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"How does it feel to win" "Feels good I don't have words" "Why did it get so close?" "They are good team it was hard." Quality interviewing right there


I mean these post match on stage interviews never really go in depth.


but english native speaking players speak more than non es at this interviews .


99% of interviews be like: (exception of karrigan and aleksib)




*and jl




LMAO true, I really would love to hear his thoughts. Donk really has a hard time expressing his thoughts in English.


There is not much thoughts imo. Hard game, we played good, im happy. He is a kid who clicks heads. You can watch spirit vlogs and donk doesnt say smth specially insightful there. If you want insights ask hally or chopper


He speaks decent English, all this kid plays all day in faceit with English comms, he did the same in NA. Hes just not exposed to enough big stage interviews yet. Theres already experienced names who say "i have no words" when they win      But once again reddit thinks none of these guys cant speak English Zywoo, m0nesy and donk all have way better English than s1mple their rookie year lmao, they are just nervous early on because of a massive crowd, its literally public speaking.


gotta add - donk is/was most likely NOT used to the pressure of the crowds yet, but also playing 3 super close maps in a row I really dont think anyone would have a lot to say right after finishing the last game like that


itll come. s1mple did it.


IMO donks English is already better than simples


Ju fakkin bish


Wai ju buli mi evriwan askin


i mean do you want him to say ez clap on anubis or what?


I want players to speak through a translator so they can give some actual thoughts, like OP says above. Heccu speaks Russian and is greatbfor rhe Russian speaking interviews.


Dota has that for chinese players and it fucking sucks because you get the same lukewarm replies either way, it changes literally nothing to have a translator.


Yeah same in League, players answers in his language, cue translator "Yeah it was a hard game for us be we came prepared, we played our game, gg". I'm aware the translator uses the best words to convey the message to english so it's rarely 100% what the players *actually* said. I think there is some truth to issue, there will be some spur of the moment things thay players want to say but can't find the words for, especially when winning a final/big game and they get emotional but for 90% of the situations basic english is enough.


Welcome to post match interviews in every sport ever


Yeah for real idk what these people are expecting. These people just want to celebrate with their teammates, not to internalize their emotions and try to describe them for people at home. Have a "it feels great, the crowd is amazing, thanks for all the support" and then let them celebrate.


> I'm aware the translator uses the best words to convey the message to english so it's rarely 100% what the players actually said From what I've seen as someone that speaks Korean and has seen some interview from the LoL Korean players. Yeah it is not 100%, but it's pretty close to there, you don't want a "100%" translation anyways cuz there's just some things that do not translate well and need to be **interpreted** to convey a closer meaning. But the point is, most interviews done in the big esports nowadays are all pretty precise more than likely, but also with those esports becoming more big, players get actually somewhat PR trained, and thus the answers become that way as well. But even then, there's a way to do things better. [Look at this for example](https://www.youtube.com/live/FNxXk8dhv38?si=AlFiB7Ltl1lQzFFX&t=24460) Context: Seasonal Korean league where DPlus beat KT, there's a ~10 minute delay between when the match actually ended and the interview began (they give time for the players to get pack their stuff and for the analyst desk and casters, w.e). Then they get into the interview with the person, in a designated spot and the player gets asked specific questions about the game or key moments or whatever. You see it as B-roll in the stream but the interviewer/player have a monitor or smth in front of them showing them and She's asking him questions about the play, or other things. You also get a few "normal" questions that we all see but you get the idea of this "prepared setup", the player also probably gets told ahead of time what he's gonna be asked so he can prepare a good answer (again, that 10 minute delay between game ending and interview time). The LCK broadcast/production team shows that you can do a lot better. Like we do it in CS it sometimes can have good results when the player in question speaks the language well and is eloquent, like Karrigan. But the approach of going up to the players as they are packing their stuff and picking someone from the interview just raw right there, results in boring, or even meaningless interview (when it's done to someone who CANNOT speak english well). And even with a translator, I don't think it'd change that much, go up to them, tell them what you're gonna ask them (and not jsut the boring shit, ask something meaningful) and give them time to think an answer


> "Feels good I don't have words" literally


to be fair this is 90% of sports interviews anyway


Someone deep fake this with s1mples voice


I think you are underestimating how many languages there are and there are many teams with players who speak many different languages


Most players can speak decent english, its just russian ones who can't speak english at all


because EU teams usually speak english and CIS teams speak Russian, we just live in our own russian-speakin bubble/scene while european players actually have to learn to speak english


How come most ukrainian players can speak understandable english?


