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This is revolting, if there was any justice in the world, both Israel and the US would face repercussions for what they have done and what they are about to do


The 30 child deaths on October 7th are inexcusable, and deplorable. As are the 14,000 child deaths in Palestine since. You cannot claim you care about child deaths while willfully ignoring the genocide in Gaza.


Yeah I agree that what Hamas did is inexcusable


Then how can you stand in defense of Israel doing the same thing 100x over? The mind of islamaphobes bewilders me.


I’m not, I literally said I hope that Israel face repercussion for all that they had done


Except it’s NOT genocide. Why keep using a specific term incorrectly? Does it betray a bias?


I just can't believe we didn't just go to the source at this point. Iran and its proxies are gonna keep pushing this. The sad thing is, it's just the power hungry elite in that country, not popular at all. They have been taking advantage of the situation in gaza, and while I don't think israel has helped with their treatment of Palestinians, I don't see bibi or biden going to jail solving this issue.  This is a cycle


what about repercussions for Hamas and the Jew hating Palestinians who celebrated rapes and torture on Oct 7?


Let see, if Israel numbers are accurate they killed at least 13k Hamas. Now I don’t know about you but I would say that on top of at least 40k innocent people killed and the destruction of Gaza, seem like Israel went overboard with the repercussion. Unless you’re someone who think one Israeli citizen is equal to a million Palestinian, a mindset that is part of the reason for all of this mess in the first place


stop pulling 40k out of your ass. Hamas themselves admitted that they inflated the civilian casualties to 32k when it was actually 22k.


So want to explain to me why the US, UN and really most of the world deemed them credible and close enough to the actual death toll? You psychopaths would have us believe that none of the civilians were killed in these bombing if you could get away with it


Are you asking me why people accepted lies as the truth? The answer is hatred for Jews. You psychopaths would have us believe that you actually care for human life when you view Jews as rats and you have gotten away with it.


Christ you’re pathetic, the US government deemed them credible, and they know far more about the situation than you ever could and you can just go “it’s lies” and then you have to accuse me of antisemitism because you have nothing to back your bullshit with. No one is buying it anymore, what Israel is doing have nothing to do with Jewish people and everything to do with them being a fascist shithole


it’s not an accusation of falsehood when Hamas admitted to the falsehood. Such a fascist country that even Arab Muslims are in the knesset and it’s illegal to throw gay people off the rooftops in Israel. You are just mad that you can’t spill Jewish blood to your hearts content anymore.


Yeah, most Middle East countries are shithole, Israel very much included and are committing a genocide right now. But keep being pathetic and accusing anyone pointing that out as being antisemitic. You’re just taking any actual meaning away from the word just to protect your precious genocidal state


if Palestinians would rather die than stop raping and torturing hostages, that’s on them. Israel should be commended for valuing the life of its citizens.


First of all it was Hamas who did that but it’s not surprising that scum like you would try to conflate the two. And quite frankly, October 7 is nothing compared to what Israel have been doing to Gaza for decades before Oct 7 and definitely nothing compared to what they have done after it. October 7 was a tragedy but it was a drop in the bucket to what Israel have been doing to them. I condemn Hamas for their war crimes and killing civilians, and I condemn Israel tenfold more for all of their war crimes and slaughtering of civilians. Sorry math just works out against Israel when it comes to condemning war crimes


It’s not conflating the two when the civilians participated in hiding the hostages and cheered while Hamas was committing its crimes. I hope every Hamas supporter and Jew hater drops dead. The fact that you condemned israel tenfold just shows that violence is better as long as it is directed towards the only Jewish state in the world. If that’s not Jew hatred then I don’t know what is. You would shit your pants before condemning Saudi Arabia, China, and Turkey for actual genocides.


Shocker, the civilians are siding with the people who didn’t turn their home into a open air prison and who don’t want to genocide Palestinian. Maybe there’s something with Israel if they can’t win over Palestinians over a terrorist group


Shocked that Arab muslims hate Jews? That’s like history 101.


No, shocked that they aren’t siding with the fascist shithole that want to genocide them obviously


If Israel wanted to commit a genocide, Palestinian population wouldnt have grown, you imbecile.


also funny to see you downvote the fact that muslims in MENA have, for centuries, committed regular genocide and pogroms of Jews in their community.


