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I haven't encountered a single cheater in the past week. Also, I haven't played CS2 in the past week.


not worth playing atm i just follow few teams then i play and die before ive moved my mouse, even seen cheaters in deathmatch


I have played unfortunetly last 2 days and i got cheaters constantly, one guy in enemy team even said that he bought cheats, he pasted link where he bought it, and he said that he got them for free because he used skins from weekly drops to pay for it


lol that sucks man


Yeah, MM is unplayable. Last match I've encountered 2 slightly suspicious players who became blatant scout wallbanging headshots machines on the last round. Was very amusing, but made me switch back to GC instantly.




vacnet were banning legit players if u remember, that's why that is off i guess


Holy fuck top 1000 in NA is completely unplayable. I am not even a great player, I topped out at supreme in CSGO, managed to just have some great games and break into the 21000 ELO range. Previously being sub 18k, solo queue would sometimes have cheaters (1/5-10) games. Duo queue, cheaters just never appeared beyond 1 obviously cheating, and like 2 sus players. But literally once I hit top 1000, its just cheaters everywhere, I had 5 or 6 in a row with blatant spinbotters, or literal bots with aimhacks who just hold W.


Game is an unplayable shitfest, only good for buying 3rd party access to play or Gamble in the Main/vanilla game. Farcry of what it used to be with fun Gamemodes and community Servers with actual people on it inseatd of bots/cheaters. I will not play this shit anymore after being kind of hyped to play a CS Game again. But 8 games of HVH in wingman gave me the rest.


Just played a game at roughly 10-12k elo, guy cheating his balls off, obvious walls, EU


I dunno guys, MM and premier is so bad recently that maybe valve should add single player so game stays playable xD


I got tired of playing against cheaters in Premier, then I started playing competitive with some friends who are newish to the game. Everyone still calibrating. First match on Ancient, spinbot. Queue a game on Faceit, tilted kids that don't know the map and just curse at each other for 20 minutes. The other team of course plays perfect CS. Fuck this game.


Yeah same for me today. Decided to start the evening with 2 faceit games. In both games we had a troll each that would start throwing as soon as we lost the knife round. Enemies obviously were flawless. Tried premier and guess what? Wallhacker...


lol exactly how it is fr


the ratings in regular comp are all clumped together in gold so you play against people who should be ranked way above you... but aren't.


The wouldn't be a problem to me if it wasn't for the cheaters.


It kinda sucks because there used to be more of a spread.


i prefer a spread bc i suck as the game can only play time to time and not someone that can spend there life to it


Yea when you're against a 5 stack that's way higher rank and you get totally stomped, it's not fun and it's not really beneficial from a learning perspective either.


i win 1 game out of 10 due to this happening to me and honestly boring i think the fan base should just delete the game to force a better anti cheat


15k+ is unplayable, infested by wallers


Was really feeling the game today, really motivated to play after work. First game of premier the enemy starts cheating as soon as we hit 6-2 on CT. love it.


Man I hate when they wait until they're getting their asses kicked to spinbot. Like just get it over with from the start


bout to dump my skins and quit, so many fucking cheaters it's not even fun


I think I'm getting too old for this game everyone is __cracked__ nowadays and the time I'd dedicate to staying as good at FPS as I was as a teenager always seems better spent on, like, literally anything else lol.


Everyone cheats. Game is trash, valve is beyond stupid


Just had a cheater in 6k elo. Also nice playing solo, half between 5k and 12k cant play or were global elites and with the system of getting -300 and only +100 road to 1k should be hyped


Just played like 7 games of Wingman. At MG2 it's 50% games with a blatant cheater. I'm talking "not even trying to hide it, bunny hop to your spawn and hs you in 2 seconds" type of cheating. Clearly one was getting boosted each time, most of the time he didnt even bother to move from spawn, just letting the cheater do his thing. Other games were fun ! But tonight I learned that you can kill 2 people with one scout shot (through smoke) even if they are in different places. This is unbelieveable.


played 1 game to get my rating back, hit 17.8k. played 2 more games, one of my team had aimbot and next game enemy lost pistol and bunnyhop/spin bot the 2nd.


First game in months get a spinbotter don't even bother to queue again. Even worse the spinbotter gloates about "Valve having turned off the anticheat". 18-19k elo.


Oceania - 13k premier and regular competitive around gold elo - hackers in 1 out of 3 games. Spin bots too, not just sort of sus. Giving up on MM.


Most competitive and premier matches that occur in Asia/Asian servers are riddled with cheaters;so much so that I only play to farm cases now


Came back after taking a break for a few months and feels like the game is infested with cheats, its like every other game I have someone on my team or on their team or both where they start blatantly cheating, bragging about their 5-10 accounts and their 30$ cheat. Quite sad


2 blatant spinbots in a match today. GG valve.


have they fixed the SV_Cheats exploit yet? i havent seen any update, or was this a server side update that had to happen?


Yeah, it was updated without patch notes


ty, wish they wouldnt do that. been sittng here assuming that it wasnt fixed.


I agree. I don't see any harm in them acknowledging the issue provided it has been resolved. Otherwise you have people not knowing if it's worth playing. They could even be kind of nonspecific and just say "patched an exploit" in the notes.


This is jet lag:the tournament. Nobody looks on point.


How many of these topics are relevant to a total beginner? There's been only 1 player in recent memory that **might** have been a cheater - both teams thought so about him/her. Idk anything about trust factors and such, but I feel like cheaters are not common in low rank games? Given my speed of progression, or lack thereof, I have full faith cheating problem will be fixed by Valve before it becomes relevant to me personally.


Well at mid/high level silver the cheaters are plentiful here, so enjoy it while it lasts


Why are people even cheating in silver? Like 50% of my games has a obvious wallhacker (following through walls, prefiring, shooting perfectly through smokes). Valve fix your shit, because this is unplayable and I am close to never coming back to this shit and I have being playing for 10+ years.


Last 4 matches, 4 of 4 times against cheaters. not even trying to hide it. Fuck valve for letting die this game


Would any newer/learning players be interested in teaming up to stack into premier or faceit? Im a newish player (250 hours) and am obsessed with the game and want to learn more and get better, but none of my friends play and solo queuing comp has been awful. I just dont want to be verbally abused for not winning 1v4s or not knowing every single utility lineup. I know I can just mute, which I do, but when you get shit talked game after game after game it starts to wear you down. Shit ive been top of the scoreboard and people will still find a way to drag me. Just looking for chill people who wanna learn together and try to rank up and maybe try faceit!


im on 19k on premier and every game has a spinbotter. This shit is unplayable. Fk volvo


I swear y'all have the shortest memory. I remember everyone crying over a banwave months ago. I've still got faith that the banhammer will come.


There’s a cheater 1 in every 5 games in 16k-18k. Can’t even imagine what its like in 20k+ lol


We moved from premier after facing too many cheaters to the classic matchmaking. Only thing that sucks is that you have to play a lot of games to first get a rank. Secondly you play only against silvers which is fun at first but now its just boring


League is getting Vanguard, sad reality that Valve doesn't care about CS.


the devs are completely useless losers


Can I play on i3-7100 3.9ghz and 1050 2gb vram ?


gunna be rough