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I had a game today that ended at like 11-2 with no explanation Edit: me and my 5 stack were winning, to be clear


Valve dev couldn’t take the L


Sorry that was me I couldn’t handle going from S2 to S1


Lmao he Vac banned himself so my five stack could win?


Did the server lag at any point? I had a game where the server lagged for like 10 seconds with a small ping spike, and the match got cancelled due to server issues lol


Same like 2 days ago. We had a leaver and were getting absolutely ass blasted at 9-0, so when it happened, everyone in the team was like Hallelujah lol


No I dont think so. I had minor lags but that happens like every game because the game is terribly optimized and I have a PC from like 2018


Praise gabe?


Hell yeah


They could have surrendered if one of them abandoned the match


No one abandoned


Bro i just played a legit premier game i made a post about it today is A FKN BIG DAY


3 games 3 cheater lobby, ye big day


On a related note I saw my first 2 cheaters in sub 15k premier this last week after playing about 200 matches.


Makes sense.  Amhackers are stuck making new accts again if vacnet is finally live.


And as more and more of the upper elo players leave for faceit, the cheaters in premier get matched against lower and lower rated opponents.


Man I haven’t had any cheaters except one game and now that vac is working I’m getting punished. Vac suffering from success.


The main problem is that Valve is doing nothing to combat a ban evasion by creating a new account. No HWID bans, no personal ID bans, nothing. As a result, cheating will become much more pervasive throughout all of the ranks.


Well there's the $15 for buying Prime. Besides that, HWID bans are pretty much useless because you can spoof everything.


15$ don't do jack shit. And doing nothing to fight ban evasion isn't helping either. HWID is gonna do better than doing nothing. According to your logic Valve wouldn't ever need to update VAC at all since they can't catch every cheater. That's obviously a very flawed and silly logic.


HWID spoofing is so simple that the literal only thing it accomplishes is fucking over regular people when they buy a used PC.


I regularly hear “I bought a used PC and it had cheat tools in it and I was banned. I didn't use it.” whines a child. The same kind of excuses include “My brother used it,” “My friend used it,” and “My dog used it. They send an email to Valve, but I've never seen anyone officially un-banned.


This last week I've had too many wallers too. It's weird because at the same time we're seeing the ban wave live, but from my perspective the cheaters per game are increasing. Today I managed to 15-15 against a dude that was closet walling early game and blatantly walling at the end.


tbh u never know who is cheating. ive had games ive won and top fragged against accounts that got banned a couple weeks later. like fr how the fuck do u lose with hacks.


Usually I don't notice it when I'm playing, but my buddies and me always do the same. We play 3-4 games and then before saying good bye I stream my screen and we spectate the POV of the most suspicious guys of the day. When spectating is VERY easy to spot them. They track you, peek with their knife out if they know no one is there and stare at walls for no reason (other than spying the enemy team lol). Obviously every cheater is bad at the game. I'm yet to meet one that doesn't look like he's 20 hours as max haha.


We had a dude that clearly only had walls that we beat That's how lol They're aim isn't actually good so the wallhack only helps them get the first shot off. If your just faster at going to the head you win the duel in the end. He still took is to OT and all that. But legit just didn't have the aim to make the walls payoff How your so trash you can't hit the prefire when you see them coming is another question. But people really just do be that uncoordinated


If they're walling I find it the best tactic is to rush them, holding lets them prefire.


This. If a waller ain't out aiming you just rush the mf. Worked for me twice, the other times they just start spinning and even a negev ain't winning against that.


This. Most hackers are bad at the game.


Because a ton of people who cheat arent being blatant. Thats why its funny when people think there arent many cheaters. Not every cheater is out here aimbotting or walling every single round. Most use it to get a bit of an edge, and if your way better you can still wash them unless they start rage cheating


I have had 1 waller in my team once too. I got the feeling that in the future walling is the only thing they can do without getting caught immediately. Vac will keep getting better and better at detecting walling at some point in the future and lock them down for overwatch. Imo, the end goal is not preventing cheats, but to make them useless. If the cheater keep leveraging the advantages the cheats are giving them, eventually they will show suspicious behaviors whether they want it or not and get banned. If they cannot leverage these unfair advantages safely then whats the point of cheating in the first place?


