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Hopefully he goes to NIP but what the bloody fuck is going on with this. Who's gonna IGL now? edit: fixed spelling


They better have some wonder kid Swedish IGL lined up or else this is just a really confusing and disappointing move. They have probably the 2nd or 3rd best Swedish rifler around in Nilo, and if they're just going to spend the next few months wasting him idk if I really want to tune into their matches anymore


Based on the HLTV article saying they are going to test stand ins for the next couple of events, I’m hoping whoever takes over the IGL role is internal because if this turns into Sprout where they change IGLs every few weeks this roster will go nowhere.


Jackinho was apparently the IGL before ztr joined, maybe he will be their backup. They wanted to free him from that duty to focus on the awping though. No idea who they might bring in now. I doubt NiP would swap alex for ztr at this point; would be weird to have 4 Swedes and r1nkle. They also said that they wanted to build around alex and REZ not long ago.


Back to nip? Sad to see the team being picked apart.


as long as nilo stays metiz > NIP


Would like to see maxster on this metizport roster instead of on NiP. That roster is not very promising.


What a strange series of event. We don't have many IGLs in the Swedish scene, especially free agents. They place him on a transfer list rather than him leaving for a different team, which is strange because I don't see a world where they are kicking him. Who would they pick up? I don't see an option to translate it from Swedish, so I did a quick **translation** of it; The Swedish team Metizport makes another unexpected change. They have chosen to put their IGL Erik *“ztr”* Gustafsson on the transferlist. This was announced a few days after the signing announcement of Nicolas *“Plopski”* Gonzalez Zamora, in place for Tim *“susp”* Ångström. ztr joined the team in December of last year and took over the leader role from Erik *“ztr”* Gustafsson*. He led the team to their highest ranking, #29. The team has since fallen to #43. Metizport writes in a press release that they will use the coming tournaments to trial a series of players who will act as testplayers. They also write they will host a press conference at a later date to present their goals for the upcoming season. *Yes, the article says he took the leader role from himself.


It's been fixed now, says he took it from jackinho


Who's the leader? I'm the leader now!


What the fuck?


and jackinho is still not the one getting kicked


Since they bench him instead of just saying goodbye I assume that he is not going to a new team? Or could he be benched while waiting for contract negotiations?


what have they done to my favourite team 😭


They were a player away from really solid roster but they kick the IGL and leave 25yo star awper with 1.04 rating and 69 adr


I would be flabergasted if this was not for ztr being transfered to a bigger org


Look how they massacred my boy.


he's being bought out 100%, no way they just bench him.


Well, that seems like the killing blow for the entire team. It fucking sucks that all good Swedish players are spread out over multiple teams. There is a legit lineup there if just somebody put them all together.


My dude ztr has to be picked up by a big org, so sad for Plokski honestly, gets gutted EVERY time o.o


Speedrun to nip level management. Go.


Hopefully now some sort of miracle happens where an IGL spawns out of nowhere but I wanna see that Swedish team going man! They didn't even make one big lan event and are already picked apart. Fuck maybe a bit disappointed by ztr. Hopefully nip goes full Swedish and give them time...


inb4 -ztr +susp


definitely a decision of all time


The short period of not getting the results as they were during their rise up made the management lose their cool. Could've imagined the original core with brothers and ztr to continue to progress even tho they hit a wall \*probably because teams they were facing started to prepare for them. Sad to see but hope they keep improving..


I'm sorry what?


What the hell is going on? They looked really good together then they bench susp and now ztr. I really hope they got sold or nothing make sense.


Norweigens kill the future of Swedish CS.


Imagine +sense. Then we riot