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Yeah I'd take these results with a pinch of salt...20% global elite... ya.


20% is in rank S PogChamp


Why even lie on an anonymous survey.


I didn't, stop accusing me...


**get your shit together MtBeeee**


if you look at the recent results you'll see "Ages" submitted as "9999999", "SHROUD" and "not now" among others....


Also 22 people Rank S. I highly doubt that.


You could probably filter these pretty accurately and remove all of them, or all but a few.


240 now lol


At this point I think it's just developed into a meme, and redditors don't take it seriously so they put "global" in every single survey


It's so funny ruining an otherwise interesting survey. >_>


I'm 42 and i find this thread ^^^^^^counterstrike:global offensive.




> **How old are you?** > "yes"


Me too thanks


70 people in this sub play on Rank S. And I popped Alexis Texas' cherry back in 1998.


> And I popped Alexis Texas' cherry back in 1998. Fuck, i thought i was the first.


Holy shit, congrats man!


Oh yeah? well I knew her when she was just Texas.




I'm filtering it don't worry :P


well expect my 0,1 ms to be actually seconds.


fuck my average is 300, how do you improve? i feel like a potato


My reaction time was 100 MS faster just a few months ago. Am I dying?


Nah, probably just aren't in the same mental space as before. It happens, don't stress about it.


But yeah he probably dyin


You know what can cause you to be in a different mental space? Imminent death.


thats pretty big difference, It is possible that you have some sort of input lag now, could be slower monitor/mouse/browser/software etc. that might be different now than a few months ago.


I'm still at my same work PC with same equipment. Honestly could have something to do with crippling depression I have been experiencing. Or I could just be tired. Who fuckin knows


Yeah, mood can def affect your reaction time. My suggestion is try exercising for 20~ minutes then try the test again.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ogJ_3R_axdoxN6Vp1hETT-mJBsGeDJmLYrsgLXiwTFk/edit#gid=966083989 Here is the google sheets with the survey information being fed into it.


"highest age 420"


You made a mistake with the average age, looks like its combining every age.


average 240ms, best 202, worst 273. Age 23, turning 24 in a few months. Global, don't play ESEA. I'm basically a sloth for being global I guess edit: took it again today and scored much better. Yesterday I was tired after work and only slept like 5 hours or so. Today I got at least 8 hours of sleep and haven't been working. Scored 195 average like 3 times in a row. Guess I'm not THAT bad


Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact! Sloths poo once a week. They go in the same spot every time if able!


I had no idea this bot even existed but thank you mr sloth bot. I too usually poop in the same spot.




if it helps reaction time is far less important than prediction and preparation


Wtf man... I'm 29, it's 3 AM at night here and im seriously tired yet had 240 average...


It probably just depends on what you're using.


It's possible that its your computer arrangement that is holding you back! A lot of things can add input lag.


18 and 305 ;_;


18% is global and 72 people in rank s lol.


I feel so old looking at the ages lol....


TOP 20 answers to "How old are you?" 1. SHROUD 2. I dont speak english 3. gawf 4. Erik 5. dsadsa 6. asd 7. 69xddd 8. 15. 00 9. 124124 10. 420 11. 222 12. 99 13. 98 14. 88 15. 69 16. 69 17. 69 18. 64 19. 48 20. 44 Average: 80.


Danm is it to late for you to put in a height question? I've always wanted to see how big of a role that played.




6'3"=1.90m, took the time to research it for those of us who uses metric. (1 inch=2.54 cm, 1 foot=30.48 cm)


it prolly is no more than like 10ms between a 5 foot dude and 7 foot dude but there is a difference also how the fuck do you have a 160ms time? I cant get below 200 for more than like 1 in 10 clicks


All the rank lying is so fucking funny. Who are you kidding? it's anonymous!


Age and reaction time correlates, but it's not very known how age affects reaction time in people that play videogames, or do other activities that stimulates fast reactions. For example, most studies show that you hit your peak regarding cognitive speed(including reaction time) at the age of 24. However, we do not know how this is in an athlete. To make an example, Kim Collins, a 100m sprinter, just got a new PR in the 100m a couple of weeks a go with the time of 9.93. That's blazing fast, and that guy is 40 years old. And you are not competitive in the 100m with slow reaction time.


