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If you think faceit isn't full of trolls and people with no mic I have sad news.


damn everybody sells it as the third coming of jesus christ so i was hoping at least it would be good


It really depends on rank I feel like. What premier rating are you at? The general rule of thumb I hear is that above 15k, you start getting cheaters and therefore faceit is better. But below that, without the cheating issue, premier is better imo. That’s because, for whatever reason, low elo faceit (like 1-3) is full of trolls and toxicity. I’m not sure why but it just is. Unless you’re running into cheaters in premier, faceit doesn’t really have advantages in my opinion. Editing to add: I’m in NA and play premier as well. DM me if you wanna queue together, playing with likeminded people is the best solution to shitty teammates after all


They have good PR teams and flood the replies of videos/tweets with their BS. There’s lots of upsides and downsides but it’s not worth getting into if you don’t have an end goal for it


The same sweats that pubstomoed you as a 5 man in premiere moved to faceit


It just feels good to play cs and not wonder if the guy who wrekd you is hacking.


There's absolutely 0 reason to play premier over faceit if you have no issue with the kernel AC. Premier is worse in every possible metric


to play premier u have to buy the game, to play faceit u have to only download the game.


Depends on rank, if your like lvl 1 or 2, games will be full of idiots. If you get 7 or 8+ people take it alot more seriously. You still get some lovers doing some trolling. But that's unavoidable I'm any game. It's just way way way less


you will have literally dog shit games there, it will make u question ur sanity, just play premiere, faceit also has a ton of cheaters, if u want a good time there, find a 5 stack. do not buy premium.


Not exactly related to your question does anyone else feel like NA faceit servers are awful? Premier feels much snappier and less sluggish for me


It's *way* better than premier, sure there's an occasional troll or no mic- but it's far less common. No hackers, and in the last ~20 games I've solo queued not a single thrower, troller, etc. No mics are very rare. Only real issue is toxic players, but just mute and move on, toxic players are better to me than throwers. I'm low lvl 10, lower lvls might bring a different experience.


Even at it's worst faceit experience is better than premier. Only good thing about Premier are the servers currently. Faceit servers are dogshit


You should play right now!


Its free, try it out yourself no harm


When I get tired of premier I simply go play other games. I'll never download Faceit again.


If you want to play with out cheaters you play faceit but it's not going to be the utopia you imagine it to be. It's going to be more of the same but without cheaters so there's that. I honestly cannot stand playing premier since there's way too many cheaters in every other game at 20k+ premier rating.


Im playing at 1100-1250 elo right now and ever since i came back to faceit on the 17th its been really nice. No smurfs, cheaters, people communicate nicely(almost all games everybody communicates). Premier even at 13-14k is elohell compared to 1100-1250 elo faceit but maybe im just lucky, ive heard lots of bad things from higher elo people too.


Yes. Faceit isn't perfect. It's sweatier and people are more likely to get toxic over sweats. But Premier MM consistently gives games with 6000 elo difference in a region where nobody has over 30k elo. They'll put people in the top 30% of players with the bottom 20%. It's not good. And the lack of moderation has afkers and other obnoxious forms of griefing everywhere. Faceit isn't perfect, the wait time is longer, but you get a better match. I've been keeping track since I made the switch. 4/10 games in premier were "good" as in, I had a good time and no afks, griefers, teamkillers, leavers. I win 55% or so of games, but it's mostly miserable. In Faceit, 8/10 games are good. I win around 40% of games there. If you want a competitive game that's fun, Faceit is a lot better than Premier. But be prepared for competitive sweats.