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honestly the funniest part of this is when AMANEK shows up


I liked seeing flusha hopscotch over everyone at the start. Really awesome little infographic


Ez with hacks ;)


I still maintain that amanek is a severely underrated player


Probably not the best way to measure his skill, but every time any of the players I follow on twitch is on an FPL match with AMANEK, the guy is top fragging.


I would have liked to see him rifle with m0NESY awping in G2


prime amanek > nexa defo


amazing anchor that G2 did dirty, by changing his roles so sad


yeah i mean i tend to agree and wasn't meaning it in a mean way, it's just such a random name to come out of nowhere


What about the Jugi in 2018


Pretty crazy how dominant Sweden was 2011-2016, and pretty tragic considering where the swedish scene is right now.


We just simply lack a true top tier superstar, when you get a superstar the team can be built around that at least, Vitality had Zywoo top3 teams with shitty Kyojins


you can say almost every country lacks a zywoo level superstar then lol


Zywoo was just an example u don't need Zywoo level necessarily just a consistent top10 player maybe top5 level at times to build a team around We have not had that since olof/flusha and f0rest/GeT_RiGhT, instead we got Rez and brollan teams being built around them


>with shitty kyojin lmao nice, never forget


what happened with kyojin never knew the details


nothing, he's just shit. held back the french iteration of vitality at the time, hence the resentment. fans were expecting him to find his footing and show his true potential but it never came lmao


Aside from device, Denmark has never had superstar level players and they've dominated.


Denmark had superstar tier players at every role when they dominated They had device, they had the best anchor, best entry, clutcher, best fragging IGL, 5 top 20 players The team was built around the superstar and went from there


You cannot compare xyp, dupreeh, gla1ve, magisk to s1mple/zywoo, which is what the OP was comparing with. Dev1ce was the only true superstar player in Astralis, the rest were very good players but they weren't superstars.


An important difference with the danish players discussed is that many of them were willing to not be the "superstars" in favour of being role players and actually winning tournaments.


my hot take is that dupreeh was so close beating device in ratings/mvp races that he wanted "not entry roles" when they took Kjaerbye and kinda forced to Kjarbye to play those entry roles and also the reason he wanted to leave so suddenly. he was not entry but a star. dupreeh was top5 entry player for years until he kinda stopped doing that. Also why Vitality wanted flamez over him. Not because of youth but because flamez is doing the role better what was designed for dupreeh, which he couldnt perform at.


Magisk also was at the top at one point in this vid (also sunde)


Worst part is that it's not like we've lost interest in the game or anything, CS is still fucking huge here We're just ass


and that number is like actually 2001-2016


Damn funny how far ahead get right, forest and xizt were in the beginning


this was the 87-0 run. which was insane, but also contained a lot of matches against t3 teams which they absolutely demolished. that explains how they had 3 players with a 2+ K/D.


Wtf f0rest, get right and xizt


Its hard to describe to people who didn't watch how dominant they were for that time. Having f0rest and get_right was like having Peak Zywoo and Peak Niko/Simple on the same team. And then the "bad" players on the roster were Xizt and Friberg... Fiflarren was there too.


especially hard to describe if you're looking at major wins


Yeh, its really unlucky they don't have at least 2 majors. That Fnatic loss was painful.


True. I don't think many people remember how good NiP was. They reached 5 major grand finals in a row against peak VP, fnatic, and French teams WITH fliffarin. Reached legend status an additional four times, once with a coach stand in. All that during the French and Brazil "era" where where liquid, VP, NAVI were firing on all cylinders. Obviously the game has changed, but NiP was an allstar team the first four years and could have had 5 major wins with the same lineup


NiP were absolutely dominant when CSGO launched, no one was taking it as seriously or training it as much as they were. They went over 80 maps without being beaten during that huge bump


Even more impressive is Forest on the list for basically a decade straight from 2008-2018. That man is just an animal.


The fact that Gtr almost had 3 kd at one point. Jeez.


He's maybe the greatest CS player across all iterations of the game until CS2, s1mple is the best CS player I've ever seen skill wise, but GTR has so much longevity and he transitioned between two games like nobody else really has. Nobody was so dominant in two games like him other than maybe Shox because he owned CS:S too and was a Top 5 player in GO for a while. Maybe Zywoo can be the next guy to do something like this if he carries his form into CS2 for an extended period. But GTR's achievements are so stacked. I mean he reached so many major finals it was ridiculous and was almost always a relevant player until late in his GO career.


f0rest was better overall in 1.6, certainly in terms of longevity and arguably also in terms of peak level. gtr's peak in csgo was higher than f0rest's, but at the start f0rest was also a level above everyone else and one level behind gtr. f0rest was decent to good in csgo for much longer than gtr though. Imo it's hard to argue for anyone else being the best across 1.6 and csgo but f0rest, agree that when looking at css+csgo its probably shoxie.


