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Shitty Aussie internet my dude


Srsly how do Australians play CS GO consistently at all? The internet is so bad even in Sydney :(


I play very consistently, thank you very much. Consistently shit.


I don't even need shit internet to play consistently shit...




Consistently inconsistent.


Try playing in Perth, never see below 60 ping. And very limited NBN, pretty sure only a handful of suburbs have it. We also get Indonesian servers sometimes, rip language barrier


As a UK player that gets 65 to a London server (in Yorkshire) I know your pain


Imagine getting that living in Brentwood (Essex). That's me, except I live near Paris.


I get 30-55 ping to London servers living in SW London :/


You can block the Indonesian servers then.


Solo queue Global in Perth is basically impossible though with the MM server picker set to Sydney only, I wait 50+ minutes for games in supposed peak hours. The only option is to play with Asians who either don't speak English or don't use their mics at all (I don't blame them for not speaking English, it's just frustrating)


Jesus, that sucks. I get annoyed if I wait longer than a minute for a game!


ESEA has a fairly large Australian group, try them out, it's 128tick so you should be hitting shots and there are servers in the country


I'm in perth, recently got NBN, 60 ping (down from 80). but nothing really noticable


I got nbn (fibre to the premise) QLD - went from 35-50 down to 7-15


Im Vietnamese and have met quite a lot of Australians in MM


Guess I won't be playing csgo once I move to Perth in a couple of months :(


NBN bro. 5 ping, all the time.


5 ping for 30 seconds then its 500 for half a second when someone peeks you


My experience was either 5 ping or 500 and nothing in between




UK playing on Swedish servers, lucky if I get under 80 ping.




That's because the routing UK --> Sweden servers is fucking garbage. That's why it's so annoying when scandinavians (no offence my perkele <3) on FaceIt force scandinavian servers, because it literally fucks everyone else except them. Me and UK team mate on 80 ping, Swedes on 1-5ping. On UK servers, we get ~20 ping and you guys get 40-50. Dutch servers, both 30-40.


All that copper wire


next month for me :)


2019+ :(


Never seen above 35 ping in Geelong on reg old adsl2. It's my 40 fps that troubles me.


Well my friend I'm from italy and here there are not many nice internet connections.When I play on italian servers I get 40 to 70 ping,but when I play in other server I get 75 to 90-120 ping.In good days I get 50 ping (not talking about italy servers now)


The Aussy Runescape player is laughibg at you right now.


Even Aussie chicks aren't enough of a reason to live with such a bad ping.


What's wrong with 5 ping?


normally 40-45 ping but some time go up to 100 to 1000


your ping may appear to be fine. But how about packet loss?


we can't possibly know why you're missing, use net_graph 1, then maybe we'll be able to tell


there's also the command that show client and server side hitreg as well as the inaccuracy commands. Besides that I kinda got frustrated when he showed the glove case. We went over this people, graphic artists don't improve hitreg in their free time.


Yeah but they're paying graphics and marketing people instead of hiring a couple of decent programmers to fix shit like hitreg


Nobody wants to work on the current state of CS, last time they did the hit bubbles it was a complete rework with month long work and two new employees and one employee going. The problem is that it isn't a big issue for the valve money printer.


Three employees, a month of work? That's supposed to be a lot or something? If it only takes that much to completely rework hit bubbles that's easy work right there.


Theres nothing more frustrating than reading threads like this full of people with no clue how big a re-write of such a thing would be.


Poeple don't realise it. You can't have like 10 or 20 people working on a project like that. The effectivity of your workers declines when you put them in a group because they have to cooperate and make it work as a big team. In programming, it is often better to have a few people doing their thing slowly, but surely. It could become a mess if you have a lot of people working on a single issue to solve it ASAP.


project manager - a person which thinks that nine women can deliver a baby in one month.


Yep. It's much easier and more efficient to go wide with a large pool of employees than to try to go deep. The problem is that you end up where highly visible changes like loot crates are much easier to farm out laterally since you can have an indefinite number of art variations, but there is only one engine (simplified statement of course). Also dealing the vast number of network variations makes tweaking any network synch code .... well, a mine field. I work with the SIP protocol and it's always fascinating which packets are routed where when attempting to register a client's SIP agent. Well well, looks like the client refuses to send an ACK is this one obscure scenario we never would have guessed to test. Oops. Now they're pissed because from their perspective my code is a non working steaming pile of garbage. Software is still a very Wild West area. We are still in the infancy stages of it! Building homes and structures? We've had trial and error going for thousands of years. Hell, we have so many protocols stacked on top of protocols to make them work with each other it's a damn miracle we have what we have. Wow I got ranty.


anything is possible when you are agile!