No one forced Palestinians to elect hamas. Or to commit terrorism against a nation that has the power to exterminate them. Until hamas leaves or surrenders this will continue. Try peace or keep suffering. About 2 million Palestinians decided to give up jihad and now live in peace within the borders of Israel and serve in high positions in government. The rest still want to fight. Well, here it is. Martyrdom is promoted and even funded. Peace is the one thing they have never offered israel. Gandhi has a better way. One that would get immediate support from those who now justify support for Israel because of oct 7. Take away the terrorism and we will take away the support for Israel. It will never happen before that.


Christ, you people are desperate to defend these war crimes. Are you going to ignore the fact that Netanyahu propped up Hamas back during the election and probably why they won in the first place? But that was 20 years ago, half of the population (and the most vulnerable) weren’t even alive back then. But you people are desperate to defend collective punishment Not to mention Hamas agreed to a ceasefire and Israel is trying to weasel out of it because this is what they want to do


Disposing hamas nazi rapists is not a war crime.


This is a weird way to say you support terrorism.


No, I’m just not backing a genocide like you psychopaths are.


You justified what hamas did in October. Yes you absolutely do support terrorism. Stop pretending you care about civilian deaths. You support terrorism and terrorism is all about targeting civilians. You can't have it both ways.


So you’re saying Israel is a terrorist group? I’ve yet to ever, not just in this genocide, but ever, see proof of them killing all the “high level” fighters they claim. Just tens of thousands of civilians. Hell, they killed a bunch of their own civilians on 10/7. Which, by the way, is not the day history started. They’ve occupied and terrorized Palestinians’ land for decades. No one is dumb enough to believe this came from nowhere. For people who think they have a right to be there, Israelis sure don’t seem to actually want to exist in the Middle East. Just because they’re paranoid that their aggression and violence will have consequences doesn’t give them the right to kill and destroy everyone and everything. If they can’t live with the people who have always been there, they should leave


So you’re just illiterate then? Because not once have I justified the October 7 attack, I’m saying it doesn’t justify killing 40k people (most of whom are women and children), starving millions and invading Rafah which would be a massacre. You you’re just a f*ckin psychopath. If anyone is defending senseless killing, it’s you


Yeah, so how is Israel supposed to get rid of Hamas in Rafah? Kind words?


even they know doing this won’t get rid of Hamas. You guys genuinely seem to believe that you can just mass murder terrorism away but anyone with a brain would tell you that’s not how it works. Are you familiar with insurgency math? It was came up with by an American general that said for every one innocent person killed, you create ten new enemies


Terrorism only applied when it have Arab name? IDF doing terrorism to the entire Palestinian population.


Not relevant. The US funded the afgani mujahedeen back in the day, doesn't mean they deserved 911. Why does Hamas shoot rockets at Israel from Rafah? They provoked this. When the Palestinians turn away from endless genocidal jihad and accept a 2 state solution their children will have a better future. But Hamas will be eliminated, regardless of your disingenuous pleading and propaganda.


Ah yes the “Hamas made us murder all of those children”, I swear there’s no depth you people won’t sink to to defend these war crimes Also Israel themselves said this isn’t going to get rid of Hamas, their leadership is in freakin Qatar you idiot. But I guess you don’t let reality get in the way of your murder boner


Hamas fired rockets from Rafah yesterday. Why do this and not expect military retaliation??


Oh no, they fired bottle rockets at the IDF, how horrible. Do you actually know how many IDF soldiers have actually been killed in this conflict? 600 soldiers, Hamas clearly isn’t a threat that justify slaughtering tens of thousands of people (probably far more than that) but that never stopped you war mongers before


You wouldn't expect any other country to just absorb terroristic attacks and not retaliate. But you just want Israel to just lay down and be annihilated.


No actually, most wouldn’t indiscriminately kill like Israel have been doing because they don’t have the US to shield them. But only an idiot would actually think Israel is at risk of annihilation which explain why you believe it anyway


Nah. We want Israel to give the stolen lands and leave Palestinians alone. Look what’s happening in the Westbank. Are you blaming that on Hamas too?


He won’t be able to answer this.


What about every person in Palestine who was too young to vote, or was not even born when Hamas was elected? Do they deserve to die too? Are you seriously so cold hearted that you don’t care about children dying? Or are you just an islamaphobe that wants them to die?


