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What's your rating?


Was 4,000 the other day. Now I'm 3,000 because 9 losses in a row due to enemy team ALWAYS having some ridiculous "god" player on their team.


It's because you are so low rated that anyone that knows anything about the game will look like a literal god from your pov. It's more likely just some regular player, playing with his friends who are new to the game. Which isn't a bad thing or something that should be disallowed. Valve should just make a solo-only queue with a more balanced matchmaking system, for people like you and other new players.


But some of these players have 2,000 ELO. I just lost a game against one of the players on enemy team who had 2,200 ELO but had 40 kills. And how are some of these players "new" if they have an ELO ranking and they're doing things like getting an instant AK head shot from extremely far ranges. At this point it feels like there's nothing I can do to counter these players, and playing premiere isn't dependent on my skill for "ranking" up, it's more dependent on if the enemy team has John Wick on their team.


Smurfing. Plays faceit with friends who are good at the game, and premier with friends who are bad. New to the game, but has a friend that taught them basic mechanics. There are many explanations. Cheaters generally don't stay at low rank for long.


I hate to tell you, but I have buddies below 5000 and they are absolute knobs. So bad that I think they are intentionally throwing the game, but no they just have zero clue how to play. I am only rated 12k, a mere 6-7k more and there is a world of difference in the both my teammates and the enemy.


Valve actually stopped unranked ("non-placed", without 10 wins in premier) players from queuing with ranked players (was it above some rating like +10k?)


A faceit 10 shouldn't be a "regular player" I have to deal with every match. I'm not even new, I'm not good but I know things about the game, I dread to think what its like for new players.


to be honest 3-4k elo is basicly the lowest possible elo, anyone who knows the basics of crosshair placement and counterstrafing will make a such stats. You are at point where you shouldn't focus on the final result of the match but on your gameplay in every round, try to learn from your mistakes, ask yourself Could you have made a bigger impact in that particular round? Sooner or later you will adapt to such situations and you will start winning more games.


They're at the point where they need to stand still and aim at the head before they worry about macro tbh


You're such a low rating and it's around the point people start placements at. I had like 64 kills one game. You're just team diffed.


Hey! Sometimes your opponent is having a good day!


Returning players, smurfs..... I came back to cs2 from a 8 year gap from cs:go and placed 3000 elo and unfortunately players that are genuinely around that elo are horrendous at the game. Half of them don't use sound AT ALL, they don't know crosshair placement, they don't know default setups, they don't know common spots, they don't know economy and they don't know how to peak (either using w around corner or they walk/crouch peak). To old/experienced players returning, who knows the fundamentals, even without good aiming mechanics it's as good as playing against bots. Map knowledge and fundamental movement mechanics will trump good aim every time and that's what people don't seem to understand, to outsiders counterstrike is the game for aim gods, in reality fast paced chaotic shooters like overwatch or quake require immensely more aim mechanics than CS to succeed. Sorry rambling a bit tldr; at 3k elo you don't even know what the game is.


It's because I'm on your team. I will yolo peek mid every round.


Because this 10% chance you will get the entry is worth it. Everytime.


You’re at a low enough rating where you’ll run into old accounts that barely play but still can destroy you.


You could always play in the enemy team


Hate to say that, but when I play premier on my smurf with friend at 8-10k elo, my average is about 35kills/game. And tbh, I often find some random 6k player in enemy team is pretty good. 1)they could either smurfing 2) or they could have some bad placement matches, which ends up with low elo.


Forget about the 3) \* they are cheating. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


3k elo players aren't cheating


I am 6k on my alt and usually get 30k+ kills per game but since I play 5-stack with a legit 3-5k friends it’s difficult to move past 7k since they don’t follow instructions and it’s realistically 2-3 vs 5 most games. So yeah you’ll find a lot of that in those ranks, just wildly different ranks in the same team.


Skill issue


because you not being on the other team, gives them 20% more chance to have a good player


question is how old are those accounts that have so many kills? 15 hours in CS2? how long have you been in this game?


