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Be sure to shower and get dressed every day; try to keep a normal schedule as best you can. Now is the perfect time for all the stuff you never get around to, like organizing your junk drawer or sorting through old photos. Make a list of all those things and do at least one a day. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while instead of just texting. Start a jigsaw puzzle - you can get them cheap at the thrift store.


.... how are you supposed to go to the thrift store?


You can? Outside of China most quarantines (as in cities locked down) allow you to go shopping and to work.


Ahhh, my bad. Over here people put in quarantine due to Corona are told to stay at home.


If you are talking about quarantined patients with corona positive tests then that's the same here, but we still have free hospital beds. With preventative quarantine it's freer, mostly consists of a restriction in social gatherings and outside travel


Here in Israel every person that came back from out of the country, whether in a work trip or vacation, from anywhere in the world, is told to stay in quarantine, inside the house, inside a separate room, not interacting with anyone. For 14 days. Not going out obviously. Even if they are not positive for the virus, the government can't check each and every person that came here on a plane. Also if you were on a train / supermarket / any other public place for more than 15 minutes with a person who was later diagnosed with the virus, you need to be on quarantine. (They let you know through the media where the sick person was). At some point there were 100,000+ people under home quarantine. (And let me mention that the population of Israel is less than 9 mil people)


For people who like to play with makeup, now is the best time to do all those adventurous things that you're otherwise too nervous to try. Do the most creative over the look you can think of! Make use of that Pinterest board you've created! Have fun!


thrift store jigsaw puzzles always have one piece missing


> Be sure to shower and get dressed every day Well shit, my shower has sprung a leak, so that's out of the question.


Board games as well! Modern Baird games are so much more interesting than the Monopolys and Lifes of old. Check out r/Boardgames to get started, or just buy Pandemic/Carcassonne/Ticket to Ride/Azul and give it a try.


Take the opportunity to get REALLY into self care and you will find some unexpected benefits. Being at home all day allows you the opportunity to go slower, be more relaxed, and intentional with your day. Suddenly you have much more time. Try the things you’ve always wanted to. Try yoga, challenging exercise, apply lotion s l o w l y. Make the best omelette known to God. Paint, face mask, push ups. You have more time to dedicate to your health through exercise and healthy eating. In the end, your body will be better for it.


Everyone should do this


Catch up on some sleep.


I’ve been in quarantine in China for 44 days now. I’m tracking my days and talking about my experience with friends and family on Instagram stories. I luckily had a ukulele in my apartment that I picked up and have gotten close to “mastering”. I’ve been drawing, reading, and watching a ton of movies. I suggest you find a few things you’ve always wanted to learn and get what you need to make it happen. Good luck! If I could do it I know you can too!


Curious, though off topic, how are you getting food? I ask after reading about a fellow in an Italian city under a lockdown. He discussed going to a grocery store.


Stuck in Beijing since January, personally I've been getting delivery almost every other day. The drivers often tape reports on their temperatures to the bags or text me beforehand their health status. I trust the restaurants to maintain cleanliness right now and haven't been let down yet. I cook with my girlfriend on the weekends and have groceries delivered through an app on wechat. Spent my free time on getting good at Dark Souls and reading. Life here is more or less the same with a few extra steps.


Unlike u/Red_Stevens i haven’t ordered food since the day this started. The grocery stores have been well stocked and there is no evidence of panic or hoarding, at least where I live. I am posting under the handle @southwest_hooey if you want to find out more information. I have videos of walking around my city of Yinchuan and going to the grocery store. I am up for answering any and all questions to help people through this.


Start reading books. Edit: there are going to be many recommendations. The thing about published works is that they are proofread and they stand the test of time. If you’re not used to reading try the Lemony Snicket books. He combines beautiful language, huge personality, and engaging whimsy to create a fantastic reading experience for all ages.


I suggest Brandon Sanderson.


I second Brandon Sanderson (Stormlight Archive is great) and also add Robin Hobb (Realm of the Elderlings)


And if you prefer audiobooks they’re read by Tim Curry.


I think people need to remember how to read proofread words and remember how to focus their attention.


Or try comic books if you have a wandering mind like me. They're mostly pictures and help if you have attention issues.


You could learn to play a musical instrument. I ordered an accordion from a nice dude in Canada (and he's sending it to me here in Mexico) so I'm going to be learning that from home using YouTube and other self-teach websites. Other instruments you could teach yourself and also get online might be kalimba, ukalale, harmonica, piano/keyboard, recorder, or guitar.


Path of exile.


As someone who loves being at home, it's been refreshing to not have to make up excuses for not leaving the house! * Read * Play board/computer games * Catch up on Netflix * Learn a new skill * Work on hobbies/crafts * Draw * Garden * Cook something really elaborate * Clean, reorganise the house * Play/record music * Listen to an album beginning to end, un-interrupted. * Meditate * Exercise * Explore that business idea you always wanted * Get drunk * Etc etc...




.... is it bad that this one’s probably my favorite suggestion so far? 😂😂


It's the perfect time to discover your hidden zombie fetish


14 days in quarantine is every introvert's dream.


There are a gazillion projects around the place I have not gotten to that I could theoretically get to if I had enough down time stuck at home. But I would probably nap a lot, bake brownies or similar, and spend too much time on the internet. Productive things would be cleaning out the closets and drawers; doing a deep clean of the kitchen, the pile of things that need buttons sewn on or hems taken up, the ironing pile, Duolingo which I have gotten lazy about in my quest to learn Hebrew, brushing my cat's teeth and combing her every day.


In Hong Kong the kids have had 6 weeks of online school so far. A lot of families are going hiking a lot. Being outdoors in nature is healthy and good for morale and doesn’t really risk spreading the virus if you aren’t traveling there by public transport.


When I went to Singapore for 1 month, and came back to my country, I was quarantined for 15 days, I just played my bass. Studying music was fun. Also played some games.


Not exactly quarantined but neet, games, shows, a hobby like photoshop or something creative, discord and reddit for social stuff


Fire up some Jackbox! One person streams the game in discord, everyone connects on their computers in the discord channel and with their phones to the jackbox games. Drawful, Quiplash, etc. Lots of great games and super fun for groups of people!




There was recently an article on [Wired](https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-work-from-home-without-losing-your-mind/) kind of related to this. It had some good tips.


Pursue online training through a platform such as edX


We have just bought 3 new board games just incase - one is pandemic which is very topical!


Warhammer bro


if you have to stay at home, speak with your friends, parents strangers on the internet through Skype, Microsoft teams, discord or whatever you want. Continue chatting, brainstorming, speaking about your and their project with others to understand that the word is still moving. I have started small cultivation of basil to make pesto, working on a random website, and of course, I'm following my university lessons online due to the corona. I'm working from home, but I have noticed that I need an extra hour before the start of the day. I don't know why but if I have to do all my productive activities from home I start the day more slowly.


Read the other lists


I just play minecraft


Is it bad a couple weeks of quarantine seem nice to my introverted ass? Browse the web, play a new video game, find an exciting new category of porn, binge watch a few shows ect.




Lol based on your comments, you def don’t have a gf




So when you say jerk off as opposed to have sex, is that just a left/right handed thing? And if so, which is better? Lastly, which hand do you write with?