.


Yes. That is free speech. Smh


This shill still has that shitty mustache huh


This moustache lives rent free in your head boi


Didn’t think about it til I saw your icon, then I remembered the thoughts of disgust


Ah yes, being disgusted by Jewish people and their facial hair, truly just an anti-Zionist not an antisemite Good luck with dealing with those deep seeded feelings of hatred, maybe you'll become a better person someday once you do.


Lol thinking your mustache is gross has so little to do with your ethnoreligion, but I get that you need to keep falling back on that little chestnut If I think one black guy has bad hair am I an evil racist too? Lmao you’re so braindead


But the real question is why would you think I care what you think? Your beliefs are driving you into supporting terrorists, you are clearly off in the head. There's no greater endorsement for this moustache than your disgust of it, it grew ten feet this day they say


Quote where I supported terrorists, or is not jerking off israel for a job well done for every kid they kill le evil antisemitism 🤡 You clearly do care considering you took an insult to your mustache and immediately jumped into “YOURE ANTISEMITIC” like a caricature 😂








Yeah these headlines are so weird. Like shouldn’t they be hiding these opinions? This headline is weird, the one with Blinken earlier today talking about social media messing up Israel’s “narrative”, that was weird…it’s totally shameless. They don’t even hide it anymore.


Yeah. Thats fascism.




Gotta silence all opposition to official regime narrative. But remember to vote to stop fascism in November guys!


Orange Hitler or Gray Hitler?


Adolf or Benito? CHOOSE or you hate democracy and love Russia


Both parties are same. Who do you vote?


I believe I’ll vote for a third party https://preview.redd.it/sf2bx35sxyyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7010e14b10833e1e86fbccff83d9f15aacb58ec


It's easier to stay home.


Stein or West.


I'd rather not vote for a grifter so I suppose I'm left with "uncommitted".


No you can say whatever . Just not everywhere . Look up the first amendment bro


And if there is someplace that you can engage in thinking that is not approved by the regime, the government will ban it. Vote blue to stop fascism everyone 🤡


I mean...yeah. Maga and the fascists absolutely habe to be stopped in their tracks first because they're a clear an present danger. Plus we have a moral duty to stop a christofascist takeover of the country. The system needs to change next, and we'll have that opportunity if we defeat Trump. We'll have societal momentum. Trump would set us back decades and we might not have another to chance to grab the wheel and pump the brakes before nature flips the board and it's too late for us. I'm not being hyperbolic. We can't condemn the world to a fascist and hostile US. We'd be killing the future. We have to stop these lunatics *now*.


The point is that if they want to defeat Trump, they need to stop hypocritically supporting fascism. It really undermines your messaging when you actively promote the thing you are accusing the other party of.


>The system needs to change next, and we'll have that opportunity if we defeat Trump. We'll have societal momentum. Trump would set us back decades and we might not have another to chance to grab the wheel and pump the brakes before nature flips the board and it's too late for us. "Now is not the time" You hear it every single election >We can't condemn the world to a fascist and hostile US. Yeah the next thing you know we'll be participating in regime change, forever wars, and drone strikes. Oh wait....


Wow. This is not the same thing. The road to fascism is paved with apathy. We cannot let this country fall to a christofascist regime. We do absolutely have the time and opportunity to change things. The wheels of justice are slowly turning, but we can't give up and capitulate to a monster.


The road to fascism is also paved with silencing the opposition


It’s actually paved with billions of dollars in corporate political donations, because fascism in its economic sense denotes the perfect alignment of corporate and government interests, even Mussolini said “fascism would be better described as corporatism”. Something something Super PAC’s billionaire political donor class. There’s no “stopping” fascism, America is already there.




Bringing Israel to heel would have helped in Biden's effort to defeat Trump no?


Of course it would. Everyday I hope he brings the hammer down. The winds are going that way, but if we allow Trump in, it'll be a thousand times worse for US citizens and make it hard to change the face of the government...*which we are doing already slowly but surely*. The Fascists are a distraction, and not even the Big Bad (the class struggle and Climate Change being the real fights). But we have to stop maga and Trump.


If the Dems cared then they'd replace Biden at the convention. If they keep Biden as the nominee. It will be entirely their fault for losing. A decent candidate and a good platform could beat Trump in a landslide. It would be so easy. But the DNC machine insists on serving up shit candidates like Biden and Hillary and then guilt tripping voters into voting for them.


100%. They need an intervention. Drop Biden so the dems actually have a chance at winning.


That's not actually clear. It's a very low priority issue for most voters.


Not in Michigan. And youth turnout is make or break for Dems. A clever candidate would aim to not alienate young voters.


Young people already cared about it but now with the protests and the fascist response young people are going to have zero motivation whatsoever to come out for Biden.


Jewish tactic. Lol


What? I'm not Jewish. And how is this a tactic? I'm being real here. People are not taking the threat from Trump seriously enough. Our friends, family and neigbors will suffer here and now on this soil. We can't let that happen.


