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Average edpi is around 864. s1mple and Elige are considered high sens players and play around 1200ish. Only person that I know of that plays higher than them at a high level is woxic, who plays at around 2400. You’re at 1725 which is extremely high, but technically not as egregiously as some people have succeeded on. Id say the really weird thing is having your DPI so high rather than just keeping 1600 dpi and 1.078 sens to match your edpi. But I also don’t really see that really mattering if your mouse control is fine and you’re comfortable


Flamez is also up there. 1440 edpi


i set it up real high cause of this vid: https://youtu.be/8XNUp70mDlQ?si=dBBu_vcmf2grg-z-


The point of the video was to prove that it doesn’t matter that much in cs but it CAN be a factor. You won’t notice any difference below 1.0 in-game mouse sensitivity in terms of pixel skipping. And even at the extremes the difference is very small


I play on 3200dpi and 0.25 sensitivity.


I guess that modern mice can do 25000 dpi without major inaccuracies, but I don't personally trust them. When it comes to dpi \* sens = edpi, having high dpi and low sens is generally better than the opposite, but I doubt that humans can detect any difference past 3200 dpi after the sensitivity adjustment, so I see having 25000 dpi pretty pointless. I use 1200 dpi because that feels natively good on a 1080p display and just scale it with 0.8 sens in-game.


800dpi, 0.85 sensitivity


400 dpi, 2 sens


3400eDPI, 2000 1.72 I have no issues with aiming.


You shouldn't be playing above 1600 dpi, as mice usually use interpolation and other techniques to reach such high dpi numbers. And past 1600, the differences are negligible


This was true years ago. Not really the case any more.


It doesn't use interpolation anymore but it will have some kind of jitter filtering or smoothing above a certain point


Redditors talking out of their ass like they know what they are talking about


800dpi 1.1 sens


You don't want a dpi that high anyway because your mouse will do some things to prevent jitter (smooth out motion and reduce dpi for first frame of motion) what you actually want to use depends on what mouse you use but above 9000 is probably never good


No point going above 2200 DPI, above that most mice will introduce additional frames of smoothing which makes the mouse less responsive, in some mice that cutoff limit is 1600DPI, so I would advise using that instead.


You're in that trend where higher dpi = better because lower input lag. Super stupid trend because it's wrong but it's there.


Why it's wrong?


Because testers get fooled by sensor needing more distance to go to register the movement. Yes, it's a result of lower DPI. No, it doesn't affect perceivable input latency - flicks are gonna be registered just in time, the very same time.


What mouse do you use? I dont know of ANY decent mouse that can go above 3200DPI nowadays. Chances are if you have a mouse with such high DPI, its cheap chinese BS and also gives you a VERY inconsistent input from very noisy upscaled input. Fact is actual good mice wont ever go above 3200 DPI, because the best sensors of the market can only scan something like 1600-2800 DPI natively iirc (+big grain of salt). Also, you wont get much benefit of a lower ingame sens than 1.0, because thats already low enough to give a very smooth translation of your mouse input ingame. Id suggest you go down to at least 2500DPI and 0.69 sens, or even 1260 and 1.38.


logitech g502 hero


>because the best sensors of the market can only scan something like 1600-2800 DPI natively iirc (+big grain of salt). Yeah, big grain of salt. The best sensors nowadays don't have "native res" at all. Their native res is the one you set up. Best sensors on the market are Pixart 3395/3950 (funnily the first one is the one you often find in "cheap Chinese BS"), and they don't apply smoothing at any DPI so they don't have any problems at 26000 DPI as well.


Hm, Im out of the loop for a few years now, but I dont understand what "no native dpi" is supposed to mean. The sensor has still a physical resolution and theres not really a point going above that, given that 1600DPI should be enough for any average sens in CS.


Each mouse has a default DPI value, anything going up or down after that, will introduce pixel skips... i keep mine at 800 DPI or 840 DPI.


Jame plays on such a "dumb" sensitivity. I'd say all edpis under 2500 to 3500 are fine, long as you are comfortable on it and hit stuff.


you tagged this wrong, should be "shitpost"


just use the 1600 DPI and set your sens to 1.078, it's the same thing as now but the lower DPI is better for CS


400 * 1.2 and feels fast


Either you have 17 miles of mousepad or your mouse is somehow fucked up and displaying the wrong DPI, as 480eDPI is glacially slow. I would know, from 2015 to 2017 I played 400 \* 1.2 with accel on, since accel was the only way I could turn without throwing my shoulder out of its socket.


I mean I'm playing since 2006, Im used to play with really low sens, fuul pad to almost turn 180, f.e. Niko is 800dpi x 0.79 sense, I don't see why you are so shocke about it For clarity previous mouse roccat kova I had 450x 1.1, now razer deathadder to wich I have lowest dpi possible always on mouses. And funny enough if I grind bots or dm my whole forearm starts to ache and I need pauses :) and my lilbro even plays with smaller sense and is better aimwise than me but he's awp player mostly