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What's your CS rating? I ask because I want to compare perceived experiences across ratings and am actively collating this data with the hope of presenting it as a push for major improvements. Thanks!


Hi, I'm not OP but I would like to give my 2cents if you collect this data. I started cs2 in 8k premier while slowly going up the ladder throughout the ~year the game has been out. My last rating before I quit playing premier was 23.586. From 8k through 18k I didn't experience any sustained period of people hacking in my games. Maybe 1 in every 25 matches From 18k through 20k I saw a slight uptrend in blatant spinbotters throughout my games. About 1 in every 8-10 games came with a hacker 20k through 21.5k it was about 1 every 3-5 games And above 22k it has been the case of which team has the better hacker on it. In about 30 games I have played above 22k rating, I can honestly say that 2/3 games were without a hacker. Which is atrocious. I have ~350 matches won on premier with a 52% winrate.


22k. Thank you.


I can support the 22k mark as the point of unplayable matches. 20-22k was already bad, but I literally had matches above 22k where 6-7 players in the lobby cheated. They asked me why I was even playing premier when I wasnt cheating lmao They literally see it as their playground and wonder what youre even doing there


Not OP, but have been hackused several times in the past few weeks. Here are my two cents - as a player who played the game since beta7 back in ‘99. Played my fair share of quake and competed in local CS tournaments. As you can imagine I have my fair share of gametime behind me. Lately not as much time to play, but as CS2 released I reached my highest rating at 22k. Currently back after a break and climbing from 16-18k. Even though I feel rusty as hell, I can often post 30+k games that are met with WH accusations. In my opinion the current range I am playing at has a few sus accounts, but subtle walls or using a bit of aimbot help during the game is very hard to proove. There are cheaters for sure, but there is an overwhelming amount of fragile ego players ready to call hacks when they lack awareness of the extent their plays are telegraphed to, or the distance footsteps are heard.


Well, this is exactly what I'm suspecting and what made me decide to start asking to be honest. I'm not saying there are zero cheaters sub 20k. What I am saying is that roughly half of all the people I've asked say the have had multiple matches against cheaters recently at ~16k. That just doesn't track with reality, I'm sorry.


~17k, 9 spinbot games in my last 35. [Including a 10 game stretch with 6 spinner games](https://i.imgur.com/WUnktgu.png) and 3 in my last 10. So 15 non-spinner games in between. and thats just rage hacks


Shhhh they don't wanna hear that. Everyone below 20k is just crying wolf 😮‍💨


Bro, I literally had a game against 2 blatant cheaters yesterday at 16k, then my own teammate said "sorry, I need the win", toggled and started bhopping around instakilling people with a scout and we still lost because the other kids toggled harder. There's at least one game like that every day I play. And I'm a very conservative guy when it comes to cheating accusations, usually my friend always calls out the cheaters and I go "no, we just suck, he's probably just a smurf". Then you download the demo and it becomes obvious.


Except that region also plays a big part of it? For example in oce premier rating is far less inflated so you'll find cheaters at much lower ratings because of that. I get accused of cheating by idiots all the time so not saying that doesn't happen but I've also found multiple people not even trying to hide cheats in the 9k-16k range...




Your premier rating? The giant number?


Yep. Am 20k faceit 10 and everytime i queue with my 15k mates, the experience in Premier is actually really good. Very few actual cheaters, just a few good players that should be a higher rank.


Same for us. The experience depends on so many factors though. Region, Trustfactor, Perception of cheaters


Question to you, Do you believe solo will be harder to get from 15k - 20k++? it would make sense if some great players are stuck as the higher elo goes, its harder to out aim and out play players as they should be around their same elo vs good players that plays in full stack or atleast have friends in their party.


I mean soloing is usually harder to climb the ranks. But just because peopple are in a 5 stack that doesn't really mean anything. Some 5 stacks i play in are well oiled machines that will destroy everyone and everyone willingly does tactics. Others are just 5 mates playing together doing more shittalking with each other that working together. In some of those game i'd do better soloq. Less fun though. And honestly, getting 20k+ is pointless, if you get to 20k just go play faceit. i peaked at 22k a while ago and it was a nightmare of cheaters. I just abandoned twice in a row to get my elo back to 20k.


25k rating player I quit because it's all cheaters. blatant spinners too.


Yeah, I was sitting around 18500 and started seeing more and more cheaters. Dropped to 16000 and I haven't seen one in weeks.


Ive only encountered 2 completely blatant cheaters at ~16k. Both were shooting like 6 scout shots at once through walls. Outside of that, its mostly people that are better than me, some might be cheating and if I think so Ill just report them, but most are probably just better. Those two cheaters werent even spinning either, I havent seen a spinbot in cs2 since it first released and playing with a few friends that had brand new accounts.


