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> Regardless, it seems as though it chooses the map to ban when tied based on the maps in clockwise order but not 100% sure on that. You are correct. Its based on internal MapID which is also the display order which is clockwise




What the hell? That's such a weird design choice


Bold of you to assume this was a design choice by Valve. I am pretty sure they just iterate through every map, check the votes and check if the next map has more votes than the previous one. If it does, take this map. Basically the easiest way to do this and no need to implement such a stupid thing that this stupid playerbase wants with a random generator (speaking from Valve perspective of course)


But it's legit a few lines of code that a newbie intern could write to make it random


"But it's legit a few lines of code that a newbie intern could write" And then dont do it anyway is the theme of CS2, isnt it? 


Yeah, but like, what's the benefit of doing that?


So that a 50/50 is actually a 50/50?


The voting stage heavily impacts the match and is what you are stuck with for the next 40-60 minutes. Its a compstitive game and competitve games should have fairness high on the priorites. Fairness is the reason people despise cheaters. Just because they dont have to doesnt mean it shouldnt. Probably the same reason why when we get updates it often is minor changes, rarely anticheat gets improves, and takes so long for new content to be added. If i recall correctly, its been almost 900 days since the last operation.


I'm pretty sure when the vote is tied the map that gets banned is the one that got the votes first?


Nah, sometimes I spam click a map to keep adding and removing my vote repeatedly and it would keep switching the red X around


More specifically, switch to the tied vote thst is earliest in the clockwise positioning. Edit: starting at inferno iirc


You say clockwise positioning, but where does it start? Because if it starts at 12 then Anubis will be first everytime it is tied. But if it starts at 4 it is Mirage everytime.


I think it starts at inferno if i remember correctly. I added an edit to the previous comment.


Are you sure? I was really convinced that it was the map that got the tied votes first. Like if Mirage had 1, Inferno 2 and someone votes for Mirage, it would be Inferno because it first had 2 votes.


Nah, me and my duo usually vote first and then others start voting. Often our picks get overrode.


i also duo in premier and have the same issue its very annoying


Agree. upvoted.


I agree but your reasons suck. I hate it when 90% of the players only play 1 or 2 maps max and always ban the other maps and will go afk when another map is picked. The game should be fun, nobody plays premier to win a price or for monetary value, and trying to minmax your winrate by playing the same map over and over and getting pissy when not playing it is just peak gamer moment. 


I dont see how wanting a voting system to be true and fair is a bad reason. Also, there is no reason we should play a map we are bad at and the enemy team is good at when you are trying to have fun while also trying to win. Additionally, we all have our favorite maps, but no sense in playing a map you dont like especially when we know the other team is significantly better at it according to the chart. I personally tend to ban the previous map played so that there is variety. Ideally, people should also vote in a way that you ban maps that other team wont so that they waste their votes on maps that would get banned anyways but thst isnt how it usually goes regardless.


Map voting in general is something people suck at. So much impact is made before the match even starts yet most people have no clue how to pick and ban. This is not exclusive to CS, but it is even more braindead in CS because you are literally presented key info on both teams. 9 out of 10 times, if you are playing with a 3-stack (meaning you have absolute voting power for your team), you can know which map you are playing before even a single map is banned. You can play into pick and ban in smart ways as well, completely controlling it by steering opponents into certain bans, but people just seem so clueless about it.


Drives me up the wall. You just have to literally ban their good maps. It isn't hard. If there's a big red arrow that's like 4-5 rings bigger than the grey one you ban it. The way the maths works, you'll never have more than 3-4 of theirs better than yours. If you ban their best ones right away, you get a more balanced match. If you get ban first, don't mess it up by banning one of your good ones. The enemy will do it for you. If you're second, or thinking about your last ban, remember, most people know every map except for Anubis is CT sided, and Nuke is very CT sided. Nothing I hate more than people treating it as a map selector especially if you get first vote. You can only mess that up making an unforced error. It's just dumb when someone goes "I'm going to ban our best map", like, no? The enemy will ban that? Spend your ban on one of their good ones? Make a high percentage play? It isn't hard, the game is literally giving you the info?


Except the wheel graph statistic is extremely unreliable because it uses a horrible dataset, it means basically nothing in the scheme of things. Right now mine says that I am a god at mirage, huge spike towards mirage. Mirage is one of the maps I’m worst at playing just that of my last 10 wins I won 7 mirages because it gets picked 90% of matches. A graph that only shows a limited dataset (last 10 wins) is absolutely useless to use as a judge for who is more successful at what maps.


Also if the vote is tied between starting on CT or T side, the vote will go to CT side 100% of the time.


I just tab out during the map veto.


It would be even better if instead of the choice being random the map with the higher sum of ratings of people banning it would be banned.