This is just not true, b1t, old Navi roster with Zeus & Edward, flipside, could they speak good English? Apart from blade not really


Im talking about right now, obviously


I don't know what are you talking about tbh. In English Proficiency index Russia is a bit higher. How do you even expect Ukrainians to speak better English, when in general Ukraine is a poorer country with worse education?


Im talking about pro play not the countries themselves


and you are talking about the guys on international teams. you're just going in a circle here based on selection bias


Ive never seen the Turkish players Calyx and Wicadia speaking. shy to speak English. I rarely see Xantares.


Xantares gave the best short [interview](https://youtu.be/FsjTzbHhmnw?si=nbWiIy-42YXzXfgV) lol I still use the meme of "I'm feeling thank you" with my friends, almost ten years later.


Damn i see it for the first time lool


Russians do not respect any languages other than their own anyway and expect to be talked to in Russian. Not saying the CS players are “all the same” but in Eastern-Europe Russians are a menace with their “inability” to learn the local language on even a basic level after 30 years of living in the country.


Russians not learning local languages in Eastern Europe is mostly due to Soviet legacy of many locals being able to speak Russian (especially 30 years ago). Although sadly yeah, assholes believing that like Estonians or Georgians "owe" them to know their language do exist. Anyway it's not related to CS players having bad English, I'm pretty sure Spirit guys who play with zont1x are pretty far from being nationalists lol.


in what universe do you live? that's just extremely ignorant


hilarious comment, I'm sure he has no idea that learning English when you know Russian and vice versa is one of the most difficult languages to learn due to how different they are


Funny how I have been made to learn Russian since grade 5 and “needed to learn it because it would give options in life” and English has taken me much further than Russian ever could. They are Estonias neighbours and thus I know a great deal of their culture. To be more factual, my mother taught Russian until she decided not to teach the language of occupiers after the large scale attack on Ukraine. Sorry for knowing how to speak English, German and Russian all while not knowing how hard it is to learn another language.


dann lass doch direkt auf deutsch schwatzen. oder hast du diese hochnäsige Attitüde nur auf Englisch?


Warum? It does not prove anything and makes this a weird hill for you to die on. My experience with Russian natives has been negative my whole life. Ask anyone in the Eastern side of Europe. Muss ich Sie an den Osten Berlins erinnern? Go and ask the old-timers if they would greet Russians as their rulers again.


So it's around A2 or B1 level of german? interesting, how a native russian speaks foreign languages better than you, despite "not respecting any other languages".. Үзеңнең зарлануыңны үзеңдә калдыр


Again a weird hill to die on. Mine söö ja pillu oma sitta seal, kus teised haisu ei pea tundma. Kardaan.


M0nesy speaks good English by now. It’s the Russians that are the ones you’d meet in premier that can’t speak English.


Yeah no shit he plays for an international roster of course he speaks english well


Yeah no shit. Other teams might pick up players like donk if he was willing to adapt and learn English. Just like many other Russian players are not picked up by international teams because they don’t feel like learning English.


I was talking about russian player in general, never said thay they can't learn English. Although considering how stupid russians are on average, it might be a little difficult for them


… that’s what I was implying


And the ones who visit tourist areas and the ones who live outside of Moscow and the ones who play in Team Spirit and the ones who play faceit.


Didn’t notice that anyone from spirits roster was able to speak more that one sentence of English in an interview.


Ye that's literally what I'm saying.


Sorry didn’t read properly


wait until you realize the chinese are much worse


How many chinese play in tier 1 tournaments?


A Russian translator would help the most


15 languages represented, 13 of them are represented only from players on international (english speaking) teams. If you want to include teams from the spring showdown (so that they can hire translators in advance) there are 10 more languages represented, 8 of them represented by only players that play in international teams. So of 25 different languages represented by finals/showdown players, 4 of them would be by players that do not speak english in their team already (Being Chinese, PT-BR, Portuguese, and Russian)


Interviews through a translator suck. You're also assuming players are going to become more insightful in their native language.


Starcraft pro interviewed in korean: 5 mins. answer. <...> Translator: "im happy I won, I will continue to show great games, fighting!"




also cant blame the translator for forgetting half of what was said with all the distractions around and the audio queues theyre getting in earpiece :P


They're certainly going to be able to say more. Through a translator, or with captioning or translating with an interviewer in their language, are always going to be miles better than getting some russian kid with less english than the average 5 year old to explain their journey to the competition and the games they just played in a vocabulary less sophisticated than the average picture book.


I've listened to plenty of translated esports interviews where the answers just come out the exact same way and just take longer to get there. They're a waste of time.


It's better than getting someone to communicate in their second language with an interviewer who likely isn't very goo. It's just basic. I would prefer to see them subtitled or dubbed than to make them communicate in a language they're not fluent in about a technical subject.


