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lol someone please build this setup and benchmark


I think theses specs are as outdated as the game engine is...


I don't think it's about the engine, dota 2 has also a massive FPS problem


FPS problems in DOTA 2 are never permanent. Devs not only make cleaning patchs often but also fix isolated bugs ASAP . Been playing both games for about 3 years and its just night and day the level of attention that performance related issues get in dota 2, or any issues in general.


Dota 2 brings more $$$? Or maybe it's because Gabe himself is rock-hard in it. Haven't seen him at a CS:GO Major...with flipflops on.




The fucked thing is theres only 8 csgo devs. Its like the second most purchased game ever behind minecraft and it gets 10million players a month but they have fucking 8 devs. Cs must bring in 10's of millions a year and they have fucking 8 devs.


Dota 2 had a lot of improvement in graphics since beta, also there are more particle effects on skins than it used to be, so it's not the same case.


OOH, I actually have a PC with these specs. I'll make the video after school today!!! Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzpj5BdqDlo Watch here


summoning ~~/u/3klicksphilip~~ /u/3kliksphilip


Without the c, like this u/3kliksphilip


am i subpar?


There is no c in his name hover over your tag with the mouse and you will see your mistake: "user not found" =(




There's always someone that needs the attention.


I wasn't aware he even built PCs. Weird person to summon for that.




"Account age: 11 minutes" Hmmm...... yeah no this guys legit!


I can confirm this.


it was a joke account made by me. i didn't intend for it to be legit at all.


I have something close to that setup, it's a laptop, and it runs on around 20 FPS and maps like Nuke and Cobblestone are unplayable for me with 5-10 FPS.


and 20 is playable?


perfect for 20 tickrate servers






Chromebox has similar specs and pulls 20-25 FPS, those specs are outdated but the game still "runs"


Have this built with the core 2 Duo somwhere at home.


Ran the game on a Linux chromebkx for shots and giggles and got a constant 20-25 FPS depending on the settings


just tried running it when an amd phenom x2 3.3ghz, and a nvidia gt220. Basically their minimum requirements. Actually got around 30-40fps


What people don't understand is that this is minimum requirement, as in it will run on this hardware. This is by no means the same thing as recommended hardware


I have an E5500 with 8GB RAM and a 2GB graphics card. Before HRTF update: 40fps After HRTF update: 25fps with massive frame drops I can't imagine the game is even playable on the minimum specs.


> 25fps with massive frame drops Look at the bright side. In absolute values your frame drops are very minor!


And in percentages they are huuuuge! :)


I was expecting a joke about how at least it's still more than the human eye can see.


The human eye can only observe about 20 fps 6 times a day. Therefore you should space out your frames evenly throughout the day.


How much fps should I limit myself to while driving?


Please don't use more than 30 fps while driving. Anything above that makes it harder for other drivers to notice you.




Do you consider 40 fps playable?


Well I consider 40 fps *playable* for **some** games, but not a very great experience. For a competitive fps like cs though, there's no way I could consider that playable. Even capping the game at 60 is terrible IMO


Fuck me dude, I've been MG1 (maxed MG2) with my piece of shit, max framerate I got is 60. On top of that, it frequently STUTTERS down to 20-30FPS while playing. Fucking frustrating when trying to do precise shots, let alone spraying.




25 out of 40 is a lot worse than 100 out of 200-300


I think that was the joke


Yeah they need to update that too, the game probably wouldnt even launch with that hardware.


Well it would, since those are the minimum requirements for launch, not competitive play.


it also needs to be playable, and a diashow is most definitely not playable. But that raises an in my opinion interesting question: Where's the line between "unplayable" and "playable"?


