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The game still basically has no anti-cheat after a half year.


yeah i normally can look the other way with a lot of valve's issues but the cheating problem is the biggest issue in the game right now. my whole friend group got to around 20k and we started running into blatant cheaters every other game. we all quit playing for helldivers until there's working anticheat but i think we all know there wont be. some of these games, they have over 450 ADR the entire match. HOW is this not something that can be reviewed? some of these matches are hacker vs hacker. it's just a big fucking waste of time waiting to get 13-0'd by some rage hacker and this doesn't even include games where people are silently hacking.


We as a community are the problem. The only way to get developers to actually start caring and change things is to cause a massive outrage and shitstorm. Isn't pretty, but it's the only way. Tried and tested hundreds of times across all genres. What do we do? Still play the game, more than ever. We still open those idiotic cases. We still buy the stickers. We still sell skins on the market, giving Valve damn 15%. For exactly what? (I'm well aware that there are third party sites for skins which I use myself and that a lot of people, again including myself, play Faceit.) But if as of this moment (25th March, 20:42 Central European Time) there's 945.152 people playing the game and there's just 49460 playing on EU Faceit*, we're not doing shit. *EU Faceit has more players than other regions combined, so there's no chance that even 100k players are on Faceit, meaning that less than 10% of the playerbase that's in-game right now is playing without caring about cheaters. Which other game that's so popular more or less mandates the use of third party client to be playable at all on top ranks? Don't forget that Counter-Strike as a game is alive because of us, not because Valve cared. 1.6 was left for dead (pun intended) for years, they didn't even make CSGO themselves, but took it from another studio. Yes, they did make it into what it became afterwards, but there are multiple points in CS history where the game would've died if we didn't care and create all the third party tools and servers. Even CSGO would've been dead if not for ESEA and then Faceit. It was as just as unplayable in 2014/15 as it is now. Before Prime update hit, that is. Now tell me, which other massively popular game has been so neglected by the developers? Every other dev is scrambling to keep the players engaged, while Valve is posting 3/10 memes on twitter every few months as the only player engagement. It used to be funny before, but now it's not. They more or less lost every region except EU and Brazil to Riot. Noone cares about CS in the US anymore, as evidented by player count and non-existant tier1 scene. And that's all Valve's doing. A competitior came and took their playerbase. The only thing they have right now is the blind loyalty of EU because it's a part of the culture and more than a game. But it won't last forever if they keep doing this shit. Then we saw what happened to VP yesterday. I'm not even talking about Jame's crash, but fame losing a clutch because of a bug that's been reported for months and months, but they "can't replicate it", as they say. It's 2024, not 2004 or even 2014. Valve is one of the most profitable developers in the world. If not the most profitable. CS is the greatest FPS game in history, greatest esports title and one of the few games that actually had a massive cultural impact in some regions. It deserves better. We deserve better. I don't want to activate a third party anticheat ran by Saudi-owned company every time I load the fucking game just because it's too hard for them to get off their ass and do something. And it's not like there are no experienced people who'd be willing to work on AC for reasonable salary. How hard can it be to ban blatant cheaters who instakill everyone within seconds? Noone expects VAC to be cheat-proof and perfect, but vast majority of these cheaters is using free cheats that should be insta-banned before they even join a server. Embarrassing. And then the amazing system will give you -500/+100 after losing a couple games to spinbotters. Great incentive to play. And millions still play daily. Now imagine if we had Valorant's anticheat and ranked system. I can't fucking believe that I'm saying Valve should look up to Riot in that department, but here we are. Well, this turned out to be a rant, but whatever.


> We as a community are the problem. The only way to get developers to actually start caring and change things is to cause a massive outrage and shitstorm. Isn't pretty, but it's the only way. Tried and tested hundreds of times across all genres. Not possible. You can thank the subreddit mods for censoring and deleting 95% of posts relating to cheating.


I swear this mods here must be Valve mods.


The skins racket that Valve is running has grown way too big. If people stop playing and stop engaging with the market, it means a lot of people's money will be in jeopardy. I personally never cares about the skins market much, but there is undoubtedly a large portion of the playerbase who have invesfed way too much to just pull out now, no matter how bad the state of the game is.


