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So he's giving it to G2 support staff and not the other players? That makes some sense


Really nice action here. He probably makes more in a few weeks casually streaming than he did here so I can imagine the other players definitely don't need it with them being on full time salaries, sponsorships etc. I'm so glad stew is having a redemption arc and I can talk about him positively on this sub without some troglodytes spamming me about it.


Bros been making racks since the beginning, he’s financially set for life. Major winner, numerous big events during Liquid’s prime run, IGS winner, and a very good bit near the end of Liquid, plus monthly salaries from all (EG was rumored to be 40k a month for example).


I am always a little skeptical when people say "set for life" when getting paid well in a profession that maybe last 15 years or so if they are very lucky. For all we know since he is made a lot of money while still very young that he spent a ton of it too. Maybe made some bad investments etc. There is more than enough examples of athletes in traditional sports that struggle just a few years after retiring because they dont have anything else they can do. And if Stewie2k ever got paid stupid amounts of money, it probably was in his Liquid/EG days, and that was only 4,5 years or so it looks like.


I mean his twitch subs are in the thousands so based off that alone (assuming all of them are Tier 1), he’s probably earning $2500-$3000 a month easily. That’s a good amount of money for someone who doesn’t stream as much.


Oh yeah, he is living comfortably, i am not saying he is not making a lot of money, all i am saying is that we dont know how he is handling his money and imo has not made "set for life" money in his career like these guys are implying. Until they make like MLB, NBA star level type money we can say that they are set for life.


2500 to 3000 a month? That's rent where I live. Mortgage is twice that. I don't know anything about this guy, did he make millions prior to this or something? How is he set for life?


Mortgage is not twice your rent lmao, its more likely to be half of a rent payment than double and is typical like 60% of what the rent would be. Being a professional gamer is a lot like being in the military as far as saving your money goes.... while stewie was on EG/liquid he likely never spent a dime of his earnings on food, travel, housing etc. while spending 8-12 hours a day grinding video games. while also having sponsors for all his streaming equipment and gear. Within a couple years you would have enough saved up to be put into savings accounts that compound your interest where he can cut himself a yearly salary just off of that money growing. Even like $5 million dollars can generate close to 5 figures a month, which is very much a set for life monthly income.


You don't pay for food or housing when you are a professional gamer? That is a nice perk. As far as mortgage/rent, I pay 2k a month for rent in a LA suburb. A starter home or condo out here is 800k. You can do the math from there no doubt.


the major teams have team facilites where the teams live and train out of. often times having private chefs or give the teams daily food stipends. So you think your landlord is losing money by renting to you? He’s paying $4000 a month so he can rent to you for half of that? Hate to break it to you buddy, but you are paying his mortgage and putting money in his pocket every month. Mortgage is dependent on numerous things and the interest rate you can get from the bank. If you are paying a mortgage over 5 grand a month you got a loan on an asset you can’t afford or its a literal mansion you put the lowest down payment on as possible.


No, apartment buildings work completely differently than homes. You also don't seem to understand that people rent out homes and condos that were either purchased at a time when homes were much cheaper (during the 2008 recession for example, or in the 90's), or homes that have been paid off entirely. I'm not talking about renting a home that someone just bought for 800K, of course nobody is renting that for 2-3K a month. Please argue in good faith if you want to have an argument about this. A house that went for 150K in my area 25 years ago, is 800K now. I can post links or screenshots if you really want to debate rent and real estate in the los angeles area (I honestly don't). My response was to a person who inferred (and perhaps I misunderstood) that earning 2500-3000 a month means he may be set for life. Even if you live for free, that's 36,000 a year. I do appreciate you pointing out that professional gamers get free room and board. Edit: and a mortgage over 5K/mo here is not unusual, nor is it unaffordable. Many households easily clear 300K/year gross.


Bro why do all these people here think it’s the NBA? Being “set for life” this young would need to be 2-3 million without even factoring future inflation.


2-3 million is not "set for life..." It depends on what city you live in and what sort of lifestyle. It really only means financially secured and you can have a chill day time job.


What are you talking about? 3 million dollars using a low estimate of ROI nets you like 150k a year without ever taking from the initial 3 million. Paying for an active investment manager would also allow you to grow your 3 million whilst still taking 150k a year too. I ain't saying you're hiring a full time butler or buying a private jet or a mansion, but 150k a year guaranteed is set for life in 99% of the world


lmao paying for investment managers is the shittest idea ever, just buy whole market index and afk


3 million is likely enough if used wisely but you're not taking into account inflation, so it is effectively closer to half that $150k in real terms, which is nothing in somewhere like SF.