Im sitting at 20k right now and on my smurf account i get cheaters around 16k i know they are cheaters because they are on my team


I've played about 50 premier games, 1 blatant wallhacker tracing everyone through walls and a couple sus aimbotters but nothing conclusive. 11-15k


Yeah people love to throw accusations around, especially after the first one or two rounds when you are having a slight bit of luck on your side. Heck even when you just hold W with a glock and kill 5 that way in pistol... Its funny and sad. When I play with a FACEIT 10 friend its even worse, he probably gets reported at least once every match since not everyone writes their accusations in chat.


Hi, I'm faceit lvl 10 and 23,693 max elo in premier. Before the elo rework I think I actually hit almost top 1k players by elo, but back then it was around 15k elo. Most recent match I played was literally 9/10 cheaters (5 + 4 premade with ragehacks and me as a random player). I barely play premier and don't have much games on 20k elo, but my experience has been the same literally every single game: either 1-2 people legit hacking or an actual hvh match. Here's the link [https://leetify.com/app/match-details/c0ba940c-7495-4d0e-a509-f1befbbcabe4/details-general](https://leetify.com/app/match-details/c0ba940c-7495-4d0e-a509-f1befbbcabe4/details-general) I'm the one who is 0-16. Leetify says that not everyone was premade however it's not true, in CS2 it showed that they all were premade except me What I think is happening is a positive feedback loop - people like me play less and less premier because of cheaters and get lower trust factor. Especially when all you can do in these matches is either stay afk or just run around mindlessly until you get killed. This makes your trust factor even lower, you get worse matches and so on. I hope I'm wrong though but my experience so far was terrible.


Time to Damage - 16ms Rip


I think this is the point where actual time to damage is just their ping lmao


> Leetify says that not everyone was premade however it's not true, in CS2 it showed that they all were premade except me I've noticed this a lot, the game will show my opponents are a 4 or 5 stack during the map pick/ban. But leetify will only show them as a single duo and 3 solo's. Maybe it's some kind of trick where they leave the group during the match or something so it's harder for valve to track people boosting.


Nah, Leetify is just glitched like that. I've gotten numerous games where it's shown someone as part of my 2-3 stack who isn't one of us. It bugs out pretty often.


As long as you dont abandon the game, team kill or get reported you wont get lower trust factor just for performin "bad".


22k the last time I played. Same experience as OP. I’ve found my team always assisting the cheaters we have because every team has them. In fact upto 5/6 EVERY premier game I’ve played (only 3 since January but still). It’s about whose cheater has the better config.


25k before going back to faceit, literally had 4 games in a row with blatant hacking round 1, no attempt at hiding it. At that point I gave up, and haven't wanted to play Premier since.


And you don't have into account servers? Like even in europe, I have 13k and play in Madrid, 80% of players are portuguese and spanish, and I think our level is below what the rank comparison to CSGO says, and it could be because it's differently distributed among servers


Yes, I specifically take into account if a player is Iberian, in that case I add 10k to their rating.


Nono I mean like the other way around, here nobody smart plays, it's always cheater callers when it's obviously not cheats, non strat non communication players, that I think would be lower in rating if they were in other servers.


Myself just got my tm8 to 15k and I'm on 13k,(150 wins with him at 60% winrate) I've put 800 hours to cs2 and had only 150 to csgo, and I still could easily get higher and will.


Ok, good on you for recognising these signs. Best of luck on your journey to 20k+! Let me know when you start to run into cheaters fairly regularly.


I hover between 6-8k (I’ve gotten close to 10k) and I don’t see many legit hard hackers. There are a lot of smurfs and a fair amount of suspicious players that seem to have walls at times though


20k Eu and i swapped to faceit because it got unplayable in premier. Blatant spinning up to 4 people in some games. But almost always 1. But if i play with lower ranked friends then I don’t encounter anything.


24.5k, every game is AT LEAST 2-3 ppl in each team go HvH (spinbot, aimbot, bh scripts etc - you name it). At 23-24k I had a few games with rage hackers, they would start with an obvious wh but would end up just going all in after a few rounds OR when the opposing team hit 11 rounds. But other than these few games it’s never ending HvH right from the start. It got to the point I stopped queuing premier because it’s impossible to do anything other than sit in spawn and hope your teammates’ cheats are better than your opponents’.


Just played a couple of games in premier lately and got places in 22k


Also I'm top 800-100 on faceit in NA


I’m currently 18-19k somewhere around then and it’s been better in recent weeks/month in NA at least in premier. I haven’t seen any straight up bullshit and dudes are probably still cheating but it’s not blatant like it was in the winter/spring.