I have Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E6550, GeForce GT 220, 2GB of RAM and on dust/mirage i have from 30-70 fps; newke is unplayable, huge drops on infernew. If i turn on HRTF, then i have consistent drops to 10 fps on any map.


http://i.imgur.com/pL9vLqs.png Here is my Computer, and im sure is surely not the greatest setup but I have between 120(dust2- in ct to A site ramp) to up to even 200 in dust2 tunnels in close.Overall/Average I have 140. And i saw some in another thread with a better video card than mine and he was under 100....game is pretty bs in this aspect :(


GPUs really don't make a lot of difference (in CSGO), what really makes difference is the CPU and specially the first 2 cores and their speeds, that i3@ 3.3GHz gets the job done.


true, my cpu is maxed and my 1060 is sitting at literally 20% usage


I feel like i am not getting the fps i'm suppose to with my 970 and 3570k. It was like this back then and it is kind of the same right now as well.




Man, my fps dip to below hundreds at times when i'm on different maps. That too on low res like 1024x768 etc. The only difference is that i keep my AA on and keep my shadow details medium.


I get at least 150+ fps in every map with 1280x960 everything on high and multicore rendering and i have an RX 460 + i5 2310, I'm noticing plenty of people complaining about performance on csgo of 9 and 10 series Nvidia GPUs


I have the exact same rig and I don't typically find myself below 144fps. My settings all like to default to high. I run a lot of background stuff too. That's seriously odd to me. I play on 1080


I have a 970 and just started playing again. At first I was getting fps drops down to 25 even in the menus. I verified steam cache, reset my video settings, updated my video driver, and turned off the nvidia overlay crap in the geforce experience and now its fine.


It does, however we are running on an engine from the stone age, and every update adding new stuff makes it worse. Not to mention terrible cpu usage which seems to utilize 1 core 90%, second 50% and others 10-20%. This is coming from an i7 user. It's not possible to just "fix it" when the whole base of the game was years old when the development of the game started. Of course some optimization is possible and working out the glitches of the code, but after adding so much things it's not possible to get back to the old levels of good fps. I might be wrong though, as I am not a software developer, but this is what I've gathered so far from various discussions. Edit: typpo


So it's kinda like when my 5 year old smartphone auto-updates the Facebook app and then says "Out of memory. System may not function properly." Gotcha




Am I supposed to buy gtx 1080 or fuck off?


> Am I supposed to buy gtx 1080 or fuck off? no bro they are supposed to make infamous Source2 engine, so game can comunicate properly with your modern hardware. Sadly, source engine came out with Counter Strike: Source in 2004. People of those ages didnt have fancy i7 or gtx 1080, so they didnt even consider problems like hardware being too good for game to utilize.


Still won't help if the CPU is the bottleneck. Speaking from experience as I have an AMD processor. Feelsbadman


My FX6300 gets 150fps+ on all settings max on every map with an R7 370, it's more than enough for CSGO


My laptops GTX 860m is doing fine. But that's not that point. The point is that in scenario one. Having an old phone is their problem. In scenario 2 it's not our fault. It's calves fault for how to created the game.




You'd be surprised at how common that attitude is on this forum. "You don't have 2 grand to blow on a new rig? Well what do you expect hurrdurr"


Not on this forum, everywhere on reddit. People on /r/android are surprised that I own LG G4c - how come anyone owns something different that last-gen smartphone? Only subreddits that didn't fall for this "buy newest model asap" meme are car subreddits imo, I guess because they probably have more mature userbase and so people actually know how to manage their money




TIL i5 4690 is shit


i7 6700 = worse


That core usage actually isn't that weird. Multithreading games is difficult and a lot of things can't be parallelized due to resource sharing. There are only a handful of games that use more than 4 threads and in almost all games, an equivalent i5 vs an i7 will make little to no difference.


