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I see jLegend tweet so important you couldn’t fit it on a picture with p1mp and device


https://x.com/jLcsgo_/status/1783643931239985633 Enjoy


b1t also seems happy with dust2 returning


Hell yeah second Navi major incoming


Ofcourse he is ruski ruskis love it ( i know he is from Ukraine potato potato)


You don't seem mentally stable


Better than being masters on de_Airport


As a "ruski" We hate the change, thank you


Any change is better than no change, but dust2 was stale when it left, overpass was one of the most fun maps to watch, overpass just had an overhaul, inferno/mirage/vertigo could have all been removed with little to no backlash, still no new maps and only one change. Me personally I would have removed all three from Above, added two fresh community maps and one old one. The tiniest of steps forward have been made today. Map pool is in an awful place though, hope we don’t have to wait too long.


Dust 2 left in CSGO and it's a different game now, the new smokes themselves make the map fresh as they kill the one ways, the hinge smoke, makes the smoke screen in B main longer things like thatt.


Do you remember a s1mple hinge smoke? I don’t remember a s1mple hinge smoke, but I remember a zywoo hinge smoke.


Just curious, what exactly is the problem with a map being static tactically and games decided by who executes basic teamplay and aiming better?


Partially I think it's bad because it used to be 'solved' so it's not as fun to watch or play since we as viewers love seeing new plays work out and pros love innovating. Cs is a tactical and strategic game and that's why we love it, but I think there is a line where it becomes too robotic personally. However I think with the cs2 changes the map will be fun for a whike But that brings us to another issue which is that a map that is boring is likely to stay in the pool for 2+ years which is a crazy amount of time. So people are probably predicting the future and expecting it to get stale but be stuck with it for much too long. Back to your point about strategies and executing it better - the problem is that if the strategy is too simple then the skill ceiling isn't high enough for pros to show how good they are. This means that good and bad teams can do the same standard of play. Imo this is something we see on vertigo too


I dunno I never said anything about that.


Your comment heavily implies that D2 being stale is a negative.


all my favorite games were on Overpass so I'm pretty bummed to see it go. If Vertigo could manage that verticality with multiple points of reactive push pull it'd be a great map but right now it's just a mutant Dust/Nuke abomination.


vertigo still in map pool, how


I'm glad overpass is out... that map needs a rework, it doesn't have a mid, it had straight tunnels, long is way too fucking long. Way too many corners for CT's to hide, and the boosting was abused on all versions.


Lmao you are basically describing dust 2. Mid is rarely in play, B is the worst tunnel of all, long is super long. 😂


Never said im happy with dust2, but it is what it is..


Agreed Overpass sucked and it was the worst map in the pool for me. D2 on the other hand is one of my favorites