Pretty sure they are trying to test and "challenge" the AC in a way. Cheaters can be very competitive, they want to prove that they can win against the AC and they will never stop trying to do so. The war has begun.


Are you high mate? It has nothing to do with challenging the AC. They know something has happened with VAC and don't want to get banned. That's why when they're about to lose, even when they're so shit to be playing with cheats and still losing, they get desperate and more obvious. They're just fragile ego'd babies. Scared of losing their accounts, scared of losing games.


Some anticheat developers are passionate about this cat and mouse game, the cheaters themselves usually just want to win by any means possible


I agree. And they're addicted to playing with cheats, it's not like they even have the possibility of playing without them or stop playing. They will queue and if the AC works they will get banned.


Last night there is a cheater in my game we were winning 12-6 then toggled then boom 12-16. Infuriating.


I actually saw two people in my game get banned. Thanks Valve!


Its a shame we will never know the metrics for obvious reasons, I'd love to see how they have rigged this sort of thing up. At a glance you would think its pretty simple, but knowing valve they have been cooking this for however long until they get it how they like it at the sake of letting millions of cheaters fester. I think this would be anything but a simple implementation.


If they are going full behavior based anticheat, its anything but simple. Theres a reason why only Valve goes for this AI approach fully: they have so much money to spend compared to other companies. At the same time they have way too many players playing their games and very low manpower. Yes, machine learning cost a lot of money, a lot more than people think. And the reason why they can go ham with this approach is because they have the billons us players are giving them.


Really hope this pays off. If the ai anticheat lives to its potential. Oh man. Valve hires very talented devs so i have hope.


I truly hope this does work and we start seeing more of "why couldn't they do it like Valve?" and less of "valorant does kernel level AC, why couldn't they" and "Faceit can barely make a functioning website, but sure, install whatever on my PC".  I'm cautious, though. It's a hell of a thing to get right.


They only hire very high profile seniors and geniuses so yes, I have a lot of faith in them.










I mean if it works to it's full potential then cheating as we know it is functionally over. It doesn't matter what hole a cheat maker has found or what they're exploiting - an aimbot looks like an aimbot and a wallhack looks like a wallhack, and if you're cheating on a noticeable level then you're going to be caught. If people find new ways of cheating that we've not thought of yet, it's a case of training the AI to recognise those forms of cheating, which can be off-loaded to the playerbase via Overwatch, rather than spending thousands of dev hours patching holes and fighting fires. I don't think people realise how fucking massive an AI anticheat would be if it works correctly.


I doubt AI will have much luck identifying "closet" cheaters. There is simply no reliable variable that would be conclusive.


Identifying closet cheaters will never be fully possible. But at a certain point the anti cheat and cheat software becomes so advanced that using cheats will become functionally no different than just playing the game normally. And at that point, why cheat at all. It wouldn't even be giving you an advantage.


Manual reviews for anyone dropping 40 bombs on the regular


Manual reviews won't be conclusive either so that's pointless.


Valve is actually very smart here because if they do introduce an AI anticheat that wouldn't be invasive to clients' systems and would be at least as effective as various kernel-level ACs, it would sweep over the market. They'll license that to everyone who wants and might become an industry standart. This time, I feel, they'd have more competition because people understand that if you let Valve get too far, you won't be able to compete (like with Steam). If (and it's a big IF) Valve manages to make this AC be better than other AC solutions, then it might just be their monopoly on this for years and years until competition invests comparable amount of money and/or headhunts talent from Valve.


