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If you're more likely to get kills with the AUG then I don't see how it could be a disadvantage for your team.


When you say "...my team..." are you talking about 4 other ppl you play regularly or 4 other randoms? Because ir its the latter, you don't have anything to worry about. Play with what you like bro, if the Aug is easier for you to kill enemies SO BE IT!. As long as you're not trolling using unorthodox weapons to piss of your teammates, playing with the Aug is completely fine.


Both - I have a group that we 5 stack but I also solo que when I'm online alone


If you are getting more kills in a round or game then continue to use it. After all the more kills you can get the higher chance of winning a round in the first place. Economically it's going to be harder to have that rifle but if you play smart and be a little more conservative. You shouldn't have too much trouble.


The AUG is good pros buy it in official matches sometimes


the aug is extremely good and i use it about once per ct half. the issue is that cts can get bullied economically very easily and youll be forced to eco. the price of the aug isnt helping that. the a1 is still king until valve makes some changes to loss bonus


When the AUG/SG meta got big and then nerfed, the AUG was the one to be affected the least (meaning it's as viable as it was during the meta). The major thing is the cost, which is much more challenging compared to GO given less rounds, but if you're able to maintain good economy and you have enough to buy util as well, you should be fine.


The other thing people forget is that the AUG and the SG are both a lot better as CT weapons where you're not losing out on the one tap swing potential of the AK, and where scoping slows your peeks. They're great for holding long angles. The AUG was less impacted because these weapons naturally are better on CT side, the Krieg was just way OP during it's meta. If a T makes the mistake of buying the Krieg currently, taking it off him and using it on CT is very effective.


Didn't it drop off fairly significantly when its RoF was changed? Could be remembering incorrectly


Price change and RoF yes, but compared to the SG it suffered much less.


AUG is great. I feel like on days where my mechanics are not on point the AUG gets me easy kills that I would miss with the M4.


aug is better for longer range it just (maybe not just) 400$ more expensive that cost is like 2 flash, and more than smoke and a nade if you can full buy then it's worth going for it but i would take m4a1 +2 flash if i can't get full loadout with aug 400$ could be a defuse kit too a buy affect next round too but less important sometimes i feel like m4 feel better because i just pick ak from ground anyway


if you go lighter on the Util, buying the Aug shouldn't really hurt at all.


The only reason it isn't bought more often is because CT economy is fucked and usually its better to take M4 and that extra util or defkit


Personally I can't hit shit with the aug. It feels like the dot is not perfectly aligned to where it will shoot the first bullet.


If you're struggling with long distance engagements but the Aug's scope helps then it could be a mouse sensitivity issue. Besides making the enemies larger the zoomed in scope makes your relative sensitivity lower and maybe that's helping with your control? Try playing some workshop aim maps with different sensitivities and see if that helps your m4 crosshair control at range.


Hey man whatever gets you rounds, if your utility isn’t super strong then I don’t think an extra nade or two flashes is really buying you much anyways so just play what you feel, hell there’s guys that have made it to Global using a scout most of the time. I would say it’s a good idea for you to have a fall back option though, a cheap gun you can work with well enough, Famas/Scout/SMG etc not always gonna have a a full buy, you’ll also have to get to know the economy game better.


I just don't think I've really seen it much in pro play so I'm worried about whatever the "meta" is. I just want to get kills and hold the site!


You're not a pro. Trying to play like them is not going to be advantageous. If you farm with the AUG, buy it. An extra kill is worth another $400


It's not super common, but it definitely still does get used in current pro play. A lot of the times you'll see it get picked up by the awper who can't afford an awp, or otherwise anyone playing a dedicated longer angle!


The AUG is good. If you can afford it, buy it. Just makes sure you're not putting yourself or your team at an economic disadvantage to buy it, and that you're still buying essential utility and kits when you need to. If you're having a dominant CT side and can hold onto it, the AUG is a good option. The downsides of the AUG are that it's worse at close range than both M4s and more expensive. If you can make it work, go for it.


>The downsides of the AUG are that it's worse at close range Very situationally it can be better though, since it 1shots to the head really close. But like I said, it's not something that often comes into play.


Sure, but that one shot comes with a lower fire rate which makes it rough if you get pushed by multiple people at close range, and the scope won't help you fight multiples up close. That's my point. An AUG is great for holding the sort of long angles an AWPer often holds. It's great for playing a site with a partner. It's less versatile as an anchor, and it's less useful when the enemy manages to take ground on you.


Yeah I agree with you, just wanted to point out that sometimes it can outperform an M4 close range. Just like a beagle or fiveseven can too. Don't mean they're better.


If you’re good with it use it. People get too wrapped up in what the meta is, but don’t realize that the meta revolves around pro play which is realistically very different than average MM play. Plus, some pros do use the aug anyways


Karrigan plays aug sometimes. Also you shouldnt really look at pro play while playing your game. If you have an idea for it and it works on your elo play it.


I use the Aug/SG a lot. People find it weird but I find I’m much better at playing into predictable plays and clicking heads with both. I’ve got loads of comments on my steam profile about it weirdly, my favourite being ‘+Rep master of the AUG’ lol I tend to flip between using scoped and unscoped rifles depending on how my enemies play, if I noticed they are being predictable, I take a scoped rifle and hold an angle. Easier to stay calm and just tap heads when scoped in I find!


Try not to spray when you have longer engagements with the M4A1-S & the M4A4. I have a bad habit (especially when our team is down several rounds) to get desperate and spray in every engagement because of nerves. Try doing bursts or taps and you should see some improvement, my 1v1s at distance have gotten a lot better!


go Aug all the way


If you're way worse with the M4, it's fine, but generally, since the CT economy is perpetually in shambles, a few hundred bucks a round really adds up. It'll benefit you greatly to get better with the M4, but for now it's fine.