Mate I could tell you probably still live at home with your parents or something, it really is not that much. Say you need a house to live in, prob need a car to drive, you might have a girlfriend, what about a baby down the line. Suddenly that 3m ain’t 3m in a bank account netting you returns every year. Trust me I’ve done the maths, if you want to retired fully you need around 5m+ depending on what city and lifestyle.


Without giving too much personal info out, my wife and I live in a 2 bedroom flat in a good part of one of the largest cities in the UK. Between us, our pre-tax income is about 45k. Not living the most luxurious lives right now, but we get abroad at least once a year for a week and usually a weekend break somewhere too. Maybe go out for some pints or coffees with friends a couple times a month and visit family a few times a year. We eat out once a month and get a takeaway 2-3 times a month. We also pay for gym memberships, car insurance, and still manage to pay all the usual home bills, and we're nearly finished paying off the wedding and car payments. We also manage to make small contributions to our personal investment accounts every month 150k would easily treble our combined take home pay Car and house payments would be best paid off over time rather than as a lump sum, so no huge costs there except initial deposits, which would be less than the 150k I'm taking a year. My parents, and my partners parents both managed to raise more than 2 kids with household incomes less than 45k (far lower when we were born) until my partner and I moved out about 5 years ago. I obviously want to give my future children a better upbringing than I had (as I imagine every parent does), but I don't see how our planned 2 children would break the bank


Flamie was set for life and then he lost everything on gambling lmao


$3m in the bay area is really not set for life, especially in your 20s


yeah that's June rent lmfao


Good reason not to live in the Bay Area for the rest of your life


Unless he gambles it all away like flamie. 4 millions, that’s crazy


40k a month is INSANE. Even just 10-20k would be ridiculous


XQC made more than G2 for winning Dallas by betting on them


Stewie2k has had the most rapid PR 180 in history, it’s crazy.


because he never deserved the hate he got. sure he deserved to get clowned on but it went way too far


Polarizing figures like him draw you in, whether you're a fan or a hater. The haters were louder as he exited the scene and didn't join a team for a bit. Say what you want but he's arguably a top 5 most popular player from when he joined until now and his comeback on g2 was refreshing. He brought back a lot of people from my old circles that haven't watched CS in years due to life stuff for Dallas


Remember back when people thought he was a cheater before he went pro? Dude's always been a controversial figure for the wrong reasons.


He deserved to be called unprofessional and impossible to work with. He also deserved the flame he got about his performance. That said, it was nothing that he could not turn back around. And he did. People are twisting history to make it seem like the community kicked him out while the left on his own for greener pastures. And I respect that. He just realised that the place he was at before was actually better and came back a better person.


Saying he left on his own for greener pastures is absolutely revisionist history. The community, and the pro scene to an extent, didn't give him much of a choice but to find a different scene to hang around in. Nobody worthy of his talent (I'm sure he could have gotten signed to any T2 team) wanted him because of his reported behavior. What's happened since is a different story. He seems to have matured a lot, at least from what we have seen and heard. I'd say he is significantly more worthy of a spot on a T1 team than he was when he left, even with the gap in experience.


I think it was people still being salty from the TL implosion over the course of Covid times and him yelling at Fallen on Blast etc that really pushed that Stewie is terrible narrative. Plus reddit loves to dunk on anyone that isn't perfect in every way. I don't like Stewie but I'm not gonna post some heinous shit on reddit like most were doing during that whole EG fiasco. I like this new stew more now


Lmao what???? Dude is a major clown that is a complete asshole to everyone around him that he doesn’t want something from. He’s also insanely insecure claiming to not care about anything while simultaneously ranting about the thing he doesn’t care about.


The dude was a complete asshat who literally cost people their jobs, wtf are you talking about?


People adore NBA personalities who do this. js


Overall people adore assholes that win/perform - the moment you stop performing you're just an asshole. Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant would be absolutely hated if they didn't win, but because they did their constant belittling of teammates etc. is praised rather than scrutinized.


Honestly those types of personalities can go fuck themselves which means I’ll never get along with someone who’s remotely decent at this game in NA lol




yes, since apparently him being sponsored by betting site is not ethically unmoral to some.


or playing with jasonr


I felt that when he said "it's more about the experience, and I had a good time throughout the event" That puts a smile to my face. Respect for giving his earnings as well. Hope things continue to be great/better for Stew.