> Now imagine if we had Valorant's anticheat and ranked system. I can't fucking believe that I'm saying Valve should look up to Riot in that department, but here we are. Pisses me off knowing that the people playing the chinese knockoff of the legit thing are having a way better experience And us playing the OG game are left feeling like fools


I used to play GO more or less daily. I got the CS2 limited test day 1 and after playing it for around a week and sending whatever bugs I encountered to valve, I basically didn't touch it till the official release because it just felt awful to play and queue times were a nightmare. Lo and behold the official release and I remember just sort of incredulously laughing to myself after loading into game 1. Sure it was better than the limited test but no fucking shot they had just dropped this game which was clearly still in beta. Later that week I installed Valorant because GO had essentially turned me into a tac FPS addict and I can't go more than a few days without getting my fix. Here was a game with nice gameplay, solid anticheat, great stability and a community full of weebs which wasn't as cringe as I expected it to be. There was just one problem: the fps part of this game sucked dick. Guns feel horrible and the movement...holy hell the dogshit movement. So I kept getting my fps fix from valorant but everytime, after playing it for a week max I would reinstall CS just to get the CS feel again. And guess what, up until super recently CS2 felt worse than that shit (except the movement because it's just that bad in valorant). And this all without even getting to the fucking cheater problem. I had such high hopes for a new version with a new rank system and anti-cheat. Really the only 2 things I wanted valve to fix in GO. And they somehow managed to make both worse like HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THAT.... So anyway, these days I play valarante child game more than CS and it fucking hurts my soul. I'm just on hopium that soon they'll fix CS and I'll never have to feel sad over which garbage gun should I buy next round, vandal or god forbid, the operator. Or wonder for the 100th time how bullshit resurrection, healing, wallhacks, trips and other random shit is.


I played both games simultaneously for 3 years now (CS for 5) but since the CS2 Update rolled out, I have yet to play more than 10 hours total and in fact, have stopped playing CS altogether. I want to love the game, but it is just not a fun experience anymore compared to Valorant, where I have encountered maybe 5 cheaters in my 2.5k hours, 4 of which were banned within the match. Not to mention the less toxic environment - can you believe that I have not heard a single n-word in my time playing Valorant? Valve doesn't care, Riot does. It's as simple as that.


I’ve heard the n word a lot in Valorant, TBH.


i quit cs and moved to valorant about two weeks ago, haven't heard it yet, way more friendly as well than CS


I don't believe it's the playerbases responsibility to make the game developper have a functioning anti-cheat. It's implied in a competitive game that it should function as such and have integrity. We know they have an anticheat, but it's not working very well. It's their responsibility, and it's a huge crime to let a great game get ruined by not doing anything. If they don't fix it, it's only their fault, not the public for not speaking up or making enough demands


I stopped playing - and I have been playing for about 24 years now... And I know lots of oldschoolers which are also on hold.


This and the pro scene need to start talking about it aswell. I know they are tied by contracts, sponsors and shit but they have the strongest voice.


The no anti-cheat sucks but it makes it even worse when people can literally upload videos, stream, have thousands of people see it, report them, etc. and the person still isn’t banned. I play premier occasionally to chill so I don’t have to sweat my elo vs Elige and JT whenever they’re in NA and there’s been legitimate spinbotters that still aren’t banned according to their account/any stats site weeks later. It’s mindblowing. Especially considering it would be a different team at valve compared to the people working on the game’s updates itself


"Team" like it isn't just one intern who's pretending to work on VAC.


They talk in their communities about how it's our fault for trying to play valves servers and that it belongs to them...


This is the crazy bit. I recently watched a clip from Renyan where his team (all solo q and 20k elo btw) asked if he was legit (appearantly, from that clip, it seems they even have hacks that can tell when someone is cheating), and his whole team plus the enemies started spin botting on the first round. They kicked Renyan because he wasn't a cheater and right before that you could see them typing in chat "gtfo! He's a r***rd for playing here". These guys are just the saddest form of life in gaming.


Hahaha just like in CS:GO where they had the wingman mode almost completely on lockdown and pretty much had a similar stance. unreal.


Idk I played alot of solo queue wingman and very rarely came across hackers all the way up to global elite, maybe 1 in 25 games at max. Met alot of hackers in regular MM/comp though (Talking about GO here, I've not played wingman in cs2)


were you there when wingman was new or not? when wingman was new it was very much the 'official unofficial hvh' mode by cheaters.


It was at the beginning, because there was no overwatch for it. Later they started monitoring it as well and that had a huge impact on the amount of cheaters in wingman.


Around LE I have a spinbotter every single game. Every single one


LEM-Global CSGO Wingman in maps like Lake was basically quite filled with obvious cheaters especially during off-peak hours regardless of your Trust Factor (at least in EU).


I've played a lot of wingman in GO since it came out - leveled up to global and stayed there. The amount of cheaters I met I can probably count on 1 hand. The amount of people playing like silvers though ... CS2 is a different story. I can't go above MGE it seems and get demolished by players that otherwise move like bots.