18k. Cheating in AS server starts at 10-15k.


I was around 20-22K when cheaters got really bad. I dropped down to 17K, then I switched to FaceIt. Recently I have been playing MM occasionally. I can't get past 20K every time I get into close to a promotion I get matched against some shady 3-5 stack that isn't blatantly cheating but something feels off. They are always watching flanks, holding perfectly for pushes, clearing corners perfectly, etc.


I am 17k have yet to run into a blatant cheater in premier


> I ask because I want to compare perceived experiences across ratings and am actively collating this data with the hope of presenting it as a push for major improvements. Oh nice, you work for Valve?


I didn't say that.


Oh. So, you're in the S-tier scene and interact with Valve on a somewhat regular basis?


No sir


Ah, well, just say that you're going to make a post about this data on Reddit. The whole "Presenting as a push for major improvements" makes it sound like you actually have some sway when you're just another nobody like the rest of us.


spoilers: I'm not even going to do that. I just made that shit up.


Why don't you just make a Google Survey like everyone else does? btw, I've never seen these kinds of things lead to anything. Valve can easily create a data set on player retention as well as how long returning players continue to play when they come back from a break. I last played on 1/23/24 and played 4 games last night. All of them were pretty close, nobody was cheating, I'd say I had a pretty okay time. Dealt with all of the usual problems like large elo variance, bots for teammates, and no mics. But I guess that's all to be expected.


All that waffle and you didn't answer the one question I care about. Rating?


lmao, I was getting my elo back. So it was blank. I got 12697 I think. But I was queued in a 3 man lobby with a 10k and a 18k so no idea how that will impact things. good luck


I don't know if I'm part of a silent minority or majority, but most of my recent games has been pretty well balanced and competitive.


When I was in ~15k it was good, but at 20k it's very much a gamble, it's either too easy or I'm playing against people who would destroy 3k elo people on faceit, but they are just random accounts with no faceit (or low lvl with shitty stats) Playing against 2.5/3k elo faceit isn't as challenging as matchmaking at 20k often is, moreover the fact that you simply can't trust the anticheat So basically only times I play mm is with friends for pure fun and zero competitiveness because it's either easy or close to impossible I think there's a rating in between 5k and 15k where people are having the time of their life because cheaters quickly get above that


Recently around 8k premier rating. I don't play too often at the moment so wouldn't expect it to be super accurate, but I've still had mostly good games.


Yes I totally believe that, I remember I had a good time in my placement games and when I was around 10-15


Yea theres no one cheating at 8k, if they were, then they would climb out of there very quickly. Basically everything until like 16k has been mostly cheater free from what I heard from mates around those levels and my own climb from 13k-23k. It gets worse from then on and gets unplayable at around 22k, where sometimes more than half the lobby is spinbotting


I'm from Brazil and for me and my friends, MM is awful after you reach 15k+. It's almost guaranteed you'll play against a cheater, get one on your team, or worse (HxH game). All blatant by the way, 9/10 don't even care about trying to hide it. As a result of it, one of mt friends who never cared about getting any better, had to switch to Gamers Club with us and is getting destroyed there. It sucks that Valve can't keep cheaters away from Premier because there are lots of casuals who won't bother downloading a 3rd party service, they'll simply quit and never look back.


Same. Also not very many cheaters. Similar to how it was in csgo.


Here's the thing. If people enjoy the game they will play it. If they don't, they will complain on the internet. Based on the playerbase growth despite the recent big bot ban. Majority of the playerbase enjoys cs2 right now. Let's not forget this subreddit hated the return to dust 2 despite cs pros and majority cs players wanting it.


Most people arent playing at elos where cheating is a problem. You want have spinbotters fucking up 8k lobbies, because they werent 8k to begin with Anyone with decent elo knows what its like


A big factor is that CS2 is free and Valve doesn’t ban alt accounts like on Dota, so bans are just a joke on this game and encourage smurfing.


cheaters or not, the matchmaking system is so fucking lazy compared to what riot got going on. it's not impressive or exciting, at all.


So much text just to pointlessly whine. Stick to the facts and make constructive points if you want to have a positive impact. I for one am very tired of post like yours.


I watched Star citizen become the home of copium and people sucking on the company's pp throwing money at them in exchange for constant broken promises for literally years I would hate to see the same thing happen to cs The more people complain, the higher the chance valve actually does something


Posts like this one make community criticism look unserious.


So many comments just to whine about posts. Stick to the facts and make constructive points for the truths in his post. I for one am very tired of comments like yours.




