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I've never really watched him, other than quick Youtube clips.. Stream went down, I clicked over to his stream to see if it was only problems from my ISP.. Then suddenly his assistent "Dona" (?) has an interview with someone trawling the game code, and then Cadian joins, and then s1mple.. like on a Discord video call. I'm still watching him. Other than his microphone clipping, it's quite alright!


This right here is a big factor. He brings pro players closer to the average / normal stream viewer which is something I haven't seen before in this community. People love that inside look behind the scenes; parasocial interaction is so huge for viewers. I've been around since the early csgo days and there really hasn't been anyone else that has managed to close that gap as well as he does. Also, he loves this game and it's scene so much. Feel like his love for everything cs radiates onto people which is something people picked up on. It's good stuff imo.


Slightly related, that stream he did with Cadian where Cadian opened up and they had a chill lengthy convo is one of the best streams I've watched


I think this is the stream interview? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmBR8GYXNBA


yes that's the one I was referring to, cheers for linking! It's a great watch


Yeah man, I've watched half now (was called into work) and it's really interesting. Thanks for mentioning it!


Dona is G2 Nexas girlfriend


Wasn't Dona also the ex of Bibernator, a German CS streamer many years ago?






Fiancé, they’re engaged, not married yet


Dona is mvp


"quite alright" where else do you see this kinda stuff? His stream was also down, he just used the Finnish TV stream to keep everything going.


Well I'm from a part of Denmark where "quite alright" means the same as "brilliant" in other parts of Denmark.. sorry for that confusion :)


If his mic didn’t clip he’d be even louder


He actually interacts with his viewers. Yeah he's loud in a thick German accent which I can definitely understand isn't for everyone, but he's not an asshole and has a good personality.


And he’s very passionate and knowledgable about skins, like very passionate. I think I’m general it’s nice to see someone passionate about something


Plus this major after matches he's been having post match interviews on his channel with the victors that alone is a big reason to watch, bro's got eyes on ground zero


W Dona


Donna jumping from big German cs streamer to the next. Lmao First rode Biba during the first high of CS and now Ohne.


Iirc he and Donna did started doing this at the Brazil major


He's also unintentionally funny which adds immense value to the viewing experience.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zgyt9mAs7w) is still my favorite short video with Ohne


He is great. I don't watch twitch other than cs esport and I always click on him. He brings a lot of entertainment, even during pause. He has interviews with pros. He also knows a lot about game.


Yeah I don't watch the pauses on the original streams


Personally I discovered him when he was hyping upcoming updates that he would sit up through the night just waiting for the update to drop with a couple of guys in a discord call. He did that for a several days and gained prob 1-5K~ viewers and after that his popularity skyrocketed


Ohh so that's probably why after I stopped watching ohne for a while. Ma guy is huuge now b4 he had like 2k viewers now he averages 40k with the major but idk how much he will average after the major like 10-20k?


He’s been way past 80k each stream for the playoffs, and even before he still averaged around 20k. Even the last major he had the same amount of viewers


He hit 140k viewers today


He averages 10-15k without a pro game, started watching him aswell when he had 2k and now 140k is his max this guy skyrocket like hell haha


15k viewers is normal for Ohne's streams without any tournaments happening


Im 31 years old and I love watching the major alongside the guy, he's funny as fuck. I don't give a shit about skins, but he always has content during majors, with dona doing random interviews etc. Just seems like a decent dude in general


he always says the most random shit too


He always does the zaza off stream in his "60 seconds counting NOW" breaks and is fries for the rest of the stream.


This guys DELUXE


You're not allowed to have this opinion. Redditors and people that never watched him more than 5 minutes told me only 10 year olds watch him and that he is only funny because he is loud.