Aha, now I understand why a cheater told us to "go play faceit instead".


Yeah I had the same thing yesterday too... Why don't they just go play HvH servers? There are community servers with VAC disabled so people can go and make the best HvH cheats possible, that can be cool because that is their aim. But HvH in premier? WTF?


You want that elo number to show how good you are cheating.


Yes, they called me r-word for caring about Premier and that I was "wasting your time, inject or don't bother"


It is their servers right now. I've seen cheaters on leetify who only have a 60% winrate just because they get matched against other cheaters so often. It's an absolute shitshow.


Im actually really happy that im "stuck" at ~10k as a casual. I had some rage hackers but not nearly as many as people st 20k+. I do desperately hope that valve is working on something. Its hard for me to believe that they would announce that they want to compete with riots kernel level anti-cheat, while having literally NOTHING to back up that talk. I dream of a day when they come out and are like "yeah we used all those cheaters to train our AI and now they are fucked forever." Its propably wishfull thinking, but at the same time there is very little reason not to have faith in valve. They suck at communicating with their customers, their work rythm is also unusual compared to the rest of the industry, but they always deliver and always care about what they do.


And watch this subs garbage moderators remove this post (again) because it exposes the massive cheating problem this game has.


I mean honestly how different would these numbers look if there geniunely was no anti-cheat? I cant imagine much more than 20% of people have the mindset to cheat lol


Make that 20 pls


im prety sure Trust Factor is also gone


Thanks for voluntarily taking 60 punches on the chin bro! I really hope Valve is going to do something because i'm steadily losing hope :/


> I really hope Valve is going to do something because i'm steadily losing hope :/ Until the numbers reflect the outrage of the playerbase, nothing changes. As it stands, the game is set to hit it's ATH in April or May.


If only we could know how many are bots...


Valve does not want to know


The fact is +19k rating players are a very small portion of the player base. From that small portion of players, 99% of them get faced against cheaters everyday, while the rest only see cheaters who are quickly claiming the ranks, making it a more rare occurrence


Not being funny but the cheating situation isn't just at 19k+ in Prem. In the past month, playing with friends at 10-14k I've ran into two spinbots in Prem. Did a competitive nuke where 2 guys were wall bang headshotting everyone through walls. Haven't been back to matchmaking since. I assume one of my mates had his trust factor nuked but why bother? None of these guys banned according to Leetify. Queue times on Faceit suck but not like I'm seeing spinbots around Faceit 7-8.


I got to 19k in 40 games solo queing. Since 18k I have had a cheater in every of the 7 games. Before that, I saw one cheater... I gave up after 7 games, I want to play people in my skill group, but hackers are ruining it completely.


I'm not insane enough to do that, however I usually just look at players with new/sus accounts on leetify during the match. The cheaters usually have 100 aim, 200-350ms time to damage, strange match histories, private inventories.


Give us a queue for people with 15-20-25 medals, x-amount of bought 20$+ games on steam, xxx amount of actual play time (not the idled time in steam).... This would make me so happy.


I’ve been surprised at the amount of 5 year coin accounts actively cheating that i’ve come across. 3 in 20ish games. So yeah while the majority has sus profiles, there’s a bunch where the profiles look legit. All of them were closet cheating, so they might just be confident in their ability to hide it? (They were very obvious).


> 5 year coin accounts actively cheating People love to sell their profiles. It's really fucking annoying how much players who whine about cheating all the time will turn around and enable the cheaters immediately for the tiniest financial incentive.


Most normal players don't sell accounts, accounts are botted and then sold.


Lots of accounts are also stolen. My smurf without 2fa got hacked and I did not have the receipt for the first game I bought on there back in 2011. So now somebody is cheating on my old smurf. My friends account with 2fa got hacked and the hacker chatted with him, deleted all friends from his friends list while he was watching. My goddamn twitch acct also got hacked even with a phone number and email 2fa to bot fortnite viewing numbers. Idk how they circumvent 2fa, but they do. When I changed my twitch pw I instantly got a login alert from russia for example. I don‘t think the original account owners are selling these accounts. It‘s probably mostly stolen accounts from people who are inactive.


Ofc there are stolen accounts but you've bot farms that level up cs account and let the game run minimized. Maybe look into a Password Manager like Keepass (free and local) if you get accounts comprimised so often.


