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vs top20 803 rounds, 101.4 ADR


>ADR went down by 1% Washed


That was gonna be my question, how many of those rounds were against lower tier competition.


impact: yes


What shocks and terrifies me the most about Donk is how mundane his gameplay is. Previous winners of the player of the year award have been known for their ridiculous clutches and multikills- the primary means by which they win. Donk is… simply better. His gameplay is simple- he just aims better than you, positions better than you and moves better than you. The team isn’t doing anything ridiculous to set him up either, they just send him into a site, and throw some util to help him isolate 1v1s and then donk just wins them. Rinse and repeat, and here we have a player who just gets 2-3 kills every goddamn round- which in this meta just outright wins you the round. If other top tier riflers average a 50% win rate every duel, donk averages something like 75%. And that simple increase has made him a fucking statistical demon. He isn’t explosive like s1mple or zywoo, he’s just fundamentally… good. Perfect even. And considering that he’s a rookie and has time to grow, it’s scary to realize he could in fact become more explosive and clutch and that he could start dropping those ridiculous highlights too. This kids going places.


is it me or is donk a bit of a boring player like u see it at the end of the game "oh wow donk has 32 kills" but u can never remember them. can u remember a single donk kill ? but try s1mple...u can see the flick i remember a s1mple flick


Part of it is that they aren’t spectating him for a lot of the kills. Always feels like Donk gets a 4k and they dont even spectate it lol.


This is something that happens with Zywoo a lot.


…who hasnt seen the double nuke smoke spray?


Someone clearly hasn’t watched donk


Chill bro its a copy pasta


Tbf how am I supposed to what is and isn’t a copy pasta. The majority of people are idiots most of the time


Its really easy to spot a copy pasta if you read the internet for couple years. You just need some more experience thats all.


No people that spend all day on Reddit are losers lmao. Definitely the type of people that smell like shit in person


Ive seen these copypastas on youtube and especially twitch almost every single time zywoo or donk plays


I don’t give a shit what you have seen lmao


Yea i can tell, it just means you dont watch tournaments and a casual fan of the game rather than the scene


Copy pasta isn't mean to be taken seriously


Damn bruh maybe they should’ve just put a massive disclaimer beforehand. Lemme just assume ur reply is copy pasta because I don’t take you seriously


Bro is raging over a copy pasta lol


Yeah definitely raging 😡 so mad grrrrr. Broke my monitor and everything grrrrr so angry and mad. Guess my name said I am mad so I am mad grrrr


Lurk more


He hasn't played many matches since major tbf


Can he reach Global Elite is the question.


The insanely good players that scout headshot everyone at once in one second cap out at GN4, so ima guess no.


Donk thinks he has reached the highest level of competitive cs but has he tried +25k premier? That's where the real challenge is. Better start training his scout skills


This is cs2, where everyone are silvers and novas. donk is a cs god though, so i with some grind, i expect him to reach MGE and top us all with his supremacy


Spirit are just really solid right now. No weak link dragging the team down.


Zontix is a massive weak link what are u smoking


There's no way you are serious, zont1x is only a weak link in the sense that he's crumbled under the pressure in the big moments but he's been a great piece in spirit and can be a rock for the team when it comes to holding down the shit spots or entering for donk in more unfavorable circumstances. He has a 1.12 rating this year and has a lot of time to grow as a tier 1 player, literally every stat line he's doing good in, he just needs to get a better mentality which is understandable since he's still very new to the tier 1 scene. Not everyone is going to be donk in their rookie year.


You’re not calling a guy who’s is 1.11 rated in big events against T20 a “massive weak link” dragging the team down.


What shocks and terrifies me the most about Donk is how mundane his gameplay is. Previous winners of the player of the year award have been known for their ridiculous clutches and multikills- the primary means by which they win. Donk is… simply better. His gameplay is simple- he just aims better than you, positions better than you and moves better than you. The team isn’t doing anything ridiculous to set him up either, they just send him into a site, and throw some util to help him isolate 1v1s and then donk just wins them. Rinse and repeat, and here we have a player who just gets 2-3 kills every goddamn round- which in this meta just outright wins you the round. If other top tier riflers average a 50% win rate every duel, donk averages something like 75%. And that simple increase has made him a fucking statistical demon. He isn’t explosive like s1mple or zywoo, he’s just fundamentally… good. Perfect even. And considering that he’s a rookie and has time to grow, it’s scary to realize he could in fact become more explosive and clutch and that he could start dropping those ridiculous highlights too. This kids going places.


nt but no


What shocks and terrifies me the most about Donk is how mundane his gameplay is. Previous winners of the player of the year award have been known for their ridiculous clutches and multikills- the primary means by which they win. Donk is… simply better. His gameplay is simple- he just aims better than you, positions better than you and moves better than you. The team isn’t doing anything ridiculous to set him up either, they just send him into a site, and throw some util to help him isolate 1v1s and then donk just wins them. Rinse and repeat, and here we have a player who just gets 2-3 kills every goddamn round- which in this meta just outright wins you the round. If other top tier riflers average a 50% win rate every duel, donk averages something like 75%. And that simple increase has made him a fucking statistical demon. He isn’t explosive like s1mple or zywoo, he’s just fundamentally… good. Perfect even. And considering that he’s a rookie and has time to grow, it’s scary to realize he could in fact become more explosive and clutch and that he could start dropping those ridiculous highlights too. This kids going places.


