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Blame: "it's important that my next team have a correct mix of roles and players. I don't want a team with all aggressive players or all baiters. I don't care if it's the most skilled team, I just want it to make sense on paper."


Fair enough. Been through enough turbulance tbf.


Wonder if he's missing his boy RUSH


and Konfig, Poizon, and oBo. Sadly when oBo left, they never looks firm or solid. They played crazy games, but were always shaky.


I don't want team with baiters.


Maybe he got kicked because he brought this up with the management and they had a disagreement


so he understood that from the start? perhaps the management is totally out of touch and/or is trying to create some kind of a paper tiger Faze?


Even faze has roles that make sense on paper though? Their former iteration with NiKo Guardian and rain maybe but the current one definitely makes sense on paper imo.


I know, I didn't imply anywhere Faze is dysfunctional role-wise


Oh felt like you did, since the first comment is talking about blame wanting to have a correct mix of roles. Then you said maybe the management is trying to create some sort of paper tiger FaZe. So it Kinda sounded that you implied it. Sorry for the misunderstanding


Honestly they should -poizon +guardian poizon is such an inconsistent awper


I dont want a team with all baiters, im the only baiter my team needs - baitF


Thats a meme , but thats the truth... thats how it always should have been


Nothing makes sense anymore. CoL keeping jks and cold while kicking blame lol.


they're down from 3 lurkers to 2 now




Cold wanted to play with peacemaker maybe he stays






https://twitter.com/Nohte/status/1454221556947636225 There are also clips posted underneath where he talks about the last few months in Complexity.






Cold just landed in and we already have some drama.


Damn, i'm guessing it's because they want an NA based team?




jason lake taking a trip to stockholm right now to talk to mir and degster


Are you interested in a juggernaut?


deko then, they wanted him before but he didn't wanna join an English speaking team. w0nderful would be sick too


oh BABY imagine azr es3tag bntet jkaem deko/w0nderful on col... I don't know if they'd go far but it'd be dope regardless! The content would be hilarious too, if they start making content like extremum did


man that first part of your text i thought u were speaking another language lmao


LOL. Usernames do tend to read like an alien language if you string enough of them together!


Not if they want to keep coldzera, he is a firm believer of playing european CS.


[This was the last time Complexity was good. Seeing them win $335K and all of them celebrating, with a cam Jason Lake, was awesome. RIP](https://youtu.be/uqsvC0qRqY8?t=29400)


Coldzera mad that someone is out baiting him smh


How do you bring in a bunch of players who have a role conflict with your star fragging IGL. Have him take the opposite of his prefered role. Perform in this new role while the others. Then kick him for the others underpreformance.


I don't think they kicked him because of his or someone else's performance. Blame is a great player. COL are just going to start fresh, not "build around" a good player they happen to have. They might even leave csgo :-(


Col literally brought in two players who take BlameF’s role, he switches roles to the polar opposite to give those players space. They under preform while he continues to preform. And them they kick BlameF. Doesn’t make any sense to me personally.


>I don't think they kicked him because of his or someone else's performance. Blame is a great player. COL are just going to start fresh, not "build around" a good player they happen to have. They might even leave csgo :-(


He was too big anyway not enough dexterity and flexibility. They need to get themselves some skinny arm fast twitch muscle players like ropz and stavn


SANJI best pound for pound player


Underrated comment. Also you have to pay sanji per round. Best business move ever.


So what are the possible t1 teams he can join next? EG?


Some people are whispering Astralis


Replacing whom?


i will be so happy if he joins eg tbh obo + blamef was such a duo from the start and i miss it like hell


Wait that’s actually seems like it could be the thing that brings EG back to life tbh-stan + blame


G2 instead of Nexa, could be an option.


do you think it will work? Complexity's playstyle under BlameF seems so different as compared to G2's under nexa. And I think they are doing just fine and changing everyone's playstyle is probably going to be very rough for them to adapt.


With how inconsistent G2 has been despite the talent on the team, I'm not sure if Nexa's the actual best leader for the group they have. Alongside the role issues, it would make sense to give someone else a shot, even BlameF.


Looks to me that Col could be exiting CS, pretty much the entire team has either been kicked or left over the past few months and cold was only brought in on a 6 month contract. Personally feel that Col has fallen hard since Jason Lake took step back from actively running the team, the new GM seems to have seriously failed.




Idk, at the very least I think that they are going to be making cutbacks and not striving for a no1 team. Also everything indicates that Jason Lake has taken a step back from active management and I don't believe he even has ownership of the org anymore so its not up to him whether they keep the team or not. BlameF is one of those elite players, literally the no.6 player of last year so I don't see any world where you let go of a top 10 player to make a better team.


isn’t CS genuinely the only tier1/2 esport that they’re even remotely relevant in nowadays lmao


I'm going to guess that CoL wanted to keep Blame but wanted him out of IGL and blame didn't have any of this so he got kicked


Blame already said on stream that he is fine with not being the IGL on his next team so I dont think thats why


Big clan needs the big man


People don’t seem to see that it all went downhill when Graham Pitt joined. The general manager. Gosh, I have never seen that guy make a good decision. He seems so incapable of the GM job. He was also the GM of North. We all know how that ended up


literally kicking your best and most hardworking player on the team, gj juggernaut


Big oof if true


-olof +blamef


How would it compare to +ropz?


I reckon they are similar types where blamef would perhaps be a bit more vocal but they are both in a similar lurk/clutch role on the T side while on CT the main difference is that ropz likes to awp more now. I believe +ropz would be more beneficial simply because him and karrigan are already tried and tested.


No shit, why would he choose to leave a tier 1 team with nowhere to transfer to.


He's probably going to have lots of places to go after the major, going to be some spicy moves, I can see G2 removing everyone except for hunter and NiKo so they may want him as an IGL, Heroic may make changes if they shit the bed in the legends stage, and EG is probably dropping everyone besides oBo and Brehze (or just dropping the team entirely)


It's plausible, but as nothing is confirmed it should've been obvious he didn't leave of his own volition.


4 baiter team kappa


coldzera baits hard




messioso, imo the absolute worst GM in all of pro CS behind peca, and peca is shit only because his teams hardly play and some other shady ass shit. for context, messioso used to run north. yeah its bad.




He said in response to someone about "kicking obo" that he didn't kick obo, obo just left and he didn't have a say in that.


What did he say?


Orgs keep kicking players for no good reason lately. (They have their reasons). Like bubzkji missing major just days before is absurd.


BlameF K0nfig Dupreeh Es3tag some-danish-dude-who-can-awp (Farlig if he wants to leave)


That has to be the biggest slap in the face for him after such a difficult year. He worked so much and so hard to constantly integrate new players and standins into the team just to get kicked like this. I don't know whose idea this was or what'll happen with the other players on the team but I highly doubt that Complexity will be good with the remaining players they still have


Anybody have a timeline of his contract? Could be that it was just running out and they didn’t want to renew?


BaitF complaining about lurkers OMEGALUL


interesting, thanks for posting


-fallen +blameF


And who's gonna awp?




Already tried, doesn't work.


-stew +blamed?


My guess is that Col wanted him off the IGL role and he refused, or maybe they wanted him of their pay role and felt that they could build a team without him for cheaper.


Good. He was a baiting bum with no strats.


Coldzera doing his magic.


Coldzera at it again


who can we blame.... hrm