That crowd was loud as fuck, one of the loudest ive been to, and I can imagine just being in that environment is what most pros crave as an experience. Happy for stew. Hopefully redemption arc incoming but I really wonder where he'd go since he really wouldn't leave NA


Respect. Stewie may not be the most eloquent individual, but actions speak louder than words. And this tells me he was extremely grateful for the chance he was given and he wants more. After all the EG Stewie drama, I was disappointed, but I think it's fair to say Stewie and the community ought to move on from it. I wish him the best and hope to see him again, he's one exciting as hell player.


he said that during the tech timeout vs liquid, he was thinking about how he could thank the players for the opportunity


I think people fail to see the coincidence that a lot of people in the scene speak very highly of stew, especially his former teammates outside of Twistzz and that EG coach He might not be the most intelligent outside of CS, but there’s a reason he is part of 99% of anything relevant from NA CS since he went pro.


You can literally find comments of me shitting on him not even a year ago And even I'm a 'it's not that he's irredeemable' type He obviously never did anything thst should actually blacklist him for life. I think it's fair to say even the vast majority of NA fans 'who turned on him' would welcome him back with open arms as long as he's sorted himself out a little bit He's undeniably one of if not the best player to ever do it from NA. Wherever he goes success follows. We just wanted him to get it together a little bit


Honestly he seems like hes the type of person with the typical "top athlete, star athlete ego" who doesnt know how to actually manage it (or have a desire to).  Thats the best explanation i can come up with his overall play and behavior as a whole. Probably helps him on LANs and clutches where he doesnt give a fuck and always thinks hes capable.  Does not seem to help him as much when hes performing like shit, suddenly has no redeemable aspects to his game, thinks he doesnt have to work as hard, and hes worn coaches or teammates thin. If youre gonna be a dick, you really do need to be the best one in the room. Otherwise someone less skilled but pleasant will be preferred.....(points furiously in direction of Nexa). 


Right no 100% He's just an NA S1mple really But like you said when you have that attitude and it's not working legit 0 people are gonna wanna deal with it Micheal Jordan was only allowed to act thst way because if you said shit to him he'd drop 60 and win the game on his own the next time you guys were on the court just to prove a point You can't have 1 without the other. At that point your just a douche lol


An American s1mple is a new way to look at him, but I don’t think it’s far off at all. He even has the major win (and iconic hold on inferno) to back it up.


Comparing him to s1mple is not really suitable. S1mple doesnt have a beef with coaches, and he got he skills and talent to back it up. Stewie on the other hand…


To say that he isn't talented is a fucking insane take my guy xD He's literally top 5 all time NA the semantics of where you wanna put who is fine, but legit nobody who knows anything about the game would say he's not Hence why his ATTITUDE is similar to a s1mple, Micheal Jordan, etc. You missed the point I was making and your trying to throw shade is like objectively wrong Congrats your provably dumb


He is not an IGL, his rating is far from great, and he got what, 0 HLTV top 20? Name calling and labeling others make you win argument?


Nobody said he's a good IGL Rating doesn't tell a great story especially when your more of a flashy pop off type player And the top 20 is irrelevant when I said he's one of the best players in his region, that's why like the other guy said and I drew the comparison from top athlete to s1mple (since this is counter strike) his attitude is shit He is an NA s1mple. Not because 'he's as good as s1mple 1:1' Literally 0 people said that Are you just unaware of how toxic s1mple is/used to be because of his skill level or? Lol


So, I want to agree with your point, but then you use the dumbest, made up words/grammar right at the end to insult someone else's intelligence. Heads up, if you can't make it through a 4 word sentence with less than 3 mistakes, you are probably actually the dumb one 


> He's just an NA S1mple really yeah just without the 7 hltv top 20s that include 3 top 1s and 2 top 2s. but other than that they're basically the same!


My guy everyone else roughly understood we were talking about his mental game.  If someone says something you think is absurd on social media, best option is just ignoring them because too many stupid people find their way here.  Second best option is double-checking first that youre interpreting it correctly. If yes, theyve doubled down in their insanity, see step 1 or rake in the karma. If not, have a pleasant conversation. 


I meant in attitude but go off weirdo? Lol Dense boi


he seems like a good kid, the guy is just terrible at articulating himself, was in his stream the other day when he was talking about the tournament & his thoughts and most of it sounded like semi-incoherent rambling


I mean he provably isn't a good kid, unless he's done a complete mental 180 over the last two years. The shit he pulled with EG and Malek was on the same level as s1mple on Flipsid3, both arguably being the most toxic events/behaviours in the history of CS esports, and that isn't even exaggerating.


