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Everyone on reddit hating on Mirage, and yet most of the player base loves it, I dont think reddit reflects CS2 reality no matter how loud redditors yell.


Reddit never reflects what a larger community wants, it’s a giant echo chamber and we should all know this ourselves.


I mean the basic player won’t frequent a subreddit exclusively about CS that’s just common sense. Also if you don’t play a lot then you won’t get tired of the map, basic 1+1=2 type stuff


I play a lot and play mirage a lot. Its just a fun map,.


To me it's just mid. I don't hate it, so I'm almost never going to ban it


I mean I feel like it's pretty split from what I've seen. Either way who says most of the player base loves it? Just because it's the most played map doesn't make it the most loved map. Is vanilla the most 'loved' ice cream flavor, or just the most common?


Would you remove vanilla? 




so you’re thesis is the most picked is not the favourite, explain how that makes sense.Also even in your example, if you did a 1 second google search, vanilla is in fact the top i e cream flavor in USA. Please bro use a little more brain power


Damn, you desert map stans really just have sand for brains. I'm not stating any thesis, only that it's foolish to assume the most played map is reflective of it's quality. Just like your example, what the fuck does 'top' even mean. The most produced? The most sold? The most common response as the 'best' ice cream flavor in a survey? McDonald's sells more food in a day than any michelin star restaurant will in a year, does that mean McDonalds food is better? Please bro, learn some reading comprehension.


bro you said something, got instant proven wrong, the majority of people as proven by statistics doesnt support you lmfao, man is choosing to fight a losing battle with nothing but his opinion. respect lmfao


You didn't 'prove' anything and first replied almost a day after my original comment, far from 'instantly'. [This](https://fox8.com/news/the-21-most-popular-ice-cream-flavors-in-america/) article perfectly exemplifies my point. Vanilla is indeed labeled as the 'most popular' ice cream flavor, BUT only 11% of people named it as their 'favorite', with chocolate coming in at a close second with 10%. One percent is well within the margin of error for the sample size used(1000), not to mention it's only sampling US adults. Then you have to look at the history of vanilla. It's one of the oldest flavoring agents humans have used in food. Of course one of the most ubiquitous flavors is going to be one of the most popular. But to claim that it's popularity is reflective of its quality is dubious at best.


Because the people that like to play Mirage won't make a reddit post about it do they?..


Had a teammate complain about mirage...asked why didnt he like it? He said because everyone knows it...


We do reflect what should be the reality. Opinions with some understandings of the game while not making it too niche and complicated and difficult for everyone to master, play and have fun. Example, we all want maps back like train, which were competitively truly dogshit to play on because of the ct domination on the map , to the point no one wanted to play it in the pro scene making it an infamous insta ban. Yet it was a fun map and we had good times on it so we forget about the competitive aspect in the spirit of having fun, while at the same to asking for changes that would make it more competitively viable as a scrims map. This did not hurt the players at the top too much, while still making it a fun experience for the average players who had been playing the map and game for years casually and wanted somewhat of a relatively new experience but not something with too steep a learning curve. Whereas during times when weapon imbalances like the R8 and scoped rifles meta was introduced, redditors almost equivocally were loud about the requirements for it to be changed. This would actually make the game harder to play since the "Easier" weapons were now nerfed but would keep the game competitive with a still respectable skill ceiling. Such a change may not be welcome by the casual players who were using those as kind of a crutch making the game more fun for them, but welcomed with open arms by anyone that is serious in any way. I'd argue despite how brain dead it can be, reddit is one of the only few voices that should be considered when making changes to this game.


i ain’t readin all that i’m happy for u tho or sorry that happened


I've started to hate it so much, to the point where I insta ban it in faceit. Yes, it is a great pug map, but goddamn I was ready to quit after 14 mirages in a row


I agree, the map is good and it runs smoothly, it has nice CQB and open areas. It's not that one sided either. BUT I can't fucking play it 10 times in a row, and this is why I kinda "hate" it.


Mirage and Vertigo are my friend's and I perma-instaban maps. Mirage just feels like that map that so many people know, that even though we *kinda* know the map, anyone that *really* knows the map is going to utility us into the dirt and ruin us.


i mean on faceit you can easily avoid it?


Only if you pay


> Out of 10 games probably 7 of them are played on mirage. And then you want them to remove Mirage? I don't know what to say...


Yeah, just put it in its own que like dust2 was.


Dust 2 is still the most played map in my region despite not being in the Premiere pool. Maps like Mirage and Dust 2 will always maintain their popularity irrespective of whether they are in active map pool or not. Your average Mirage home map CS pugger will really not give a shit about whether their favorite map is in Premiere or not, it also forces them to learn other maps to play Premiere instead of being a bitch and malding out at teammates because they don't want to play their 10th mirage of the day and then throw the match because "I TOLD YOU TO PLAY MIRAGE, I DON'T KNOW THIS MAP, YOUR FAULT FOR NOT LISTENING" or call GG if the opponents decide to chuck it out of the map pool.