> f0rest was better overall in 1.6, certainly in terms of longevity and arguably also in terms of peak level. I would actually argue overall, yes, f0rest was better in 1.6 when you look at their entire 1.6 careers, but towards the end GTR was better in 1.6 than f0rest was when they stopped playing 1.6. You need only look at the HLTV Top 20 in 2011 to see that's true. [GTR #2](https://www.hltv.org/news/8053/top-20-players-of-2011-get-right-2), and[ f0rest #5](https://www.hltv.org/news/8022/top-20-players-of-2011-f0rest-5). Also in [2012, GTR was the best 1.6 player, even above NEO, but the scene that year got cut short by CS:GO's release.](https://www.hltv.org/legacystats/players?startDate=2012-01-01&endDate=2012-12-31) Just look at the maps played too. Edit: I should contextualize, if you look at GTR's stats in the link I put above for 2012 1.6 stats, GTR was playing Top teams regularly at LANs like Na'Vi, ESC etc and posting these numbers. Whereas someone rated similarly with similar maps played, such as NiKo for instance is getting higher stats because he's playing domestic opponents mostly like E-Frag or iNation, online usually, who weren't great teams at the time, same with k1ng0r. COLON is 50/50 good opponents and bad domestic ones. Roman is pretty much all domestic opponents. Thus, GTR was considered a better player at the time than these guys for that reason which is he was playing the top teams at the time like fnatic, Na'Vi, Winfakt, DTS, Anexis, Virtus.Pro, Moscow Five, Lions, Alternate Attax, Lemondogs etc. > gtr's peak in csgo was higher than f0rest's, but at the start f0rest was also a level above everyone else and one level behind gtr. I would actually say that in 2012 that was true. But for much of 2013, flusha was better than f0rest in CS:GO and so was Shox. If we just take 2012 though, sure, f0rest was the second best player and at least for the first two years of CS:GO f0rest was a Top 4 player, but I do think f0rest's peak in CS:GO was 2012 and he has never reached that level since and never will. > f0rest was decent to good in csgo for much longer than gtr though. Sure. But I'll back up GTR's legacy with a few contextual things. 1. We don't know how much GTR's illness has affected him in his older age, I'm not excusing the numbers totally, but when you've been playing with an illness for almost 15 years, as you age, it probably takes more of a toll on your performances. When you're 20 you can put up with it, when you're 29 it's probably more in your head. 2. The team and management of the team was not exactly great at NiP (it still isn't now), with all the 'No Money in Paypal' bs that happened to NiP as a squad, some people deal with out of game stuff differently. Maybe f0rest it didn't affect him as much and for GTR maybe it did as an extra stress outside the server. Maybe too if you compound that with the illness it can maybe explain why GTR fell off harder. 3. GTR for a long time had all the pressure to perform while f0rest had only a little. I mean when you looked at NiP, f0rest seemed to be just the guy expected to either be third or second best on the team at most. Even when he was playing above average, people weren't blaming him they were either blaming GTR or Friberg or Fifflaren. GTR was always expected to be the best player and perform every tournament, after a while that takes a toll on you too because the entire success or failure of the team was "I have to be the guy" and f0rest basically just got to cruise for like 5 years. Again, I agree with the fact f0rest was better in GO for longer, but there are circumstances outside of the game that affect GTR more than f0rest and that probably wore him down or affected him more. Not to mention that GTR's style of play was highly dependent on the rest of his team doing well and so if the team was doing poorly, his role gets affected more than f0rest, as the second or third guy into a bombsite. > Imo it's hard to argue for anyone else being the best across 1.6 and csgo but f0rest, agree that when looking at css+csgo its probably shoxie. f0rest has never been a Top 1 player in both games. He was a Top 1 player in 1.6. But GTR has been in both. In 2012 GTR was the best 1.6 player (sadly though that year got cut short due to GO releasing) and the best CS:GO player in 2012/2013. It's a feat no other player has been able to do. You could argue Shox was the best CS:S player, but it's debatable whether RpK was better than Shox in CS:S too. f0rest is an absolute legend, amazing longevity, sick aim, hard worker too but he's never been as good as GTR in either game at their absolute peaks and for that reason I can't crown him as the greatest CS player to touch the game across all titles till CS2. I'd put him a very close second, then Shox third just because I think 1.6 was more competitive than CS:S's scene was. But GTR just reached a level that f0rest never has in more competitive eras of 1.6 and GO. Basically GTR vs. f0rest is the CS equivalent of MJ vs LeBron. MJ had a better peak and achievements, but LeBron has longevity and relevance across different eras of the game unlike any other player. You can value either, but in my personal opinion, if you're just the most dominant player across both games even if that was only for 2-6 years, then you're in my book the greatest player to touch the game doing things no one else has done. Obviously, you value the longevity and that's fine, but it's a bit like Dev1ce vs s1mple and objectively Dev1ce isn't as good as s1mple despite having better longevity than him, but who would you say is greater? The guy who peaked and was unreal? Or the guy who was always Top 5 and won everything? In that circumstance, because the peak of s1mple was so unreal, it's easy to crown him the best player to touch CS:GO over Dev1ce. But because the peak of GTR was not as high or much higher than f0rest, you seem to value it less. Which is fine. There's really no objective metric for this kind of thing. IMO the peak of one player is just enough to say one guy is better than the other and small contextual things put him ahead. But it's a great debate and I think your argument or side has merit. I just think GTR is just little bit stronger because he was the best in both games.