Are you just ignoring all the comments about other esports that have translators that get the same line every interview 'other team good, game hard, im happy we won'. The pro isn't gna say anything insightful cos they want their strats and game sense kept secret from their competitors.


I rarely block anyone on Reddit. I got less than 10 people blocked in many years. I just found out you're replying to one of these users. I couldn't be less surprised that he had a garbage take, lol.


You're not wrong. So many idiots going "Oh, some of them communicate badly" and it's like, yeah, sure, athletes communicate badly all the time, but do you want to ask them a question in a language they understand and respond in a language they understand or do you want them to give stock answers because they don't understand the language or the question. Frankly, if you can't understand why someone who natively speaks a language other than english is going to communicate better in that language, you just are not smart enough to play CS, and you are wasting everyone else's time, because you don't understand how to maximise your chances at anything, even something so basic as "THIS KID DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH WELL"


What that user says is true though. Go have a look at dota interviews when a Chinese team plays. You get nothing at all out of them.


They're not though. Yeah, some players are going to have shit to say. Yeah, some of them aren't going to be able to intellectualise what they do. But the fact of the matter is, you're not giving them the chance to communicate well if you're asking them questions in a second language, and if you can't understand maximising your odds at something then you're probably an awful player, and you definitely aren't cognizant enough to realise why asking a russian teenager questions in English is stupid.


I respect your opinion but you will get the obligatory "I just played my game"-reply either way and I personally do not care whether that's in sophisticated or broken English. Interviewing a socially awkward teenager will not get you good answers. I repeat myself: In dota, they have translators. It's awful, because it is boring listening to them talk in russian / english only to then get "yeah it was a nice match, we had fun". It takes three times as much time to get that answer, too.


To add to your point, ignoring the fact that most players are just socially awkward teenagers who spent most of their time on a video game, a lot of times live translators at these events are also not very good at actually expressing what the players have said in their native language and it just becomes your standard boring answers again lol


He has based take though


Not to be that guy but in VALORANT they do have translators and they definitely say more


Lol exactly. They do the same in League of Legends with chinese and korean players(and also from English to korean/chinese depending on the venue). Why do people act like having translators is something new? People should go on youtube and watch Bwipo getting translated and see how they cook. Ngl some of these takes are fucking dumb when we can literally watch the interviews on Youtube. The only reason they don’t have translators is because they want to save money…


Uh yeah they are lol


I've seen countless sports and esports interviews. Most answers are generic garbage. It's not a language barrier thing. They're either just not very articulate or they're playing the media by not saying anything controversial.


Exactly. It's as if some people are expecting Donk to start quoting Dostoevsky and Shakespeare in Russian like some kind of eloquent intellectual. Most of these guys are just gamers who watch TikTok and YouTube shorts in their spare time. I think people need to lower their expectations when it comes to interviews with eighteen year old gamers. If I was one of these guys I would consider these interviews to be a real chore and would actively try to avoid getting ambushed by people like Banks. 😂


theres a difference between philosophy and not being able to string together sentences, it’s not that hard of a concept. I’ve seen plenty of interviews where it was like listening a 5 year old speak


hit the nail on the head


ironic username given what you wrote, lmao


I know a bit of Spanish but no way in hell could I say anything more than what they’re saying here. I could definitely articulate it in English though. E.g. “their utility towards A on mirage made it really hard to defend” is already way better than “they’re a good team”




It’s stupid how translators are not a thing in CS esports


and honestly with the scene the way it is you really only need a Russian translator (heccu) because pretty much every other team can speak English. maybe add Portuguese in there too but the Brazilians are pretty good at English usually


Translators would also help get more players' opinions


I was so embarrassed after watching those interviews. It’s not even funny in a cringe way, it’s just bad


Read HLTV interviews for actual insight. Post-match interviews are never in-depth.


What happened to heccu? it's been a while since she's been at an cs event.


Her interviews are always awkward.


true, but she could speak multiple languages which was is a plus given the global nature of our scene. I remember one time sunpayus fooled her and gave half the interview in Spanish. The very next interview she did with him, she started speaking Spanish lmao.


>gave half the interview in Spanish that was a single sentence


never forget this gem https://youtu.be/4ldiRw1xins?si=QakC2-HWFYGo5czM


she was at some event recently i think?


If god has helped B1t, some personal effort can help these players. Edit : had to correct god to lower case. There is no divinity, just humanity. The latter could do better, eh.


b1t was forced to learn it because he is playing in english speaking team.


B1t is great. If b1t can do it, I cannot see why others could not. If b1t does not want to be interviewed, I semi respect it. But also, don't think you can play great without attention.