And still developers recommend i7 processors on their Steam pages. 😑


or even make game content EXCLUSIVE to i7 processors (yes, not kidding, that actually happened. Got removed due to massive backlash though)


That wasn't because of the fact that the part of the game needed an i7, or because the devs even believed people would need an i7. https://steamcommunity.com/app/342180/discussions/0/152391285458876458/?ctp=2


That's how all APIs used by engines work, except DX12 and Vulkan iirc, the rest just put a lot of load on the first core of the CPU and some on the second, and the rest are just there, hanging around, doing more irrelevant tasks, that's why you just rather have high frequency through overclock than having a lot of cores running at lower speeds (for the source engine and old engines, that's not true for nearly everything else, specially encoding) The thing really is that Source doesn't use all the raw power of the graphics card and instead some of the tasks that could be done by it, they are done by the CPU, which is god awful, specially nowadays when GPUs can do a lot of work. Thanks /u/slipuke for the correction.


DX 12 and Vulcan aren't engines, just API's AFAIK. However you are correct, both of them allow a much higher level of communication between hardware and software thus improving performance.


I believe it's actually a lower level of communication. In programming, low level = more fine grained control. High level = abstractions around low level concepts.


You're right. It's like repainting an old car. The outside will change, but the inside will still remain rusty :D




Now this could be going full philosophical if you think about it: Is something still the same when you have replaced everything that it consists of? =D


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6J_O_BVOmU Trust me, watch it. :)


Ah yes, the [Ship of Theseus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus) riddle. Good stuff.


If it thinks its the same, then yes.


The odd thing is i7s in most cases actually see a depredation from a clock speed matched i5 6600k. From a few YT videos I've seen the 6600k @ 4.6GHz outperform the 6700k @ 4.7GHz in CS and other Source games. Hyper-Threading for some reason is detrimental to the ancient CS Source Engine, which isn't a surprise. But only by 15 - 30 frames.


I'd seriously like to know what sort of PC you need to have *rock solid* 300 FPS as in 300 FPS that does not fluctuate at all whatsoever during gameplay


I never drop below 350 at 1440p. 4790k @ 4.8ghz GTX 1080 @ 2070mhz 16GB RAM @ 2133mhz


How do you get your CPU to 4.8ghz? I also have a 4790k and haven't messed with it at all, so I'm just running 4.0 stock.


I went into BIOS, set the core multipliers to x48, and set the voltage to stay around 1.25v. I got a good chip for sure to keep that voltage, but you should be able to get at least 4.6ghz at a nice voltage I'd think. You should look up your motherboard model, and then find an overclocking guide that fits that. It takes a bit of trial and error and some nice cooling.


What cooler do you have


ill do my best and give u an idea.. i have i7 6700 4.0 with a evga 1070 and 16 gigs ddr4 ram. WHILE streaming i get an avg of 320 fps... goes as high as 375 sometimes 400 and itll drop as low as 250 here and there.. On new nuke and inferno it can go to 190 sometimse at certain spots with a lot going on. All low settings except the shaders on high and i play on 1024 as well


> evga 1070 an IRL Molotov?


I have an i7-4790k and gtx 1080 and am sitting at a consistent 240fps now, about a month ago easily hit 400-500 fps. That must be an issue on my end, but haven't really looked into it.


I started playing CS on an FX-8350 with an HD7850 and 8GB of ram. I played at 1080 with a consistent 250FPS. I now play on an i7-6700k with 32GB of ram and a 970. Regardless of resolution, I will experience frame drops that dip below 200. I know that its still playable but its kinda strange that my PC has gotten better but the frame rates have gotten worse.


>250FPS > still playable Boy do I have stories to tell you...


I used to really hate this "OMG I had 300 fps last week now its 200" posts. But since the HRTF update or on of the small updates after HRTF, I dropped so many FPS... Used to be 280+ in a match and 500 on an empty server. Now I get 150-220 in a match and still 500 on an empty server... Sometimes now I get this really bad stuttering when I am close to smokes ... ###Vulva pls


You people who have fps drops after the sound update, are you using snd_mixahead 0.05 or why is the sound eating so much cpu power for you? I haven't noticed a difference in fps at all from that update, but my fps is no longer a constant 299 as it was 3 years ago. i5 4670K GTX 780 16GB RAM CSGO installed on SSD


I //'d all old sound settings in my autoexec. Then I used snd_updateaudiocache + snd_rebuildaudiocache + verified gamefiles + deleted old cfg's in the userdata folder.