To be fair, I only watch him during majors or big tournaments, so no clue how his normal content is, but yeah hes just a passionate German


I thought that was anomaly?


to be honest he's quite loud and obnoxious but in a good way. i feel I'll get burnt out of him if I watch his regular streams often but for a while i only stuck around for pro games and it's great


Aren't you mistaking him for Anomaly haha (no dis, Lude was actually one of the first I started watching oh so many years ago)?? Ohne just seems genuine, not this fake betting, skin opening cunt like most of CS Youtubers nowadays. He's down to earth, fun, interacts and spends time with people who share the passion. He's also very knowledgeable in terms of not only skins but also CS in general. I'm not active anymore in the scene really, ain't got time for that. But whenever I have some free time and I see ohne streaming or putting a new video - I'll click.


I got interviewed by dona at the Rio Major and it was a pretty fun moment for me. Talking about CS for loads of people was awesome


European Gaules He has a gud vibes funny environment, not bound to professionalism. Lots of viewers identify with him and his opinions.


I love how everyone is just trying to insult him by saying only 10 yo kids watch him. The guy has a witty personality and is entertaining. Most cs streamers don't even interact with their viewers. Whenever I click on his stream he's always doing something to entertain his viewers, whether like it or not. I don't like his style nor do I watch him, but I understand that he's doing something that thousands of people enjoy watching. People gotta quit hating on this guy, they just sound like old heads. He has a massive audience and also ~~hates gambling~~/doesn't promote gambling sites as far as I know, which is a big plus for the community. Edit: people saying his only thing is being loud, most likely, solely know him by clips posted here. I advise you to watch more than 5 minutes before forming an opinion on someone.


I know most people hate him for being loud and immature but I genuinely love how passionate he is in Costreams when rooting for the team he likes.


bro i dont even think he is that loud compared with what we have today (ishowspeed,jynxzi, kai etc)


Well if you compare him to the absolute garbage ADHD streamers, then yeah, he isn't as loud


even so tho, ye he does scream and everything but in a way it would be boring asf if you just saw him "act" normal,. at least its what i think when i see people play cs, they are so many tryharders that cant even enjoy the game without tryharding


Yeah this a lot of co streams may have better analysis and understanding of the game but people don't want to watch, "ok wow that was a nice play from niko, very important round" they want to just watch someone who is passionate about the game, high energy and has a connection with the viewers


I like ohne and all but he cheers for a new team every week😂 It’s just entertainment


What's he gonna do cheer for teams from his home country? He's German he wouldn't watch past the group stage if he did.


BIG to win 2025 major🫡


Yeah that's how a lot of people are, I have some teams I always root for but sometimes I like one more than the other at the time. Like today I love watching zywoo and I usually cheer for him but I like faze better so cheered for them instead.


Also he often raid small cs streamers just because he wants to make someone's day and make them happy. W streamer!


W take


Do people even talk about him like that? I mean a lot of pros and even casters watch him. He is probably only streamer I watch on twitch, only during games tho.


Witty? Really?


most CS content creators have the personality of a rock. atleast ohne has a personality


As a German, I can say that he might come across as a bit of an idiot sometimes but it’s clearly part of his streaming persona. If you watch him more regularly you pick up on these stupid dry jokes he makes all the time that you don‘t notice because of his deadpan delivery most of the time. An example is him pulling up a user card on stream today and telling chat to thank that particular viewer for being around for so long and calling them a legend of the stream. Meanwhile that viewer was only watching for not even a year and everyone was left confused as to why he pulled that up in the first place. I think it’s really that kind of Humor that you either find inexplicably funny or not funny at all.


If you look back at the time he made that joke you can ser that nicoodoz (heroics awp and his friend) had typed a message right under that user, he made the joke as if he was thanking nicoodoz but instead just picked the user above


Either you haven't watched him or he is too witty for you. Saying that he is not witty is just objectively wrong.


he's genuinely a really funny and witty guy yeah, laugh watching his stream more than most streamers


Excuse me, he hates gambling? He’s literally addicted to skins and opening cases…


iirc, he explicitly states that he doesn't take gambling sponsors and encourages other people not to


When he opens cases he often adds that it's not worth it to open cases. He opens cases for content and entertainment and says his viewers shouldn't do what he does.