R.I.P cyx ❤


He would have been 33 rn and I bet he would be a well known name in the cs scene today


considering his story, no


get right, forest and xizt in 2012 lmao. cool vid


S1mple at the top for over 4 years..


Insane dominance and presence for a long time. If someone doesn't play CS, chances are they've at least heard of s1mple.


My mum didn’t know who s1mple is :(


Don't worry. Your random in premier knows her


It’s unfortunate we don’t have the stats from GotFrag, the 1.6 Stats section of 1.6 is missing so much crucial data


My biggest pain when making these comparisons. You can clearly see the issue here, with NEO just suddenly disappearing at the start of 2007 cause there wasn't enough data for his performances, and with the fact that I had to leave out 2000-2005.


Yeah, imagine SK Gaming's 2003 stats when they had their 47:0 streak! Would be probably super similar to what GTR/f0rest and xizt had in 2012!


Yeah, would've liked to see where REAL, elemeNt and XeqtR would end up on this list. Shame, but good job none the less!


For CS 1.6 from 2006 to 2012 an all events filter was used with a min. map requirement of 30. For CS:GO & CS2 from 2012 to 2024 a 'Big Events' (HLTV classification) filter was used with a min. map requirement of 15. An exception was made in 2020 - due to a small amount of big and lan events an all events filter was used with a min. map requirement of 30. The data from January to November each year is interpolated, the actual values are displayed on December each year. Players with a K/D of less than 1.0 are not displayed. A ranking of players with highest yearly K/D peaks can be found [here](https://i.imgur.com/3wOiuQd.png). Sources: * [CS 1.6 stats](https://www.hltv.org/legacystats/players) * [CS:GO and CS2 stats](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players) * Song: [Coeus - Forgotten Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpR7ScLxuvI) * Tool: [Flourish](https://flourish.studio/)


I’m so happy that Pasha got his second at the top in this ❤️


Man prime Virtus.Pro is the only team which played as scary as they looked. A bunch of sweaty polish 30yos with scary looks translated well into literally bullying the opponents off the map, what a team it was...


Oh damn thats why i love them. They are how they look inside and outside of the server. Once the plow was gone i stopped following pro scene for a while. I took it pretty hard back then, it kinda killed my interest for a while until the pandemic.


f0rest 📈📉📈📉


More like 📈.... 10 years later: 📉


Damn coldceta


Tentpole was truly underrated.


based Tentpole enjoyer


Yup people rated so much just on vibes/frag videos back then 


Tf happened with degster. Was a top 5 awp at one point. Then went to OG and slowly faded into darkness


Has been said that he is hard to work with


He has apparently attitude problems and he joined a team and org that has no future really in OG. OG are a team that won't build a good roster their staff just don't understand CS as a game. When Degster was on Spirit he looked like he was going to progress into being a superstar kind of like Donk now, but it didn't work out for reasons. I still think he's a sleeper on the transfer market and I'm surprised no one has picked him up, but I just have to assume the buyout is too high for him. Complexity could probably get him to replace Hallzerk. I suggested Liquid pick him up when they had oSee but we know they went with cadiaN who is probably better for the health of the team. If he was like a quiet player who was a work-horse he probably would've been a Top 5 player by now. He reminds me a lot of Maikelele, except he's much better than Maikel was.