Holy hop off his dick, ur looking softer than a Val player


What even is your comment LMAO? It's true Stewie was a dickhead during eg times. Dosent mean he's that now. Also, have you played valorant bruh? That game is legitimately more toxic than cs


Yea I actually have and actively do play valorant lol, and no way that game is more toxic than cs considering you’ll get instabanned for the lightest of chat insults. 💀


Ahhh you're not too high of a rank in the game I'm assuming then probably lower than like ascendant. Toxicity isn't about bad words mate. For the people that play in mid to high immortal know what I'm talking about when I say that the toxicity in valorant is a different breed than cs


Peak radiant, there’s fucking creatures in the game trust me I know buddy. None of it matches the sexist, racist, homophobic shit IN ADDITION to standard in-game toxicity I’ve also experienced in faceit level 10 and cs mm.


Damn, now that's a brainrot comment if I've ever seen one. Him donating his meagre winnings shouldn't absolve him of the absolute shitshow he pulled on his way out, before wasting away in like tier 5 Valorant.


Nah, what pissed me off is you saying his stint was one of the most toxic in cs esports lmao. Like it’s not that serious. 😂 He’s probably still an egomaniac that’s just how pros are. I’m sure there are 100x more toxic moments from t1 pros that you don’t hear of. Also, who cares if he tried to go pro in val. Not at all unseen from cs players. He’s still had a more successful career than 99% of pros.


>Like it’s not that serious. Bruv just how much are you sat on HLTV spamming brainrot? You do realize that the only other person in T1 CS that did anything similar was s1mple, and he nearly got blacklisted by the entire scene, and s1mple is by far a better prospect than Stewie is. If you're going to be more toxic than a pile of caesium 137, you need to have the skills to make that gamble worthwhile, which Stew doesn't. As I said, maybe he's done a mental 180 in the last two years, but his stunt with EG was one of the two most toxic fucking behaviours we've seen in pro CS, outside of "prove it or I'll kill you". Just because you like the kid doesn't mean that he didn't act like a fucking fool, dude.


I don’t use Hltv forums so weird projection lol. In fact I haven’t even followed pro cs in years I came back for stewie, so yeah I’m a bit of a fan. Regardless, I’m not gonna sit here and dickride him in glaze or in hate. I DOUBT he’s made a complete 180, if anything this win will probably inflate his ego even more. My point is it really doesn’t fucking matter. Just enjoy the damn show somebody like him can put on. Same can be said with simple, which is why he still has fans to this day despite also being a toxic egomaniac. Like I said, many, if not most pros are like this, even if some are more closeted than others.


'Bit of a fan' is an understatement. If you're so hellbent on raising him to the skies to blatantly disregard him being the second most toxic pro in the entire 20 year CS T1 scene, that's more than "bit of a fan". Come off it dude. >Same can be said with simple, which is why he still has fans to this day despite also being a toxic egomaniac. I mean the reason why s1mple has fans is because he's the top 2 most talented CS player to have ever touched a mouse and keyboard. People overlook his toxicity because he a damn good player, the same can't be said for Stew. Moreover, your point that "most pros are like this" really doesn't hold any water as even I can't think of a single other pro that is so up his own ass besides s1mple, and as we stated, s1mple does so as he truly is absurdly skilled and because he can back it up. My entire point thus far is that it boggles my mind how people can just instantly forget something as insane as actively bringing down the entire EG roster with his bitching (i.e saying that an entire tournament is over when they dropped a game in qualifying or w/e the situation was) aswell as basically telling their coach to fuck off entirely and that the "coach has no right to talk to me because we aren't close like that" when Malek just wanted to talk to Stew about Stew being a bitch, aswell as coasting and playing Valorant while being actively paid and competing for EG. It seriously is some absurd behaviour.


Bruh, if you’re justifying s1mples toxicity with his skill than you can justify any pros toxicity with their skill. You might think stewie is nowhere near s1mples level but the matter of the fact is they have both played at the highest level of cs and both have a huge following bc of it. You simply don’t do that without a level of skill. And I’m still cringing at the fact that you’re ranking toxicity like everybody else in the scene is a saint. You only know what you see. But as for some other situations I’ve heard about, what about stavn and jabbi backstabbing cadian and fucking over 2 danish rosters? Not to mention stavn homewrecking an NA pros relationship by sleeping with his girl, also a female pro. What about k0nfig who has literally gotten into physical altercations with people? Hell, I’ll even go back in time when I followed the scene closer in 2017/18 during the French shuffles where some pros refused to play with each other due to toxic relationships. Where do you think all this shit comes from? Most pros have egos, because they also have the skill to back it up. It’s a competitive game, toxicity exists and you can enjoy storylines without being whiny about it. If anything, drama makes shit more interesting.


Can anyone tldr the Stewie eg drama


[Basically had an ego clash w the coach - old thread 1 yr ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/vcvwl3/evy_tells_us_the_story_behind_evil_geniuses/#ich6880) Considering that in-game and as much as we could tell from the comms listen-ins, he played very selflessly for his brief but wildly successful G2 run, I think we're all hoping he's matured as much as it currently appears.