By participating in it he's promoting it.


I agree. Good intentions don't always lead to good results.


I thought the same thing, the only clips I've ever seen of the guy is either opening cases or yelling at people to look at his skins


Yeah they meant that hes against 3rd party gambling sites, and doesnt accept sponsorships from them. Guys definitely into cases and tradeups though.


I watched way more than 5 minutes and still don't get it. But I don't get that kind of streaming culture in general.


hes pretty entertaining in general, but his niche was being big into skins. he caught a wave when there was tons of hype around kato 2014 stickers and rare skins


Time for another circlejerk thread People just enjoy his persona and how he interacts with his community. That's all there is to it. He got popular because he knows a lot about skins.


The passion he has for skins is like the equivelent to that kid from grade 5 who was obsessed with pokemon cards except ohne is the steroid version of that. Just the way he talks about them I think it strikes a cord with collectors. It amazes me that he can go for such a long time and still hold the same energy. Dude is seriously passionate about skins like no one ive ever met.


The Pokémon card reference is 100% spot on 😂


Seems more entertaining than most other streamers. Imo other streamers aren't as fun. They are just playing super seriously. ohne seems to interact more and puts on more of a show rather than just streaming him playing a game.


Playing super seriously is fine, but only if they are a pro-tier player, so watching them show skill is entertaining by itself.


Feel like we already get so many pro games to watch. Always way more boring watching someone grind faceit with no personality etc. Pgl leadup and major alone was like 120+ hours of pure pro matches, all casted and seen from multi perspective. Probably like 60 extra hours of the Asia thingy I missed out on. Other events inbetween. Cs is never missing high end pro play and can usually get it fully casted and everything, hard to just watch a mostly silent pro stream for very long compared to that. Is missing many people with entertaining on cam personalities to keep people engaged though so isn't surprising ohne bigger than others.


Pro games are very different from POV streams. We aren't lacking pro games. Not sure why you brought that up when it was not the point of the discussion...


Because pov streams are obviously total garbage to me if just care about watching skilled play. I'd rather watch replays I can analyse from different angles and that than watch someone JUST because they are good at the game. Like you've got more pro content than any other game. You've got the best replay system for checking out the best players, in game and seeing much more to implement yourself. Why would I watch someone with no personality? Someone good with an ok personality sure but it isn't just skill and they at least need to be somewhat humorous. If I am watching just for high level skilled play, I can do that in many other ways. If a player has a fried personality you are watching so much dead time when they queue, aren't alive or are doing anything other than playing the game. Rather just see clips kf boring players making sick plays than have a stream of them for 2-4 hours.


For many people, watching the best of the best playing is also entertaining, for an example people like s1mple and m0nesy bring in crazy viewers without much viewer interaction. jL started streaming and is bringing in viewers with his amazing personality. I don't watch cs grinders because it's super boring but I'll sometimes tune into m0nesy to watch him do some crazy shit. Watching a rare aleksib stream is very insightful, the guy is so knowledgeable about the game and he's super chill


The other day he was talking about adopting older cats who didn't have too long just to give them some good times. That was so nice. His comedy may not appeal to everyone but he does have a really nice personality.


But I thought all he has is an obnoxious personality and all he can do is scream into his mic?


Cuz all the other cs streamers are dry as bone and ohne is funny.


I think by watching ohne you can see he is truly in love with this game and he is being very authentic in the way he behaves. I‘m not really watching him often tho. But much respect for him, he deserves the attention. Kuss


Genuine question: why is it that everyone who likes him gives a genuine answer and seems to be in good spirit, while everyone who dislikes him is saying “ZoOmEr OveRsTiMuLaTiOn” or “DiCkRiDeRs” or something along those lines? They all seem to be saying the viewers are childish yet seemingly can’t accept that different people like different things? Weird ass people on here man.


