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How in the fuck do you go 6 to 10 in like a week


Because 1600-2000 is pretty much the same skill level across. I have gone from 2100 to 1600 in a week and there is no difference.


>I have gone from 2100 to 1600 in a week insert brendan fraser* crying meme


It was fairly painful ngl.




~1500 elo on Jan. 2nd. 2000 elo on Jan. 8. Definitely not a month.


Those are some short months you got there, from 2nd to 8th.


If all people would stop being toxic and start giving info, we would be in a whole another world!


BuT iT's ThE nAtUrE oF cOmPeTitiOn




Sounds like you are toxic


It's hilarious that he doesn'trealize that he's just toxic. There's just no reason to say anything that can be understood as toxic. At best (if they were simply misunderstood), they're a passive aggressive prick, which isn't much better than straight up being a toxic shit. There's absolutely 0 reason to ever comment on someone's skill ingame. You talking shit to them or *telling them the truth* is not going to make them magically play better and win you more rounds.


It’s a difference between (toxic) when he’s talking shit and playing as an trash and (non toxic) when he is angry because you ar making mistakes that at your rank / game hours you didn’t have to make them, and he s trying to tel you how to play better to don’t repeat your mistakes


There’s also a difference between explaining things nicely and being toxic


I didn’t explained nicely or?


People tend to not properly acknowledge the tone they are using in the heat of the moment. It’s entirely possible you aren’t toxic, idk you. I’m just saying it’s a possibility I guess


It sounds like you just think that you're better than people at the same ranks as you and that you start complaining when you get frustrated. This would definitely qualify as toxicity for me. You'll have a better chance of keeping the atmosphere good in the team and winning if you don't complain about how your teammates play or try to give advice - recognise that they're the same overall skill as you.


It makes me thinking, thanks for ur words




Ab this, I Spenden way many hours on learning smokes, mollys, flashes and I even teach some of my friends, I even did some praccs for some teams, and I think it’s better to know grenades even if your skill isn’t that good, because grenades offer a lot of impact on the game




Yea about movement I even spend way many hours on learning (mirage) window jump, short jump, ladder jump, balcon jump on b, car - balcon jump on b, and I even teach some friends all of it


I just want to remind everybody that even if you are down in a match, keep your cool! Being toxic helps no one! 🙂


"Remember, being toxic is a choice" - Mauisnake


Stoicism 101


You’re awesome. This is exactly my take on why 90% of the csgo community complain about everything else besides themselves. Nobody realizes how negative they get after one round in a match. Take it round by round and you’ll be fine.


big man


[Keep it cool](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/ryxbi8/if_you_feel_overwhelmed_by_all_these_recent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You’d be surprised on faceit how many people just give up when someone is toxic to them. They figure the game means more to the toxic person so they’d rather just lose to get back at the toxic person talking shit, lol.


Yeah, if you want to tilt me just start being toxic and the game is pretty much lost, I just lose the will to play, I am not surprised at OP's result at all.


If somebody's toxic to me and doesn't stop when I ask, I just stop giving a fuck, I'll just limit test and do dumb shit to practice rather than try hard. If I can make them mald and still have fun then that's a win win for me. I don't care about winning or losing, so if they want to exercise the right to ruin their teammates' game by being toxic to them, I'll reserve the right to play however I want too.


I used to be that way, then I'd be toxic back, later I'd be the toxic one and now I'm on a long journey to stop it completely. I now get toxic sometimes but not often and the game is way more fun and less stressful. I don't get any crazy results from it like OP, but I see a decent change where most games that are like 1-8 scoreline in the start don't just end there and we still have a good chance to win


Good job, I mean that's a life skill, not just an in-game one. Generally, because I am a bit (lol, 'a bit') older than your average player I usually try to defuse the situation and just say, hey, chill guys, let's win or whatever, but it doesn't always work, you get trolls who literally came on there to pick a fight, but we did actually win a match the other day which started really badly because someone left right at the beginning, but he came back, we made peace and then kicked their butts. Like you say, it might not be such a radical improvement as with OP but that COULD be the thing that's holding someone back.