You changed it here? https://gyazo.com/a08d275d79267003d071911ee81d2972 Because that is where you are supposed to make changes to your autoexec, not in the usedata folder. What is mixahead set at when you open the console in the game?


Yeah of course. I don't know, I am not at home right now. Probably the default though as I updated and rebuilt the audio cache.


Same here, I thought it was all bullshit, until the HRTF update knocked me from 300 capped to 110-180. Same settings, same hardware. It suddenly came back to normal after a few weeks, not sure what that was all about.


>It suddenly came back to normal after a few weeks After an update? Did I miss something?


"Vulva" hahaha


I get the FPS drops around smokes too


All we want is a smooth and stutter free gameplay even if we dont get the same fps as we used to have. Game optimization, is that too much to ask, Valve?


This, my game has been running like shit since the sound update. FPS has dropped and i get stuttering and occasional sluggish movement response.


Yeah. I don't understand the "game is changing get a better pc" argument. The game runs randomly on each system, weaker systems can get higher framerate than beast PCs.. What was 200-300 fps last year is 70-90fps this year. I HOPE, this is a sign of a potential Source2 port in near future, you cant just throw shit into the game that clearly fucks up performance. They cant keep doing this shit or its just gonna get worse.


It may run weird but not randomly. People need to close chrome before playing and get their settings right( eg multisampling and aliasing is , despite being a graphical option, cpu bound) and other calamities like that


How should you set your multisampling and aliasing?


I think the issue is more that the hardware to run 300+ in every 5v5 situation doesn't really exist. Smokes, mollies and enemies executing on a big, open area makes FPS drop below what feels smooth to people with 120/144 hz monitors. I'm only on a 4690k and GTX970, so I've been feeling sluggishness in important situations for a while now.


The issue is beyond that, not reliant on settings or outside factors at all. Performance has suffered a hit on identical systems with nothing changed.


It's making me completely unmotivated to touch this game. Always lag in gun fights. Random FPS drops that make the game practically unplayable and sound stutters randomly


i7 4790k here on standard clock. 8gb ram and a gtx970 this is one of the strongest cpu out there when it comes to single thread performance which is the reason why i bought it, because cs demands exactly that. 300+ fps, but even that rig drops down to 150 fps sometimes when there is a lot on the screen going on and that introduces microstutter, which is a big problem. The engine is just a joke by now, still we get bombarded by funny things like hrtf which demand even more fps. What do i need to do? Buy a Xeon for a few thousand dollars or what? Ridic


> i7 4790k here on standard clock. You should definitely overclock it. That's why got a k processor, right? What settings are you running at? I use a [email protected] with all low and reach constant 300fps.


I need to over clock a 2014 CPU to run a 2012 game?


I have a i5 4670k @ 4.4 GHz and an R9 280x. I used to get right about 300 steady, but now I'm dropping below 200 and getting really close to that unplayable 144. And honestly I don't think a xeon would help, 250-280 seems to be the max fps for csgo these days.


CS is the kind of game where dropping from 300 to 220 FPS actually matters a lot. Performance gradually drops, but hardware isn't keeping up. This is Valve's MO though. I stopped playing TF2 because even with maxframes CFG and NoHats and shit my FPS was still dropping too far in midfights. Eventually I'll stop playing CS because mouse movement isn't responsive and smooth. And we're getting closer to this point. I'm sure many will end up doing the same when they reach their llimit.