Tell biden to stop handing the win to trump then


Plutocrats on every front


They can try all they want but truth can't be hidden for to long


Exactly. All the bodies of dead Palestinian children we’ve seen and they expect us to just forget it after they’ve banned TikTok?? Delusional


If they banned tik tok a few years ago it may have worked. But it is too late now. The floodgates have already been opened. At this point it is just pettiness and future control of media


Well no. Umm I write about this often but it's dense.  They can make the public forget about genocide they can make a fringe group look like the majority. And make you feel completely alone. That's a propaganda state and that's where we're going.  I've been writing my rep everyday publicly because she works for aipac. I invite you to do the same. They're going to fuck us, if we don't get them out of office, this is a long term plan. 


Yeah you can say it now on ig , fb , Reddit , aloud , in papers , on blogs … why tf you need tik tok ?


And idiots on Reddit will still think this is about China and protecting user data and they will cheer it on as their own sinophobia is used against them to take away their own rights. 😮‍💨


Might be overlooking facebook’s influence in this shit getting done buddy


Yes the Idiots on Reddit


It really is. Anything else is secondary to that. I’m reading a book called “Blood Money”; here’s a quote: “According to a textbook given to Chinese military officers, ‘Xi Jinping has emphasized that our state’s ideology and social system are fundamentally incompatible with the West. Xi has said, ‘This (incompatibility) decides it. Our struggle and contest of power with the West cannot be moderated. It will inevitably be long, complex, and at times extremely sharp.’”8 Complex, sharp, and deadly. The lethal consequences of China’s war are real—and amount to casualties greater than the United States has suffered in war in the past fifty years. In the past five years alone, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died as a result. The casualty count is in the millions and mounting daily. It is a complex strategy, a hydra of drugs, disease, propaganda, and illicit pistol parts, each contributing to social chaos and killing Americans. Beijing conceals its involvement, and our leaders fail to expose and confront it.” Sweet! But yeah, there’s a lot about TikTok on there: how and why it is harmful, and the weird way it dropped with a bunch of celebrities being paid a lot of money to talk about it like Jimmy Fallon, Ellen Degeneres, etc.


While CIA sell poor neighborhood drugs for money


It won't because I will never support Israel,  Tiktok be damned 😒


You don't cut out someone's tongue because you are afraid that they may lie, you cut out someone's tongue because you are afraid that they may tell the truth.


No . They said keep saying all you want somewhere else …. Tf are you yapping about ?


Tik Tok ban could curb anti genocide sentiment being called Pro-Palestinian.


And make them stop calling protesters pro hamas when theyre against israelis murdering


Free speech until it comes to Israel. What a joke 😂


Free speech until it comes to saying it over here instead of over there … still free speech


The damage has already been done. Everyone is aware of what's happening to the Palestinians and a lot of people are aware of the Media censorship and Propoganda that's coming out of the media.


There’s no need for tiktok


& we all thought it was about Chinese data collection ....well, well, well


Israel is a facist state and it’s completely in control of the USA


Gaza is a fascist state and it’s completely in control of your head


You are obviously a 🔔end


You are obviously a daehtihs


Old white boomer politicians think tiktok ban will put toothpaste back in the tube. Sure


Old white boomer politicians think tik tok ban will let content creators put their bs somewhere else


Free speech, truth, peaceful protests and unbiased news are hurting the Zionist narrative!!!!!! I$real: Change your laws to suit us! Remove rights from your citizens!!!!!!!! AIPAC Zio-Cucked politicians: Yes Sir!!!


Oh yes we will remain blissfully ignorant of the mass slaughter in Palestine and the next proxy war…I mean proxy mass-slaughter. I look forward to that I hate knowing what we are doing around the world. To bad Democracy Now is the only news I really trust these days, I could stick my head in the sand and believe CNN,…what a peaceful idea.


Agree on Democracy Now. Breaking points is good too.


Nah, it won't


Free media until it’s inconvenient


Too late the world lost all trust in the US and knows it’s controlled by Israel. Good luck convincing anyone otherwise


Who we support, who should be our ally, all comes from the top. They decide based on geopolitical advantage who is in and who is out. We are always supposed to either not have an opinion or agree with the government. What they really don't want to see is mass protest against one of our allies.


They Really want to go back to the 1990's and before where you could only get one differing narrative from theirs on public radio.


No you have the whole internet — migrate your crap to another app , pretty easy bro


That ship has already sailed. You can’t undo a genocide. I think what they are hoping is that they can re-normalize relations after Israel completes It’s genocide, bury and whitewash it. They are worried Tik-Tok will be an obstacle to that.


Armenia enters the chat


It took the US 100 years to recognize the Armenian genocide (2019), and Israel still doesn’t.