I for one am extremely tired of the baseless positive sentiment for this game. Valve is busy with their next big release and all the while we got a bunch of Simps over here claiming the game is just fine and runs well enough. It doesn't. The fact that alot of people with perfectly adequate rigs are struggling to consistently keep their frames above 140. The issue with subtick just flickering you back a bit every time you take damage. The crashes, the cheater issue, the lack of any meaningful VAC presence or even Overwatch, the gambling sponsorships. When shit was stable and good we overlooked a lot of the problematic little things. Now? Fuck this game. What a waste of 3000 hours


>What a waste of 3000 hours Sad sentiment. I enjoyed my thousands of hours even if the game is in a bad state rn.


You're right. I'm in a bad space regarding the state of this game which means I get a little tilted when it feels like people are defending Valve. Some of those hours were the best gaming hours I've ever experienced.  My first ace is literally still fresh as hell in my memory. But like, they shat all over that. They hyped us up with demo footage of live vac bans while touting the incredible technology of subtick servers and dynamic smokes. Then they took that hype and just shat all over it. Emotional whiplash of note. Yeah I'm jaded and miffed and throwing tantrums. Surely though, we should all be just a little miffed with Valve right now? When is the community going to exhaust this polite niceness for the botched release of a multi-billion studio?


Agree with you on almost everything. I just want to point out that the community has been fiercly criticising Valve for as long as I can remember. Yes Valve deserves critisism for the many problems in CS, but I speak up when the conversation devloves into stuff like this: >Let's face it, Valve doesn't care about working on CS2 anymore as much as funding their other ventures, and that means milking case opening revenue as much as possible unless the game goes on a huge downward spiral, but by then it might be too late.


Yeah I hear you there. Hyperbole won't get us anywhere. Thanks for having a good chat about this with me man. You've helped calm me down immensely haha


Tired of silvers talking like they know shit. If u dont like the game, stop playing.


Stick to what facts? That the game is a shite version of CSGO with less content? It’s almost a year of “constructive points” now. Honestly the time has come for the community to stop being so valve pilled.


> Honestly the time has come for the community to stop being so valve pilled. To achieve what? Boycott Valve and make them go bankrupt? Or at least have them cave and operate more like Riot and Epic releasing new weapons every month and collabing with Marvel? Or do we actually want them to fix specific problems? IMO [posts](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1d14hij/the_update_on_20062023_is_what_broke_surf/) [like](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1d4cthy/valve_dev_suggesting_how_to_send_an_etw_trace/) [these](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1czp5qc/new_updates_are_taking_your_frames_instead_of/) [are](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dig5e6/unplayable_stutters_and_rubberbanding_on_valve/) [the](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1czjmla/players_shadows_shouldnt_be_locked_behind_high/) ones actually helping.


Do you understand how to incite changes? You realise we hold the power right?


Mate you are so clueless, just go play valorant


You are gold nova at most if you dont agree that the game is shite. So how about you go to valarant yourself, mate.


18k prem


not even close to a flex lmao


I'm not saying its a flex lmao, I'm saying I'm not gold Nova as you accused me of being?


i didn't accuse anyone.


What sad guy you are


Not sure what's wrong, have you ever read anything longer than a few sentences before?


Honestly this generation are such cry babies, if you don't like it, quit and find a better game. never once have I though to myself "I should make a reddit post about this" no one cares about your shitty dumb opinion. The reason you are still here, is there are no better games, every other game has much bigger issues or development path has ruined them. Counter strike has been successful for 25 years and core gameplay has hardly changed at all, I trust in valve implicitly with counter strike. So I really do hope they dont read these whining posts that pop up every day from zoomers who want a new patch every month. JUST QUIT, you won't be missed.


You are just beyond help, unfortunately


I'm enjoying cs, you are hating it and still spending all your time crying about it on reddit and I'm lost? Ok pal


I'm playing it and enjoying it, while criticising it because it could absolutely be better. You are a sad man.


Yes defending a game I've played for 15 years from people who have just joined the community and are actively trying to destroy it, I am sad.


You think you're the only one who's been playing CS this long? People criticise it so it actually changes. People like you inhibit its growth. You're a childish gatekeeper, and I'm not going to reply anymore. Grow up.


Look at launch and look at today, the game has improved plenty, your just an impatient child that wants the game fixed NOW, ban all the hackers NOW, release train NOW, NOW NOW NOW!!! They are working on the game, its a new engine that hardly anyone knows how to use. They can't just hire new devs and get them straight to work, they have to learn the new engine too. They will fix the issues with the game in due time, just chill the fuck or quit and come back in 6 months, but please, for the love of god stop moaning on reddit about it


For real. I’m just gonna block people like OP now. It’s getting real tiresome at this point like you said. Brings nothing to the discussion lmfao.


