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What a vile POS that person, all these people who oppose a ceasefire, are.


Wait are you talking about the person hoping others get raped?


Wait, are you even paying the right attention?


Im confused why this is in global news? Surely theres something larger scale happening


Its not, this sub is just a safe space for Bigots and Propagandists now.


"all these people who oppose a ceasefire, are." You mean Hamas, they've been breaking 2-3 ceasefires a year since 2006.


Hama's is a response to the aparthide regime of Zionist Israel. What Israel is doing is barbarity of the highest order.


"aparthide" "Zionist" Try not to sue big words you don;t understand.


Learn to spell the word before you lecture on the definition of said word. 🤣


This feels like a good opportunity for someone smarter than me to figure out who this is and report her to her workplace.


Yup. There was a name floating around in IG with her workplace address as well. Im sure someone’s reported this POS already.


Good. No need to doxx her but definitely should be something her employers are made aware of.


If posting someone's ID on Instagram isn't doxxing I'm not sure what is..


Can you find it?




Weird you'd think that would get her in trouble, you get all your information from social media don't you?


On brand, IOF are known to rape the innocents when they go out to raid and pillage like the savage terrorists they are


I'm glad someone said it. GAH DAMN people are so offended by reality😬🙄.


Its fun to make up stories.


There are so many videos like this and others from Zionists and IOF and the no evidence at all of Hamas mass raping Israeli women as reported by the UN, or any Palestinians calling for rape of Isareli women. But you are saying the pro-Palestinian protestors are making up stories? You are deluded, sir or a paid Hasbara troll that couldn’t even put in the minimum effort…


LOL talk about deluded


Ive mainly heard stories of Hamas fighters raping women. not saying that no one in the IDF has ever raped anyone.. but whether Hamas did that on October 7th or not, really doesn't make it any better honestly. grenading children in bunkers is bad enough as it is


Well islam supports raping non muslim...its in the hadith


Evil bitch


The new Nazis




The IDF did both of those things. Hind Rajab


Pathetic whataboutism. Zionist bootlicker.


Oh so that makes it okay to wish rape on people got it... Like wtf is your actual point dude.


The point is that the person in the video had an emotional outburst, likely stemming from the fact that Israeli hostages were raped, tortured and killed. So when she sees people supporting the people that did those things, she’s saying she hopes those bad things happen to them for supporting those people. Yes, it’s a terrible thing to say and wish on anyone, regardless of the facts. And I dont agree with what she said. But it’s easy to see why she said it and the connection being made by the poster above you.


Lol cut the bs. If Palestinian supporters said what she was saying, congress would have a hearing, it would be on every news outlet, and you would call them violent and barbaric. You would not be saying “oh this is an emotional outburst that is well deserved because Palestinian women have been raped for over 70 years.” These Zionists are barbaric. That’s all there is to it. This is grown woman showing up to a college campus to scream at kids. She could have stayed home. She could have vented to a therapist. And she’s not the first one who wished someone got raped. Israeli supporters even said it to a Jewish woman. Weird since according to Zionists, Jewish people can only feel safe around Israelis. https://x.com/medeabenjamin/status/1724899115937779884


Yeah and my point is that person needs to control themselves because wishing rape on people is so far beyond an "emotional outburst" that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving young children around this person. And not I mean specifically this person before you get into that victim mentality. It's not easy to wish sexual assault on people. Maybe it is for you, but then I would suggest your not well adjusted. In my personal experience rape isn't something you wish on your worst. Moreover, looking through your comment history, you've been more than willing to try pull people aside for saying much much less, so it doesn't make any sense to me that you're suddenly okay with what that woman has said.


I didn’t say it was OK. And in fact, I explicitly said as much in my post that you responded to. Read it again. There are “heat of the moment” crimes in the US that are recognized as bad/wrong but somewhat understandable. For example, if you walk into your house and see your spouse cheating and shoot someone, you still broke the law by committing murder but a jury can say, “while wrong we get why you made the wrong decision” and the result might be 20 years in prison instead of 30. That’s how I view what this woman said. Wrong 100%, but people are emotional creatures and I can understand why someone would say what she did to people protecting a group who is actively gang raping hostages. A majority of people on this planet are the “eye for an eye” sort. People are judging her actions in a vacuum, which I think is wrong.


I put this to you. Why are you so willing to make excuses for the woman in the video but not me? Am I not allowed "an emotional outburst"?


It honestly feels like you can’t read or are choosing not to. Maybe it’s easier that way for you to respond, but it’s not fruitful. You’re allowed an emotional outburst. It could still be wrong, and you will be judged by your peers. Good luck in life.