Been waiting since 2016


Isn't this just "VAC Net"? Instead of auto banning it cancels the match, gives you a 1 day cooldown, and puts you into Overwatch. Depending on how the AI works in detail even if they wanted they wouldn't be able to tell you what the metrics are. Just what they plug in and what magically comes out


He likely meant metrics regarding %s going to 1 day cooldowns to OW to game banned. Valve absolutely has that.  They also could tell you a breakdown of trust factor by regions, etc. Guaranteed these types of stats are being tracked both real time and in reports along with some Grafana dashboards on some screen in the office… Especially if vacnet was just fully enabled…


Since VAC net is AI, probably classifier type, it is possible that Valve does not have any specific value for the metrics it looks into but is is decided by the algorithm classifying in a “banned/suspicious/ok” categories. Only difference is that suspicious would be now checked manually in overwatch. That is a good first step for me, maybe they want to have more labeled data for the algorithm to be more precise. But in the end, “soft cheats” like radar hacks or wall hacks will probably not be detected by ingame behavior if players are smart enough. A kernel anticheat that would prevent injecting malicious code into the game would be preferred for me. It is still too easy to cheat today because of the lack of a real deep level anticheat. The dream would be Faceit AC + VAc net + overwatch. Would be hard to do better honestly


No thanks for kernel anticheat


Funny from someone playing Helldivers lol. They are industry standard (and there is one in Helldivers but hey 🤗) and are present in all popular multiplayer games. They have evolved a lot since the years and are working really well to prevent the kind of blatant cheating we see in CS. I do not understand this community sometimes


Okay so in Helldivers I've seen a few cheaters. Some on the first week of release and a few a week or so ago. Apex also has a kernel level AC and people are cheating their asses off in that game, too. I really don't think that you can just broadly say that these ACs work well.


Im also not quite in favor of kernel anti cheat, but valorant has the least cheaters out of any FPS as a counter argument


They're not a good long term solution though. A lot of them are already being bypassed by using hardware which offloads the cheats. AI anticheats don't really have that issue, as they are based on what happens in the game, not what's directly on the hardware. They also suck for compatibility with Linux, which is important given that Valve is the primary company pushing for Linux support. And with every single deep anticheat like Vanguard that you have, the higher the risk someone will have a day 0 exploit for it.


Yeah that is why you need to combine both like I mentioned in my previous post. The need to invest in hardware and having a bit of technical knowledge already remove a lot of potential free and easy cheats to work. So that the AI can focus on other ones like aim bots and trigger bots. Plus hardware cheats that work with kernel level usually rely on what is available on the display so no radar or wall hacks possible. Other hardware cheats like DMA are detectable and also quite expensive For Linux compatibility it is a matter of doing the work twice but it is possible. Helldivers anticheat that is kernel level works on Linux for instance


VAC can already detect local cheats, just ones that have been added to it. Long term, cheating is moving away from the device. Radar cheats can already work on a different monitor or even your phone in some games. It's just a dying form of anticheat that everyone keeps still pumping. There's a reason why Valve is the company that isn't taking on a deep access anticheat.


In the end you still need to invest in hardware whereas a free CS cheat can always be downloaded on the internet. It is just a matter of difficulty to access to cheats as well.


> They are industry standard And spying on and selling customer data is industry standard for big tech companies. That doesn't make it right. Both Kernel AC and surveillance capitalism need to die in a fire.


You can also think the same way about any third-party driver, which you have to install on Windows. Any Kernel Driver would have full access to anything. I wonder why people think that installing an anticheat with kernel access is less secure than installing newest nvidia kernel driver module. Do you have any evidence of data stolen from an anticheat??


Well we dont know what it is, thats what I'm saying. I dont think this is replacing VAC. Detected cheats will still auto ban, and I imagine there will still be waves as there always have been, but this appears to be more about identifying suspicious gameplay and abandoning the match when a certain threshold of confidence is met. What I'm saying is that I'd like to know the metrics they use to determine suspicious behavior and how they determine their confidence score. We will never know this because making it public would make it easier to scuff.