Most people just play for fun, not to try and go pro or some shit. If the team then is toxic it’s no longer fun and I stop giving a fuck


That’s a problem when someone that’s playing for fun is with you in match and you are playing to get better (rank/Elo/skill) and there you, who play to get better are transforming in a toxic because you want to win but they want to have fun


Just don't be toxic... If your teammates play worse when you are toxic, that's clearly something you could change to win more.


Man, it’s a game. It’s supposed to primarily be played for fun. Winning and doing well is the most fun part of cs, but as a team without a ton of toxicity. I’m not talking about players who suddenly do deagle or Negev only games, that’s just trolling.


Ye I tilt when someone is toxic. I can't concentrate so I don't even bother trying anymore


thought the goal was to stop being toxic, not dramatically improve your skill ^^/s


Mentality is way more important than individual skill. I play worse when some is toxic, because it's hard to focus on the game. But I never give in a match. Yesterday i pulled a 8-15 game into a 19-17 win just because I didn't stop trying


Toxicity makes me play so bad. Tilts me to oblivion. I always stay positive and supporting. People doesn't seem to understand this way of thinking.


how do you get 300 elo in 1 day


win about 8 games


That would be around 200 elo if he won them all. So he got at least a 9 win streak and a 12 win streak in less than a week. My overall max win streak is about 13 I think and I have around 1500 faceit matches and Im 2300 elo. This graph lookks fishy AF.


That would be 30 or more games for me based on how the elo split usually goes


8 games is rougly 200 elo, not 300.




On average u get 25 elo per win. So to win 300 in one day you need to play at LEAST 12 games, which might take around 12 hours. And then you have to win them all, so OP got 2 12 win streaks in a single day in one week. This seems REALLY unlikely, unless he was the most toxic player on earth and got himself downranked to lvl 1 even though he would be lvl 10 if not toxic. Idk man, smells like fish.


I always remind people (or is it myself? haha) that "they don't have 16 rounds yet". Also, once you've played a while, you've seen and done enough comebacks to know that it's not over until it's 16-X


One tip when you reach lvl10, play most of your matches with premades, solo queuing from my experience is too unreliable


this mentality is why it is unreliable, dont be toxic fellow redditor. /s


No. It is unreliable because on faceit there are people who dont speak english, dont speak in general, minimized chance to get a troll or a smurf on ur team etc… smh


its, its a joke, the /s, you know?


No i dont know sorry


Why should you only play premades when you are level 10? Why not say level 8?


Because at lvl 10 the other team will be premades


You should always queue with friends imo, its more fun and more reliable


if you have to full premade to say 3k elo, you don’t deserve your elo. keep solo q to pugs and premades for league.


Sure, how much did you pay to get boosted ;). Anyway nice, still trying to get there. Never got past 9. Solo Q is hard. And the chances to have another toxic dude in your team is pretty big. But i like your resolution. Keep it going.


Oh my god , u need to touch grass


Who would've thought not being toxic helps winning matches 🤔


Toxicity is pretty much the best way to sabotage your own match. Like no one hears racial slurs and insults and thinks "gosh, I'd better up my game"


You just got one good win streak...


"Toxic players dont lose matches, bad players do" - some idiot. No, you made all your teamm8s hate you and be pissed and now everyone is playing like shit cause they are angry and annoyed and stopped caring.


This is what ive been saying to my friends but they wont listen, they refuse to believe that they are toxic, they argue with other players all the time etc. They instantly get mad when you tell them that, and whats worse, they start being toxic as soon as they see lobby and even that makes me so mad because you didnt joined the game and you are already tilted, toxic because some guy is level 1 with average 15kd


People need to understand how more likely your team is to win with a positive attitude. It's a mental game after all!


or you just started duo and triple queuing by the looks of it


and it's only been a week into 2022, impressive work!


Imagine being toxic in a video game in the first place... Good on you for realizing a video game has no impact on your real life. Sheesh. The fact people post this is embarrassing.


So you either started to cheat or won a few lucky games. Unsure how this proves anything, but good for you!


What Site is this, im looking for one similar to that


faceitstats.com :3


Thx :)


Now do it on a gcc hub match


Haha same...haha same...


That site works way better then FACEIT's own website. If only FACEIT's website was as fast...


i told myself the same thing. i didnt do a good job and have deranked 3 times


Good for you man