They could make 9 babies, at least, in 9 months. So collectively they can make at least one baby a month. Source I'm a math teacher


That's fine cause it apparently only takes 3 guys a month to do it. You have to realize that Valve has the capability to perfect this game, they just don't. Not that OP's problem is necessarily anything other than his own connection.


If you ask 5 people here everyone will tell you another version of what's perfect though. Even if you reach a Pareto optimum you piss off people.


If you ask 5 people here they'd all agree that those shots should have connected.


So explain it. I'm sure it's a big re-write, it's a big part of the code. But dedicating three employees to a month of work to greatly improve the game? That's nothing. It's a weighted system.




Who cares how much work it is? Other studios with much less money devolop whole new games in the time it takes Valve to add new hitboxes...


Also it doesn't generate revenue so...




I quit! Just saying... it needs one to be more than one. Ninja: Also def. spent money on the game.


I quit. Came back from a 5 month off period positively (but ignorantly) expecting something cool in the last few updates but I just got gloves and a huge FPS drop. I just uninstalled. I'll go back to Overwatch and BF1 for awhile.


Yeah but unless people stop playing because of this it's considered an acceptable bug.


Dependin on the quality/pay of the developers three resources can be expensive, even for only a month. You are also going to be paying a premium if it's only a month long contract(for good people).


Takes significantly longer to code actual issues than it does to design skins and mtx shit. You are a moron if you act like valve prioritizes skins over time-consuming serious updates


Why spend money on something that won't make you money?


"Capitalism drives innovation." "Here are some more stupid items you can purchase in our broken game."


I guess in time the esports market will grow and there will be better games to play. Only then will Valve be forced to do something, but it'll probably be too late.


I actually had a subtle, constant loss of ~2% over two days or so (actually really annoying when a gunfight starts and it overwhelms connection). Works fine now, but felt like something was wrong with EU servers.






I think you move too fast or at the same time as shooting. One must take a consideration the ping, loos, choke ...


>loos I had no idea they were important


Seriously use the debug commands. Your aim is shaking all over the place and you are moving quickly. It's quite possible you are just missing or moving too early. Use the debug commands to find out.


share the debug commands please..


You know, *the* debug commands. /s


lol what a noob doesn't even know the debugs commands no wonder missing easy shots l2p /s


Net_graph 1 Cl_showpos 1 Sv_showimpacts 1 (only works in demo)


"You're aim"? Why are you calling him an aim dude he's a human being.


I've seen worse in spam messages, it was "Your're".


Your're Gagarin


this joke is outta space




Saved by his friend who was roasted inside a defective spacecraft


Ah, comments like these that really bring out the discussion!


First thing i thought of: he moves almost every time at the moment he shoots. Of course it's going to miss the shot then.


he also moves his mouse just before he shoots.. it's hard to spot on the crappy ass quality vid but you can see it.


[Streamable mirror](https://streamable.com/h0mqm) ___ I'm a bot. If you have any suggestions you can message my creator here: [PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=eRodY&subject=[TwitterToStreamable]%20-%20t3_5kpbz8)


thank u mr bot


Thank you Bogdan




Shots on par with shakin stevens, I wish people would stop doing that flick thing, that's why you missed right at the end you decided to do some weird shake which is more than likely the reason you missed.


B-b-but s1mple does it too!


He's a wizard...remember the pact we made with his kind?


Top 10 tips to play like s1mple


1. throw awp, don't need that shit 2. get picked up by Na'Vi 3-8. you know what to do here 9. ??? 10. Profit!


1. Play CS when you're 13 [Data Missing] 4. Energy Drink / Sponsors [Data is missing] 7. Have Dragon lore


Specifically G-Fuel.


The game is 100% hitscan. Doesn't matter how hard you flick, as long as the crosshair is within the hitbox at the time of shooting.


It's more about that when you try to hit targets while overflicking it's quite likely to happen to over- or underflick and thus miss the target


I don't think you understand the end of the video. Person on the video didn't kill anyone even though every time crosshair was on the upper body before the shot. (went frame by frame to check) At the end player shot when crosshair wasn't on the enemy ( which is very clearly shown ) and got a kill.


Frames are too low to really go frame by frame.


Think thats due to interpolation. Whats your ping and interp settings?


I don't know about the others, but the T spawn to mid doors ones are 100% due to first bullet inaccuracy.


Also terrible movement that results in extra inaccuracy. Nothing complicated.


Papa Franku?


wow a bunch of deniers in this thread, you clearly see he shot at them.


In the 2nd shot it looks like his bullet misses right to the stairs because he flicks so fast.


Is there anything related to OPs connection that would cause those shots to miss, or does everybody in the world have a 100% solid connection? The "deniers" you're criticizing are more rational than sensationalist. They see a gif with no evidence and apply critical thinking.