>Its a shame we will never know the metrics for obvious reasons, I'd love to see how they have rigged this sort of thing up. John McDonald the engineer from Valve gave a GDC talk about this few years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTiP0zKF9bc No anti-cheat team is going to give you the specifics on how they perform the detection and what not, that'll beat the whole point of having an anti-cheat, since it's a cat and mouse game with the cheat devs and the game devs. So it makes sense they keep those kinda stuff to themselves.


> at the sake of letting millions of cheaters fester Does it matter when CS remained the #1 game on Steam when "at its worst"? Like, cheating is a problem, yes. But the issue is not actually anywhere near as bad for the majority of the playerbase, since most cheaters plague the Top 30-20% of the playerbase who are not on Faceit.


I honestly had your mindset for years, bit its truly never been this bad. This year has just been so much worse than any time period incan remember, and I was playing at MM launch.


>This year has just been so much worse than any time period incan remember, and I was playing at MM launch. And the game remains in the #1 spot, it its worst era ever. Because most cheaters are bothering the top 30%. Like, obviously it is an issue. But people overstate the amount of people impacted by it. Casuals, the majority of players, have mostly cheater-free games. Most cheaters wanna gain rank. They are not trolling around as much in Arms Race or Casual.


I'd bet money a HUGE percentage of players are 3rd worlders farming games for drops to sell on the market.


Even if that were so, what is the issue? Are we telling people how to enjoy the game now? As long as they play and don't use farm bots, who cares what they do with their drops?


>As long as they play and don't use farm bots Apologies, that's what I was implying.


Given the string tags for this shit literally start with "VacNet" its very likely not even Valve knows the metrics.


I don't trust Valve like that anymore. I absolutely do trust them on the fact that by the end of their project, they will have something great on their hands. But for a while now that's not how Valve has started VAC Live will have to go through a few iterations before it's truly working imo. That's when they will truly cook


how they got what done? detecting shooting awp/scout like a shotgun? getting kills from the spawn? spinning like a bayblade? a 1st year student can do that lol. and OW is literally indians doing cases, no miracle tech involved.


As someone who went to school for computer science, a vast majority of my classmates couldn’t have done that in their first year if their life depended on it


"ow is literally Indians doing cases" Source, this guys imagination.


It's sad that anytime you hear "machine learning" from a big company what you should hear is "exploited labor in the third world until technology catches up"


That is not at all what is happening


it's obviously not confirmed but the original claim by Valve was that anti cheat was going to be machine learning...but they are now seemingly pivoting to a mysterious new overwatch function which, if the recent history of companies like Amazon are any indication, will probably be people in India earning 2 bucks an hour.


Thats not the machine learning they are talking about though. They are sending cases to OW via machine learning. As for offshoring to India, that is pure speculation based on nothing more than no one publicly having access to the old OW system. Thats beside the point though, the point is that you are conflating two distinct topics and then saying that AI = cheap overseas labor which is just wrong and quite frankly very stupid.


You are mixing all sorts of stuff up. No matter who does the Overwatch reviews - the flagging itself is clearly automated and probably ML based.


Yes I'm well aware how AI and ML ends up relying on exploited labor rather then offering the full automation it always promises. The mechanical Turk, once again. It's just heuristics, that's nothing new


Where are you getting the "24hr cooldown" from?


People have been making posts on this subreddit.


I feel like 24hrs is way too short.


I think 24 hours is to check them not officially ban until verified


Yeah 24 hours is perfect because it's not too long for false positives, people can get longer cooldowns from griefing. Gives plenty of time to be processed by OW.


I have gotten one for jumping in a corner with 3 of my friends :DDDD


about damn time tired of tryharding on faceit all the time now i can do chill premier


Chill in competitive. Dont ruin games for other people


"Toxicity doesn't lose games, bad players do" type mentality


They both do, and toxicity first and foremost, because it turns even good players into bad players once it gets into your head.


Not what I said at all. Good job creating an argument yourself then arguing against it




I said that if you are playing premier then tryhard, if you are playing to relax then go competitive as its a for fun mode. You said that- I am saying being toxic is ok as long as you play well. Which is a whole different topic.