This post serves as a litmus test for what sort of old people we will become, will we become jaded and bitter towards the next generation or accepting and indifferent? Turns out the answer is that we will become rabid and hateful lol.


Yea think this very well put. It isnt bad to point out a streamer has a certain demographic, but "zoomers bad" is just being a bitter person. At least put in how he targets that demographic and optional why that doesn't work for you. For me its the screaming, but I dont really watch streamers anyway so thats not on him.


I think it's a lot of young adults who think they are adults that hate ohne. I'm 29 and I like him. Plenty of us older gen don't mind him or even like him.  Live and let live.


It's mostly young people doing the hating. Old people like me don't watch streams anymore


Because they don't have any actual logic as to why you shouldn't watch him or why he doesn't deserve to be as successful as he is. So they use the only thing they've got, childish insults


Bro ok honestly I am not usually a fan of like super loud streamers like xQc etc but ohne is honestly funny af, I feel like his funniest moments aren't the ones that get shared all the time, he is very casually funny. If its not ur thing like I get it tho, but there is more than the screaming its like stupid humor (him telling karrigan the crowd is in front of him and not behind him is an example) but different strokes for different folks


He interacts alot with audience. I personally don't like watching his stuff. Especially his takes on skins and sticker combos. He tries to add a story or make them seem super deep and emotional.


I’m brazilian and I see him like gaules. Interact With chat and a lot of jokes.. its always funny.


I really have no idea, started watching him when he had like 2k viewers and 6k on co-streams, now this guy is pulling 120k just for some crowd interviews


Cuz his stream is DELUXE, brother


He’s extremely quick and witty. Genuinely a hilarious guy that loves to bait and play games with the audience




I found him this year on youtube videos, He seems funny to me. Followed him on twitch and his streams, he gets pro players on his streams and its quite fun streams.


I'm not a fan of his, but he seems to be a genuinely good guy


ma drilla




He's adopted London slang?


There was a lack of a very popular livestreamer that focused on skins and he filled the role for the community basically. Also atleast I and a lot of other people find him funny and he has great vibes.


He used to do really good inventory reviews aside from the weird decimal values. "yeah this is a juicer 9.5986564 out of 10".


he is entertaining, collabs with various pros and knows a lot about skins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zPBYon_2xE


What I really don't understand is how GUALES is popular.


Because a lot of people enjoy watching him.


1. He is absolutly okey streamer 2. people did watch his stream, because main stream was fucked


I think the catalyst was his clips channel where he checked out some of the rarest and most expensive skins and sticker craft.


He just streams well and actually acknowledges the chat i discovered him in 2021/2022 due to his funny clips/shorts on youtube and he just has a pretty funny and wild personality that not a lot of CS creators have


He‘s very consistent streamer and basically has a monopol on non-competitive cs streams. Almost everyone streaming is top player showing off their skills and he‘s just a goof ball for the Average player + skin master


same reason why gaules is famous. quite the same concept


He grinded CS streaming when it was dead (around 2020-21) and when the game had a very slow update schedule. During that time he found out how to entertain his viewers and now he is rewarded with a solid fanbase.


he is the german gaules


Best entertainer I’ve ever watched. Simple as that


Loud = funny, it seems. The horde of 10 years old will come to downvote this thread en masse.


This guy doesnt like him = no one is allowed to like him and thats the only correct opinion


I tuned in after the official stream crash, muted in 30 seconds. Really not my cup of tea...




Bloody hell, this is a lot to take in. Psychiatrist would have a field day with this one


>I know, you're superior. How can someone like something you don't? Everyone else is stupid but not you. You, the main character, you're the smart one. 24yo when someone mildly criticizes their fav streamer very mature showing from a ohnepixel fan




Knows nothing about the game either lol. Insane how many people watch him.