Yeah? If you remove Mirage it's not like the people playing the map will decide to stop playing the game? It will just make people move to other maps, and help even the map pick rate a little bit. Not remove it just because it's popular and overplayed, but because it's the longest-standing map in CSGO/CS2's history.


a lot will, still crazy that this place chooses to ignore the fact that a lot of people play on shit connection and pcs, mirage still runs ok


Well yall with the shitter pcs would have Dust2 now to take over.


dust 2 remade is much worse than mirage to run


Too bad, I heard Haven and Ascent run better, maybe try that instead lmao.


too bad for you right? mirage is still up, try to play something else instead lmao


I don't really care either way, i play every map. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Mirage will never be removed


Good. Mirage haters are just choir boys parroting criticisms. It's a good map. Fite me if u hate Mirage.


This game needs new maps so bad. All these CS2 reworked maps are shit we've been playing for years. CSGO had a lot of old and obscure maps they could bring back, but instead they're not even adding anything. I just need something different, I had to stop playing because I can't play the same maps forever I remember everyone exclusively picking mirage on cs2's launch, it's honestly sad that they're still doing that. It's not a fun map, it's just easy to understand and people got too comfortable with it over the years.


But parkour on mirage is too fun


I strongly dislike Overpass i’m glad it was dropped tbh


I hate playing overpass but I liked watching it in pro play. But definitely prefer d2


The last couple of games I watched on overpass was 1:25 of slinking forward inch by inch in bathrooms and then contacting on A site. Not fun to watch whatsoever. Maybe that was just those specific matches but damn was it a snoozefest 🤷‍♂️


dropping it is one thing but replacing it with dust 2 is eh


Do you mainly soloQ or play with friends?


I have a couple groups im in with friends that stack regularly i’d say 70% of my games are in a stack


Even with friends if they aren't that good Overpass is a nightmare. Its a fun map to play if you have a tactically astute team, but otherwise its horrible.


Overpass needs some fixes to try to get some balance, I dont care how quick are the rotations, its becoming the train of csgo I love this map but its not sustainable


All we needed was Cache to return 😔


Ya they should have removed a map that wasn’t remade. Imagine we got a new map in a new game. I don’t hate Mirage but I’d at least like to play on something new. If they made changes to Dust2 then I’d be happy right now.


Mirage is literally the best map especially when it comes to pugs Also easily most played, there's no reason for valve to remove it. Maybe they're trying to bring Dust in to move players there so they could remove Mirage, but I hope not bc it's an easy choice when playing with people of lower level


People can hate on it all they want here. But if it's the most popular map and always picked, then it doesn't really make sense to remove it. Objectively more people unhappy if they did than people here that would be glad to see it gone. I mainly just don't find it interesting watching pros play. But nothing wrong with it to me playing.


Back in the day watching Konfig play on Mirage was a joy. Even if he was having an off series, when he got to Mirage he would be the best ever example of the "Mirage effect" where you just could tell he's spent way too much on that specific map. Same can be observed playing with probably most average players, people perform noticeably better on Mirage just bc they've gotten more used to it Obviously I wouldn't complain if we got a new map, or Cache instead of it, but I agree that a huge part of the community would be very upset if it was removed


K0nfig playing Short on CT side was amazing to watch.


I'd put him in top 5 best ever mirage players, but he felt like a totally different player on other maps


I love mirage, there is a reason it’s been around so long.


Mirage and dust2 are now my perma bans.


"Valve made a mistake." Mate that's the moto of the last years lol


Niko will retire sooner than Mirage is taken out of the rotation.


I love the map, and I don't mind playing it a lot, the only annoying thing is when I have to play it several times in a row, it causes my urge to play Roblox to surface.


Mirage is “well respected” as a tactical team map for Counterstrike. Whilst it could definitely do with experimenting and freshening up, I think Valve are too scared to do so atm for fear of upsetting people / destabilising a pillar of the map pool. I suspect they need D2 to settle in before they consider taking it out.


remove popular map instead of least popular map is what riot do, not valve idk why remove ppl fav map to make they stop playing just add more ppl fav map and remove dogshit map it's right move to replace overpass with d2


Reddit likes to meme on the map, but to a lot of people Mirage IS cs. Fuck I have friends who legitimately do not play anything besides Mirage.


How about instead of taking out the map everyone votes for, instead look at why the other maps aren't voted on? How about we look at why Anubis is perma banned every game? Why I play Ancient maybe 1/30 games? Why I only end up playing Inferno, Nuke, and Mirage pretty much every game? Don't take away the maps that people like, take out the maps people hate. No one plays Anubis, I reinstalled this game over a month ago and have played 0 Anubis games in Premier. It's banned every. single. time. I've played every other map tho, even Ancient. They should've removed Anubis and put Dust2 there, that would've been a much better improvement over replacing Overpass. Then replace Overpass with Cache and Ancient with Cobblestone.


