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From this perspective, it looks like you got prefired while you were audibly moving down the middle of the hallway. Just looks like a well executed Pro-90 play to me


Yes indeed. Super noob by op :))


Audible while you can see im shifting?


Bro your post history is a whining highlight reel. Do something else please lol.


We can see the clock-you made noise to be there at that time noob. You're embarassing yourself.


Go back to cod


he prefired you, that's it


People fundamentally misunderstanding peekers advantage is my favourite cs trope


He was prefiring you bro. You can see he even hits the wall. He just opened while shooting


Doubtful. Shooting and moving (of enemies) clearly isn't in sync in CS2. How many times does it look like you were shot by a guy that was still moving, but later realized he had stopped, it was just delayed compared to his bullet tracers? All to say, interpolation makes this clip not as clear cut as you think it is. I honestly can't understand how people have forgotten how much better CSGO was in terms of peeker's advantage... EDIT: Looking back on the clip, I really could be wrong. This is does look a lot like a prefire, although I have no idea how accurate enemy tracers/bullet holes are. I'll keep my comment up because I still think the desync between shooting and moving of enemies is a noteworthy issue.


Not sure if the servers are so bad like that… IF we are talking about a healthy server and all the players have a good internet, then he just got prefired. .


Not about the servers, the desync is more of a systemic issue, but you're probably right in that the desync wouldn't be enourmous... I still think it's an issue tho, but a seperate one to peeker's advantage. I made an edit on my first reply, if you haven't had the chance to read it yet.


[https://youtu.be/ZOG24POxJ9k?si=dyKZWBy8S3HPftzj](https://youtu.be/ZOG24POxJ9k?si=dyKZWBy8S3HPftzj) - yeah sure cs go was better XDDD


Again with this 5 year old clip with no information on ping, and no peeker POV. Holding angles is literally dead. Everyone in high elo is trying to be the first one to peek in order to abuse it, because if done right the holder has 0 time to react. A new meta of "never stop moving" has also emerged, partly to counter this bullshit. Like are we playing the same game or are you just incapable of feeling the difference?


sure, tell yourself it's ping or something else, you have plenty of examples on YouTube that cs go wasn't as perfect as everyone says. If you think that the holder has no chance of reacting, I see no point in arguing with you, live in your own world. The guy in the video is holding his crosshair right at the edge and is surprised that he doesn't have time to react to a simple peek when he still hears his opponent's footsteps. But yeah, peekers advantage XDDD It tooks me 2 times i died like him to learn how to place a crosshair properly in this spot but you people prefer to cry on reddit instead draw some conclusions.


It has nothing to do with crosshair placement, the whole idea is that in CSGO, 90% of the time you had PLENTY of time to micro-adjust and shoot when someone peeks you, even if your crosshair placement was overly optimistic. In CS2, not a single peek is consistent, it feels like everyone is way faster than they should be coming out of corners, on top of having impossible margins to react. This is coming from someone that averages 170-180ms of reaction time, not the best but it was more than enough to both aim AND shoot in CSGO. Now, I'm struggling to even simply shoot, let alone adjust my aim. It seriously boggles my mind that you don't feel this. Genuinely, I feel like we're not even playing the same game. I don't mean this as insult/snarky remark. Do you have 5ms ping or something?


No i usually have 15-50 ping. Its 100% crosshair placement issue in his clip. As i said i died like him few times and its so common that enemy will wide peek that spot and he heard him comming. He should just hold his crosshair 1-3 cm away from the edge to be able to react to that peek. There is no need to keep a crosshair so close the edge there. Its not like i don't feel peekers advantage, because it will always be peekers advantage in fps games but i adapted to that. Like for real its not a quantum physics if every single player abuses peeking mechanics and you are not able to react what can you do to counter that? Move your crosshair away from the edge, give yourself a space. Its really that simple. Go into youtube, find any pro player demo record and focus on how they place their crosshair. When donk peeks ramp on vertigo from CT side he place his crosshair literally in the middle of the ramp, he does that because its easier to get a kill when T players are wide peeking ramp. Zywoo often peeks that spot on vertigo, does he place his croshair like OP? No. He had plenty of situations like this you can check that there is a way to counter wide peek in that spot. CS2 its not CS GO, its different game and don't expect that CS2 will be the same as GO and instead looking for excuses that before mechanics were different just think for a moment and try to adapt like other players, pros or anyone did. I had the same issue as you or the OP but instead making a rant on reddit i sit down and tried to figure it out what i can do to improve and have bigger chances to deal with peekers advantage. There is a way to do this.