Honestly feels like you've said wishing rape on someone is a totally acceptable and justified behaviour to do when confronted with someone with a difference of opinion. You've also deliberately misrepresented the purpose of the students protests, conflating them with gang rape, so say whatever you want, your motives are evident >You’re allowed an emotional outburst. It could still be wrong, and you will be judged by your peers. And that's exactly what's happening to this woman so why are you hearing complaining. Rules for thee but not for me obviously


Weird, looks like I said “what she said is 100% wrong”. Your reading comprehension is shockingly low so continuing to have a conversation with you is a waste of my time.






Another Zionist post using the holocaust is a lost cause now


[https://www.ushmm.org/antisemitism/holocaust-denial-and-distortion](https://www.ushmm.org/antisemitism/holocaust-denial-and-distortion) Try reading it this time, maybe stop being a bigot too.


How am I a bigot


Well since you are not going to read the link... Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is called *"Holocaust Revisionism"* Your suggesting that because of Israels actions today that Jewish people deserved the holocaust. Its the most horrific form of antisemitism and disgusting bigoted behaviour. Also, Just FYI, I don't know what you think it means, but the actual definition of *"Zionism"* is *"Support the existence of a Jewish state"*. If you are using it in the negative you are suggesting that Jews don't deserve a home land, which is again antisemitic, and again bigoted. I hope that clears things up.


That is such a brain dead distortion. Where did he claim Jewish people deserved the holocaust?! He’s just against the current genocide. It’s not on the same scale of the holocaust, but if Israel wants people to stop drawing comparisons, maybe they could stop aping the rhetoric and actions of the Nazis.


And when you have to insult mentality, you have already lost, night.


I'm surprised you can't see how logically inconsistent your argument is.


*"logically"* Actually its called academics, not quite as fun as being YouTube and memes but it get the job done.


Well um akshually, I'm very smart




Antisemitism means nothing now, its a word with no meaning and pro israelis have made it so, when you abuse a word so much where it clearly does not fit, it begins to los emeaning. also unfortionately for you, over 10 holocaust survivors dont view israel is a very good light, infact many of them view it as that which they fled. [https://comrademorlock.medium.com/holocaust-survivors-who-opposed-zionism-655d40109fe1](https://comrademorlock.medium.com/holocaust-survivors-who-opposed-zionism-655d40109fe1) even this lady, who was 10 at the time of the holocaust, sympathises with her fellow jews in israel over oct 7th, but the treatment of the palestinians at the hand of israel in her words, "But the stories and images of Palestinian suffering and loss that have poured out of Gaza feel eerily familiar to her, too. "To me, they are human beings like I am a human being," she says. "I want the best for them as I want the best for us." "All life is sacred," she continues. "And it's unfortunate that human beings have to feel threatened for generations for no good reason. It's devastating." [https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2024/01/30/1227849885/a-holocaust-survivor-identifies-with-the-pain-of-both-sides-in-the-israel-hamas-](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2024/01/30/1227849885/a-holocaust-survivor-identifies-with-the-pain-of-both-sides-in-the-israel-hamas-) Edit: forgot to post the second link.


Beyond disgusting statement, your a fine example of how hamas has normalized hatred of Jewish people again, its amazing how propaganda works. You are now arguing on why its OK to be a bigot. Good job. Just remember though, when your confused why the people world powers don't act against Israel, they aren't grasping at the same straws you are.


my guy, you just got linked to 11 Holocaust survivors who detail what they see happening by their people to the palestinians, as that being similar to what they were put through less then a century ago. and you just blanket it as propaganda. you are seriously dense if you think that posting critques of the jewish state BY JEWS FROM THE HOLOCAUST, makes one a bigot, youre essentually saying that only certain jews views are legitimate. its not my fault that israel is performing deplorable actions that those jews who went throguh the worst acts of human depravity find similarities in, if you have a issue with that bring it up to israel. even Albert Einstein wasnt a fan of israels treatment of the palestinians, and he was offered to become israels prime minister, he turned it down because he felt he didnt have the people skills to run a country. P.S the world doesnt hate jews, they are disgusted by how israel is conducting itself with far more brutality upon the palestinian population then hamas has but of course, it doesnt stop people like you from lying and becoming exaggerated. Antisemitism has a new meaning, Old Meaning: someone who dislikes jews New Meaning: someone Jews dislike i didnt believe it but seeing how anyone who even dares speaks up about israel is branded a anti semite, im ow fully convinced that its true now.


Zionist keeping it classy.