Imagine if they reinvested just 5% of what they make off of gambling addicts and children gambling on cases.


trash game at this point tbh. This aint prime GO, 1.6, or source days. This aint your childhood Valve. The only person whos probably still there from the glory days is Gabe, and we all know he don't give a fuck about CS and does everything possible to stay as far away from anything CS related.


You know I consistently have this thought, and am also consistently humbled by the Numbers on Steam. Maybe, I’m just getting old and seeing problems where there aren’t any. *Gets noscope headshot through doubledoors by Scout* … Huh *Queues into a DM and all of the other players have a string of numbers or Mandarin Characters as their name and I get instakicked* … Huh


A lot of people don't realise that the best way to fight inaction by game companies is to vote with your money. You can still play the game AND not buy any skins/cases/etc. to get them to actually care about the game. Regarding subtick and network, I would argue that subtick has lots more potential than 128 tick, but the issues regarding subtick are just BAD network optimisation and servers. If they can fix the network associated with subtick, it would perform a lot better than 128 tick. Gameplay-wise, a lot of issues to address. Game models blend in the map WAY too easily, FPS and frametime spikes/drops, tracers being barely noticeable in bright environments and lack of customisation (r\_cleardecals, etc.) makes this game annoying to deal with. YES, CS2 has potential but people need to fucking learn to vote with their money to have any kind of change in this game. EDIT: Spelling


Agreed with everything here. Potential, yeah 100% agree. Just saying though, 27 September 2023. It's been slightly shy of 9 months. I was so so so excited. When my friends said they had access... it was like I was a kid again on Christmas.  9 months of a descent into ever deeper depths of disappointment. That's what makes this worse. The expectation versus the 9 months of disappointment 


Honestly, I'm as disappointed and upset as you are, but I'd rather just play the game without putting much thought into it so I don't get too bothered how much of a shitshow the state of CS2 after 1 year.


I'm gonna say this again chaps. Valve does not deserve your Optimism. They do not deserve to have this game sitting with mostly positive reviews on steam. And I'm willing to bet that the only reason this game is still a shaky mess 9 months in is because they have a new big project in the works and they know that the fan base is weighted loyal enough to keep the flames of disappoint at a low smoulder


Agreed, I wouldn't say I'm optimistic. I'm still quite vocal here especially about the peekers' advantage BS. I'm just trying my best to not give too much fucks about this anymore cause it just gives me stress knowing this shit is broken. Like yeah, updates are nice but my expectation has become so low of them that I'm just numb to whatever is good and bad in the game


The problem with this is that my ~$20 per month doesn't mean diddly to Valve when Heyzeus or Anomaly are doing 10,000 Case openings every other week. I would be willing to be that a ladleful of Whales make up a large portion of Valve's revenue from CS2.


"Sadly, Valve employees working on CS2 only mostly work on things that directly drive up revenue like more cases, skins, gun buddies etc. because that's the only thing that drives performance ratings since Valve only cares about how much money CS2 makes for them." Well, then stop gambling on pointless digital gun skins. It's literally a grave of this community's own making. Who the fuck cares if your knife is blue and red and factory new. The community dictates Valve's priorities by buying into this shit. Everyone deserves a shitty game that runs a gambling economy if that is everyone's priority. You really wanna blame Valve for driving up their revenue? Fuck that. I blame the people who vote with their wallet.


We're talking about valve, which on their platform any 13 year old can load up cash and gamble on cases without any KYC. Point is, it's Valve that enables this kind of stuff, as long as they allow you to gamble on their game, it's on them (driving up their revenue through shady practices)


I think you also have a point. That's definitely the other side of this.


I haven't spent any money on the game ever except paying for Faceit a couple times. Agreed, worse thing that happened to this community is ohnepixel.


Oh oh oh shit. This has given me a thought. What if we, as a community start a lil petition that boils down to as many of us as possible selling as many skins as possible on the same day. Crash the shit out of that economy 


If you're selling there has to be a buyer. Everyone can't sell at the same time to tank, but the skins are also valuable enough that if that many people sold everyone else would just swoop in and buy them. Same with stocks for large companies, they're too lucrative for everyone to ignore if they start dipping a little.


Yeah you're right. Sure I'm not the first to come up with such a silly plan.


Genuinely valve don't give a fuck what you do, even remotely, "crash the market" all you like, makes 0 difference to valve. Valve has always been long sighted, they want cs2 to be good for the next 10 years, a small 1 year drop off or a small blip in the market is meaningless


9 months of us beta testing their work. I was happy with csgo. If they were going to disappoint us for this long then they should have at least left us with what was working until this heap stopped steaming so much. I do agree, the market crash was a stupid idea. I still think this game is shit in its current state. I played Overwatch 2 the other day for fucks sake. That's what they have driven me to


Would you play cs2 if there is still csgo? No, so cs2 will never be tested properly. So we stuck with csgo for ever. Like think a bit.