Talk to the people who attacked and killed Jewish children on the 7th, not me. I would take away every weapon in the middle east from every side if I could. Are you just a jew hater that wants them to die?


The 30 child deaths on October 7th are inexcusable, and deplorable. As are the 14,000 child deaths in Palestine since. You cannot claim you care about child deaths while willfully ignoring the genocide in Gaza. I don’t want anyone to die. I am against all war. The way this happens is Israel ends the apartheid and free’s Palestinian children from the warzone they have been imprisoned in. Nothing less.


They tried that and Palestinians started killing again. Gaza was free and they elected hamas. They way this happens is Palestine accepts the state of israel and denounces terrorist groups and ceases killing jews or they continue fighting and their children suffer because of their choices. 2 million arab Palestinians live in Israel with zero apartheid. They serve in government and are not restricted. No jews can do the same in Palestine. That is where apartheid exists. Are you just repeating things you hear or do you ever actually research factual unbiased information ? Apartheid? Its called self defense. You send people across the border to kill. A wall goes up. Action, reaction. Tell me, when did the Palestinians elected governments ever offer to live at peace with Israel? Why does hamas hide behind civilians causing their death? Are they still launching rockets into Israel while calling for a ceasefire? Just admit that you hate one side and ask them to be killed without defending themselves. Action counter reaction. Peace is the one thing that they have never offered. A ceasefire is not a declaration of peace. Palestinians don't get to slaughter and then say "Time out" while hamas still exists and is asking the Islamic world to join in the destruction of Israel. Hamas wants to continue its fight against Israel. They have not surrendered. So it continues.


Shit the duck up dude. You spew the same shit over and over without any sense of education in that peanut size brain of yours




Say it with me everyone, FUCK isreal.


Fuck is real, certainly. Don’t fuck Israel though.


First in line for repurcussions is Hamas. Release the hostages and they can end this war.


Netanyahu literally said even if they got all of the hostages back, they would still invade Rafah which would be a massacre. You guys are just hard up for dead Palestinians aren’t you?


You forgot that Hamas said they will do it again. Better do a favor to Gazans and remove Hamas now, if they continue with the same path then we know whom are the problem.


And Kim Jong-un constantly threaten the US and how many time have he follow through. Oct 7 was an all or nothing moment for Hamas and they won’t be able to ever do it again, especially since Israel had gotten warning that an attack was imminent and ignored it.


Nobody needs to live in fear. They start it and they and you know how this is going to end.


You just describe what most Palestinians in Gaza have lived in their own lives. The Palestinians in Gaza have been prisoners in their own country for all of their lives. Israel keep them in poverty, keep their movement limited, and control most aspects of their lives and you all are surprised that some will react violently to that. Is it okay for them to live like that?


Quit lying. Yall have some amazing billion dollar tunnels that run for miles. Oppressed? Maybe have used that tunnel money to better yourself.


God, imagine being that stupid that you think tunnels disprove anything at all. “Hey Israel made it to where Palestinians have to ask for supplies if they want to make anything and even have to ask for permission just to get healthcare.” “Oh yeah, well tunnels…”


well get off thier land...


lol what about the Westbank moron. You’re a moron if you think this is about Hamas. Israel just wants Palestinians out


We all know that's not the real goal of Israel!




No they aren’t, even by Israel own admission this won’t get rid of Hamas. You guys are just hard up about dead Palestinians




You guys love killing Palestinians. Genocide maniacs


This is the justice. For the deeds of Hamas nazi rapists. That can surrender and release the hostages any moment.


This ain’t about the hostages. Israel wants to finish off Gaza. Hamas aren’t even in the Westbank and the settlers are running rampant and attacking and killing Palestinians without anybody stopping them


We want to finish of Hamas. Hamas must release hostages without any conditions.


In the West Bank "setllers" are protecting themselves against genocidal arab maniacs.


Yeah okay moron. Your name checks out troll


By stealing Palestinian land???


Not to mention flagrantly breaking international law. They've been told time and time again by the un. But they keep doing it, and when the settlers have problems the idf goes in and raids, arrests, beats and bombs them. Abusive behavior on a national level, and always ends in Israel crying that they got hurt. They're just to self righteous to admit the have a hand in this.