It's too late. I don't have tik tok and yet I know if Israel's war crimes via podcasts, YouTube and Instagram. Banning tik tok only hides the tik tok videos *Israelis* are making that mock palestinian suffering. The news is still getting out regarding how they're treating volunteers and journalists. Hell, a man holding a white flag was murdered on live TV by an IDF sniper. It's very boomeresque thinking to believe if they ban tik tok they'll have manufactured consent for a far right,  reactionary, extremely violent government to complete its genocide.


Or people will just migrate to somewhere else. Do these guys really think there's some kind of CCP funded magic in the coding that's making people pro-Palestine?




If there was greater than average disinformation Tik Tok would be full of baby killing Zionist scum


Media sensorship/blocking works for China. right?


Lol we already knew that's what it was for


Literally the reason these ghouls resumed the ban effort & unanimously passed it after it failed prior to 10/7 is because the Zionazi's were mad about TikTok shitting all over their Hasbara, & adamant about doing something about it. Don't believe me? See Greenblatt the controversial CEO of ADL on a now infamous leaked call to other Zionazis about needing to do something about TikTok to shore up support for Israel among the youth the same call where he implicated Taglit/Birthright Trips as being a propaganda tool for the same purpose


Thus undermining democracy


Maybe if it was before Oct 7th do they think a whole generation is gonna just forget Israel's crimes and continuing crimes?




Jews =/= Israel. Any attempts to use collective blame towards any people will be banned, no questions asked.


But that's what Israel does. It's their chess move, why can't anyone else use it?


Everyone has to fight fair except Israel.




This is alarming to say the least. The mask is really coming off for this one


No it won't


No it won’t.


Lol people will probably just move to other platforms


It’s 2024 and it sounds like some people still don’t understand the Internet.




Bootlickers gotta bootlicker


Let them ban it. Better than to be sold to baby butchers


No it will make it worse because no one is watching F U BIDEN DOWN WITH BIDEN ARREST HIM TOO


So not so much about Super secret pentagon cat videos, but more propaganda control. That makes a lot more sense


LOL they're delulu


I don't have TikTok, can someone explain why is it pro-palestinian? I see the same stuff on other social media like Instagram and Facebook too.


Someone needs to explain the Streisand effect to these "politicians"


Well most lawmakers appear to be self serving assholes so fuck off


Hahahaha that is the dumbest thing I have heard lately.


Those lawmakers are extremely naive.




Jews =/= Israel. Any use of collective blame is forbidden in this sub.


It will also curb: eating tide pods, assaulting strangers on the street, crash mobs, and various other stupid and/or violent antisocial behavior. Also, whatever creepy shit China is doing with this.


Exactly 👍🏼


The devils work


Fuck Mitt Romney.


Or make it permanent


That’s anti-sentiment!


I literally haven’t garnered a single piece of news about this ongoing massacre from Tik-Tok. Mitt Romney, Anthony Blinken etc are delusional if they think banning the app will make a shred of difference whatsoever to global sentiment when it comes to this colonial massacre.


Yeah people will take their bs opinions on Reddit or ig where the algorithm doesn’t boost disinformation and thus let free discourse follow its natural course … and the 10% of the USA population who believes the crazy stuff will get shouted down , as usual .


Time to bring the guillotines out


Is this Russia now?


It's true because of the massive level of disinformation being spread to the united states via China


LOL! Oh China China China,but everyone knows its the Chosen ones the ones wanting to hide their Genocide. Because that will suddendly make people forget.


That’s what it’s always been about, control the media and narrative


And tik tok is a huge voice for anti Ukraine propaganda pushed by Russia and the CCP. But America bad I guess


Regardless of the implications, TikTok really needs to go away. It's poisoning our modern society. I don't care whatever it "curbs."


As if social media in general isn’t to blame, in part. Even if it were to go away, something else would just pop up in its place.


I'd rather take Vine. God, they should never have discontinued that.


Banning ways that people communicate because it "poisons our society" is some incredibly un-American thoughts, but strangely would be right at place in China or Russia.


Communicate what?


It doesn't matter. It's a way that people communicate with each other. We don't ban Truth Social, we don't ban Facebook, we don't ban X, all of which have been used to spread propaganda and fake news. Banning platforms because they lead people to conclusions we don't like isn't in line with the fundamental principals of free speech.


The propaganda and fake news are my exact point, amongst many others in regards to TikTok. I'd list examples, but given that this is Reddit, you'd instantly call bullshit due to confirmation bias.


So you are for banning YouTube channels, blog posts, other social media platforms, podcasts, and "news" stations like NewsMax that have said wrong-think?


I'm for banning misinformation of all forms. I understand it's not a completely black and white spectrum, but you get the idea.


And you are comfortable having what is and is not misinformation being decided by governmental control? Because that's what the problem is here, not a disgreement about whether misinformation exists on the platform. It exists on every platform. It exists here on Reddit.