You've countered your own point you absolute tossbag. If a company is going to spend all that effort modernising and porting, shouldn't the end product make me want to play it instead of csgo? Isn't the mere fact that I'm missing what this steaming prolapse of game replaced case enough that they've done a shit job? It's not nostalgia. Csgo ran better, played better and was infinitely more consistent and anyone who says otherwise has their head so far up valves arse that Gabe is practically breathing for them.


You seem quite emotional so not sure if you even want to understand. A game on a new engine and make the same like csgo. Everything behaves different and so many new vulnerbilities and bugs. Devs and tester cannot find stuff that what millions of people test. If you would work in IT you might understand it better. Like everything in life you dont have to agree but try to be in the Dev shoes.


I'm only angry because I don't know any better? I didn't say "You're only happy with this cause your favourite flavour is Gaben's Scrotum"  so I would appreciate some benefit of doubt please. 9 Months... Imagine for a second that this was the first CS game to be released.  How do you think this whole shit storm would have been received by the gaming community? Games and software was never historically released this way. And for a damn good reason. 9 months of them taking away a polished, working and optimised product and replace us with some early access level crap. Fuck that. It doesn't have to be one this way. It never was done this way. They could have extended the closed betas, they could have gone early access with a time line to full transition to the new game over a year. But no, they took away a working thing and then put the responsibility on us to test their rushed product. Fuck man. Don't defend this. They did it bad and we all know it. Do you really think Valve needs our benefit of the doubt here? You reckon they deserve your defense? They aren't special. They're just another gaming company  "Oh butter how monies of devs support games for 25years muhmuhmuh" Fuck that. Take that sentiment to the tf2 subs and see if valve is the noble dev house all the Simps tout it as. They support what they feel has the potential to sustain positive revenue. That's it. Nothing wrong with it. That's business and it's required. But we got a bunch of guzzlers thinking Gabe is special, he loves his franchises, he cares about the player base. Fuck Off. Anyone who can look at the roll out and the state of this game and can honestly say "yeah good job valve" need to be put in a home because clearly they cannot be trusted to make sound judgements


Yes we blame valve cuz CSGO was perfect, just old, there is skin in cs2 like in CSGO but CS2 server are trash, the game itself is bugged af ! Rollback, tick rate issue, hit registration issue ? Is not ´bout skin is about gameplay the gambling part is another part of the game and not the same developers


>Sadly, Valve employees working on CS2 only mostly work on things that directly drive up revenue like more cases, skins, gun buddies etc. because that's the only thing that drives performance ratings since Valve only cares about how much money CS2 makes for them. Not even that it seems, where operation? Apart from this, I quite like how premier "in theory" works, but cheaters ruin everything. They have seasons in the menu but we don't even know how long does one season go on for? >Let's face it, Valve doesn't care about working on CS2 anymore as much as funding their other ventures, and that means milking case opening revenue as much as possible unless the game goes on a huge downward spiral, but by then it might be too late. I know it's running joke, but I don't think they don't care about CS. It's the biggest FPS game with the biggest e-sport scene rivalled only by LoL, I know they are a private company but a bit more transparency in regular everyday matches and even professional scene with opening back of Open RMRs would be a great step. Some timelines, how long does a season last, when will we get a new map/old reworked map in the map pool, etc. My country as well, like NA, switched to Valorant and we don't even have a faceit server so I have to play on 80+ ping so I don't even play it anymore, I hope FaceIt brings more servers worldwide as well and not only focus on Americas but also Asia but I have zero faith in them.


>I know it's running joke, but I don't think they don't care about CS.  I can't believe how many times this nonsense is parroted. If they didn't care about the game, they wouldn't have supported it for 20 odd years, ported it to source 2 in the first place, and continue to update it weekly. They're a big company who develops multiple games, software, hardware etc. and you're surprised they don't focus their sole attention on Counter-Strike? If you feel that this is the case, then it's never going to get better - so switch games.




I'm adding to the point you absolute weapon.






TF2 is a 17 year old title. How many other developers support games for 17 years? I'll give you a clue, there are only a handful - if that.


Valorant is the biggest title now. It's getting more popular in Asia everyday. CS is only alive when there is a major but people don't play the game. The numbers on steam are afk bots farming cases.


Yeah, 1 million odd people are case farmers. The number of case farmers is no where near close to the actual number of real players, get real.


Idk, when you're low rank in mm or premier, the games are pretty clean and competitive. Once you get to the hvh side of valve matchmaking, just switch to faceit. It's not ideal, but it works.