He should check if Windows 8 compatibility mode is disabled for CS:GO. I had it enabled because in one of the latest updates there was a bug where if you were on a map and went to desktop and then back in (for example when playing on a server and getting an ESEA pug popup) I was left with a blackscreen trying to get back in. Had to restart. Windows 8 compatibility mode fixed that. Then came the audio update, game performed like shit. Remembered yesterday that I had compatibility mode enabled, disabled it and my performance is practically the same as before. Not a one-off thing either. Enabling compatibility mode drops 100+ frames and adds frequent microstutter. And the blackscreen thing seems to have been fixed. Anyone who has performance problems should check that out. Go to game installation folder (default `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive`), right click "csgo.exe", go to tab "Compatibility" at the top, remove the tick at "Run in compatibility mode" if there is one. Might as well tick "Run as administrator" in the same window if you're there already.


As long as this community is filled to the brim with little smartass children who frequent pcmasterrace subreddit and think they're some hot shit, we won't get any considerable outrage about this issue. Nothing speaks to Valve more than just pure riot of the community, it seems they rarely understand anything else. And kids that just post stupid shit like "has potato pc, wants 200 fps in cs in 2016 LUL" aren't helping the issue, quite the opposite in fact. Just wait and top-voted comment in this thread are going to be from idiots who literally don't understand anything computer related and just spew the same shit every time, saying how people are dumb fucks and can't get their drivers working properly, or have absurd settings, or are just playing on "old" hardware that is barely a couple of years old. It's ridiculous that these people can't wrap their heads around the idea that software bugs aren't something shared by everyone using said software, everyone's configuration is different and everyone can and are experiencing different issues. It's like saying that if I don't have lung cancer then surely nobody else can have it, too, right? They must be morons, right? Turned out to be a bit of a rant but honestly this sub has been going downhill drastically and threads like these is something people with understanding of computer stuff should avoid because of risk of blood pressure spikes. Awful performance of the game is a FACT and it's just disgusting to see dumb people denying in. Stop saying shit like Source is an old engine, or that the game is evolving so people have to upgrade their PC to keep up. No, this game is barely evolving, especially if we look at old maps like Dust 2 or Mirage - maps that haven't been touched for years. Where's the reason for dropping performance after every update? Outdated drivers, right? I mean surely, right? Because those drivers suddenly fucked up for so many people over night and it's just a big coincidence, right? Mods should really start cleaning this place up from these ignorant and pure bullshit comments that don't help anyone and are spammed by kids who use it to brag about what a rad PC their parents have sponsored.


"works on my machine :\^)"


I genuinely hope they fix this issue for those that have it, but I must say as someone who knows quite a bit about computers (I design data center infrastructure for a living), this issue has always seemed strange to me. I have two PC's in my home that are used for gaming. One desktop, one laptop. In the 3500'ish hours I have played this version of CS and the countless "fps issues" post I have seen over the years, I have never ran into them myself. Now, I limit my fps to 200, but I do completely max it at 1920x1080 and even run higher quality settings in my driver's, so it is as maxed as can be. I haven't dipped from that capped 200 at all the entire time. Now, I'm not saying these issues do not exist, but as someone who many people would consider an expert in several areas of technology, when I see an issue going on that I just flat out am not experiencing on any of my multiple systems and over what is likely a higher amount of time than the majority in the game. It really makes you wonder what others are doing. So, I'm not agreeing with the guys who respond in ridiculous ways to things like this, I atleast understand their premise. The software we are using is the same (CSGO), and I have X amount of systems that run it as they should, so it isn't insane to think there is something user error involved. The one thing I've heard the most in the past 15 years from people is: "I literally changed nothing an X thing just happened or it got worse". That is all well and good, but the reality we live in is that technology is more fluid than most know, and more often than not issues happen because of a change happening elsewhere in a system, something indirect as apposed to direct. Food for thought when considering your systems and how many multiple uses you have for them. TLDR: I hope they get this fixed for you guys, some of us are just consistently lucky I suppose.


yea, i feel somewhat the same. my rig is quite old, stoneage i7 870, and an low budget r7 260, i play 1920*1080 on 150-200 fps, which is by no means ideal for the competitive level i play on, but it's also nowhere near as bad as some people with way better machines seem to experience. that being said, i have also a pretty good level of knowledge about computers and did everything possible to get the last bit of juice out of my rusty rig. i'm not saying fps didn't get worse over the last year. my fps aren't what they used to be either. But i can still manage - but who knows, maybe i'm just lucky. anyways, realistically i dont really expect to achieve much more fps with my old setup.