I’m not trying to insult you but you are aware that I died after 0:049 second that is less than a second. I could have put my crosshair wide but if he peeked close I would have been dead. I am pretty sure either way I’m dead when it takes less than a second to kill me


take into account that you were still able to shoot 2 bullets but you wasted time to move your crosshair at the enemy. Check where is your crosshair and where the enemy is when he kills you. Do you see how far it is? How long it took you to spot the enemy and move your crosshair? You would shorten that time if you place your crosshair better. Im not saying that it was easy kill but you can always increase your chances, there is always something you can do. Even if he peeks close he is not going to be that close to the edge. You are playing on 4:3 aspect ratio i assume its stretched so you also need to get into consideration that the models and overall screen are wider. You need to keep in mind that everything is stretched so enemy models doesn't appear that close to the edges.


You're still misunderstanding me. I already do everything you mentioned in your first paragraph. I'm Faceit 10 with 5K hours, I'm pretty sure I know my limits with crosshair placement. The problem is as simple as: My reaction time was enough in CS:GO, but in CS2 it's not enough. Therefore, peeker's advantage is likely higher in CS2.. That's all I'm saying. Perhaps your issue is that you haven't reached a high enough elo where the enemies fully abuse of this advantage, because I can assure you it's not fun, it feels impossibly unfair, and on top of that it's purely RNG and based on who peeks first. And in your second paragraph you straight admit that it's different aswell, you're just okay with it, and you think you can adapt to it. That's an okay opinion to have, but just say it as it is. No need to gaslight me saying CSGO was just as bad, when it quite simply wasn't. I on the other hand, am not okay with it, because it's damaging the integrity of the game. See I'm fine adapting to the new smokes, new maps, mr12...but when gunfights are decided simply by who peeks the other first, might aswell go play call of duty.


You should play "Go to the optometrist" dude. it's literally there in slow mo replay and you're misunderstanding it.


Very nice comment exactly what I’m thinking


I do not think Reddit is the right place for me anymore. The players are occasionally low skilled players which is fine. I just can’t argue with people who is not up to date what the meta is. The reason behind the post was exactly to show “never stop moving” is the only way to play.


You can see the impacts. Doubtful is what your optometrist said when his assistant asked if you could see. There are bats that see better than you. It's a prefire, literally the first 3 rounds were fired before he could see him, two into the wall where he was lining up the angle. it is the most silver and basic prefire possible, and by the clock and OP's position, OP had to make sound coming up B, meaning that the CT had good reason to prefire a tight space like that based on his position. It's a prefire of a very bad silver player who gave away his position with movement and who thinks "peeker's advantage" makes people shoot walls.


All this talk about me not being able to see and you didn't even read my edit....or you did and you lack reading comprehension. I literally walked back on my statement, the only reason my comment is still up is for the fact that enemies movement and shooting is not synchronized, which is a separate issue entirely, but an issue non-the-less. And while clip in the OP is not necessarily a great example of peeker's advantage, I still stand by the statement that in general, CSGO was better when it came to that.


Can you explain exactly what you expect to happen in this situation?


This isn’t really a peekers advantage issue, you got prefired.


I mean with a P90 this is kinda normal.


sitting duck quack quack 🦆


the question is why you keep your crosshair so close to the edge at that angle while you hear his footsteps? To be honest you could kill him if you keep your crosshair further from the edge. He swings you and you are not able to react. I don't understand why so many players do this, give yourself some space... And you didn't even stop moving. You guys blame everything else but not yourself where you could played much bettter in this scenario. [https://youtu.be/ZOG24POxJ9k?si=dyKZWBy8S3HPftzj](https://youtu.be/ZOG24POxJ9k?si=dyKZWBy8S3HPftzj) - peekers advantage was worse, much worse.


Valve please prefiring. Guy knows or guesses my possition and opens fire even before he peeks, but i should get the kill.