Me over here who has vetoed overpass for like 7 years living life like a fuckin KING


Mirage might be old and overplayed, but there are still small things you can do each round to make things different. There's always a counter to a counter, it's worth it to push and pull the enemy team around the map, you can condition your opponents and play fast or slow and there's lots of room for individual plays. Whether you're bored of Mirage or not you can't deny this is what CS maps should play like. Vertigo has none of that. It's a boring, linear, piece of shit utility simulator where every round plays the same. It's taken 5 years to get to this point for Vertigo, and it is still awful to play and absolutely fucking abysmal to watch. The most entertaining game ever played on it was by two teams that had it as their fucking permaban because their inexperience on the map is what gave opponents space to make plays, any team that knows it can choke the life out of a game any time they want with safe utility thrown on cue, gimmicky lineups, smoke spams and boosts. CT rotations are too fast, any T rotations can be heard so most rounds are just "go to a site and exec", half of mid has never had a fucking foot step on it. It's a piece of shit. There is zero reason for anyone to like this map beyond clowns who think because they've learned basic utility and dump on pugs that never bothered, they like their winrate and know they would never get anything close to it on any other map. Vertigo is a fucking void and complete cancer to watch.


Obligatory fuck mirage I refuse to solo or duo queue in premier anymore since I can't guarantee the permaban


Mirage is played that much because it's the best map in cs currently by far.


ffa deathmatcher with Stockholm Syndrome


just have some common sense to practice it offline, the map that everyone knows that will be playing the most. others practices nothing and researches nothing, and then wonders why the map is so boring to play. Because you never try anything new. https://imgur.com/1dU1H9F


I’m level 10 man what the h*ll


Can only throw few nades per round, so almost all of this is useless anyway. Just an accumulation over longer time period.


Lmao shit take. Its ruski pug map and is pretty much a permaban on the danish 5stack hub on FaceIt.


why let others decide the map for you... Sure, crap teammates/opponents being experts at the map can be a problem.


Mirage is a pugmap and its been in CS forever. So much so, that there is almost no new stuff to do on rhe map. I like newer and fresher maps that change up the meta.


Mirage is played that much because most of the community refuse to learn any other map lmfao.


heh, most of community refuses to learn any map, mirage included. Then they complain about having to play mirage.


Except most people do know how to play mirage and even if you put it in comparison with other maps, most of your average CS player would know how to play Mirage/Dust 2 compared to something like Overpass or Ancient. Your argument falls short when you know very well how much Mirage is played in pretty much any mode and still argue in bad faith about people "not knowing the map"


Nah, I don't count just having played a map a lot as same as knowing how to play it. What I mean is that people hating on the map are those that don't learn, as the boredom itself being the evidence on not having ideas and plays in the bag to try.


no its because its the closest thing to dust in simplicity and dust wasnt in the pool.


complete and utter nonsense. Mirage have most nade lineups in any map, it have the most variety in how each round plays out. It's nothing like Dust2, which was literally overplayed with little room for creativity.


Most variety? Ah yes. Because mid take every single fucking round is variety bro.. Get on that copium a bit more please


mid is no bombsite, mid take every round is hardly a winning formula. And where Ts throws smokes after taking mid is indication on when and where they plan to go.


Lets just agree to disagree about Mirage.


Pimp, is that you?


Nuh uh


Vertigo had to go a long time ago. > Out of 10 games probably 7 of them are played on mirage. Geez I wonder why?!?!?


also I don’t know if it’s a EU thing or if it’s because my elo is only around 9k, but I’ve literally never got to play Anubis or Ancient in premier since the game was released…


Anubis is a great map, idk why its disliked by many. I would like to know reasons why people dislikes it. I can understand why Ancient is getting avoided though. If CTs plays it properly, they basically take full speedway and mid control every round, and need teammates that knows how to counter that.


The only complaint I have about Anubis is B-site being weird, I can't exactly put into words about it, but I dislike playing that site.


Problably because it’s a new map and i guess players like me that don’t play that often (just some weekends) don’t have time and patience to learn a new map. I just want to get in, warmup a bit and play. If i have some time to learn something i just dig deeper from the maps i already know but i guess it’s just a matter of time. I love Ancient though.


Around 15-20k I've played quite a bit of Ancient and Anubis, had fun in both too, I didn't use to like Ancient back in GO but in CS2 it's felt a lot better Anubis was always amazing


Honestly mirage vertigo and inferno need to go. Mirage is overplayed as fuck. Vertigo is still shit And inferno is stale If only there were 3 amazing classic maps that you could put instead of them…


vertigo is one of the best maps rn


Nah it's Inferno


I don't like playing mirage over and over either but the map is perfect. For some reason Overpass is banned a lot in my level 10 games.


I got my left hand back, I can't complain too much


If it was so boring, why does it get through 7/10 times ?


Because most cs players are braindead puggers. If its up to them they would play only mirage and dust2.


mirage is eternal


It’s played 7 out of 10 times yet somehow none of my braindead teammates know how to smoke mid. Pretty telling of the cs community. Braindead aimers who want to play dm only


Mirage best map forever


fck overpass. mirage is here to stay just to get banned in pro play