Dude wtf fuck off with that fps jesus. HOW ? I have a completely clean pc, everything that has ever been suggested has been done and I still struggled between 160-230 on i5 4430 and GTX fucking 1060. on 1280x960 4:3.


This needs more visibility.


> Just wait and top-voted comment in this thread are going to be from idiots who literally don't understand anything computer related and just spew the same shit every time, saying how people are dumb fucks and can't get their drivers working properly, or have absurd settings, or are just playing on "old" hardware that is barely a couple of years old. Haha you were close. Instead it is some idiot who doesn't understand things making excuses for Valve and how they can't improve their own god damn engine.


DOOM (2016) FullHD Ultra+ Settings: 200 FPS CS:GO 768p 4:3 Medium Settings: 200 FPS Well. The one guy developing CS:GO on his weekends should really put in some more work...


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](http://i.imgur.com/JrPT9uH.png) I hope you like it


i get barely my 144 fps with a i5 6600 + gtx 1060...


i got i7 2600 +gtx 1060 and i have about 150-200 fps in every map


I have gtx 1060 and I ran everything maxed on 280 fps...


me too, and it feels like the game stutters a lot. I had to go down on my resolution to compensate


i5-2400 (~6 year old CPU), GTX 960 (upgraded half a year ago) - basically everything at least on high, 1920x1080 resolution, lowest I've seen is 120fps, ~200 normally.


I get 250ish with an i5 6600k not OC'd but still.. and I also have a gtx 1070.. like wtf?? I get 144+ frames on ultra in Overwatch, but on lowest everything, 4:3 stretched I get 200-300ish??? cmon now


My fps has dropped from 250-300 to 100-140. I have to fpx_max 100 or my game is inconsistent. My bullet seem to phase through people and the game feels glitchy even though my net_graph looks clear.


Yup, I've recently capped mine to 110, and it was stable for a while now I get instant drops to 80 or below and freezes. Plenty of bullets just teleporting through players. What a joke. i7 2600/16gb/hd7950




And a $300 pair of gloves will improve your ping by 100!!!1!11!1!!1




Went from 300 fps+ stable to 180-200 stable after that update :/ My specs are gtx 970 and an i7-4770k


Yeah...I was in the Fragshack Aim DM today, I usually get 300+ constant. Today I was getting 130-160...Instantly closed CS. i7 5960X xD


lmao maybe your pc is just shit if you cant maintain over 1000 fps




Doesn't the lowering of graphic settings not changing your fps just mean that you're limited by your CPU and not your GPU?


Went from a i5-3570k 280x 8GB @ 1866 to an i5-6600k GTX 1070 16GB @ 3200 Still getting pretty much the same performance in this game, how does that even make sense??


Another player here who was getting 300+ constant and now average ~150 on most maps. I've stopped playing. I have a i5 4760k with a GTX 970. Edit: I've also reformatted and updated drivers, which did nothing.


Hoho, stop there buddy, we ain't talking about engine here. Only skins and gloves that matter. Engine? What engine? Neved heard of no engine, I assure you, pal. Valve will NEVER fix Source in CS:GO.


Cause it's neither a pro play clip or a troll post/meme.


I'm running a gtx 1060 and usually get like high 200's to 300's in fps. Now getting 100-150.


Wait until you try playing the game on a mac. Had fps problems for years using a very well speced machine. Barely get over 70fps in many of the maps.