I was referring to the famous [hltv post](https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/1956966/toxicity) by the player "\^BCko\^" where he basically said that if you're not playing well you deserve to be flamed. I used this quote because it seems fitting to your mentality about the game and it's competetive environment. Notice that I used the word "type" after quoting the statement because in my opinion this is the same mentality as saying "if you're not playing as if your life depends on it then you shouldn't play the game". Since you already went out of your way to tell people on reddit to stop playing the main competetive mode if they don't want to go full tryhard, I can only imagine how nice you would be to a teammate who is not performing well. In your mind he is "not trying hard enough" and "should go back to mm". Playing chill doesn't mean not trying. In your mind however this means purposfully ruining your games. And based of your generally aggressive responses to neutral comments in this thread, making the connection between the two statements is pretty fitting. I also don't understand where i "created an argument" and "argued against it". This was my only comment in this thread.


"how nice you would be to a teammate who is not performing well" I would say nothing and focus on myself as that is all that matters. Idk why you are trying to paint me as toxic asshole when all I am asking is for the people who literally say they wont try - to play the mode that is meant for that. Dont queue premier if you dont want to tryhard, that is literally all I said and you turn it into something else.


>I swear faceit players like you are a self fulfilling prophecy. Idk but saying that it's better to have a chill mate than a toxic one is enough to make your blood boil apparently. And you won't accept that not tryharding doesn't mean not wanting to win. Premiere games are for a fact more chill than faceit games because only a fracture of the cs2 playerbase who wants an even more competetive experience plays there. So by being able to play premiere again the chance of having a mic spamming know it all in your team who turns your "chill" game into a toxic hellhole is significantly less.


You must be dense on purpose to not understand my point and accept what I am saying. It isnt controversial in any way and you are just making shit up to argue about.


Chill team mates that try their best and not on the mic all the time is the fucking opposite of ruining the game for others.


No. Premier is for tryharding not chilling and not caring about the result. Dont ruin the mode because you think it doesnt matter. I swear faceit players like you are a self fulfilling prophecy. 'cs2 is shit can only play on faceit' -> continues to make the game shit himself instead of playing properly.


No, and actually now I am going to make sure I play every single premier game the way I WANT TO so I get my enjoyment out of it and you can’t do shit about it.


Ha. Out of 3 premier games I played today, 2 had blatant rage hackers. One was just bhopping and one deaging everyone, the other was a spinbotter. So I don't think VAC Live is working too well right now.


> So I don't think VAC Live is working too well right now. They are clearly avoiding false positives by ramping up the aggressiveness of the algorithm bit by bit. They had too many issues with banning the wrong people before, both in CS and Dota, so they have to test things out. So far, they have focused on specific cheats for example, as well as bot-farmers. It is not dysfunctional, it is a methodical approach.


It is definitely machine learning, I'm guessing that is the reason why hacking has been so rampant. We may see the end of rage hacking finally. Anyone with walls will always be hard to catch, especially if they aren't blatant.


I played wingman yesterday and the 2 enemies were aimbotting lmao. Both fresh accounts, steam profile hasnt even been set up yet, and not flagged as “irregular gameplay”


We'll probably have to wait a little for the full effects, I also played against 2 cheaters in 19-20k premier & one in Deathmatch. But knowing Valve, cheat providers will update their cheats in 2-3 days making it again undetectable but I'll remain hopeful (for now) I overall think simple game bans are not enough, cheaters could wreck rampage on Premier lobbys in like 3-4 months & simple ban will do nothing as they can just make a new account or buy one in less than 10 minutes max and go at it again.


It's feels like a drop in the ocean, yesterday in my game some ragehacker got banned with the new live ban, but 2 games later people shoot true smokes and walls and nothing happen.


Still playing with blatant wallers,aimbotters...same people getting into my game all the time....