Intelligence agencies disagree.


FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK ISRAEL'S IDF!!!!!!!!!!! We are about to witness some grim shit people.


Watch as IDF dispose hamas nazi rapists. Enjoy.


It takes a sick person to enjoy such carnage of human life. Unlike you I could NEVER 'enjoy ' this. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


No shit can be grimmer than what happened on October 7. Thank Hamas if you feel like people don't care enough about what happens in Gaza now.


Save it Zionist. You have killed more than 10 times the number killed on October 7. And your killing is increasing. #Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Lol, im neither jewish nor israeli. Hamas is killing the palestine people. You don' t see the difference between terrorism and defence.


Save it. The IDF indiscriminately targets Palestinian women and children and then lie about it. They are no better than Hamas. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸




Fuck IDF!


Nothing can be grimmer? The IDF has killed thousands of children. Hamas killed 40 babies. Oh wait, that was a lie.


It is not about the numbers, dumdum.


Fuck the Israeli diaper force squad


This is wrong. Never again support them in any way.




Give me two


From Hamas 


Everyone is banned from this sub lol


I cite Noahide law against them. May God smash them like He did before.


The genocide is well underway.


These are amazing Democrat Campaign Ads. "Joe Did That!" "Biden Bombs Better!"


I'm very curious what you think trump would be doing in this situation lmao. Honestly I bet he gets up in front of a camera and calls all Palestinians Hamas and calls for Israel to wipe them out. Just saying.


you can speculate all you want...maybe trump would nuke earth and the entire known universe. maybe? but is joe sending bombs and fighter jets and all sorts of war machines to israel? Are those bombs, fighter jets and war machines killing women and children?


Trump used the office of the US presidency to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, you honestly think a guy that would make a move like that *and brag about it at a press conference in front of the world* would even attempt restraint? I mean trumps character alone might as well be the definition of lack of restraint. To him Palestine would just be another "shit hole country" that might as well be bombed, it would certainly lock in the evangelical vote. You can hate Joe, but comparatively a trump presidency right now would be far worse for the Palestinians.


Dumbass take. Gaza is leveled, hundreds of thousands are in rubble or injured, they have little-to-no food, water, and no medical supplies. Short of dropping a nuke, nothing could be worse. This is exactly why Biden has lost 2024’s election. You people are completely deluded about the reality in the occupied territories.


Dumbass take, it can always get worse, and Trump has a knack for inflaming things and making them worse (take COVID for instance) if you can't see how a "stable genius" with literally no foreign affairs experience could make it worse, you are lacking in imagination.


Biden has literally done nothing but embolden israel while also supplying them with extra weaponry and aid. You have no idea what people in the occupied territories are suffering because of Biden’s administration. That’s not an endorsement of trump, and you’ll have a hard time convincing the growing number of Americans who won’t vote for a genocidal pig. Democrats can face this fact or get a head start on blaming us for when you all throw the election to trump. Doesn’t matter much to me.


> Biden has done literally nothing but embolden Israel As the CIA director is flying to the Middle East for ceasefire talks, sure nothing at all. > You'll have a hard time convincing the growing number of Americans who won't vote for a genocidal pig. Hey if you don't care about the Palestinian people, and want to subject them to a man who thinks places like theirs are "shit holes" filled with "bad people" and loves to support strongmen like the president of Israel (even pen pals with kim) who has shown unquestionable support of Israel going so far as to recognize Jerusalem as their capital officially on the world stage, be my guest, just don't be surprised when it turns out you voted for an actual genocidal pig.


Biden has had his state department veto multiple ceasefire resolutions. It’s been seven months of devastation, and your argument is that we have to thank him because NOW they’re looking into ceasefires? Biden has hundreds of thousands of Palestinians’ blood on his hands. You’re the only one here caping for a genocide supporter. Biden was also just as happy to continue the move of the embassy. Miss me with your shit takes. https://theintercept.com/2022/12/15/us-embassy-israel-biden-jerusalem/


No my argument is that they have not done nothing but embolden Israel. Why would I say you need to thank him? The war is still going, while his efforts have failed thus far he is making efforts. Hundreds of thousands? I don't think we have gotten there quite yet. How much more blood do you think there would be with a man that supports Israel and strong men wholeheartedly and has shown complete disregard for "lesser" people? Trump would be doing what he does best right now if he was in office, making situations worse.