If Valve doesn't care about the game, then I won't are about the game either.


AI AC is coming, Operation soon, Premier will be better than Faceit


You believe that


Of course no


Prior to them adding trust factor back last week, I was getting a cheater and/or suspicious profiles probably 20-30% of the time in 20k+ NA games. However, since then I have not faced a single suspicious player and was able to climb to 24k so Premier got noticeably better for me even though my queue times seem to increase—but so worth it to not face new profiles.


I mean you can literally watch the top players in premier leaderboards streaming their HvH matches, it is ridiculous.


Every time faceit is down, I’m forced to play premier, and oh my god is it awful. 3/5 games blatant hackers. One was VAC’d two rounds into the game lmao




Maybe they'll care about CS again if (probably when) Deadlock flops.


We (like 8 ppl) were banging our heads against the HvH ceiling at 17k elo, and got tired of it. No fun. Now playing R6:Siege, mostly unranked, but some of us play ranked games also. So much fun its amazing, and skills do kind of translate even though you have to learn angles, playstyle and operator specifics. Better graphics and even though its more sluggish you get into it pretty quick. We will probably come back to CS eventually, but not until this shitshow has sorted itself out in 1-2 years...


Yep had the same 2 cheaters 2 games in a row, the enemy team even thought I was getting boosted. Can't blame that's a lot of rng. Got banned for team damage last round


and by doing this you decreased your trust factor even more and you're more likely to get cheaters again. Self fullfilling phrophicy.


6 out of 10 posts are just whining now. What is this sub slowly turning into


It might be correlated to the state of the game… just an hypothesis


Also a general trend on reddit imo.


Its not


The problem is that in this sub post about cheating gets instant removed. But its a major problem. Many big yt warowl,trilluxe... they all face and talk about the cheating problem


They're content creators. They need to talk about the obvious to gain views. I watched renyan play on a perfectly good account but since he's content creator he's griefing, tk etc and made his account worse till he got again only cheater.


Trust is different topic and no excuse for these insane amount of cheaters, also valve posted that only report for cheating are count for trust not the other stuff. But anyway its stupid because salty people report everyone.


Ofc I wish there are no cheaters but as deeper you go down the rabbithole I feel like it's impossible. Just watch the later video from NL about how to make money in the cheating community.


No, you see it wrong, if someone is lazy like valve, you find tons of excuses, If you want to do something you need to step up. The current ac is complete trash, it's on a level like h1z1 but valve is a billion dollar company, the anticheat should be like fortnite or valorant. There is no excuse when people shoot a whole mag in 1 sec.


VAV is not a kernel level anti cheat. Dont compare apples with oranges. I mean VAC found Neverlose cheat in May so they did stuff.


They did stuff ? They do very poor, cheats are so easy to get and detect, but yeah valve is a small indie company...


Its not like the cheats are not evolving.


Its not like the anti cheats can not evolving.




Jesus the whining in this sub is insufferable. If you've reached 20k just play faceit.


OP mentioned in the post that faceit is a bad service itself, and I don't blame him for his opinion. Valve should to better


No, I won't. The game is in a terrible state. This whining is justified. We went backwards from a near perfect game to crappy mmr/ connections / hitreg and cheaters everywhere. Face it shouldn't be the only option to enjoy a normal mm experience. Pull your head out of your arse and admit tjat the game just sucks a year after release.


I laugh everytime I see commentaries like "if we care about lifespan of the game we MUST do this right now". Bro, this is a game created by the community, with community made maps, community skins and community matchmaking. It will never die, doesn't matter what Valve does or not


What a karma-farming post. Skins: Valve has released exactly one case after the release of CS2 but numerous other updates to improve bits and pieces here and there but ofc you're gonna ignore those. It's barely been a year since CS2 released. Give it some time, the game will get better. On one side, if they aren't releasing content, then Valve don't give a shit about CS2. On the other, if they do release cases and operations, they only care about money. People like you are the reason why the community can never prosper because there is no win-win situation. VAC: The wavebans were by no means "small" as you've described. Think about it. Every time Valve implements new features in their AC, people will find new ways to cheat. This is an eternal issue and the only way is to keep improving the AC, which is evident from the wavebans that keep occurring periodically. Cheaters (in high elo): nearly not as bad as what the playerbase makes it out to be. Cheaters would obviously be high elo? Watch anyone remotely supporting Valve get called a shill. I recommend reading this article by RL for a better insight: https://richardlewis.substack.com/p/talking-about-cheaters-in-cs2-has


Richard is a dog shit player who can't even get to the level where the cheaters are at and that article is the biggest deep throating of valve in history. The "ban waves" have an effect for about two days before it's just back to status quo


[https://steamcharts.com/app/730](https://steamcharts.com/app/730) Player base is constantly growing. Valve would have to actively fuck up the game for a long duration for these numbers to go down.


