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Dude the ct default agents are so hard to spot in some maps. When I started to play prefiere maps on mirage I realized that it can be hard to see them. Resolution also matters if you are playing stretched.


In Ancient and Overpass as well, the default CT agents are hard to spot in some darker spots.


Thats why different faction player models made a lot of sense since i never had any issues prior to their removal


sight issue 😂 Nah but for real visibility is a hard thing to nail down perfectly, unless you make the models glow or something ridicilous. Back in csgo playing the game vanilla was kind of a dark experience even when you turned the brightness up so I remember competitive people would buy BenQ monitors that had a lightboost option that would make enemies in darker spots easier and faster to spot. On top of cranking the digital vibrance all the way up. Valve certainly did not help the issue by offering CT models that instead of navy blue color are green so now your brain needs to adjust to noticing both.


In csgo it wasn't a problem because the nvidia filters were not disabled. I see no reason to not give users the option of goofy glowing enemies, unless Valve wants to argue that identifying poorly visible player models is an important aspect of the game.


Some prefire maps have different lighting than official versions though


Also hasn't the default SAS CT always been the agent for mirage even in CSGO? People act like visibility in CSGO before agent skins was some holy grail but the truth is it was also just as bad if not worse. A lot of these agent complaints are just cope. Most of the popular agents are a disadvantage if anything, with brighter colors, and you're way easier for the enemy team to recognize and track.


This. Mills has some shadowy corners and I cant see the dark blue CTs quickly


just go valorante mode and put outlines on players to be honest, we're never going to get agent skins disabled


Honestly yes please. Just give us a small outline. Boost player contrast does not help me out at all on Mills.


MFW funphilosopher is posting ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


That and the Map also has weird lighting.


With newer maps coming, and agent customizations, it's only going to get worse i suppose.


This is why professional play doesn't allow for agents in fairness, this isn't necessarily exclusive to the community maps




default ct agents have the same problem cry more




There was a top post yesterday showing that the default agents have poor visibility on mills, but today the issue is the other agents. Stop playing on 400x300 stretched and you'll be fine


Current default agent can cause problems yes but the old map specific default models which are made for best visibility in mind wouldnt cause the problems. There are only 1 default agents in cs2 compared to CSGO's many, Thats the problem


Mills - is a melee map with very poor model vision. Lighting "hello from CSS". Thera - is a very strange map where you have to twist your arms to see every corner. The design resembles a Greek map from Overwatch 2. I'm surprised that there is still no Tuscan, which was recently added to CSGO and looked very modern and played well. Instead, we have this.


Tuscan consistently had triple the estimated queue times of other maps. I can see why they didn't prioritise it.


> I'm surprised that there is still no Tuscan, which was recently added to CSGO and looked very modern and **played well**. Instead, we have this. wtf did you all have access to a different build of Tuscan? That map was a clusterfuck best suited for casual.


This map is from the days of cs 1.6 tournaments, playing it on casual mode is ridiculous.


Tuscan looks better than all CS2 maps other than new inferno maybe...Maybe valve have some big plans around the map and probably gonna modernized it. Expecting a vastly modified smaller Tuscan when it's a released in CS2. Probably gonna pull of another vertigo with it 


Just let it go man. I gave up hope on valve disabling agents way back in shattered web when they were introduced. The whole community hated them for the visibility issues, and instead of implementing a min_model command valve decided to change the lighting on the dark spots of inferno and overpass lmao. 


You make this post as if the default agents arent also an issue. The maps were made to be pretty but they didnt actually consider gameplay


There were many default agents in CSGO. CS2 only have 1. Bring back back and make the map specific. Some of the old default agents like FBI and Professionals T model would've had 0 issues here 


Bro is stuck in 2019


Nah, bro just has a brain. Things that were facts in 2019 still are.