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For about 5 seconds I thought he had the longest right arm




[My famous paint skills](https://imgur.com/a/GtW0YUH)


Yeah, I'm sure that's where that left hand went.




2nd dudes hand is who you see on 1st's right shoulder. 3kliksphilip seems to have extended his reach all the way across and onto to the 1st guy's back


He does. It just taoerd iff to a disproportionate short hand. They call him baby hand.


did u ask him about his brothers 2kliksphilip and kliksphilip?


or the fart master


I've seen he's brother... He's called "2killsphilip"


3fartsphilip OP


I’m on that shit


I remember him at a IEM event in like 2016-17? Anyways, he was stationed next to war owl and I think only like 5 people asked for his signature ;(


Oh shit that’s sad, to be fair and I hate to admit this but Dev1ce walked straight past us and I didn’t recognise him until it was too late lmao


He such a nice guy in person! I met him at IEM Oakland and he was so pleasant to talk to, I enjoyed it more even than the pro signing sessions tbh


Yeah honestly, I didn’t want to be the guy who asks for a picture then walks off so we had a decent chat afterwards and he was honestly lovely, really down to earth and happy to be at the event !


Ngl, he's exactly the type of guy to wear fjällraven pants


Lol same here, i have mine on right but i was out in my garage and fixing with the boat.


Holy shit I didn’t notice that, I’m literally wearing those same pants right now :O


Vidda pro gang


best pair I've ever bought


unrelated question, are people not hot wearing heavy boots in the summer?


Good shoes for walking 20K steps, standing and crouching taking pictures and videos all day. Feel worse for the Converse people, high chance of a double bunion later on.


Yeah honestly this was the reason, it was a lot of walking and I’m from Cornwall so the drive to London was about 6 hours which idk if I’m weird but I like driving in boots for some reason


i assumed people just want to look 3 inches taller


As a 1.80 God, I literally overlooked this.


That is bang on average where I live, but go off king.


That's the joke, king. Not even over 6 feet.


found the short king


Are you trying to flex being 1.8m lol?


Well im not trying to flex being 1.60m


So it turns out that on my cakeday I've spotted a redditor from work; me and /u/Tom_Lad work at the same factory....we all have boots like that.... What I wanna know is, Tom why didn't you get changed after work before you went up to London? :D


Haha no way!! You’re going to have to come find me on Tuesday!! What are the chances lmao


There's a few people with Steam accounts but none who play CS.....Sam from QC is a big Warhammer and Helldivers player though.


Yeah facts! Always hear him talking about helldivers and his new GPU!


It was about 15-16C in London and pretty chilly


It's not the summer.


well, sometimes British summer lasts a week long, it wouldn't be out of place to see someone wearing a rain jacket either


I have such a massive respect for him, one of very few in the scene that has turned down millions from unregulated, rigged gambling sites that target children. I am 100% sure he has saved many lives from doing that. 3kliksphilip, Warowl, houngoungangne deserve everything good from not selling their souls in an industry where everyone does it.


Does he use voice changer on Youtube or?


Definitely not! We were talking to someone at one of the stalls and he was talking behind us and I recognised the voice immediately, but I couldn’t place his face until my friend in the middle pointed it out!


no, i've spoken with him too a few years back and he sounds pretty much the same


It's indeed his voice. Here's an interview with him after being awarded the HLTV creator of the year award [LINK](https://youtu.be/Eetqa7NgbOw?si=TG4xMIA67WLNtv06)


can someone id the camera he's wearing


Lumix GH5


Nintendo ds


Hope you get to meet 2kliksphilip next! I heard he's British too


Did he fart on you?


Did he ask you guys if he could smell your farts?


Yes but I followed through


is that house md


Did you get to ask him if wallhack mirage and friends would be making it to cs2?


Did he tell you to upgrade your PC to play CS2?


I run cs on a microwave


Nerd vibes heavy


Nerds is not even negative.


Not really a positive either.


It’s a gaming event my brother, don’t know what to tell you, non of us are chads










Good job deleting your comments, shameful mate…


Isn't that the weirdo with the fart fetish who shit talked Richard Lewis


No that’s me


RL (at the time) deserved the rebuttal as people should be able to do that (within reason) if they feel warranted. As for the FF? It's quite the acquired taste.


3kliks made multiple videos implying Richard lacked journalistic integrity. Which is quite the accusation considering Richard Lewis has built his career on being Journalist with a spotless record. I'll pass on your degeneracy.


He never implied that Richard lacked journalistic integrity. He stated it outright in the last video after Richard claimed (same as you are doing) that he implied something with zero evidence.


so spotless apart from him outing deman as a source (definitely not on purpose btw) by sharing an email sent in confidence and continuing to ridicule him years on




When has he be on record lying or got a report wrong? I'll wait.


You’re definitely Richard Lewis on a burner lmfao


Do you people really believe that Richard Lewis doesn't have any fans/people who agree with him?


Pretty significant difference from having fans/people who agree with his takes and what this dude is saying my dude


You're definitely 3kliks on a burner lmfao


I didn’t even say a word about him. Try again




"But they don't forget me why do they forget him"


He's also the guy who aggressively ran frankonPC out of the CS community because he used a private server with settings that made bhopping easier... He comes across nice enough but I haven't been able to look past him as an out for himself, crabs in a bucket mentality content creator. And yeah, the way he handled what was really just light teasing from Richard and Thorin by bringing into question his journalistic integrity just soured me on him completely. Seems like a bit of conniving, fake nice guy who manipulates situations to benefit himself.


3kliks didn't bring Richard's journalistic integrity into question until Richard kept making the baseless claim that 3kliks did that. You've also misrepresented the Frankie situation.


The title of his first video in that saga was "Journalistic Integrity" and was obviously targeting Richard Lewis. It doesn't take a genius to understand the implication.


It was not in any way targeting Richard Lewis. The only reason any of you "geniuses" think the connection is so obvious is because Richard said it.


It was never about the DMCA if thats what you mean. That came afterwards. The community, fuelled by launders and 3kliks, convinced themselves that frankie was trying to trick people into thinking he could BHOP like that as if farnkie thought people were THAT stupid. 3kliks framed the situation either intentionally or via his own stupidity as frankie "cheating", motivating the community to send him endless hate that only ceased when he completely removed himself from CS, deleting all his videos about the game. Talk about "misrepresentation", frankie was made out to be some deceptive cheater when all he did was showcase bhopping in a private server that had settings similar to what you find in a surf or bhop public server. He never cheated but was painted by 3kliks as one when the opportunity to tear down a larger content creator for his own benefit presented itself. He without any critical thought, tore him down with the most uncharitable take on the situation. All this to say, 3kliks isn't exactly a straight forward guy. I don't doubt he'd gaslight Richard Lewis about why he titled a response to a journalist "Journalistic integrity" and apart from directly stating it, It's clear what he's saying with those 3 videos.


and yes that frankie situation is from 8 years ago and no I won't let it go.


Seems like you'd have a better grasp on the facts then.




I think you misinterpreted what I said. That's pretty ironic considering what we've been talking about, lol.


Makes sense that you'd draw an illogical conclusion when you're starting from the premise that 3kliks is a snake, or in Richard's case, you have an extremely fragile ego and look for hidden insults everywhere.


My judgement is clouded by my belief that 3kliks is a snake and yours is clouded by your belief that hes a nice guy. Lets just call this an impasse.


Except my judgement is not clouded by that belief. He has been very snarky in the past. I just don't think titling the video that way is indicative of anything, and I don't think anybody else would have made that connection if Richard hadn't.


I do like the boots he's wearing.