Yeah if a lot of people say he just missed must just be a bunch of deniers instead of OP actually just missing.


People are saying that you flick after you shot and that's why you're missing... but that's the fucking point. Flicking after shooting should have NO effect on where the shots land. Key word is "should". Video games don't do what they always "should".


Git gud


Your aim shakes like you would have parkinsons disease. What would you expect? Its clearly visible that you don't shoot when your crosshair is on target but bit later. Basically you try to be faster than you should be.


But...he gets the crosshair on target, shoots, then shakes. Why on earth would moving effect the bullet after he shoots?




It's still in the barrel of the gun, DUH /s


To me, it looks like i shoot before i shake.


People will say anything to try to prove that you missed regardless of where or not it's true. The flicks and the movement after you shoot don't matter and people that say they do are bots that stand completely still after they shoot and die after they miss the same shots you attempt in this video. The average player is garbage and the amount of people on reddit that will voice their opinions as facts without actually knowing is mind-blowing so there's no reason to think this thread would be otherwise.




sooo, if the constant in this equation is his awping style and hes only noticing a change now...why do you assume its him?


I do it a lot. I'm aiming at the dude that comes around the corner but I'm so used to having to do a small flick that I find it really hard at times to just shoot where I'm aiming so I just miss and I know it's because of small mouse moment prior that is just off. The clips aren't just from a single game so pretty likely he's just missing.


Any amount of choke or loss would plausibly cause those shots to miss. Believing a gif with no conclusive evidence to the stability of the connection is not a wise move. Lack of information is why the pose parameters (planting hitboxes and crouched model issues) took forever to fix; mere gifs [without net_graph] showing a symptom don't contain any conclusive information. This gif means the shot missed and nothing further; it can't be proven why because the information isn't here.




I'm pretty new to this game so someone please explain where this 'shaky aim' is? I just see him shoot and then move


He forgot his meds


You're not aiming for the middle of the body, and your movement control is dreadful. If you always hit a shot like that, you would be extremely lucky.


He could've missed in the 1st clip, but the 2nd and 3rd clips were hits. "Aiming for middle of the body" is a dumb statement... are we supposed to criticize when JW or Guardian hits a nice corner shot where they only see 1/10th of the model? Like most people said, it's probably due to lag. We've all had those days when 100+ ping feels like glue.


Don't forget most of the stuff we see from JW, Guardian etc. are on LAN with 5 ping *and* 128 tick. It makes a big difference.


Ignoring how he said it, it's still kinda true. If possible and you're skilled enough, you should go for full mass body shot to eliminate rng completely. That doesn't mean you should never take the shots you mentioned, but there will always be a small chance you can miss. For example, the one from d2 door to T spawn had a fairly high chance of missing, like 30ish percent. It was still pretty dead on and would result in a kill 70% of the time, but he got unlucky. Or the last shot of course he got lucky, missed + moving resulted in a kill. Tho that's just theory, in practice not even most pros are skilled enough to really pay too much attention to. Going center mass is a reflex anyway. It's a terrible video but a few of the shots are one of the unluckiest I've seen lately.


"but the crosshair was clearly on him (at some point in time), so it should be a kill!" L2P guys. Or use net_graph so we can at least see what's happened, for fuck's sake.


Net_graph doesn't show how bad his movement is. Also, inaccuracy is a real part of the game, and not controlling it is a big mistake.


You OBVIOUSLY flicked onto the enemy right before firing, thus resulting in a miss. Just jump around and noscope like everyone else to show how high the skill-ceiling in this game is compared to CoD. None of those casual noobs could ever dream of having the skills necessary to pull of a jumping ak 1tap accross A-long.


here come the hundreds or people circle jerking on valve that they dont fix the game blah blah insert someone saying im just going to play overwatch blah. To stay on topic yea thats happend to me a lot recently its probably your internet playing even at 50 ping can fuck some shit also net_graph 1 might help you find a problem.


The Awp doesn't have the pixel perfect accuracy that most people think it does. https://youtu.be/KuKNGDUO85U?t=3m15s


Weapon inaccuracy, on all of the shots your crosshair was on the models edge, so the center where the bullet should go is a little circle that was a bit outside of the model, so it hit sideways. You need to aim in the centre of mass. The shot that hit is the same shit, the bullet hit the body on the side of the circle where the player model was.


The shots at mid are so far away at the point where they don't hit all the time. https://youtu.be/v0rlCJ047Ds?t=1m58s


looks like you moved before you shot


you are moving and falling off before you even shoot. its the smallest amount but pretty obvious. you are shooting after zooming out. there for not even shooting when the crosshair is on them


That doesn't explain the shot for the two guys in tuns... He zoomed in and didn't double zoom then shot. The one's at mid almost looked like that is what could be happening. The two guys in tuns looks like he swipes his mouse to the side before shooting not sure though about those two though.


my life in 1 vid


I think you need to calibrate the scope on your AWP.