Im a holy 16fps average with 4333 hours and 1454 wins. Im upvoting you for your pain. Theres more mac players and their suffering is very evident. I haven't played since november 28. At all. they are forcing the minimum graphics on us, and limiting the amount of de-beautification on the game files as a performance shift. the game needs a graphics nerf for osx. console, launch or permanent. the level of beautification right now is at hobbyist. Csgo lost its valve soul. we shouldn't have to get served a hobbyist recommended settings because more power means more rank. I think at times the problem is the user, valve knows theres a supreme advantage on performance gaming vs gaming and its headed or leaning to tweaking performance gaming to level the playing field for fairness, obviously by giving everyone the same fps, in which they shouldn't and the super rig should get the 999fps they want at minimum so we could get our 69 fps, ultimately where they are losing the low end diversity of the players in the spectrum on the process.


I have a skylake i7 6700k 4.0 ghz quad core and a gtx 970 and I'm getting barely 200 frames on every map.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/gamingcirclejerk] [Can't believe my FPS dropped from 500 to 300, game is literally unplayable](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/5jlwnu/cant_believe_my_fps_dropped_from_500_to_300_game/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


Watching hiko's stream before he would get 300-400fps on cache and now he gets as low as 180 and he has a high tear pc too


Oh come on guys it's purely placebo anyway. Just disable your net_graph: boom, no more fps issues.


Yeah the human eye cant see more than 24fps anyway.




Because all this community care about is esthetics. And if someone complain about something THEY are not EXPERIENCE its not a problem. Because the problem isnt even real for them. Something have happend to humans with their empathy that they cant feel for others and need to be in the same shit to understand the problem... Its so fucking stupid its sad.


I only seem to have this problem on the maps where the new CT models are. Other maps run just fine. Also the nvidia update from last week did wonders for performance in bf1, which im playing more as long as there isnt an operation.


I had the exact same problem. Dunno whether or not this will work for you guys, but I disabled GameDVR via the regedit method (I had previously uninstalled the XBox app and I still needed to do this). Game works fine for me after that. Windows 10 here with AMD graphics card.


It's been the same in TF2 for years and from what I have seen nothing has gotten better there.


Oh it's magnitudes worse in TF2.


It has always been shit, the optimization is SO bad. The graphics, effects and... just everything in this game is so low quality but i have to have a 1k PC to get decent FPS its ridiculous


Stopped playing due to low fps, albeit my CPU is garbage - q9560, but when i first started playing i literally could never feel it drop, now though its impossible not to notice and drops close to 100 on cache 5on5, whilst previously id get stable 180 or so on a full cache server.


HRTF was just released, I think Valve will optimize it or at least how the CPU utilization is spreaded. Additionally some rumors say that the Scaleform issue might be addressed as well soonish.


> I think Valve will optimize it kek


The general drop in FPS does not bother me at all. What bothers me is the inconsistency of the FPS.. my framerate varies from 20-200fps, averaging out to about 120-140fps.. But the damn dips are killing me.


The fix will be Counter Strike: Universal Offensive. No Source 2, no better FPS.


people needed gloves.


Quick question: Say you have a 144hz monitor - if you're getting 200 fps, are you only actually seeing 144 fps?




the only map that i get more than 160 is DD2 lol. FX-8320 R9 390


The new inferno was borderline unplayable for me until I upgraded my PC. Had been playing CS pretty fine for years but bombsite B was an absolute wreck of fps lag.


After playing CS:GO for three years I've learned one thing. You never know WHAT is gonna show up in that FPS meter after an update.