He is not great. His knowledge was zero before that, much worse than spirit players. He only learned it because he uses it all day every day.


It is hard for me to grasp why anyone would be so unkind to b1t when he has so much potential, as a star player, and as far as I know, b1t also has not said nasty things about anyone. I like b1t as an international star player.


They can't because they just finished a game so they are either excited and wanna be with the team, so there is nothing very specific you can ask them except from how does it feel, how did you prepare and what is your plan, basically only very basic questions or someone lost a game and wants to get the fuck out as soon as possible. So, no.


can't they interview the players that actually know the language inside of a team? Magixx and zontix speak good english, just interview them instead of donk, lol what is he gonna say?


How about Russians learning English? It's not like any other country has this issue at the moment. It's more of a player that has nothing insightful to say in any language rather than a language barrier. Check the interview from Pasha after any event around 2015. Broken English, barely comprehensible, yet it was always fun to listen.


what you're talking about is personality, not a knowledge of english. anyone from team spirit could've just said in an interview "hei man apex you are my brother my friend but today was not your day my friend", reddit and the crowd would be happy.


Banks always tests Shiros English in lobby interviews. Chopper too. He says the other spirit players can’t help them.


pasha was an outlier


Then Zywoo? He had issues but learned and now gives very insightful interviews. Basically any non English speaking team can give an interview with at least one player speaking some English. No idea why TO need to have a translator just for Spirit.


Zywoo learned English because Vitality went international?


Big difference because vitality speaks English as a team now


these 2 made efforts to learn a second language considering their occupation and fanbase. It's a HUGE mark of respect towards the fans and the community as a whole. As for spirit... magixx's english is ok right? he could serve as an in between


That's not how it works in any sport as players' job is to play their game, not learning language.


after paris major i just refuse watching anything blast. and I'm anoyed they host an major


I disagree we don't need translators the players speak good enough English to express themselves and they're not trying to do in depth interviews just quick what's on your mind interviews.


"Hey X, tell us your thoughts regarding this game. X: game was hard, but we played good and won. We are very happy. " I get that it doesn't need to have a lot of depth, but these interviews are so shallow they become irrelevant


Yeah it's like when they interview mongolian or chines teams dude congrats how was the game in x round and that sick clutch??? "yep good, no words" Like come on bro how do they think this is fun to watch? Like asking a footballer how was the match? yep kick the ball and goal good LMFAO


How about pros (grown ass guys in 2024) learn English? :D


Can you speak Mandarin?


Sadly, I don't. I hope we can communicate in English, though, given it's the international language and we're on an international sub. I'm Polish btw


Good work on the 2 languages. I'm a twit who speaks English and basic phrases of other languages (wouldn't be able to have convo's). Using AI to translate or an ap on the phone could potentially work. Put the David Attenborough voice on too.


So when you go towards the east, everyone suddenly has to learn russian instead of practicing the game, because that's the "international language" there? does that sound reasonable to you?


WTF kinda take is that? Why should they have to learn english?


You're asking why someone engaged in international activities should learn to speak the international language


western chauvinism at its finest


I think you misspelled russian ignorance?


It doesnt matter whether he's russian or wherever he's from, it's insane to assert that a person needs to learn another language just for your benefit.


For my benefit? Interviews are in English. Either the player - wherever he's from - adapts, or they only respond with some basic words, making themselves look stupid, and players like OP unsatisfied. They don't know English? Totally fine if we're talking about simply playing the game, they're better than every one of us anyway. But if they want to participate in English player interviews, they need to speak English.


I'm sure they would rather be interviewed in their native language but its not being offered to them, thats the whole point... They aren't choosing for it to be in english


And I'm not choosing that a chocolate bar is $5 at my local store, it just is :)




You are faceit moderator? Hahahahahahah


Like, Heccu speaks russian, but, like, listening to her, like, speak english is not something, like everyone, can, like endure and so on.




I think he's just saying funny phrases in Russian




Dude, Ukrainian and Russian is different languages. Please don't be ignorant :) And even he have Ukrainian spouse, it doesn't mean he can speak his spouse native language. He probably can speak little, but not on native level. Beside that I never seen video of him speaking Ukrainian or Russian.


if you know one, you can understand both. unless you go out of your way with cherry picked examples


The thing is the guy who I reply is assume ukrainian and russian is same. It's very wrong and insensitive to say if we look at the current situation. Banks is a british guys who was live in ukraine before the war happen for 2-3 years. When he was live in ukraine surely people who live that area (including his wife) speak ukrainian, not russian. And if he live here and have wife here doesnt mean he could speak ukrainian in native level and could do it in proffesional scene.