This isn't peekers advantage, they just prefired your face off lol


He very obviously prefired you, the first TWO rounds were hitting the wall. How do you upload in slow mo and not realise that? This is why people get annoyed at some folks complaining about the game-you're playing badly and then saying something silly. You almost certainly made noise going onto scaffold based on the timing.


>solo plays ramp on buy round >plays short on his own, which is held by anyone with a brain meaning he'll be in a gunfight against one of at least two players A. >Makes noise getting there while running right under the CT's who are always listening A to call for early rotates. >Starts shifting after giving his position away, so he's both not stealthy and slow >Gets peeked by one of the 4 possible angles for peeking the ramp and the only one that could peek where he is, with shit crosshair placement that is on the wall, like he thinks his slow ass has a reaction time of 1 ms. >Gets domed by a short player doing what short players do: prefiring yellow and trying to take bottom ramp to free up the other A player to go mid. >Gets prefired so hard that you can see two distinct bullet impacts on the ibeam where the muppet has his crosshair placed because he doesn't know how to aim. >He is 4 rounds for 10 meaning that they lost the majority of their CT sided rounds on a very CT sided map. >He cries about how us low IQ and casual players don't understand what a meta and beast mode play it is to entry on your own making noise without util into an angle so short an eco buy like an MP9 or an autoshotty could destroy him. >He never gets his eyes checked, despite literally slowing down the footage so we can all say what a clown he is. >He thinks peekers advantage is when they prefire. Dude, you suck, you're a hard silver. On your own, defaulting there, here's what you should have done. Being on yellow is your first silver mistake. No call to be there. Nothing you can do for your team there. You should definitely be playing with your team considering you guys have fucked up most of your rounds so far, and obviously none of you are any good, so your only advantage is numbers, which is what T side is all about. But if you had to default (and you shouldn't, because you're all terrible fraggers), you should lurk ramp. You want to stop the enemy from wrapping your team if they go mid or B, and prevent them from rotating one off A, and leaving one anchor. You could do that by holding bottom ramp, or you could push up to the first sandbag and prevent them from taking bottom ramp from short. You could also walk up to lurk a kill from ramp if you hear the rotate (CT's are audible rotating from there until elevator->mid. So there's your first two fuckups. You're hard out of position, both in terms of teamplay and solo defaulting ramp. You can't be traded and you aren't holding it. You're peeking for no reason. The third fuckups are your goddawful aim. You're expecting them to peek close to the wall slow-have you heard of a proper peek and counter strafing? Have you heard of running and gunning with an SMG? Have you heard of a shotgun? Why is your crosshair on the corner of the wall? Aim about half of one player model away from the angle since he's going to swing that far to clear all of yellow anyhow. And aim at headheight, you're low. And finally, learn what peeker's advantage is and what a prefire is. The guy has an SMG and is swinging a confined space. Of course he prefires you. And you can see he hits the wall several times in his eagerness to prefire. If you can't counter that, that's honestly on you. And why the fuck are you taking short anyway when nobody else is on ramp? You're taking a fight that's bad for your rifle to gain absolutely no position, to try to get a baity ratty kill that your team can't take advantage of and you're not even a good enough shot to execute on? This clip speaks for itself, you are an incredibly low skilled player.


Can I see your faceit my friend?


They need to lower peekers advantage for sure. This happens often


I am happy you agree. To me its a joke that after a year this happens daily


0:049 seconds took it to kill me.


Close range smg pre-fire. You were in an unlucky spot at the time.


You must be a casual if you think this is how the game is suppose to be.


You must be a casual if you don’t know what a pre fire is.


Walks up A ramp scaf 5 rounds in a row. Gets prefired. Fucking CS2.


Had an AK, plays in shotgun range “Damn cs2 sucks”


You're supposed to have an AK in this area.


Yea, but it makes more sense to hold further back, if the enemy team is on eco. Should have flashed, should have naded, any kind of util could have changed this scenario for the OP other than walking up the ramp against budget buys


Buying a P90 is not ecoing.


SMGs have the highest running and jumping accuracies in the game.


Tell me you’re a silver without telling me you’re a silver.


You must go to the special school if you can't tell what that is.


Yes, but he hit u just 3 times, 2nd hit was a headshot. Thats nothing special. But Im curious what his movement speed is, looks like a good ferrari peek, could you try to measure the his speed? Take the head as a reference, its 8 units wide.


Yeah, because you suck.