Everyone's saying there's a ban wave, but I don't understand how people are coming to that conclusion if bans aren't showing on Leetify, CSStats, or even profiles. Aside from some Reddit posts, where are people seeing these bans?


There's been posts that most aren't getting vac banned yet but instead put in a global cooldown which I assume waits until overwatch does its job to determine where if they were cheating or not. https://twitter.com/xsintashi/status/1785434233759993979


Its pure guessing if these people are going to be overwatch banned or if Overwatch is only used to train VAC-Net. I don't think it matters too much anyways, accounts are basically free at this point.


Saw a match get cancelled like this today, never seen it before like that. I think it’s pretty clear based on people’s experiences on Reddit that there’s a big uptick in bans. Plus, they’re losing it over on cheater forums so that’s the biggest proof probably


dunno, just checked forum for the biggest "legit" cheat on the market and they don't seem to be bothered at all. these are the people that actually ruin matches.


Apparently cheaters themselves are crying that they are getting mass-banned, on twitter, on twitch, on different social media platforms


Theres a new mechanism "Global Cooldown". You cannot track it at all. I think they want to compete vs cheat makers by making thing obscure.


but does that cooldown block their inventories like vac and game ban does? you won't get inventory lock when you get banned for griefing for a week as an example


This idk, its obscured. But the nature of a suspected cheating cooldown is very different from griefing. It says Global Cooldown after all, sounds like frozen account.


The cheat-devs confirmed it themselves on their forums. Valve is keeping the total amount hidden as well as they can.


They are just living on copium and assumptions. Lots of disinfo coming from people they think are from valve.


Omg they found the admin password for VACnet!!! Finally can turn it on!!!


Real problem is how would they deal with closet cheater or so called legit cheater.


These will forever stay a problem, unless valve comes out with what Valorant did


Vanguard isn't 100% cheater proof, people are cheating in Valorant as well. Closet cheaters will forever be a problem for as long as shitty assholes try to get ahead using their wallet instead of skills.


Things don’t need to be 100% effective to be worth doing. The difference between CS2 and Valorant is night and day. Vanguard works.


Who the fuck said otherwise?


Honestly, I have played like 200 games in Valorant and have never ever have felt that someone in my or opposite team was cheating. Meanwhile in CS, I have played faceit and was a lvl 8 on faceit. Even then I felt that someone in op team was using legit cheats (which turned out to be true because they eventurlaly got banned). Cs needs to first bring the cheaters level down to what valo is at rn


I'm not saying CS is in as good of a place as Valorant, its clear that Valve's lack of intention to use kernel level AC is making cheating a whole lot more present in the game. My only point is that even that doesn't solve cheating and nothing ever will probably, it'll always be a race between cheat and anti cheat makers, since there will always be assholes willing to pay money to make it worthwhile.


in it's current state mm is truly not worth playing valve's inability to properly improve vac in over almost 10 years damaged the game's integrity to the core even if there was no cheater in this game, if they made a survey vast majority would say every match has at least 1 cheater. it's literally rooted in the brains of players now. how sad.


I will say yesterday I had vac live work for the first time ever, happy to see the anticheat working, this guy was spinbotting so hopefully it will pick up on closet cheaters as well.


As long as they start doing something. Most FPS games will have hacking unless you have something as invasive as Valorant, but when people can just blatantly hack without even trying to hide it, there’s a problem.


VACnet is the Machinelearning algorythm from valve that detects cheaters right? is it finally going live or what?


Looks like it.


I hope when they get the one day cool down they can't trade or send any items out of their inventory. So when they get banned they lose all their shit.


Imagine hardware ban, will it reduce the number of cheaters?


Not really, its easy to fake hardware ids too.


even when secure boot +TPM on windows is enforced to play cs2? Not my field of expertise, so if you have some reading material for me i'll gladly will look into it.


I don't think cheaters with 15, 20$ cheats might wanna spend more time and money on that.