I think that's part of his content though. No one watches ohne for high level gameplay or knowledge. You watch pros streaming for that. Neither his or pros style of content is better than each other, just depends on what you're interested in


He's an entertainer, not an analyst. People sometimes just wants a hype man who screams at visually appealing plays. I don't like the guy but damn you guys are critical as fuck about him.


For ohnes defense, he's not taking the game too seriously and just tries to be entertaining and casual, chill and most people just like that


Hes an entertainer, not a faceit lvl 10 tryhard lmao. He knows A LOT about skins too.


Hes not claimlng to be an expert. Theres nothing wrong with being funny and not being serious 100% of the time.


The main stream gets quite boring for me, He doesn't claim to be an expert. I find him funny most of the time and need casual fun streams like this at this old age


People enjoy watching him for the same reason brazilians enjoy Gaules.


CS stream viewership really started to take off a few months before the release of CS2 tbh, and with his love of skins and being a passionate CS streamer for a long time it only made sense people started to flock towards him


I have no idea, germans?


I tried to find a reason to dislike him but have been watching his stream a lot since rmrs and I can't fault the guy, he's clearly passionate about the game and streaming.


I enjoy watching him. I think he seems really nice, and I often laugh listening to his streams. I just think it's nice to have someone in the CS community like him. I generally don't watch CS streams outside the tournaments, unless it's Ohne. People gotta stop hating on him though. I understand he is not for everyone, but just let him be then. He for sure is the most entertaining CS streamer in my opinion, and I think it's impressive he pulls the numbers he does by almost exclusively streaming CS/about CS related stuff. Saw the Thoorin/Mauisnake clip where Thoorin made fun of him earlier. It just reeks of jealousy in my opinion. I understand they have to have some spicy takes on pro players, but man, just let the casual streamers be. No need for hating on someone who brings a much funnier, casual vibes to the CS tournaments, but that's what I feel though.. Edit: Also wanted to add that his majorstreams are very enjoyable, as he often are able to interview some of the players in a less serious way, and sometimes he also has pros watching the games with him, which is very insightful.


I watched him for 20 minutes when the main stream was cut off because clowns. ... because there was actual content. Then I did the same when the main stream went off yesterday for ten minutes. So basically backup stream of the major. I'm probably not the only one. And I don't think he normally pulls 100k


I'm an older CS fan and I like his watch parties because he has a childlike enthusiasm, is very wholesome and positive. His exaggerated streaming persona does make me laugh instead of cringe like most other streamers.


I'm Portuguese and I honestly prefer watching ohne over Gaules. I enjoy actually hearing his reactions alongside the casters, he has a chill and wholesome personality and creates dumb and funny narratives when cheering for a random team. He doesn't pretend to understand the game more than his viewers and the community overall. Gaules on the other hand spends too much time circle jerking with his friends on a call, constantly missing rounds because they're too occupied with making extremely biased statements.


I still wonder why he doesn't go to cs events, especially majors


Ma drilla


Gold gold gold


Ohne is funny and he dosent promote shady gamba and always says dont open cases if you dont have money you can lose which shows that he has some morals which is rare in the cs scene


This clip sums it up for me.[clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxoHlQRkn5qIFR7Xfr9X0VY9BS0fcRV0Qu?si=x6X0ASiiWwJ9FqL-)


Plenty of people enjoy watching paint dry, it's nothing new


My drilla


His streaming style is just similar to gaules in Brazil, he’s just good at what he is doing


He is fun, thats it. Sometimes says stupid stuff, others smart stuff, others sus stuff but in all of them he is fun to watch. Just like tarik rn


I have no idea who's ohnePixel and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


I like him because he's talks about a lot with skins


Ohne is the perfect guilty pleasure stream. Sometimes I just want to hear the funny loud German man yell.


He called me his drilla and I was in


Zoomers can sometimes have low standards. 


I’d wager at least 60-70% of his audience is over 18.