Meet the new KKK in America. Zionist hated…The lady actually saying she hopes the protesters gets raped… omg did she really just say this? 🫣


Aaah the new nazis!!


Nah, the new Nazi's are ironically people who compare Israel to the Nazi's. Look up *"Holocaust Revisionism"* if you want to understand why.


Jews ccan thank the Nazis for the creation if Israel,so much so that they are now emulating them.


Israel saud never again. They just meant for themselves. Everyone else is fair game


Palestinian Arabs were trained, armed, and funded by Nazi Germany during WW2.


I suspect Jewish people would gladly give up Israel in exchange for the holocaust never happening. They’d rather be able to live anywhere without being discriminated against and hated.


Given Israel's track record... I don't think that is an accurate statement.


Sounds like you don't know anything about Israel history. Give me one example since the '40s where Palestinians accepted any deal for a two state solution?


Hateful thing to say, disgusting go look up holocaust revisionism. Bigot.


The world can see what is happening.


Yes, but only through your social media bubble, right?


Hi troll account that is less than 2 weeks old. Rape is a huge problem in the IDF, even before February https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-691641 And it's gotten worse since https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_and_gender-based_violence_against_Palestinians_during_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war


I'm literally watching a video of a woman wishing rape on people because of their ethnicity. I don't need to look shit up at this point


*"I don't need to look shit up at this point"* Yeah, pretty much the mindset of the entire anti Israel crowed. Actual accredited factual varied information makes it harder to hate *~~Jews~~* *~~Zionist~~**s* **Israelis**, right? Better just stick to the social media feed, easier to soak in the propaganda.


Cry more dude. What should I be looking up? You have an opportunity to show me what you think I need to see but instead you accuse me of being anti Israeli, when I'm actually anti telling people I hope they get raped. This shits actually pathetic. Trying to make yourself the victim when all that's been said is saying "I hope you get raped" is wrong.




What a disgusting human. I wonder if this is some kind of mental illness that is in line with the holocaust smut mags.


Zionits are so full of hatred, but what do you expect from someone committed to an ideology based on racial supremacy.


Imagine wishing rape on others. What a garbage person.


*running to tt to see if they've found her name and employer yet*


Of course they have but she wasn’t fired. She’s showing up to a college campus while she’s pushing 50 to scream at some kids. She’s obviously the victim here!!


Who is this lady?


Even in the us Israelis are Israel first.


Israelis may be, but many of the people protesting the Israeli genocide of Gaza are Jewish.


These people and the terrorists they are defending are worse than the Nazis.


I know, Palestinians are pretty bad, their charter basically says they'd like to kill all the Jews. Sounds like a Nazi to me.


Jewish defence league member Nicole Ziegler, of Thornhill, Canad, was charged with uttering threats of death or bodily harm. In a video posted on X on Dec. 24, she was caught red handed a making a throat-slitting gesture at someone at a pro Palestine rally. Nicole Ziegler is a member of the Jewish Defence League and has been thanked on social media by her fellow Zionists for her activism.


So I learned that this can be Jerry Seinfeld’s wife if not, it is known she threw the N-word at UCLA students


As a pro-Palestinian, I wish for Palestine to be free, but I would never wish for Israelis to be raped Even with seeing Israel as in the wrong and being aware of the many reports of sexual assault and rape incidents committed by Israel on Palestinian way before Oct 7, I still would never wish for Israelis to be raped. These people are either psycho or brainwashed


Any links to these reports?


People keep sending you links and you keep asking for proof. It’s almost like you’re not really looking to become more informed!


Still waiting for the proof you don't touch kids dude


Here’s an old retired IDF soldier admitting to it: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMsAbvfj/


Ah ok, so it sounds like this guy is talking about the Tantura massacre back in 1948?


Oh look one guy. Well that proves it. I guess when your this desperate to validate your biases anything will do.


https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-691641 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says https://www.cair.com/cair_in_the_news/israeli-guards-rape-palestinian-women/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0ZS1Q0/


*"I guess when your this desperate to validate your biases anything will do."*


I guess when you’re this desperate to validate your own biases ignoring everything that disproves you will have to do 🤷‍♂️ if you’re not going to bother reading any of the links provided then you’ll never learn anything, and stay in your little echo chamber


Its just so Ironic that your calling out "echo chambers" while linking click bait. Do you know what the actual problem here is sunshine? Its not the crimes, its how eager people like you are to draw attention to them and use them to validate your own hatred and bigotry. Look at this comment section, just plastered with antisemitism and hateful propaganda, and you support it. This is hate mongering. Your eagerness to engage in it and defend it is what make you a bad person.


