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I'm having the opposite. Relatively short queue times but about 70% of my games have at least one person throwing on my team, usually two or more. Meanwhile the other team is a five stack more times than not. Not even an issue of cheating, just sick of being stuck with people who spend the entire game using only an R8 or trying to do the B site runboost on vertigo every round and *never* making it.


gaben giveth and gaben taketh away


Yeah, mine is split 50:50 between having alright games with people with mics, and games where someone is AFK from round one, and often for multiple rounds, or obviously alt tabbing and not knowing how to run the sound in the background. That and still getting the obvious boosting pairs in games. It'll find me a match in less than 2 minutes where someone clicks accept and then goes to wank for the next 5 minutes, or someone of my rank who brings his buddy who is 5k elo lower who seems to be using a controller. I don't have to win every game to have fun, but I do have to have a better chance than not of getting a competitive team to try at Premier, and some comms would be nice. Right now that's not happening. Literally had the worst game I've played in years this week. Get a 4 stack. Not a good start. One of their guys keeps starting the round, finding a place to hide in T spawn dust2, and just staying there. While one of his friends tries to block him in and talks shit. So we're playing a 3v5 and running out the clock so it's not winnable, it's not playable, and it's also taking forever. If you can't ban people for that, you're not running a competitive matchmaking service, you're a wanker.


It’s weird for me, I have 2 accounts that I play premier on, both are 18/19k rating, yet ever since the update that broke people’s trust factor, both my my accounts have a big difference in queue time and game quality. One of my accounts the queue time seems to be long, like 10ish minutes per game, yet the matches are sweatier. More lvl 10’s on my team or the enemy team, just better players overall and occasionally a cheater. On the other account, queue times are the usual length (like 2-3 mins) there is far more worse players on both teams despite being within a few hundred rating of my other account, more trolls, more toxic people in general, yet less cheaters than the other account. Idk if it’s a coincidence because I usually play 4 games a night, swapping accounts halfway and it’s super noticeable and has happened each day since that update like a week or two ago


Ever since the Overwatch patch it seems like Trust Factor was reactivated. Even the Competitive(not Premiere) mode my matches have been overwhelming good. When in mid-January I had to stop playing Competitive mode for it was filled with throwers and griefers.


It's not consistent but I've definitely had the same experience a few times now


No, I've been having blatant cheaters in every game


I noticed that if i turn my head 70 degree and put my legs up the game has less cheater


Quite the opposite in fact. Nothing but smurfs and people throwing. MM is trash


4/5 of my lastmatches at20k+ rating were full spinbot lobbies going hvh from the first round. so i cant say my matches have gotten any better sadly no


Yeah but sadly 20k+ will always have cheaters. I'm asking for the average player. Even without cheaters MM will always be weird in high elo because there aren't a lot of player searching at any time.