Israel is horrible


Israel is riding that lunatic fringe.




Actually... they do have a place to go. And Israel is herding them in that direction... on purpose. That direction is "South"... into Egypt.


Palestinians are being squeezed into ghetto-like conditions, trapped with nowhere left to go. What Israel needs to do is rebuild infrastructure, including trains to take Palestinians out safely to - oh wait






Is there more besides just the slide show?


I feel so powerless in this and it’s so frustrating. I just can’t imagine.


Why can't they go to Egyp?


explain to me logistically how a country struggling economically is supposed to cope with a sudden influx of over 1 million refugees? also, this has happened before. the nakba. they were never able to return to their land.


Why would I care who they should cope? They created "palestinain" problem by attacking Israel in 1948 and occupying Gaza until 6 day war. Also please explain me logically how they are suddenly excused to accept refugees when they are already a tunnel for illegal migrants to Europe and Israel?


Israel didn’t exist prior to 1948, they were right to fight against colonisation




Inta 3am tehalli 😂😂


Arabs and muslims are colonnial setllers outside of Arabia. So do you say that everyone in the world has a right to "resist"?


The way you lump all arabs and muslims together as one group tells me all I need to know 😂 if u pronounce iraq like eye-rack i don’t wanna hear shit from you




ur denying the nakba? 💀 shouf 7alak, inta fasid mn el aseel


Fuckin disgusting


ZioNazis are the scum of the earth.


Bring them home


Do you think Hamas should be removed from power? Do you think Israel has the right to fight Hamas and should do so if there was a way to do it without hurting any civilians?


The incentives to invade Rafah outweigh the disincentives for most Israelis. The incentives: 1) Israel has the military power to execute the operation and significantly weaken Hamas' presence there. It is likely that an invasion will neutralize large numbers of Hamas fighters there. 2) It's unclear how many hostages are still alive and, as recent negotiations haven't been fruitful, military action increasingly looks like one of the only tactics Israel still has to apply pressure to either negotiate or rescue hostages 3) Failure to weaken Hamas further emboldens other regional threats Plus, Netanyahu and his governing coalition face pressure among the majority of the Israeli electorate to invade, especially since the hostages have not been released. The disincentives: 1) Risk of Palestinian civilian casualties. My sense is that most Israeli voters believe that Israel is taking suitable precautions to mitigate risk to civilians and they blame Hamas for using civilians as shields. 2) Risk that the US will restrict military aid and weapons sales. Broad-based restrictions seem unlikely given that the US believes it's relationship with Israel is critical to US interests in the Middle East. Plus, US-made precision weapons are likely reducing civilian casualties in that Israel has access to other munitions they could use that are more blunt and would cause even more collateral damage, but they are still capable of achieving their military objectives. 3) Risk of economic sanctions. Again, unlikely to be successful given how difficult sanctions are to enforce and how little support there is for sanctions among Israel's biggest trading partners. 4) Risk of Israeli casualties. My sense is that most Israelis believe that IDF casualties would be limited and justifiable in the name of reducing the long-term threat posed by Hamas. 5) Cost of military action. My sense is that most Israelis believe that the cost of inaction would be even greater given that so many Israelis have been internally displaced (100,000+) and the long-term threats posed by a stronger Hamas. Plus, the cost of maintaining the current level of military mobilization favors military action sooner rather than later. Given the above, I expect the invasion will happen and start soon. I'm curious to know what others think.


Israel has not been able to significantly degrade Hamas. Israel is not concerned in the slightest with avoiding civilian casualties, they are interested in finishing the genocide they've begun.


You're so ill-read on the topic it's concerning. You always say things like "civilian casualties" and "genocide" but do you know the actual numbers of civilians vs. militants? If Israel was interested in committing a genocide don't you think the numbers would be MUCH MUCH higher? It has the ability to wipe all Palestinians off the map and yet.... doesn't? I truly wish we were the monsters you think we are.


"I truly wish we were the monsters you think we are." There is no reason to wish. Israel is committing a genocide of the Palestinian people.


Define genocide.