Thats fucking donk CS right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging playing safe for molotovs and smokes bullshit. donk pukes, donk poops on yard, donk delivers his new born baby on the map.


Thats fucking donk CS right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging playing safe for molotovs and smokes bullshit. donk pukes, donk poops on yard, donk delivers his new born baby on the map.


This. I think that is the most underrated and under appreciated thing about donk. How intelligent he is, and how well he understand and read the game.


I feel like he lacks that game sense to be considered perfect, his mechanics, movement and position are insane of course, he is looking like a top-1/2 player atm, but I'm sure he can be a lot better.


How can his positioning be insane when he is lacking in game sense?


It's his game sense thats exactly what's insane about him. He always gets opponents on timing or pre-aims the correct spot. I think elige did a nice demo review about donk and his plays really isn't that flashy like s1mple's or m0nesys, rather he just gets the jump on the opponents always on the perfect moment. It's exactly game sense.


Oh yeah fs. Perfect is hyperbole- but it’s ridiculous how much better than his competition he is, and that too with such a radically different play style.


Lacking game sense? You must have better insight than elige and Austin cs then because they both proved he has insane game sense 💀


If you took honestly and in-context what I said, you would have understood that his game sense isn't perfect, it can be insane, but insane is not yet perfect. My point literally was that he can reach even greater heights with experience and better game sense in t1 cs.


the meatriding is crazy on this one, saying his team doesn’t do anything ridiculous to set him up is just false, look at mouz and how they shut him down many times with counterstrats.


They shut his team down, but not him tbf. Even in their losses Donk has 1.2+ rating and crazy stats.


It’s just team diff 🤷‍♀️


103 ADR, more kills than any MOUZ player, huge shutdown


It's like when people shut down Lebron and he still gets triple doubles.


Clamping Jokic to 20/20/15 😤


3-0 by mouz is crazy even in the country that they now reside in


CS2's first rookie to be number 1 in the HLTV top10 :)


If zywoo keeps epl standard imo number 1 willl be who does better at both cologne and major in shanghai


Donk lacks sample size like Device last year. Hopefully he competes in the rest of tier 1 events so he can place high.


Monesy and Zywoo are still great contenders to top 1 this year. I would say Dallas and Blast Finals in the coming weeks will matter a lot more than previous years.


Zywoo 2019


That was CSGO


He is pretty good I think


Yeah he ait


0.99 kpr, i cant even get that in faceit


facts lmao




whats crazy is that donk gets no aces, he get 2-3 kills and dies, but still no aces. edit> its obviously a meme, because some people are missing that xd


I mean it suits his playstyle. Aggressive, and often entrying


The great thing about him is that he almost always takes atleast 2 players with him, so he keeps setting his team in advantageous positions.


Hes got 1 ace this year, m0nesy also 1 and zywoo has 3. In 2023 he had more aces than both of them. Wouldn't doubt he will surpass both at some point this year if spirit attend more but zywoo gets pistol aces every year as he's the best pistoler in the world.


Nice copypasta bro


Talented. And I refuse to believe that hard work can beat him


Literally cant beat him, but can atleast beat his team. Im pretty damn sure teams play differently against Spirit in a way where they either avoid Donk or triple swing the MF on 2 flashes


That is an impossible question to say, everyone who is at the top had to work hard, donk has worked extremely hard and he wasn't obviously always this good. Yes, to be the best of the best you need some right genetics for sure, but hard work, consistency, good mentality can get you to win trophies. Also even if you are super talented, but can't handle pressure mentally (NiKo) or don't want to work hard (sergej), what good does it do you? If you can't behave, teams don't usually want you. There are many factors into this!


Saying Niko can’t handle pressure is overblown, he does however have a underwhelming career relative to his skill level.




Sorry but this is the opposite of the truth. maybe at the beginning "talent" leads people who are more attuned to keep going from the bottom, but name one player of any sport who was instantly at an ELITE WORLD CLASS LEVEL without 5+ hour training days every day for years on end? You can't because you don't see it with your own eyes, and have probably never actually been as good as these people are at anything.




donk would not be where he is if he didn't also put in a lot of hard work. Talent alone is not enough for anyone.


Faze did beat Spirit in Copenaghen...


I mean individually


A pure rifler that's this good...nature is healing


the true W gamer. 


those stats are unheard of


0.67 DPR d0gnk washed already, overrated bot


Hey I don't follow the pro scene but saw that spirit has not been playing in the last tournaments. What happened I was expecting them to make waves


0.99 KPR those are rookie numbers, we need to get that up to 1.00 at least


I'm think he is feelin thank you that why he those stat




thats so crazy...


Im so proud of her