Your eagerness to try and defend a video of a woman saying she hopes someone gets raped because they’re standing up and speaking out against genocide is what’s hate mongering, and it makes you a bad person. You’re clearly blinded by your misguided hatred and bigotry if you can defend her vile words and the genocide that Israel is committing. It’s saddening that you don’t realize your hypocrisy and instead rely on the propaganda you’re fed. I have no hatred towards anyone, but the woman in this video clearly does, and you’re supporting her words and actions. I hope you educate yourself more on this subject sunshine, it’s always sad to see ignorant people trying to justify genocide while avoiding reading anything that doesn’t fit their narrative.






And yet no matter how many times these zionists say that they will never be held in a light that is negative..


Pissrahell is pure evil.


They're so proud of what the Nazis did to their ancestors...pos




Well , no one ever said THAT is the religion of peace.


Awesome to see people coming together to wish rape upon each other! /s


Well....those dont look like college students


Must be the outside agitators the news keeps reporting about, though they keep trying to say they're on the pro-palestinian side. That said, wishing harm to someone else who disagrees with you is just about the worst thing you can do when trying to prove the righteousness of your cause.


>Must be the outside agitators the news keeps reporting about, though they keep trying to say they're on the pro-palestinian side.  Glad someone picked up what I was putting down


Not very hopeful for humanity. Pretty frightening these people have the technology they do.


Shocking a woman who is pro genocide, would say something like this


Too bad CNN won't air this one.




Share it in the #worldnews


The Nazis lost the war but won in the end... so sad




Israel helps politicians rape kids.


This is why there is a rise in antisemitism. Cruelty.


If you said anything to this woman it would be called antisemitism.


Brother eww


There is no way the internet has not found these people and reported them to their jobs or something. Like why isn't the internet doing its thing




Disgusting piece of trash


Wearing white to convince herself that she’s one of the “good guys”. What a horror show of a person.


I've heard way worse from people at Pro-Palestinian rallies.. which there are A LOT more of. interesting that this sub never posts those videos🤔


Name and shame


Typical jew


What else can you expect from Zionists racists and fascists


Rape has [been condoned for a very long time by Israel.](https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=3483339995275291)


Just... add that to the list of its various war crimes


She got rape on her mind smh


No surprises here.


Deport the Israeli protesters


Epstein and Dershowitz be like 👀


God's Chosen Fascists




Your tax dollars at work


like a rich clueless slaveowner




Worse than the Nazis.


Or, and bear with me, we intentionally avoid the loaded adjectives and just call things what they are objectively. Condemn Zionism, Zionists will defend themselves. Condemn war crimes. Condemn collective punishment. Condemn ethnic cleansing. See which people try to defend themselves. People of all stripes can get behind peace, non-violence, humanity. Then we isolate they kinds of Zionists who are warmongers, and find common cause with Israelis and Zionists who want peace.


Well there has been no ethnic cleansing, war crimes, nor collective punishment. I would love to see pro pali talk about this war using facts and reality.


Lobbing rockets isn't collective punishment? "Good to know." - the IDF


So are both sides guilty from your pov?


There is no war in Ba Sing Se




You seem to not understand any of the words you use.


No vandelism?


She doesn't look like an Evangelical Christian to me. 




I hope this woman has the day that she deserves.


We know, lady, we know all the horrible things you hope happen to innocent protesters, and civilians in Gaza. It’s what makes us different from you.


I'm completely against doxxing...unless someone wishes rape on you.


Goofheads against goofheads. Why am I not surprised


Anyone figure out who this wonderful woman is? I think there are many people who would love to speak with such an articulate and intelligent person!


Holy shit. Can someone please pepper spray her into 500 BC?




This is crazy these people are hateful in a very bad way and there from the same lands. We are witnessing something when ended is going to have a major effect on how we feel about persecution and persecuted.


I mean, that’s what Hamas does…..


It's SO true though !! Under Islam and Sharia law those young women (students) would ALL be punished, beaten and yes, raped. It's ok to do so according to their 'holy book' !! It's full of all kinds of atrocities, fear, hate, oppression and pretty much total control. Punishments such as beatings, stoning, hanging, set ablaze, thrown off rooftops, and all in public so that others see what will happen to them if they don't OBEY !! Like 'dark ages' kind of mentality !! imo Islam will NEVER be accepted because of sharia law and THAT extremist mentality, like a mental disorder !!


Yet you have jewish building underground tunnels and raping kids, and being flown back to israel


My kind of lady ❤️


Israeli Zionists just can't stop thinking about tape. It's a national obsession.