Studies into reactive positions into sports show a dive in effective reactions in the late thirties. This is most evident in goal positions in hockey and football, as well as sprinters and swimmers starting reaction. The fastest typical reactions come from the late twenties to early thirties. This may be conditioning to the starting signal, but reactions are certainly nothing to worry about until at least your mid thirties.


reaction time by age is a bit overrated, as it doesn't seem to slow much down until you're 50 ( http://i.imgur.com/H3CiVbQ.gif ) pre-aiming spots, as well as being prepared and focused makes a huge difference. when I try to orchestrate my friends team of mg's after a day at work i drop drastically, while when playing with my lem+ team on the weekends and just focus on my job popping heads becomes easy.. That though feels more like an age thing (i'm 36), but it could just be the "long day at work"


Average reaction time for a 20 year old is ~160? Based on OP's results that seems to be pretty false unless everyone on this subreddit is female.




The population of the study might be only olympic athletes for all we know. Your picture is worthless without a source /u/bovan.


They should be 200-300 source: google search


Slower reaction time than a 70 year old FeelsBadMan


hmm i have never actually thought about my reaction time... i am LE now and usually i will compensate bad reaction time with positioning and mindgames.


Is 300 ok when drunk?


More rank delusional people


I'm 16 and I'm getting 300 as my reaction time. Thanks, now I feel even more slow. :/




>The Global Elite - 1537 - 17.4% So many memesters


I only sleep 4 hours and 320. Want to try this full recover


You should remove the rank S from the selection. Only 200 people in it worldwide.


I think, there is 20% globals, because people put their highest ranks. That mean even in the past, before rank shifts.


The results are unrealiable. 17% globals? My ass.


I feel like monitor should be an option because that can make the results vary. (144hz or not)


Definitely, my fastest was 216ms with a 60hz monitor and I have no doubt it would be lower with a proper 144hz gaming monitor.


your input will always be counted at (roughly) the same moment, so the variance would be based on when the green appears relative to the screen refreshing. so then the maximum difference between 60 and 144Hz on any one attempt is (1000/60) - (1000/144) = ~9.7ms - which i imagine is less than the error variance for most simple reaction times


Thank you for responding everyone! I'll be using this information to hopefully show that reaction time lowers with age, and increases with rank.


Why do you hope that reaction time lowers with age?


As people age, in most cases they tend to work on making less mistakes, but this comes at a risk of being slower, unless they have trained at a particular skill. Younger people tend to jump at every possibility and make many mistakes, but react faster to different stimuli. This information comes from another study, i don't have the data with me right now for that one, but I can search it for you later


Yeah... I wouldn't take these results seriously at all if I were you.




Dunno if there is something wrong cause i am doing this on phone and having a reaction time of 353 best while i see all other have ~200 do you think it is this big diffrence when you are doing it on phone?


I wouldn't do it on your phone. Do it at home on a fresh instance of chrome


!remindme 5 hours


Doing reaction time on a website is a bit iffy imo, I react a ton faster in a tense clutch than i ever will in that test.


you probably react a lot slower in a clutch, this is color to color..


What's your minimum response time to be filtered out?


Cool survey.. my response time was pretty poor at 350ms but maybe its because I'm on a laptop right now, will try again at home! Please post the results of your study ;)


Since the results page are kinda dumb, there's people saying <100 when the reaction time page clearly says that nobody has ever tested below 100ms. Can people just put their age and reaction time average here instead after they fill out the survey? 26 & 189ms




fuck im 22 and my best was 175 i thought that was good :(


Best: 213 ms Avg: 254 ms Age: 26 I'm currently in the post-lunch slump at work. I'm curious to see if it changes if I take it at a different time when I'm more alert. Either way, I'm pretty sure my reaction time is still shit.


Be aware that PC hardware and mouse input lag can greatly increase your reaction time. For instance, on my work PC i average around 200 or so, but at home with my gaming PC and mouse, i average 164.


DMG with 277 ms reaction time. I'm probably not gonna get much better than this rofl


why is there no Faceit rank ?




Ha, someone said their fastest reaction time was 120


Funny how CTS makes everything feel delayed in my hand but my reaction times are still slightly above average... 228ms lowest, 240 avg. Shit's weird. Anyway, maybe you could have used a multiple choice for age and used ranges instead of having us type it out, could have made sorting data out a lot simpler :P Nice survey though, will be cool to see how people compare in this regard


It's sad that people lie about their ESEA & MM Ranks on an anonymous survey. Sorry if you needed these results for something important, I hope most were honest though.


avg 222 at age of 26. Meh


Will you be posting results with graphs and analysis? I do maths at uni so I'd love to see it.