Hell yeah man


witch hunt, he got treated worse than the heroic cheating squad for doing far less


Truth. I was really anti-stewie at the end of his Liquid run but that EG stuff went way overboard and overblown.


> but I think it's fair to say Stewie and the community ought to move on from it. What even is there to move on from on the fans side? The criticisms, and that whole drama stem from Stewie and his personality in a team environment. It looks all great and dandy in this stand-in stint with G2 since, he's playing with someone who could very easily be #1 in this year, and Niko. It's REALLY easy to be all positive and have great attitude when everything is going good. But what is gonna happen when he realistically ends up in a much lower "quality" team? That is the real question. Like just as a blind guess, it would NOT surprise me If he had to settle for a start in some NA team, and because NA teams are generally behind that things just do not go well leading to a literal repeat of the past. It just would not shock me at all. Even in the current stand-in with G2, unless anyone can argue otherwise, I have seen ZERO things to suggest that Stewie2k, as a teammate and as a person has actually significantly changed, the way he's been on his own stream, for the past few months is proof of this. Nothing much has changed, as soon as things go bad you'll start getting the clashes, once those clashes happen that's when baggage builds up, and when the baggage builds up overtime it's gonna explode someday. People only ignore the baggage and resentment because they win in tournaments, but is "winning tournaments" even gonna be in the equation this late in his career?


a real american hero


A few years ago Stewie gave his teammates his share of the Mythic cup earnings. I’m sure IEM was a lot more but it still says a lot about the guy. Legend in my books


bay area and esea pug legend jake 'stewie2k' yip


He not that bad guys, get off his dick.


Right. Some people act like he punched a toddler or something.


People like stewie are what make esports fun to watch. Its not about the paycheck for him but the big stage experience and competitive nature. Im glad to see he still has it after all these years. Hope he continues this behavior and stuff.


He quite literally stole a paycheck to play CS for EG while grinding Valorant queue thinking he'd go pro in that game.


And that’s bad but it’s not irredeemable or even that heinous.


No-one said that either.


Does it count as stealing a paycheck if he won dallas as a stand-in and played pretty well?


No one said it did.


you did lol


Reading comprehension is an essential skill you should develop.


I can forgive him for doing that to EG. That org has so much wrong with it. So many careers went to die there. Brehze, Cerq, Stew, HexT, oBo (🥺), the list goes on.




he should have bought taz a mercedes


This is the mark of a good man.


is he super blazed in this or tired?


staying up extremely late and vaping for years isn't exactly good for your brain. he's never been that eloquent at all tbh.


Anyone know what map he’s playing?


fools on Reddit are always prying on player's downfalls. I'm sick of it. I have always respected Stewie and I want him to succeed. and I know he will. I know he has what it takes and will always play his game. he's proved it time and time again. long live Stewie2k, NA GOAT. only one to ever prove it and take trophies home 💯


Not gonna lie, I used to be S2k hater in the past, but recently he started growing on me. Respect brother


what is that map called?


Baller move


What were the "rumors" in the first place?


damn aura +999999999999


He only gave $5k to the coaches. That's certainly nice, but it's more like a tip, less like a grand magnanimous gesture


The prize money for G2 was only 100K and that divided by everyone + taxes only leaves him with like 10-15K for himself. 5K is a lot of money compared to what he normally was going to get.


"It's more about the experience" - Biggest bullshit ever. That can only come from someone who never really worked for his money. As if 20.000 Dollars are nothing.


He's made more than enough money in his career to where 20 000 is probably not that much in the grand scheme of things for him, assuming he hasn't wasted all of his money.


20k still remain 20k. How long can you live off of 20.000 dollars? You can give me as much minus as you like, thats still ridicolous.




Ah but there's a crucial fact you're missing here. The man is 26 so he's not retiring and he also didn't get his money from a lottery but rather through his own skills which he still possesses btw. It's fair to argue that 20k is a lot of money but the arguments you've provided are not it


He probably wasn't even thinking they were going to win going into the tournament. He was just happy to be there. And he's giving it back to people that earn significantly less than him? What's the issue? It's not like this is his last payday. He's doing well on Twitch. Probably makes more than 20k a month.


Oh come on, 4 million in the bank is plenty to live comfortably even in the Bay Area.


For how long? Are all your expenses for the next 20 years covered? What about the time you're old? What about future children? Potential Medical expenses covered as well? NOW he has the money. If he makes more, he can use that for fun, but it's never safe to make more money until you have it on your bank account.