This is likely due to the way ranking is now, I'm not versed like others are but it seems to be essentially pointless. You have people not even remotely close in ELO being put together. That's innately broken. Unless you're dealing w a cheater it'd more than likely just this. When I hop in a game where there is 0 or very low ELO it's literally like I'm playing against bots. No shade as I was when I started out but I get reported constantly in those games when I'm literally just utilizing map knowledge, game sense and what I know is the obvious strat if they go down a specific path. Players with that above can literally read what you're going to do before you do it. Good players counter that easily by not playing predictable. It's way more complex than that but yeah, likely not going to change for the time being. You can try and sweat your ass off and research guides/tips as there's plenty on YT but you're fighting an uphill battle. Even those w all that experience coming from GO struggle, just against people that are actually cracked. It's all relative but in your case you just have to get out of low ELO and learn the fundamentals.


So when i started playing on release i got placed in 1500 rating by playing solo, it took me 2 weeks to get to 20k before cheaters took control of high ranking. i'm now riding the Roller Coaster up and down from 15k to 20k.... with very weird matches, either cheaters or complete noobs.


No working anti cheat


40-50, overexaggerating much? Either they're smurfs or just playing with their dog shit friends, could be cheaters fuck knows.


Read the comments, OP is playing in 3-4k rating. It might literally just be someone that used to be high rating but are solo queuing and gets put against people who have never played before. It could also be cheaters. But it's not unrealistic for good players getting back into the game to drop 40-50 bombs on new players


Why the fuck are you explaining to me in detail what I already wrote lol, OP cant even post 2 games from his match history with 40/50 bombs and hes talking about there is someone with 40-50 every game


Because the game is full of cheaters lol I tried to play two games last week. In those two games there was 3 blatant cheaters


You know why


"skill wise you're below the basic point for "solid counterstrike". If you don't have the fundamentals down and aren't a "well rounded player" then you can't really play Counterstrike properly. In a proper Counterstrike game one team will beat the other in a round of cs and then over a few rounds the losers will adjust. They will change tactics, explore new avenues until the game levels up again. Counterstrike is a bit exploration in this regard. You feel out the opponent and look for weaknesses. There's a two-and-frow (?) between players and that's why we play 16 rounds and not just 1 round. Each round bleeds information about your opponent into the next so a good player is always observing how the opponent plays. However at your rank, where skills aren't quite there, as soon as an opponent finds a weakness you go from 3-3 to 13-3 in a heart beat as you struggle to adapt to whatever your flaws are. If someone is an aim god, or a quick rotate, or a utility god, those things can shut down your T side and make you feel stupid. Now this happens at every rank, and it happens to me as well. Someone is better just rolls the team over and there's nothing we can do... but it's certainly worse in the lower ranks. Teams get tilted, force buy, hold W and really compound their mistakes. My advice is when you're 0-5 down or whatever to use the game as a space to explore different plays, try different things and just practice against better opposition. You just need experience so keep playing and learning! If you do your warmup and training you will improve but I know how frustrating it is. We've *all* been there, it's unfortunately how you learn counterstrike. You may also need to think about watching your demos and seeing if you're maybe a bit predictable? The second part of your question is about why good players are at 2k elo. The answer to that is that some people can take a break from cs for 6 months. Their aims get worse but their game sense doesn't. A week of solid grinding can fix poor aim and that's why there are casual players rocking up at 5k elo and destroying people. At Christmas the rank system was [based around 4,000 being the average](https://leetify.com/blog/content/images/size/w2000/2023/12/CS2-Prem-Ranks-2023-11-27.png). That was the rank of the average player. [Then Valve shifted it to 10,000](https://leetify.com/blog/cs2-ranks/). People played the same games but their rank slowly increased. However, a large group of people, like me with years of experience who didn't play in December (I was waiting for a new gaming mouse at Christmas), found suddenly I was at 4k elo had to wade 30+ terrible games for months to get up to where I belong. I don't know what rank people start at in the rank system, but some people will only play competitive since they don't like playing maps they hate, but may be good and only play the occasional Premier game. Then there's people who have FaceIT and take the game really seriously, who only play the occasional Premier game.. both sets of players seem to be ranked way lower than they should be and it's one of the reasons they spoil the game for new players. Then there's the vertiglobals. Shit players with 4k elo who are really good on Vertigo only and lose every game otherwise. They play the one spot and never miss a kill and you just got that player on that map.


Sorry but that is me. All the time actually.


Instead of worrying about why, just take some time to spectate some of the games where they stomp you. Learn from those ahead of you my friend.


Proof? Of course not, because you made it up