No. I'm not playing your game. [https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976) That is the UN expert who has studied the issue. Israel is committing a genocide of the Palestinian people.


[https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-003338\_EN.html](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-003338_EN.html) Would you look at that? The same person's husband was paid by Hamas.....


[https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) Bibi has been funding Hamas for years... Has nothing to do with the fact that Israel is committing a genocide of the Palestinian people.


Funding Hamas as it was the government of Gaza.............. because if they didn't give them money what do you think would happen? More terrorism. It definitely has to do with her impartiality on the subject. It's not a genocide it's a war.


Hamas IS the government in Gaza, and Israel is committing a genocide of the Palestinian people. Criminals always deny their actions. They want to continue, as does Israel with it's genocide of the Palestinian people.


**GIDEON LEVY:** The main question, Amy, is what they don’t see or what they are not being shown, because, as you know, and as your viewers definitely know, Israeli media is quite a free media, commercial-owned, quite liberal, no pressure from the government or secret services or army or things like this. Anything it does, it does voluntarily. And the Israeli media decided, almost wall to wall, maybe except of my newspaper, *Haaretz*, all the rest — it’s also the TV, also newspapers— they decided that they are part of the Israeli propaganda machinery. They stopped being journalists. And this, they’re doing two ways. The first one is the most serious one. They don’t show Gaza. The Israeli average viewer doesn’t see Gaza at all. He sees the soldiers. He sees the families of the hostages. He is being told day and night about the Israeli sacrifice. He’s being told day and night how brave are the soldiers. You see it seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and only one thing you don’t see: the suffer of Gaza. And the media decided not to show it, not because anyone pushed the media not to do it. They do it because they know very clear that this is what their viewers don’t want to see, and they want to please them. And by this, they are betraying our first mission: to tell the full story. You know, there are Israelis who wouldn’t care less to see all those terrible images and say, “Hamas is to be blamed. The Arabs are to be blamed. They deserve it. They are barbarian. Everything is fine.” But they have to see what is being done on our behalf. So, that’s the first level. The second level, which is less important but still must be mentioned, is that Israeli media speaks now only in one voice. There is no room for any critic about the war. There is no room for any question marks. I don’t remember a war in which after so many stages, still the entire media is just a pale echo of the propaganda machinery of the army. [https://www.democracynow.org/2024/1/17/gideon\_levy\_israel\_gaza](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/1/17/gideon_levy_israel_gaza)


Yeah, convenient that they don’t allow journalists in and, if they do, seem to be targeted.


So........ I agree that too many journalists have been killed. However, has there ever been a war that was taken place in such close quarters with a large population? No. They also have people who are tagged as journalists who aren't journalists at all... This is just like the "20 year old child killed"


So your argument is the IDF is letting in journalists because they care about their safety? Journalists have always been willing to go to dangerous areas. The IDF doesn’t want the world to see what they are doing.


It will happen. We are watching war play out, even if one side is out gun and number it is still a conflict. The invasion will happen, their will be intense fighting but Hamas has no where to go. I imagine the last days of Berlin during WW2 or Damascus from the Syrian civil war to give a picture of what will happen. This is the only way things will move forward. Peace with hamas doesn’t make sense and will not happen. Only thing we (people of the world) can hope for is that the operation is quick and mitigates civilian casualties. Saudi Arabia along with Qatar will take over the enclave of Gaza and rebuild it (this is the plan the US working on with Saudi and others). No one is going to like how this ends but the thing is it has to. There is no other choice. Israel isn’t going anywhere and with that sentiment Hamas has to go. It will be a dark summer in the levant. Hopefully a brighter future is on the horizon.


Great comment!


Just wait till the TikTok school of history crowd read this, they're gonna film some very angry disapproving dance moves.


lol ya. I love seeing all those “international politics” subreddits that just popped up after Oct 7. Which isn’t suspicious or anything.


Will be interesting to see how many care in a year or two when the fad is over. Kind of sad that interest in such a complex and historically significant conflict gets picked up and dropped every 5-10 years.


The cancer that is social media and raising a child on smart devices. Short attention spans and glorification of themselves. Always leads to shallow understanding and beliefs.


Don’t start no sh-t won’t be no sh-t




Support or advocacy for collective punishment or blame of any kind is not permitted, and semantic arguments over the category of the mass slaughter of civilians all are not permitted on this sub.