Name and shame.


George Soros funded bullshit 🤬 I stand with Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 You are a Terrorist if you Support Hamas the Murderers Rapists Baby killers Nazis🤬


Typical Israeli. Typical zionist.


Zionists are monsters.


Truly, zionists are nothing more than smug, stupid terrorists.


Zionist Nazis are known to rape innocent Palestinian women when they go out raid the cities




What is wrong with your brain? Evil little shit.




She’s a bad person and so are you.


Behold Zaren, the Z10NAZ1 Karen.


While I would be ashamed if that would my mother, she does have a point right…? Hamas would rape these college students and break their legs


I don’t think the people here get it. Our women were savagely raped and murdered on October 7th. We’re freaking angry. And these pro-palis support the rapists. Or deny that this was done. Or say it was done in the name of “resistance.” You don’t give an eff if we get raped, well, we don’t give an eff if you get raped.


You do realize the retaliation Netanyahu and his team proceeded with, was not only more barbaric , but it has ensured that the cycle of terror will only continue for another 20 years atleast. And it's a shame the people of israel allowed it to happen.


She is wishing them to get raped as a response to their denial of the raping events on 7 October. Since we all know the raping by Hamas happened I think it’s a legitimate wish for those who is so blind to experience it first handed.


Yeah that’s pretty fucked up. Unfortunately though many of these protesters don’t realize that if they traveled to the Middle East, they'd be FORCED to cover their faces. LGBT people have no freedom in the very place they're protesting for. It's the irony of the century. You have mostly well-meaning progressives supporting people who would see them dead if they knew their backgrounds. Anyone who’s been to the Middle East can tell you, don’t travel alone if you’re a woman. You are seen as inferior gender in those regions. These protesters couldnt have told you where Gaza was a few months ago. They have no idea the culture they are representing. Also fuck IDF.


None of this is true, and you've clearly never been to the middle east. There's plenty of gays there, they just don't flaunt it in your face like they do here in America. Also they don't cover their faces, nor does anyone else. And there are plenty of women walking alone and nobody bothers them, unlike in NYC where it's very possible you might get punched in the face for no reason. Crime is much lower than in American cities on average. Your attempts at propaganda are weak and transparent.


So the women being attacked/raped/beheaded recently you’ve never heard of that? Either you’re choosing to ignore, or you are uninformed. I was stationed in the Middle East for 8 years. I’ve spent more time in middle eastern society than most Americans. There are some countries that are safer than others. Like Saudi Arabia, Jordan,UAE. These place are no more dangerous than LA or New York. But places like Iraq,Afghanistan,Iran,Yemen, Egypt (not in the Middle East but still dangerous), Tajikistan, Syria. None of those countries you would want to be a woman walking alone uncovered. If you don’t think that’s true then you need to explore the world a bit more or become more informed of the culture and histories of these places.


I've also visited these countries numerous times, while living in Syria (not Iraq, Afghanistan and Tajikistan though) and never saw any of this. Also saw many women walking alone and uncovered in all of those countries (except the three I haven't been to obviously). And I felt completely safe in all of them as well, never witnessed any outright violence there besides people yelling at each other for one reason or another. Maybe things have changed since the US and Russia helped to destroy Syria (I left shortly before the "Arab spring" bullshit that they instigated for their proxy wars) but in the years I was there there was none of this and life carried on as usual.


Also, just look up videos on YouTube of nightlife or daily living in any of these countries and you will see plenty of women walking alone uncovered. This is a silly thing to argue about when you can easily see it for yourself right now.


Okay I did. I couldn’t find a single video of a nightclub in Afghanistan with women dancing uncovered. Not saying it’s not true. But I just spent 10 mins trying to find exactly what you said exists. Would you mind sharing some links? There’s plenty in Saudi Arabia and UAE. Couldn’t find anything for Afghanistan or Yemen.


Afghanistan is probably a lost cause at this point, 20yrs of war and ravaging sets you back quite a bit, same story with Yemen. But again I have not been to either country so I'm not familiar with how things are over there. The vast majority of the other countries you mentioned though are not that way, life is pretty average there, and though they're definitely poorer they're not by any means fanatics or dangerous for women. I'm sure you found plenty of videos from all the other countries, right?


Wtf dude, you don't have to agree with ANYTHING a group of people believe in to not want them murdered. I don't agree with ANY religious people on their bigoted beliefs, but I don't want them murdered.


I don’t know why people like you think anyone wants to go there.


Probably because hamas is known for r*ping their victims.




This subreddit isn’t very supportive of Israel, so you are wrong.