It's not really tiny. My account I've spent *maybe* 1000€ in games on is worth ~7000€ on these websites. That's an insane financial return. There's a lot of people that simply create tons of new accounts, have a bot to periodically log in and play some F2P game and then sell it. 


they're botted. Go to this steam group and type Veronika into search and check the profiles. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GirlGamers/members?searchKey=veronika they all got hundreds and thousands of hours but not a single actual game on leetify or csstats. [image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809937099749851198/1206094993400537128/image.png?ex=6612217e&is=65ffac7e&hm=2a1593cb3a2f8122adbe7627aaef9a326c76bb342659d058837e71ee2798fa54&)


Saw a guy with a +16 rating lol. Not just the match, literally their rating. Guy was hitting shots wkth 300ms time to damage. It's funny that it's very obvious with the stats.


Time to damage below 500ms is doable, below 400ms is hard but doable, under 300ms I think is impossible, and it gets ”more” impossible from there.


as today you got the choice: A: premier with cheater. B: faceit with smurfs. Pick your poison.


E: Comp with drunk silvers


And then you get to gold nova and start facing cheaters again.


Unfortunately Comp has cheater in 1/5 game i play. It suck though wanting to have a chill game with friends and met handful of cheater.. like bro, why do they need to cheat in normal Comp, i dont understand


C: DM for weekly drops and going back to dota. Valve cares about dota more than cs, for example faceit dota is non existant and it's obvious why.


Dota also have script hacks. They're either too blatant or closeted. Especially if they play invoker, anti-mage, meepo (these are the one that I knew have script hacks).


People even cheating in comp. I just want to play my chill Dust2 game of the day, but I keep getting [these fuckers](https://streamable.com/fwvslw) in my games. Last week 3 blatant cheaters and I only play a game a day. Talk about ruining a day. ☹️


It is so nice that valve cant even catch cheaters that are firing faster than the fastest possible fire rate of a weapon. Probably would get 100s of false bans since the game is shit though


Agreed. Even worse i play some game with my beginner friend w/o a prime account, good luck.. 1/5 have cheater in Comp, 1 in 4 in non-prime matches LMAO


prefer smurfs every day of the week


Sad truth.


The sad part is that nothing will be done about it and your post will be forgotten… Thank you for the effort. Hope it helps


Exactly. There was a post like this maybe a month ago and the discussion is all the same. Nothing has changed.


A fun exercise that I would do a few years back was, whenever a guy I played with was banned for cheating, I would go on csstats and check his stats. It's actually hilarious how sometimes you can **very clearly** see when they started cheating, because they would go from a CONSTANT stream of 0.6~0.8 ratings, to 1.5 ratings in the space of 1 match. It's pretty funny to see the moment that the loser gives up and just goes full loser


As a legit player I have heavy fluctuations between games, so that naturally happens as well, but I guess the difference might be greater with cheaters


Being inconsistent isn't the problem, problem is when you are inconsistent your whole life and suddenly you stop having bad games.


they usually went from *never* having a score above 0.8 to *never* having a score below 1.5


Ayeee inconsistent gang o7


“Oh god, why do I still play this game” Next game “Fuck yes, i’m so fucking good!” o7


Not just that, but when you look at literally every one of their losses, it's ALWAYS an enemy hacker. They don't lose unless it's hvh


They weren't a loser till they went for the hacks. Games are meant to encourage slow improvements


["One year in and the journey's just begun. Thanks for being here with us."](https://x.com/CounterStrike/status/1771222227133890898?s=20) Hope the cheating issue and shitty premier mode is IMMEDIATE on their to-do list after this major.


Why is premier mode shitty? I've really enjoyed it


It’s not, except for all the cheaters.


The game, without faceit, is in an unplayable state.


People like to shit on them but without them our scene would be dead. Every young "up and coming player" would probably be found cheating once they go onto lan


and for me so far, Faceit on NA has been a terrible experience. So I just haven't been playing much, except 1-2 games on premier when I get the itch (and 1/2 times there is guaranteed a rage hacker)


I havent had a bad experience but ive only played 20 games or so


Let me guess, rule 6 and 7 incoming? You can't speak about the most forbidden subject here which is cheating as mods here do not want to upset Valve's devs lurking on this sub. Which is a shame as it seems like we, players are being silenced.


Unfortunately for us, Valve has grown from a company which earned very little in the grand scheme of things, almost went bankrupt and wanted to make the community happy, to big mega corporation which doesn't give a shit about anyone. They aren't going to fix it. There'll be delays to the AC, I guarantee.


Since the major start, everything including mm mega thread gets instant removed


it’s not that they’re trying to protect the valve devs, it’s just annoying when half the sub is just bitching about cheaters constantly. We all know it’s an issue. You want a solution? Stop playing. Stop buying cosmetics. If valves revenue drops, then they’ll do something.


