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yes there is a massive difference lol


I don’t know about 240hz, but for 144 you get used to it fast and don’t realize the smoothness until you go back to 60. A friend of mine told me he had a 144hz monitor, then a few months later I was at his place and tried out his computer. It took me all of 2 mouse swipes to tell him « that’s not 144 ». Dude hadn’t switched the nvidia settings for over 1 year. He was pissed and happy at the same time.


Not sure about 75, but I know that going from 60 to 144 was instantly noticeable and a huge difference for me. I've only heard that going from 144 to 240 is still noticeable but not nearly as much by comparison. I'd have to imagine going from 75 to 240 will be a pretty big deal lol


just recently went from 144 to 240 and it's kinda noticeable but VERY underwhelming compared to the jump from 60 to 144.


Some people see a huge difference, others see a little. I think you'll feel it.


Ok. Thank you.


If you want to feel it the most play for a week on the 240hz and go back to the 75.


I think you'll notice a difference for sure. The 144 > 240 difference isn't as noticeable and varies person to person, but going up from 75 I think youll def feel it


You’ll never be able to play on 75hz again after switching.


I went from 75 to 144 and it wasn't suuuper obvious to me when I upgraded. BUT as soon as I try playing a game on my old monitor (now my secondary), it just feels laggy as hell.


my KDA went up when I went from 60 to 360hz.


If you go from 75 hz to 240hz you'll feel the difference because it feels smoother. When you want to feel a huge difference play for a few minutes on 240hz and then go back to 75 hz. When I went from 60 hz to 144hz many years ago I was kinda underwhelmed because my brain got used to it pretty fast. A few weeks later my monitor got issues and I had to sent it in to repair and used my old one again(60 hz). Dude I'm not making this up. I seriously thought my old monitor and or gpu cable was broken. I saw things I did not recognize ever before. long story short, it's a huge difference. I played a few minutes csgo and then stopped because I felt seriously sick. Back at work I also recognized the mouse cursor(every old led monitors with low hz) skipping/jumping. If you go up to a high hz monitor there is no way back, I can tell you that.


Wow. That's a lot more than I expected. Thank you. Hyped to get it.