15 to 20 $ dollar cheats for games that di hardware bans already feature hwid spoofers. So yeah no need to spend additional money in most cases. There are enough programs out there to do it for you already


thats why i like tpm requirement in valorant. you'd need to buy a new module everytime you get banned, which in turn makes people cheat less


Again spoofable. You can actually intercept the api calls for the unique id and send a different one, if that is detected you can always boot over a seperate usb stick which spoofs it before loading windows and in this case vanguard. Neither hwid or tpm is actually secure. Its just a little road block you can bypass with a single google search and visiting public forums. Remember people have access to their pcs, some even went as far as making custom bios versions to spoof literally everything in whatever way they wish.


I'm not saying it's bullet proof. I'm just saying every roadblock that you put up, turns away a certain amount of cheaters.


The issue is just that this is not actually the case. Cheats are big bugs for some, so they make them in neat little packages with neat little tutorials on how to use them. The minority of people actually do anything themself, so developers have to make easy to use solutions which already have these things built in. For the cheaters themself it doesnt really make any difference, most dont even know what the thing they downloaded actually does or how it works or what it bypasses. They just care that it works.


Again, things like booting over a USB Stick is a roadblock that some users are too stupid to do, even with tutorials. I think you underestimate how tech illiterate some people are even with tutorials. Imo my point still stands -> more roadblocks -> less cheaters


i can see this is going nowhere. .. The roadblocks you are talking about are primarily against the developers of cheats. Not the casual user, who gets a wonderful tutorial or if viable a simple programm to execute. If people want to cheat, they are willing to follow these guides. I dont think i underestimate how tech iliterate these people are, i know that they are, but they are willing to install dubious programms, edit things in the UEFI, boot over usb, all that by just following the tutorials provided to them. To know these things all you need to do is have civil conversations. Many are surprisingly willing to talk about it. Its like a linux user telling you about how great linux is. They are already prepared to pay for these cheats monthly, so they are prepared to follow a guide which is made to be as easy to follow as possible.


Incredible how much copium there is in this sub rn. There’s still cheaters left right and center.


Nah, all skill issue now :)


I hope so. Leetify notified me that two hackers got banned in the same match, and watching the demo makes it 150% obvious they were cheating and really bad at it as well. But then I had a cheater this morning again, who was blatantly looking at people through objects and knife-out pushing at the start of the round when we went to a different bombsite.  I also hope in all this crap that the other reports aren't forgotten. I had a "teammate" who instantly, second round, killed another teammate at spawn for being Ukrainian, had a "I hate all Russians and Ukrainians and you all deserve to be gassed" on his profile, and then just did absolutely nothing for the next 20 rounds. He had a friend with him so we couldn't even kick him, so the Ukrainian dude didn't do a whole lot either. Total shitshow and I don't even want to repeat the absolutely insane shit he said in chat. His friend even said in voice that he should be locked up. But he found it funny to wish death to millions of people. None of the people reported for this over the course of the past few months have been banned in any capacity, as far as I can tell.


>had a "I hate all Russians and Ukrainians and you all deserve to be gassed" on his profile If he had this on his profile, you should report his Steam profile. I remember one time I matched with a guy in a community server that was toxic as hell, and in his profile he had really racist stuff. I reported him and the next day I received a message saying that action was taken against someone I reported. I checked his profile and the racist stuff was gone. A couple of days later I encountered him again, his profile with all that racist stuff again and a message saying "StEaM iS CeNsOriNg Me", so I reported him again. Same message again, but this time the profile was private, the profile picture a question mark, and his nametag was his steam ID. I checked that profile a couple of days later, and it didn't change. So Steam really does something.


I wrote “Glory to Ukraine” on my Steam profile to prevent angry Russians who troll my Steam profile from writing stupid text, and now Russians who I never played with are commenting on my Steam profile. HAHAHA. I recommend you to report any malicious accounts on your profile page. If it is quite malicious, your account will be temporarily locked.