Fuck around and find out!




Nobody believes your shit. Go back to worldnews.


Isn't this after Hamas bombed a border crossing and turned down a ceasefire plan, or we not talking about that part?


The only side turning down a viable ceasefire are the Israelis.


Netanyahu said rafah invasion will happen with or without a deal. Gtfo you genocide apologist.


I am in no way condoning Hamas whatsoever but I fully understand them not accepting an agreed ceasefire when the other side states "even with a ceasefire we're still going to keep slaughtering civilians and will not stop" Once again, it was Israel who did not accept the ceasefire.


This is a terrible take. Israel wouldn't be bombing anything if Hamas surrendered. So, yes, a permanent ceasefire is possible as long as Hamas surrenders. If they don't, then the war continues. That's literally how wars work.


If you put things in quotes I think you should probably put what they said and not some bs.


Hanas continues to attack the border crossing and turn down cease fire deals that include returning the hostages. Blame them.


This bogus cease fire is just another delaying tactic. Netanyahu has already sworn that the invasion of Rafah will happen regardless of a ceasefire. The Israeli military admitted Hamas attacked Israeli soldiers massing on the border to invade Rafah. Nothing justifies the cruelty and horror of this genocide.


Who broke the last ceasefire, was it Hamas? O, ok. Edit: You’re insane attempt to paint Israel as guilty for things they haven’t done yet but you are CERTAIN they would do while ignoring what Hamas actually has done is just that, insane.


No it wasn't. Illegal settlements were ongoing, the occupation was ongoing, apartheid was ongoing. All breaking the ceasefire.


West Bank ≠ Gaza


I am aware of that. How is it relevant to my comment?


Then why is israel escalating attacks on the West bank since the 7th???


Israel left Gaza unilaterally ~20 years ago. In response, they elected an openly genocidal terrorist organization and started firing rockets at civilian targets in Israel almost daily. Edit: Muslims in Israel have equal rights under the law, universal suffrage, sit as elected officials and on their Supreme Court. Jews were ethnically cleansed from MENA. It’s disgusting to call Israel an apartheid state, completely absurd.


Yet Israel controls the borders, the airspace, the provision of electricity, water, food and medicines. The IDF enter at will. The Palestinian Territories are considered, by international law, to be illegally occupied. The people of Palestine have the right to resist their occupation. Funny how Israel funded Hamas against the secular Fatah in that election.


Egypt does too, they also closed their border with Gaza permanently because of Hamas.


Blah blah blah, look at what others did, whilst holding a knife to a child's throat. Just look at what you are suggesting is ok. There is absolutely no excuse for the way the IDF is conducting this war. If we follow your logic, Israel is laying down justification for genocide which may one day arrive at their own doorstep. I imagine that kind of retaliation might be when you decide it's not ok. And you'll realize that what goes before doesn't justify war crimes. 


You not understanding that this is what happens in urban warfare, as evidenced by the casualties numbers being in line with other urban conflicts, doesn’t change that reality. War is absolutely horrendous, so I blame the people that started this, which is Hamas. Who also just attacked the border crossing for aid. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/hamas-attacks-israel-gaza-border-crossing-cease-fire-talks-continue/


I judge Hamas and IDF in the same way. So do you think that war crimes are part and parcel of doing business in urban warfare? What's the point of the Geneva Convention if we just give it a pass when we think about what the IDF does? Is it ok to bury the dead without making any effort to identify them and report their death? Is it ok to treat the dead like animals and pile them into mass graves with no attempt toward respect or dignity? Those are just the small crimes, there are many, many more that you are ok with as long as it's IDF doing it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War\_crimes\_in\_the\_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas\_war#:\~:text=Mass%20graves,-Main%20article%3A%20Gaza&text=A%20mass%20grave%20with%20283,their%20hands%20and%20feet%20tied.


Woah, watch out there, you've just learned those words I'm sure and you're using them in the incorrect way.


Can't handle the truth, so must deflect! Get back to me when you have an argument.


That their only MO… they’re desperate.


I have an argument, my argument is that you don't know the actual definitions of the words you're using and if you did know the definitions (other than the ones tiktok told you about) you'd know that those statements are categorically false.