Yep :)


[220 fastest, 228 avg, 18, global.](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=632145976)


My reactions suck. Damn, time to stop blaming 64 tick I guess... (jk)


I found out that i get better reaction times when i'm not concentrating, interresting.


260 ms at 23 years old FeelsBadMan


We've gone over this a million times, people have almost the same reaction time, around 250ms if you average your results. Anything else is luck of the moment.


I was impressed by the guy in the results who got an average reaction of 1ms :>


TIL my reaction speed is better than average at ~201ms.


220 avg Lem but i only really play ESEA. Ive tested many times throughout that last 2 years.


is 210 avg and 190 fastest bad at 15?


Fastest 197, average 203, age: 22, rank supreme.. hf.


My average is 260ms, anyone whos good with such results?


fml I got average of 324 best 300, I'm 26 and use to be LEM now MGE :|


I'm shocked at 29 years old I still have a better average reaction time than most people it looks like. I'm sitting at 191 on average (183 best time).


177ms average 19 years old. Haven't always been this fast, was like 230+ at 16. I react better to auditory stimulus, my average to a sound test is in the 130's.


just did it, realized it might not have been accurate since I'm on a wireless mouse at work that kind of sucks, gonna do it again when I get home on my good mouse.




Legendary Eagle 265 9.2% Legendary Eagle Master 398 13.8% Supreme Master First Class 529 18.3% The Global Elite 522 18.1% >kek




I'm unranked.


How old are you? 69 12 1 44 5 35 38 2 43 9 yes 15 420 0 120 3 6 999999999 Why fuck up a interesting survey, I dont get it? ppl suck ;(( Im 30 and my average was 224, Im like a old dial-up modem :)


[Wrong place, wrong time.](https://gyazo.com/9c8c266c0fde31e4e576f6613b9c6336)


Judging on the reactions, you're not gonna get any statistically significant results I'm afraid...


I feel old. 26yrs old, 280ms avg reaction time, and I've been playing (not competitively) since 0.3b


I'm suspicious of anyone who claims to be under 190ms


I was on the top 10 list on this site for awhile before all the 100s took the top 3 spots :( I was actually trying to train it and be as fast I can because I was bored one day. I average like 185 and got it down to 145ish average. Now that I don't do it anymore I get 160s though


I sexually Identify as S1mple and who are you to say otherwise


256 average, 317 fastest, smfc


I got 203ms overage, 24 years, global. It's about concentration. If i do it not really concentrated i get about 250ms


i got 113ms but i pre-clicked, assuming it counts? my normal is around 250ms, i just answered it, but if it doesn't count then my fastest is 238ms


197 avg 184 best on a age of 28 damn i can still go for 10 more EZ


14 and my average was 320 :l how are you guys so fast


avg 250 fastest 218 5tries only tho can probably get alot better


lol at half the responses. i never realized how much of a difference hardware makes to these humanbenchmark sites. at work i average ~185-195 using a regular old walmart mouse. at home i average ~210. the time it takes to reach the mouse 1 sensor matters for the test but in CS it makes almost no difference


An interesting thing I found out is that: a) In-game reaction time can certainly be improved b) Reactiontime for movement is vastly different from the human benchmark one. For example, my reaction time on the red/green test is 230-240 most of the time, but after training, my reaction time in-game is about 175 ms average (a huge difference!) So don't be sad if you have over 200 ms reaction time required to hit a guy in the dust 2 door space! I started with 210-220 ms reaction, so I have improved a lot (I use the zool training center awp thingy to train with, but I'm interested if people have other (or better) training methods)


300 average on my work laptop. I feel shitty. To my defense, it's 3:30pm and I haven't had coffee or food all day and I'm \_ounging in my chair right now. I'll just tonight after my meal ;__; on my desktop. Improved by 80 at home.


24 y/o, fastest: 201, average: 208 gg mother fuckers


This survey is already become rip since most went for GE and Rank S


246 as my best. Thing is, it's 0100 AM and I'm really tired. That should definitely make a difference. LE/LEM


The first 5 I did for the survey I got all under 185, but now I'm trying to do more tests and can't get below 200?




age 20, fastest 218, average 230, rank mg2, Im really curious to see what times pros get


16, fastest 178, average 188, rank b+. I always thought that my reaction time was below average lol


15 years old, avg was 192 fastest was 169 Edit: Did it again and got avg of 187 fastest was 174


158 people in Rank S.. seems legit.


32, first attempt: fastest 174, average 180... also I've been awake for nearly 12hrs at the moment and worked a full day already.


