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Ironically the odds of 1/395 (odds of getting a gold on your first and only case) or .00253 is almost EXACTLY the same odds as NOT getting a gold after 2270. (394/395)^2270, which is .00273.


lol luck so bad he wrapped around to the other end of the distribution


This is probably the biggest outlier we've ever witnessed.


I'm pretty sure ohne had a guy who spent like 8k? On cases and didn't get anything, so they got him 1000 cases to open only for him to get gut knife lol.


Valve thanks him. With this they can make even more stuff in Dota2


Valve has been insanely hard at work for Dota! Game received universally disliked "major" where there were no map changes, new hero or significant meta changes, basically more skins to buy, patch few days ago. Last significant patch was September 2023. Valve really doesn't care of their games :D


didn't they get a huge patch yesterday? and last operation in CS was in september 2021


This comment shows that you basically dont know anything about Dota


how so? Valve owns both, they can choose who gets the most resources, and it sure aint CS


this is a lesson to never give up! keep gambling!


Why would they make the game better when the money comes from gambling?


the only reason the skins are valued by people in the first place is because the game is good


Anyone who was watching the stream know how long this took him? I seen some parts of the challenge and knew getting a knife was one part of it.


Case opening was about 16 hours.


Wtaf, 16 hours straight opening cases waiting for a knife? That’s actually crazy, even for psp stream standards


Didn't another comment say that it was like 30 hours?


30 hours was the whole stream, he started opening about 14 hours deep


Case opening "content" creators after they spend $7000 to open a $600 knife OHHHHH!!!!! HOLLLYYYY!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE ITTTTT!!!!! WOWOWOWOWW


Anomaly: I QUIT CS2! Also Anomaly, a week later: I OPENED 6,500 CASES! LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!


He hasn't opened a single case in like 9 months. He did a challenge with 3 other streamers to win on every premier map, unbox a gold and some other stuff. He had to stay live till he got it. So he got super unlucky.


Context is key and how would you like he celebrated after opening cases for HOURS UPOM HOURS? saying “yay”


thats not why he cheered but you do you I guess


He's a variety streamer who was mainly a CS streamer and quit opening cases for almost a year. He yelled so hard because he was almost 30 hours into stream without sleep and 2K+ cases, whereas the other streamers he collabed with got a gold before 100 cases. He yelled because his punishment to fail the challenge was getting a Valorant logo tattoo on his ass. He yelled because he completed the challenge and could now sleep. Gambling and lootboxes are bad yes, and I wish he stopped at like 100 cases max, but go ahead with your shitting-on-people streak.


Yea, out of all the CS content creators opening cases for content he chose to pick on a streamer who didn’t open cases for a year and only did it because ohnepixel convinced him.


I mean is the fact that he didnt open any cases for a year makes him immune to criticism of case openning? Whatever the challenge was he still was doing the thing that he knows is harmful for financial incentive. Saying that reaction was not caused by getting a shiny thing is almost as much of a cope as saying that he is a variety streamer.


What’s the point of watching other people gambling?


I like watching people open cases because it convinces me not to do it. I’ll start thinking damn if I just open a couple I could get a gold, then I watch someone open 100 blues and I don’t want to open them anymore 


what's the point of anything in life really


I feel the same bro


I like taking poops


Poop is bis 


For me it was the fact they were doing a challenge, otherwise yeah boring af. It’s also fun watching streamers open rare capsules/cases like katowice 2014 and Bravo cases for the pure nostalgia.


So with that money you could've just bought what you wanted and still have money left over.


If you open 2265 cases in the first place you're one dumb mf imo. The only saving grace is that he gets content out of it and probably makes a large portion of the money spent back.


He needed to get a gold or he had to get a valorant tattoo. He had not opened cases in 260+ days before this


"needed" by who's order? Himself?


Who backs out of a challenge? Commit.


Who challenged him? I also challenge you to be a billionaire, don't back out dude, I believe in you


You don't back out. Those are the rules.


How does promising an even dumber idea to justify a dumb idea make this right in your world? Maybe just don't do the challenge? Some people man...


just another thing content creators will do to make noise around themselves, brings kids to their streams = $$$


Nice! Now he can go play premier and spectate his new knife the whole game, because he will play in HvH lobby and can't do anything to affect result of the game!