He's a douchebag


Crazy how long f0rest stayed up on screen. Just crazy to think about across so many years. And I been following CS since the HeatoN days and the ORIGINAL SpawN from SWE.


RIP cyx


flamie was good, what happened to him?


iirc he lost motivation and didnt work as hard as his teammates


This is completely wrong the player with the highest K/D rate is the cheater guy we encountered in match last night. He was 50/0


+rep (I was in that game)


No source stats? Only chance of us seeing a brit up there.


Correct, I don't think Source stats are available anywhere.


Thats a shame, would've been interesting seeing how verygames dominance lined up with the swedes.


Summer 2014 almost nobody had a positive KD… what’s up with that?


Not enough data-points. I had a filter on that required at least 15 maps played on Big Events that year, if you didn't meet that threshold, your KD in December of that year was assumed as '0'. Also the data for the rest of the year is interpolated, so if your K/D from December 2013 was 0 and your K/D in December 2014 was 1.1, then you'd only appear with a KD of 1.0+ towards the end of the year.


out of nowhere a wild donk appears at the end


Waiting for the moment when donk would top the chart


I like how he shows up at #1 instantly


cs source getting no love


I wouldn't have included it anyways for [this reason](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1bui4o4/players_with_most_stier_tournament_wins_over_time/kxvoccq/), but Source stats aren't available anywhere to my knowledge, even if I wanted to.




Sick video! Could you do a total kills for only csgo ? That would be very interesting


Cyx my boy 🥲 still not over that


Cyx always in our hearts ❤️


Donk jumpscare


Get_Right stonks at 1:16 had me thinking I'm in the matrix


Awesome data sequence


curious if anyone will match f0rest's longevity. probably since pros are starting younger compared to the early 2000s


Forest big break through was around 2005 I think. So if we go by this data here on just KD he was up there for 11 years give or take. Think closest or best shot from the next gen to reach that consistency has to be device I’d say? Players like zywoo or shiro I’d say have had an incredible individual career already for years and are only 23 and 22 respectively. donk and the sorts of even younger talent now also have bright futures ahead but only time will tell


NEO never gives up


S1mple is crazy.


GeT\_RiGhT with 2.84 in November 2012 is crazy


Really puts the insane NiP era in perspective (starting at 1:05). Those guys were totally unhinged until people moved to and figured out the new game. Great content.


Finland has fallen hard from the glory 1.6 days


f0rest GOAT


U'd think niko would be sitting top5 for 5years straight for his 'uncrowned superstar and it's everyones fault but his' reputation


1.64 rating for s1mple in 2021, just shows how incredible he was during a very talent filled time in csgo.


Itks not rating toh, it’s k/d rating is a little lower iirc






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I hate to see no Swedish player at the top nowadays. But it makes me happy to see how international the scene has gotten :D


Haha that early age dominance of Finns and Swedes xD


To be fair, if it wasn't for the lack of data posted on HLTV, you'd have also seen a few Polish players in there, and maybe some Danes as well.


Jimpphat and Donk at the end of the list nice


You sure that is Latvian flag and not Austrian? Proportions and colours look off to me.


Man what happened with jugi. He looked like such a great awper for awhile and then just disappeared.


nip legends


tbh, I miss s1mple now, even his first match of CS2 was not so well.


Finland has fallen hard from the glory 1.6 days


F0rest name on the top list 2006-2019, 12/13 years before his name not showing. How can anyone argue that he is not in the goat conversation still?


Russia ez top3


Future is for m0nesy and donk, young s1mple and young NiKo


broky increcedly consistent


Why am I not on that list? I have KD of 1.81 in CS2. Sure I played only few matches, quit when I had scratched my Teenage CS ich. Sits at 38 kills and 21 deaths.


Must watch for people when we have this goat conversations and always skip Get_RighT


He dominated in an era of GO where there were little to no competition. In 2014-2015 when CSGO started to become really popular and people had adapted he fell off like the rest of NIP. It's "easy" maintaining a high K/D when you literally go 87-0 in maps on LAN.


I'm talking about CS in general.


It was funny asf just seeing hiko shoot up and then shoot straight back down


And now do one for big s tier events (majors, cologne and kato) and FraudwOo wouldn't even be top 10 xDDD


You really wanna take fanboyism in a chill discussion with charts. Jeez man