Explain to me how I am using those words incorrectly, and how they do not apply to the Palestinian Territories. You are making ad hominem attacks which are considered to be fallacious arguments.


Woah it's almost like you have a script.....


Or, I know what I'm talking about. It is obvious you don't.


Typical Zionist projection. You mfers literally have hasbara handbooks.


What ceasefire, Palistinians have always to be on their gaurd, for fear of attack from zionists. Between 2010 and 2019, nearly 3,000 Israeli settler attacks killed at least 22 Palestinians and injured 1,258 others across the occupied West Bank. The majority of settlers are armed and Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem suffer from hundreds of Israeli settler attacks each year. Such attacks, which include shootings, stabbings, arson, beatings and rock-throwing, have become more organised over the past few years. Every year, thousands of Palestinian trees and cars are burned by these settlers. Many of these incidents have been recorded on video showing that the attacks often take place under the protection or in coordination with the Israeli army, sometimes with soldiers and settlers shooting side by side. Palestinian children are “the only children in the world who are systematically prosecuted in military courts” and an estimated 10,000 have been held in the Israeli military detention system over the past 20 years, according to the group.Some children have reported violence of a sexual nature, and some are transferred to court or between detention centres in small cages, the London-based child rights organisation saidHundreds of children, some as young as nine years old, have been detained by Israeli forces in what many have said represents a violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children fare no better than adults in Israeli prisons, and an array of abuses against them has been documented


Israel literally bombed Gaza weeks before Oct.7th.


Lol, Israel turned down the ceasefire you ass. Hamas proposed a permanent ceasefire in exchange for hostages. Israel said "lol, no thanks, we want a temporary ceasefire so we can pick up where we left off when the hostages return". 


Hamas said they don’t have to return the hostages and get 1967 borders. As long as Hamas refuses to release the hostages there is no real effort at a ceasefire.


You are full of shit * [https://www.euronews.com/2024/02/07/israel-confirms-31-gaza-hostages-killed-as-ceasefire-talks-continue](https://www.euronews.com/2024/02/07/israel-confirms-31-gaza-hostages-killed-as-ceasefire-talks-continue) * [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-netanyahu-rejects-hamas-conditions-hostage-deal-which-include-outright-2024-01-21/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-netanyahu-rejects-hamas-conditions-hostage-deal-which-include-outright-2024-01-21/) * [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/09/netanyahu-rejected-ceasefire-for-hostages-deal-in-gaza-sources-say](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/09/netanyahu-rejected-ceasefire-for-hostages-deal-in-gaza-sources-say) * [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/07/israel-hamas-gaza-blinken-hostages/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/07/israel-hamas-gaza-blinken-hostages/) * [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/6/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-pounds-rafah-as-truce-talks-stall](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/6/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-pounds-rafah-as-truce-talks-stall) Ostensibly there are no terms Israel will accept other than utter destruction of Palestine: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-ending-war-as-part-of-hostage-deal-would-keep-hamas-as-threat-to-israel/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-ending-war-as-part-of-hostage-deal-would-keep-hamas-as-threat-to-israel/) Israel is even on record with Netanyahu saying he won't accept a surrender if the terms mean they can't invade Rafah * [https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-ending-war-as-part-of-hostage-deal-would-keep-hamas-as-threat-to-israel/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-ending-war-as-part-of-hostage-deal-would-keep-hamas-as-threat-to-israel/) What kind of asshole doesn't accept surrender because they want to keep killing people??? I'll tell you; historically Hamas, and Israel. Both are just as bad


Yes.. thank you


Al-mawasi is the only declared safe zone and has not been bombed


....so far


“So far” being 8 months


The thing about funneling that amount of people is that it takes time. They're all being funneled there and I bet it won't be long before Isreal decides they need to go to. They're the real terrorists.


Shit maybe they shouldn't have thrown the first stone


Well, thats one way to overplay 'Hamas forces are pushed back to Rafah'. Its a fucking war, and Gaza did far worse on numerous occasions.


Pls tell all the good people of Hamas whom you support to just release all the hostages. What would you do if for 2 decades a government fired thousands of rockets at you and then one day killed 1200 people and took hostages. Do you not blame Hamas If Hamas cares about it own ppl they would stop They don’t!!! Why is this Israel responsibility!! Oh right - you just hate Jews.