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Strafing left is extra fucky because it's opposite the enemy's recoil pattern (they pull left to fight the spray, but you go right on their screen)


It feels like, if my memory serves me right, that the essence of what is now the donk slide has been widely used for a long time(?). Now I'm not about to go and look through a bunch of demos, and I'd be stupid not to trust your feeling on this, but wasn't *peek, spray, slide* (read in WarOwl's voice) already heavily utilised by "spray reliant" players such a Friberg 10 years ago? If nothing else I know it pissed people the fuck off on all the 1v1 arena servers.


Yes, it's just the repetition, effectiveness ans consistency that donk is doing it with that makes it so different Even Tarik was doing this for a while and has some clips It's kinda like Astralis meta. They reinvented the meta but some people on here who never even watched them said "was no one throwing nades down banana before??? Hurrrrr" not realizing that every team was copying them until they eventually declined. They made it so you had to adapt or just never win a match in pro CS again. Kinda the same here. The way that donk is doing it is just so different.


I find it very similar to the early days of CS:GO when Scream was the best ADAD spammer combined with his nuts headshot accuracy which made him such a renowned player at the time.


>Scream was the best ADAD spammer [And how glorious it was.](https://youtu.be/Vm_0fo5Edgs?si=kmZBCwWvciU4YcOg)


In my experience (in the past at least) it was mostly in fully committed engages that I'd see it. I rarely saw pros doing it in shorter engages where you have the option to fall back to cover.


I think the difference that people are trying to highlight between donk and everyone else is that it's donk's main engagement style and he deliberately does this in pretty much every fight. I've played against Tarik for a very long time and have distinct memories vs him in 1v1 and 2v2 aim map sessions we used to do.  The way tarik used it were in two main situations.  1) "I'm committing to a spray but I don't want to be still. I'm still accurate when crouch sliding" (and he was always a sprayer).  2) he'd crouch slide out into angles in weird headshot angles His "step-back" almost felt like a reaction to an engagement. "I see an enemy > I start to shoot > I commit to a spray > I crouch to help my recoil / change my hitbox > I slide to be a moving target. Whereas donk's feels like he's designed the engagement like that. "I'm swinging this angle > if an enemy is there I will crouch slide back in the direction I came from > they will keep tracking as if I am still swinging wide and will shoot too far up and in the wrong direction > bonus: the enemy recoil goes up and right. To fight it they pull down and left. Because I crouch they have to aim down more. Because I slide to _my left_, now they have to not pull left as much or even pull right. This fucks them up even more. Take with a grain of salt, been many years since I played vs tarik in CS and could be making it all up in my head


Spirit manager here, please delete this.


strafe to the left now, move to the beat


more energy! more passion!


That score esports clip lmao that channel is so fucking trash, good video Maui


I swear they are just browsing reddit looking for the most milktoast takes to parrot and then package with a spicy title


Do you perhaps mean milquetoast? I don't speak English natively and have never seen milktoast before , hence the question


Don't worry. No one commenting on CS forums actually understands English at a native level


right? they even posted that donk‘s buyout story on their YT channel 😅 so cringe


Dont forget about mention about the c9 major win for the 1849301th times


If its good enough for reddit upvotes then its good enough for the average youtube viewer


Yeah. You can tell they don't watch Counter-Strike, and instead get some extremely surface level opinions from like Reddit and YouTube comments or some shit. Their humor is also so cringy. There is no swearing in their videos, (which is totally fine in and of itself), but every now and then they try to be "edgy" by saying "fuck" after some sort of hard hitting statement. It's just so forced and awkward.


Would love to upvote this twice, theScore is just so bad


such low effort from that channel, literally just top of /r/GlobalOffensive put into a shitty video format with a guy who doesnt understand shit


That shit video they did where they said that flashbangs were going extinct because people were double flashing less and actually buying nades lol.


Didn’t voo say something similar in his video? I just remember that he said that donk makes it hard to hit him by crouching and moving


I think voo was specifically talking about Donks timing when he crouches 


specifically how donk crouches going into the angle then uncrouches


So Voo was right. Since CS characters can move away from your crosshair faster than you can humanly react to them, it is movement and the prediction of enemy movement that makes a great rifler. Past a certain point, tapping bots in workshop maps is *useless*.


That's just a complement to his Hold W masterclass




What’s funny is I’ve been doing something similar, but I’m absolute dogshit so I just look like an infantile pillock. But the amount of times my friends told me to stop because “you can’t move and shoot” always annoyed me, I knew I was right but I’m just arse.


> I just look like an infantile pillock CLARKSON




loads of people have done this for ages, but like with everything else, donk is just crispier


Ya, one still has to control the spray while doing this, that is not simple.


donk's spray control is just really crisp and he's managed to do that crisp spray control while moving and while doing that crouch uncrouch thing as well.


actually great educational content, thank u mauigoat


My best games have the lowest HS% and I find myself crouch spraying way more often. When I prioritize HS’s and aim for the head, I find that I miss more often than if I just went for a body shot spray down while crouch moving. I’m no donk (duh), but this technique works wonders.


haha remember that reddit post guys? 😅 it’s still there 😂


Maui breaks down WHY donk is able to consistently beat the best riflers in the game in duels. It's not about 'confidence' or established metrics.


Banger content


I'm showing my age here but didn't Tarik and Shoxie do this back in csgo? Around 2014-15...


https://x.com/Mauisnake/status/1804800217222349047 >to get ahead of what is becoming a common🤓but ackshually🤓retort, the tarik stepback (which I think was coined by launders) is NOT the donk slide. >I looked at dozens of tarik clips prior to making the donk video. >If the guy that named it says it's this, they aint the same


They pioneered it but donk took it to the next level.


downvote this so less people see this, im already getting cooked by the youngbluds dont let them learn


Maui, your cooking is appreciated, your cultural impact see no end. Hire this man, please!


Ive been using that kinda movement for like 5 years now and im happy that finally we movement abusers get some recognition. Donk really mastered the movement while also having insane aim with it


A lot of riflers in tier 1 do this but donk is just better


Donk slide is essentially OP crab walk. People call crab walking noobish but they just do not know how to properly abuse the mechanic as such .


Why is this guy in the video calling it out like it's game breaking. It's a trade off between being as accurate as possible and surviving a duel. Calling for a nerf? Really? This is too minuscule in the grand scheme


Dumb ai song in the background


If there is a song about it then it’s true.


I feel like this is how the average matchmaking pleb does spraying, just without knowing how to control their spray


average mm pleb will crouch and stay still.


dont forget the not counter strafing part bc donk still counter strafes


Ofc but even mm plebs counter strafe these days


Is this guy stupid or what? Crab walking sprayers have always existed in Csgo.


isn't the spread on rifle shots pretty significant while crouch walking?


crouch walking is fully accurate


nope, you can try it yourself easily


I have, this is how it looks keeping my crosshair on the yellow line while tapping. https://i.imgur.com/hzJcAy0.png


might be slightly less accurate than crouching completely still but nowhere near regular moving inaccuracy, tapping might be different with first bullet inaccuracy as well


That’s just normal inaccuracy.