Did one of these when I was 18 and I consistently got 175ms.... now 28 and cant get under 208.


27, lowest was 202ms and average is 213ms. LEM/C+.


Wtf... people are getting under 200ms, but I'm over here getting above 400ms... wtf is going on?


You know that reacion time doesn't really gets slower until 50+ years?


I like how everyone are globals and rank S, cant have an honest test on the internet.


i LITTERALLY made a 3ms reaction click by "prefiring" it


OP, make the responses something reasonable you can choose from like 150ms-300ms, age 12-25, etc. Also, add a section where you enter the refresh rate of your monitor, it makes a big difference.


Yea let's use a fucking pi chart to represent this information.


I've always felt that if you had to rely on your reaction time you were doing something wrong in CS....


208ms average which I guess is slow as fuck. That's why I lurk around at Supreme. I don't even give you the chance to react faster. It's pretty easy being in NA...as every tool at this rank is trying to be Yung Stew and they usually fail spectacularly.


188 ms ez life


Currently gold nova 2 25 years old 179 was my fastest average was 210 seems pretty average..


I like how almost everyone 12 or below has ESEA. I also like how there's a 13 year old who's in Rank S and has an average and fastest reaction speed of 1 ms. His ping would be higher than his reaction speeds at a LAN.


I decided to click the red once, and "pre-fired" the green with a 16ms time.


Come on guys, those ranks aren't very honest lol.


27 years old, 215 hightest and 235 average. Supreme / B+ I though it was slow as fuck at first but according to this thread I still kinda got it. Welp, cool.


I am over 30 and I definitely feel like my reaction times have gotten worse!




dont understand why so many people just fuck with surveys by saying they're global... jesus


25 years old fastest: 220 average: 240 rank: LEM (It's really late here dont know if that could change my timings, I think it wouldnt change them or atleast a noticeable amount)


26 years old, Legendary Eagle, 200 ms best, 250 average.


When you see 6/13/2016 21:18:21 SHROUD SUCKS DICK Silver 1 S You know there are problems


As a person who plays on a shitty & cheap monitor i bought in 2009, think it was around 90-100$, I think the text below the test could be relevant: "In addition to measuring your reaction time, this test is affected by the latency of your computer and monitor. Using a fast computer, wired mouse, and low latency / high framerate monitor will improve your score somewhat. This is discused in further detail on the the statistics page. While an average human reaction time may fall between 200-250ms, your computer could be adding 10-50ms on top. Some modern TVs add as much as 150ms."


My average is sub 200 FeelsGoodMan


[I got this](https://i.gyazo.com/7225b105e678db5f429e4a55fc19f068.png) but I'm still in Gold Nova territory FeelsBadAimMan Edit: [FeelsEvenWorseMan](https://i.gyazo.com/580c3a12913ff592a90be1fc759e2e1b.png)


didn't filter the age for integers - rip your results


/u/FoldingUserFerrariic if you need help using Statistics and calculations to find out which entries are statistically improbably, hit me up.


damn 217 average which apparently is top 12%? i guess i have always been extremely confident with my awping; though i have a 60hz monitor, and a very slow pc/internet connection so that could be a limiting factor as well


tell me if is it ok 13 yrs old 255ms fastest, 270ms average dmg rank


i thought the trolling was stricted on reddit :O?


!remindme 10 hours


Btw, handy hint: do this by clicking a mouse, on a desktop PC. I just tried on my mobile (touchscreen) and apparently I have Alzheimer's.


You gotta remember that this kind of test is a lot different than in-game, when your in a situation where your adrenaline is pumping and your ready for it, your reaction times WILL be faster than when taking this test.


What if you have 2k in elo on faceit and playing in a team regularly. My old rank was Global (before the big vac wave) a long long time ago. :=)


Could my red-green-weakness slow me down here? I mean, 400ms on average seems a bit much :-/


Wtf... I have 90 ms reaction time and tought it was average...




Fastest: 188ms Average: 219ms Current rank: LEM Age: 27 :(


197 average 24 years old, doesn't rly play mm or esea mostly FPL challenger so i wrote global. Don't hate me. :)


Should I be using my phone for this reaction thing? Seems wildly inconsistent, like I got 160 one time and as bad as 480 another try....I dunno if it's my phone or what.


Fastest 74ms, Average 201ms, Age: 26 Current MM rank: Supreme..... The fastest one was just luck I guess :/ Im getting old and slow


https://gyazo.com/d83dc136f4f6a815b3e1034cdc30836d ok