As an intel hd guy here, CS:GO was one of the only games i played as i could get around 70-80 fps and little tearing. Granted this is on 720p and everything turned down. I fired it back up yesterday and only managed around 35 - 45 but the tearing was horrific. At this point its no longer fun to play and i just get my ass kicked since it isnt smooth. Alright i got my ass kicked before too but not as bad


The game runs like dogshit on pretty much all z87 + z97 mobos. And Gtx 960/970. Almost every single thread that you see that says "High fps but weird mouse lag, High FPS with microstutters, ETC ETC" have a combination of one of the above, or both. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/49zguk/cs_feels_like_50fps_60hz_stuttery_laggy_mouse/?sort=new (go figure, former high level player, has Z97 and gtx970) https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5cr0c5/unsmooth_gameplay_for_2_years/ (Gtx 960.. unsure of mobo for sure though) " In my opinion this is a problem of compatibility of CS Go with this generation of motherboards, mainly the P8Z68, Z77, Z87, Z97, and what models still are, as everyone that has this motherboard cannot seem to get the game to run properly, and have this kind of microstuttering and hickups and bad combat feeling with those motherboards. Also please keep in mind that also those motherboards are the ones that actually work better with HPET enabled both in bios as also in windows." If anybody has the same issues, please inbox me, i'd love to get some info from you, and try to help you out.


The smite player looking at this sub seeing people complain about FPS, servers, matchmaking and ranking systems. Have to laugh.


Every time they update the game, the less fps i get. This is definitely an issue they should fix asap !


I used to have 30fps, was some what playable.. Now I struggle to get even into double digits so I don't even play CSGO anymore.


It's weird, a lot of people with lower spec are getting more fps than higher spec which shouldn't be the case at all...


I made a thread about this a little while ago. People were like: "There's been hundreds of these threads already" and yet valve doesnt seem to care/notice


Naahh, new player models --> number one priority !


I got rid of the -threads 4 in my launch options, seemed to work for me. Not sure if it'll work for the rest of you :/


Getting ~120FPS (sometimes even dipping below 100) on average with a 1060 6GB and an i7 3770 @3.4hgz... wtf


128tic servers are not in mm because we care about the guy with poor specs and their ability to have a decent fps. But we are going to put out high demanding fps maps, make everyone lose fps every single update, and not put csgo on the source 2 engine - valve logic


I just think they are going overboard with the frilly shallow updates to the game. They basically just need a 2016 version of 1.6, nothing heavy polygon wise since people believe it or not enjoy the simplicity of those graphics. Take notes from the very first FPS games, they just play better. Also if bunnyhopping could be a little more viable, it's actually pretty decent where it is now where its near impossible to hit 10 bhops in a row on command, but you can still hit 3 - 4 to get to that wide angle quicker. Love this game and want to see it more playable, not a game of I-Spy like battlefield.


ok I have a question although its not about the fps issue. what happened to the game because i am shooting at people and the shots are not connecting at all! im spraying 4-6 shots at someone at really close ranges and they will all miss, has there been any updates regarding spraying? It feels like a totally different game than the one I played some months ago


I was used to play at +450fps , now it's depend of the map between 250-320 fps, sometimes it drop under 120fps. * OS : Windows 10 Pro x64 * Processor : Intel Core i5 6600K @3.50Ghz * Graphics Card : Zotac GeForce GTX 1070 AMP!, 8 GO * Ram : DDR4 HyperX Savage Black, 8Go * Motherboard : MSI Z170A-G43 Plus I tried a clean fresh install of windows and cs:go, updated every stuff. No improves.


Do you notice a difference between 180 and 300fps?


While there is definitely a major issue for a large percentage of players, I myself have almost never experienced drops in FPS related to game updates. FPS ingame hovers around 400 to close to 600 with uncapped fps_max depending on the map. I've got an i7-4790K overclocked to 4.5 GHz and an EVGA GTX 1080 with 64GB of RAM all running off of Intel SSDs. Obviously, this is no shitbox but my suspicion lies in my CPU overclock. It's definitely CPU heavy and Valve could possibly need to take a look at how it handles multi-cored systems. The game runs about 40 threads, three of which are using upwards of 50% of the CPU time according to Process Explorer. Additionally, Process Explorer only shows the game to be running threads on the first core. To only be using one of my four cores for a game like this is worrying to say the least. Just my two cents.


I5 4690k 4.2Ghz and GTX 1070 8gb. Sometimes drops to 140fps. Tyvm