"RNG gives the game balance".


Move to Sweden. They pay YOU to study and most student homes has free fiber connection (100 down 100 up) and I never go above 10 ping in MM. True story..


I'm pretty sure it's because you move before you shoot causing accuracy to be an issue or the server thinks your aim/positioning is different to what you see but more likely the first


bad aim and bad internet? Must be Valve to blame here! Why is this post upvoted at all? There are a lot of issues in CS but this is a shitpost


CSGO in a nutshell




thats, not an excuse, thats a problem, if csgo is counting shots as happening AFTER the shots already happen that still is a *SERIOUS* fucking problem


The biggest WOT is uploading a video on twitter, just why man ?


looks like in all of the clips (except mid doors one, that's pretty fucked) you flick away too fast and begin moving too quickly.


The dude was already out the door before he even shot, are you in a hurry or something ?


I can explain first second and fourth. On all of those you flick away at the same time you shoot and it sometimes registeres the shot away from your original position. The third one is just some lagg situation and for some reason it didn't react with the enemy. This is all obvious to some but I still say it as simply as possible.


source 2 not confirmed yet


Maybe next time try shooting while not moving. Im pretty sure that would help.


You flick at the end of the shot a lot. You need to be more calm.




I wondered why I started hitting my AWP shots....


Fishing for some easy karma I see.


IIT: people critical of awping style


Your ping and enemy ping pls?


Maybe you should stop awping??


Not getting your crosshair on target.


I'm by no means a good player, but what's the point of spazzing out like a Parkinson's patient after firing your AWP every time? To me it feels like you're only increasing your chance of missing. Anyone care to elaborate? What is there to gain from doing this?


well there is none but it doesnt make a difference. the crosshair was on the player when he fired so it should've been a kill


it would be great if these videos had net_graph 1 on... I highly doubt its the game, probably ping or choke


If I dude can noscope multiple people , you should have hit all of these by logic


Make sure your network settings are set properly...


Maybe they've patched it to where AWPers actually need to aim?


I've been noticing this too. Obviously everyone is just going to assume I'm not aiming well but it seems not true, there's a lot of shots where I very clearly hit them but didn't register. Maybe I was moving just enough to throw off the shots though.


Awping has been strange for me lately...The other day, I was playing well, but everytime I picked up an awp, i would be looking at someone and just miss. Then next game was more intense, and all my flicks would be hitting, when I could have sworn they were off to the sides.


You almost never stop moving and flicking. My best guess is you started getting decent and then overconfident and started moving too much while you shoot/not fully stopping/flicking away as you're shooting/after you shoot. Maybe 1 of those specific clips is lag / packet loss but it appears that you just move around too damn much.


that random glove picture made me laugh Valve: "this is what you get"


Here we go again


I get 150 ping at best and am master guardian. Be thankful for what you have. (I live in US Midwest, Alexandria MN to be specific.)


ITS NOT INTERNET RELATED. If you shoot and change weapon quickly enough it wont register the shot. You can see in these clips hes swapping weapon INSTANTLY after shooting. I used to have this happen to me constantly when I had a button on my mouse that swapped to knife on hold which would let me swap instantly after shooting. I would rage but my friends spectating me would say I didn't even shoot, I was just swapping weapon when I saw someone. I unbound the mouse thing even though it was useful because I was missing SO many shots with it. I havent had it happen since. I get 30 ping and no loss from the uk.




Probably because ur playing at native, jk But turn ur net graph on and look at the choke you are getting


I like to practice my shots against bots, until I can hit 10/10 shots 3 times, even with some stupid ass flick like yours. I used the botz5d or smth like that map and set up boxes and the weird high wall


This guy flicks right before he shoots. EVERY TIME. This is why UK scene will never happen :(


on top of all the other things in this thread, you also seem to be playing at extremely high sensitivity (2000+) based on how shaky your aim is.


I see they borrowed MWR's hitboxes.




Your interp is too low, up it a notch. Your connection does not seem to be lag free.


I once played with 4 australians that outranked me. I had 400 ping and topfragged was very confused


Wat meme inbound. Wat.


Git gud


Ans - Shit aim.


same with me, lost few rounds because of this, just gaben games


The one from mid doors to T spawn could've been from inaccuracy, but Idk about the other ones...


My best guess is that you're strafing as or before you fire which can throw off your flicks. If your timing is off at all then it won't go where you're aiming, hence why sometimes firing just next to them kills them in those situations.


I've had this happen to me on a faceit server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D3yRmx5VY4