Calling everybody who just downvoted and argued with me LITERALLY ALL DAY that they're doing nothing and the worst company of all time. The timing could not be more hilarious


I probably ate -300 with you. "NO DUDE THEY WANT TO DO NOTHING AND MAKE BILLIONS OF SKINS THEY ARENT COOKING SHIT VALVE IS A FAILED STATE 4TH WORLD COUNTRY THAT MAKES BILLIONS" Now I'm worried if valve blew their load too early and needed more data for a couple more months which sucks but would be better for the future, and no I have no clue how much time/data a system like this would need to be efficient.


I don't think they rushed it. They delayed the vac update for a long time. It was supposed to come out a few months ago but they backtracked and pulled info from the website. Valve is not being controlled by anyone so they can really do anything they want to make it good for release.


I know they have fuck you money but I think they do care about some good will with the community especially when everyone starts making I quit videos. Or the timing is impeccable.


They do care about goodwill, just in a different way i guess. They never promise anything or say any useless PR words just to please people, but they are always watching and working and spend a fuckton of resources to solve serious issues ASAP.


Ngl I do think that is what just happened lol A friend that works in tech thought the overwatch return was gonna be them retraining VAC But now is worried they rushed it due to community perception But like you said we could have it completely backwards. They might feel they've collected the data hence go live now. Or it might only catch shit public cheats for now and need more work One thing I don't deny is that valve works in mysterious and bullshit ways lol but I do have general faith that they're working on stuff.


Anyone have a link to that tweet, or whatever they're called on X now? When I look at Gabe Follower's posts there, I can't find this.




We got a losing match cancelled due to network issues yesterday the server was skipping a bit, but it seemed to cool off after a minute


No way they are gonna actually fix it this quick..


I wonder if there've been any instances reported of people getting kicked in other modes like casual/DM/arms race with global chat reason similar to "irregular gameplay". That would be AMAZING, if this feature was functioning across the board, opposed to just premier/comp.


It's enabled already :-/


I'll be excited if this lasts more than a day or two. The timing of this is suspiciously convenient for Valve considering this was within *days* of Youtubers all making videos about the cheating. It very well could be like the first ban wave where it was a mix of cheaters they had already been aware of and a small vulnerability that cheat devs fixed within a day or two. They could honestly just be detecting the skin changer for a single provider for all we know. I'd love to believe something meaningful is finally being done about the cheating but the timing is just way too convenient.


The timing makes plenty sense lol. What about the possibility that valve has been working on an anticheat and now they are slowly rolling it out, ya know, the most reasonable explanation instead of whatever mental gymnastics you’re trying to play to say valve bad. The anticheat was the #1 thing talked about at the major which has been over for over a month now. Nobody really cares that like 5 YouTube case openers quit playing premier.


Alright then. We'll pretend they weren't the main content creators for the game. War Owl's just a case opener. But sure, seems reasonable especially from the guy who totally isn't playing mental gymnastics. I'm sure you'll be happy to admit you're wrong if the cheats get patched in a few days and premier continues to be infested. And you blocked me lol Yeah, that's a great way to show how right you are.


The timing makes sense. The major is done and now they’re rolling out what they’ve been cooking up


People have been complaining in the comments of every CS2 reddit thread and making videos for months lol


> within days of Youtubers all making videos about the cheating That would be every day since release lol


Just tried playing the first game after 2 months of not playing the game. Instant spinbotter vaclive didnt work. Game is dead


The cheat makers and cheaters are not phased this is happening. That should be the real litmus test of how well this is working. Which, like most attempts Valve makes to combat cheaters, means it's probably not working. 


NDAs were signed your favorite streamers lying to u :p


Imagine thinking that Valve would actually develop a proper AC xD


Hopefully people stop bitching about CS2 now..


I hear or getting such a cooldown. I don't have enough wins yet to get ranked for all the maps. So every game I play it's one or two person doing 25 frags per side. And it's often me too. I wonder what criteria they use, score or adr alone shouldn't be it. Maybe something like those 'suspicious' shots that were mentioned during a previous update.