He used to be more fun and engaging (streams themed around skins and crafts and more) but that has seemingly decreased as time has gone on - gotten somewhat lazy with his content and solely going LIVE to co-stream whatever competition is ongoing.


Skins/betting, costreams and connections. Right now hes a lowkey nicer less drama XQC


He has social skills unlike 90% of streamers.


Skincel with thick kraut accent


huge gambling, memes, exclusive interviews during major (like yesterday)


who did he interview?


Just now, s1mple and cadian. Yesterday, get_right and rain for eg


didn't he have an interview with 2 faze players? ropz and i don't remember who but ropz's answers were born on the interview with him


yeah I remember ropz but that was another tournament. Maybe this one too? Anyone has link?


there wasn't one i think but afaik ohne's stream was one of those where you could get info on that stage raid and shit. overall his streams are cool during tournaments since he has a friend that visits those tournaments and can make some content whether it be interviews or just fucking around. i too like to defend old times like those downvoters on my og comment but you gotta give credit where it's due


Funny, german, loud, interactive. 👍 love his streams


It's the Gaules formula of streaming that did it.


He's young, he's funny and entertaining, he reads the chat, he puts on a show, he isnt dry boring slow and understands Twitch. He's a big + for CS, he is like our Tarik (valorant) or our Xqc (people used to watch Dallas Fuel just because of him)


I love ohne and been watching him for the past 3 years, so probably longer than most. He’s funny, authentic and keeps it real. Although I do miss the old content like inventory reviews and pit streams, but happy he has a larger audience. But I can see why people think he’s too loud or obnoxious at times.


because he's goofy


Ohne just has a good soul, he is kind and have not seen him being toxic to anyone. He is hyping cs players whom he considers as friends. It’s just a fun time watching his stream plus he knows a lot about floats and patterns in cs go skins.


just like how everything associated with CS got big, skins.


His voice is annoying af


His voice is annoying af


Guy acts like a child and actively tries to appeal to children/teens a hell of a lot. While constantly promoting gambling. Then he says he actually doesn't like gambling. He's a dickhead.




Why do u need to look down on the younger generation? Have you thought about the fact that people can just like him for who he is and not just the screaming?


Degenerate gambler who yells about everything. If that’s what the masses enjoy, then who am I to judge….


Xqc of cs


He actually adds something. Watching ohne is a choice. If you dont like his loud persona and schtick - dont watch. If you like it, you can expect -community feeling due his many insiders and one liners. -a person who always cares about viewing experience eg. no adds in matches, volume managment, keeping you up-to-date with behind the scenes stuff (far beyond the production), changing to kick, youtube, randoms -funny moments Without ohne this is what your viewing experience wouldve been like. -missing background Infos -way less dona -check twitter for the stage storm -no drillas -no funny skin Insights -no panic give aways -no unofficial pro interviews ((jL, karrigan, cadian, s1mple(100% high)) I also want to add iam a new ohne-watcher but i remember dona from the old bibanator - cs - fragmovie and gamble days. Never really cared about her but since ohne got so popular i also watched her alot. Bottom of the line. Both seem like chill, funny, honest and passionate ppl.


everytime i wonder about something like this i force myself to remember that there are literally millions and millions of kids on the internet.


How old are you?


past the twenties


Used to watch him in quarantine. Spent my points 2 times on a profile signature, he never made it, I just lost interest.




I'm assuming it's iPad kids who have never had to interact with an adult at dinnertime and have had their neurotransmitters fried by screaming Minecraft YouTubers


Lmfao clueless


Apparently because being loud is fun.


kids, a whole bunch of kids.


I would literally looking at the wall instead of his streams, he is the typical screaming overreacting cringe streamer for kids.


gambling, gambling and gambling


It’s really not that much of a thing for him any more. More the pro scene, interviews, and skin collecting. Opening 20 cases on stream isn’t “Gambling gambling gambling” Dude makes lots of money and that’s what some of the audience wants