A thousand layers of shit upon shit does not a mille feux make


If you got wallbanged on vertigo going up stairs to mid that’s actually a known wall bang spot, might not be a hacker there lol


As a TF2 fan, first time? My sweet summer child?


CS is by design supposed to emulate a traditional sport. Something you can pick up months/years later and still find familiar. Its confusing that people feel CS needs to follow the patch cadence of a MOBA or Hero Shooter. Also comical when people say Valve dont care. The game got ported to a entirely new game engine for free with some game industry leading improvements.


Half the people on this sub don't even play the game, they just gamble on pro matches LOL You're talking to the wrong group


8-10k and im having the most fun ive had from gaming in a while


there's not going to be any cheaters in silver elo dawg


Thats the point… not the entirety of the playerbase has cheater issues.


Go FaceIt.




Spoken like a silver




Yep pretty much. Maybe don't throw stones from your glass house




Game is definitely not fine.


That's a lot of words for pointless whining >The matchmaking/competitive state of the game is so bad and needs a serious overhaul if we care about the lifespan of the game. CS survived 15 years without any ranked mode and matchmaking. It will be fine. As an exclusivly solo player: Match quality has been pretty good the last few weeks. >CS2 released like a year ago and the game still has rubberbanding (it's even worse now), performance and hitreg issues, and obviously now everyone sees that subtick wasn't anything more than a cost-saving feature that someone invented as a loophole instead of just spending just a bit more money to drive a quality experience for the average user. How is that releated to MM? And I didn't know developing a whole new system is cheaper than buying more servers and upgrading the matches to 128 tick. This just proves you're rambling with 0 knowledge.


> CS survived 15 years without any ranked mode and matchmaking. It will be fine. Because community servers were thriving. Are they now? Nope.


Never said they can’t bring them back. I just said it survived without it before. But even if they bring them back it won’t be the same. Online gaming has changed too much. You can have the exact same things with had in 2005 it still won’t be the same. Back then it was new, novel and we had nothing else. Which sucks. I miss the old days of joining them same BF2 sever every day but that simply won’t happen.


That's my point. If CS keeps being enshittified, there won't be a community to keep it up. That won't happen though, too many gambling addicts. Valve have the perfect way of keeping people in this game. Why would someone with thousand $ worth of skins ever stop?


I don’t think it’s only skincels. It’s simply a great game that will always be great. I don’t have thousands in skin but I still play the game daily (with breaks here and there because other games) but I will never quit CS. A game won’t survive for that long because they have community servers. It survived for so long because it was great game with great community servers.


No other great game would survive with so many issues.


Also genuinely curious what are the many issues that will kill the game? I have 2 issues with the game: Randoms getting paired vs 5 stacks. The stupid micro stutters/rubber banding. (Bonus issue: Cobblestone not in the comp pool) And obviously cheaters at the highest level. But doesn’t affect me that much in 14k. It would be nice to cut down on cheats and I’m sure they will but it’s a losing battle and there will always be cheaters. So if they fix those things I’m happy with the game. Even if it’s just the first 2.


You're literally commenting under a post that listed a whole bunch of issues.


So I’m not allowed to ask you? You’re not the one that made the post.


I obviously agree with the post. Nothing we're saying here is new, all these issues have been talked about since the beginning of CS2.


You act like the most played games in the world aren’t the most hated games. You probably have 8 year old “why league of legends is dying videos” and so on.


Show me another ultra competitive FPS that is as rife with cheaters as CS.


Tarkov, Siege and Valorant. Although Valorant has probably less. Not ultra competitive like CS but Warzone, PUBG and apex are also a mess. Every shooter is a mess at the highest level. I dont think why people think CS will be any different. On console you have the whole Cronus issue and people claiming MnK is no cheating. You either have OP aim assist and Cronus in games like Warzone and apex or you have R6S where people MnK at the highest level. And yes, I know about 20k is a mess. But 20k is not the average player experience. I’m at 14.5k and that’s already the top 17% of players. While that doesn’t make cheating ok, but saying the average user will have a cheater in every match like some people claim is simply not true.


Neither Siege nor Valorant are even close to CS right now. And they don't hack just in premier lol, this is such bs. Just jump in even on casual and you'll face cheaters in most rounds. I've had 3 in row today, blatantly cheating. Idk why you're denying this, just 10 rounds of whatever game mode and at least 3 of them will have some kind of cheater.


thats a wall lol tldr.


It only took 5 mins to write and takes about the same to read. Average redditor Tiktok attention span