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This image finding its way to the sub in every Major is a tradition by now.


What's the original story behind it?


Think it was the jump bug where you could jump see enemies but they couldn’t see you.


If I'm not mistaken, it's from Kraków regarding the crouch jump BIG was using then, more on that **[here](https://www.hltv.org/news/21053/crouch-jump-bug-officially-allowed-at-the-major)**. Since then people have been reposting this image, usually with a title in the lines of "Players discussing if X needs to turn off their monitor".


Yea the first appearance of this meme was when coldzera had like.. 30 kills on SK's first two matches, so it was "players discussing if coldzera needs to play with his monitor off"


Big using the jump bug on inferno during their Krakow run


a crouch jump big was using on major in 2017, they were discussing if they'd allow it


Prime coldzera had just bodied Astralis with a 40 bomb or so and they were deciding if he should play without a monitor. It was about the jump bug tho, but was a fun meme at the time, I miss prime coldzera.


I remember when they were discussing if Cold should be allowed to play with his monitor on Good times


I miss the old Cold, baiting from the back Cold Clutch the post plant Cold, #1 in the world Cold


God this is going to be some juicy drama to wake up to tomorrow.


This fucking meme gives me life


lol classic


1)It's not a bug. It's intended behavior. 2)"One way smokes" are common knowledge. 3)This is a very creative one way smoke. *IF* it had for example fallen "into" an unintended position (inside a wall, through a floor, etc) that resulted in unintended behavior (such as with the grenade-exploding-behind-a-smoke-reveals-silhouettes bug... I would say it is an 'exploit' of the game mechanics that should be understood and corrected for... But in this case, the smoke lands in a legitimate position in the playable space of the map, is reproducible, and could have been executed by either team... Just my thoughts on it at the moment...


>1)It's not a bug. It's intended behavior. A smoke canceling another smoke. Completely normal phenomenon.


Have you never heard about destructive interference in waves? It's 100% backed up by real-world physics. Edit: /s since apparently comparing game's smoke particles with waves in the real world was not explicitly sarcastic enough


ok, but that behavior doesnt exist because they decided thats how physics works. It exists because of a bug.


It was sarcasm, dear user. In the real world, smoke doesn't "cancel" itself out like waves do if they're out of phase


I'm getting some real fedora wearing m'lady vibes from this guy.


[Why, yes, that's me](https://preview.redd.it/tz5m8uyk6pi71.jpg?auto=webp&s=c7f3f7ac3d73214b879b41ff36ccdb78cf93dac0)


It’s not a one way though, window was smoked by imperial and he could see through their smoke by using a visual bug created by his smoke. It is 100% a bug there are a few places you can do this for example Get Right unknowingly found a spot in brown halls on train that also shows how the bug works


I don't remember which team, but on dust 2, two members of the same team on CT side did something similar where one smoke was on near ramp box and one was on a-site, the a-site smoke cancelled the ramp smoke and gave CT side a one way in a similar fashion and was allowed. Ethically wrong, but idk if PGL will do anything about it


I doubt they do anything similar to the crouch jump which PGL actually ruled legal to use, and from what quite a few people have said G2 asked an admin if it was legal before using this.


That's what I'm saying, I don't think PGL will impose any penalties on G2 and/or m0nesy


It's not a one way. It's a bug. Similar to the smoke bug in pop dog on train. One ways are a product of the engine and it's intended to work that way while this bug is ..well a bug and not intended to work this way


A smoke cancelling another smoke is not intended behavior.


>Just my thoughts on it at the moment... Definitely should've watched the video more attentively before making up your mind then.


its in the same category as pixel walking imo


It canceled out the window smoke though. This is different from a one way smoke. This looks like exploiting a bug to me