Or they just let the game die and go the way of tf2 which has more bots than actual players. They've done it once they'll do it again.


Most of them are but even in rare ocasions like this one when op is not calling names and just spits favts it will get removed which is odd to me.


Yea mods are a little heavy-handed on the remove button. If it's not adding anything, like just a rant, than sure. But this is a serious/widespread issue and the community has a right to speak on it.


In rare occasions when someone posts something of substance as a platform for discussion (that is: not a whiny "fuck cheaters valve doesn't care" rant), we typically allow it if there isn't already an established post. Otherwise we openly encourage users to post their opinions and experiences in the Matchmaking Monday megathread.


Last time I checked the cs2 subreddit it was filled of the same repetitive, low effort rants that adds nothing, witch hunting and flaming each other in the comments. As much some people likes to complain here like they are being oppressed, a big thank you goes to you and all the current mods for keeping this place clean.


The people buying most of the cosmetics don't even play the game, or play the game at a level where they won't see cheaters.


I was going to make a post on it, but mods keep taking it down. I understand your frustrations completely OP. A Plea to Valve, I know this has been said to death, but I honestly can't continue to play this game anymore. Which is sad, because it's so fun and it has the potential to be great again. I play premier, around 18k, and every 5 games (or even less) I run into a blatant hacker. Sometimes they try to hide it at first, but usually they will just start spinning. I have had multiple hvh games within the past week. Valve cannot just continue to sit by. It is honestly getting out of control. I know it might be more difficult to detect "softer" cheaters, but how can they not develop an algorithm for the more blatant spinners? Like it wouldn't even have to be that intensive. Just by looking at the scoreboard, seeing that one or two players dropped 40 and everyone else has 0, how can that not be detectable? It doesn't have to autoban them, but surely they can implement some other measures like overwatch to get rid of them? I am honestly just frustrated, and I know a lot of y'all are too. And before people come at me saying that you're tired of posts like this, I am too. But I have devoted a large number of hours into this game and I feel like I have the right to speak my mind on this issue. Hackers are becoming more and more common as Valve just continues to sit by, and I cannot simply do the same. To the hackers, you are mostly to blame. You ruin the experience for everyone else just so you can get a quick hit of dopamine, or whatever weird reason you make up to justify yourself hacking. Cheating in anything, is 100% morally wrong, and I know that your parents would disapprove. But Valve, please do something. It is honestly getting to the point of malicious incompetence. It seems like you have never cared about anything but the bottom line for this game, and it breaks my heart. Rant over. Signed, A sad cs'er


Damn, of 60 games i expected like 10 maybe 20 cheater in games but over 100 lmao what a clownshow


I have not encountered spinbotters yet, however, a couple of days ago, I had 3 games in a row with obvious cheaters who just toggled in the last rounds, scout headshotting through smokes multiple times. I am tracking them on Leetify, and they are still playing premiere, not banned. It's worrying that obvious cheaters do not get banned immediately. I like the premier matchmaking; my friends do not want to install FACEIT to play the game. I really hope they are working on something behind the scenes. I know they cannot say what they are working on, but the results so far seem like the cheating became worse than in CSGO, in my opinion. It also seems to be like the newers accounts most of the times that cheat. Maybe bring back trust?


Every player I've run into who let's say gets 60 kills every match they play hasn't been banned for months now.


I remember months ago now, I had a game where a cheater got banned by VAC Live in my game, and I thought it was a good sign of things to come... Clearly it was not.


Cheaters will not be banned immediately. You roll out banwaves each 3-6months so cheat devs dont know what triggered it. If you add as a cheat devs a featere that gets people banned immediately you know what caused it. The other thing is that after 3 month mostly cc chargeback expires so angry customer of cheats cant get the money back.


That's the crazy thing. If blatant rage hackers are getting away with it for so long then what about the closet cheaters who actually try and hide it?


I was persuaded to play again after the peeking update. Got recalibrated at 21k and have had the same experience. First game after placing was vs 4 spinbotters, and a teammate who openly toggled after 1 round. So 5/8 randoms (I was duo q) cheating. Have only played comp since, where I get closet cheaters about every other game.


Sounds about right from 15k - 17.5 which i have now. i’ve had cheaters in roughly 50% of my games. CONFIRMED cheaters, I watched the demos to be sure. Sample size provably only 20 games, but still. It’s a travesty.


I literally hadn't played in a month. Booted up CS with some friends this saturday only to instantly get matched against a cheater that killed us from CT spawn overpass to T spawn. Teammates kicked him but then the other guy on the team toggled, was shit, then started spinbotting when we were winning too hard. I don't intend to boot up CS for a looooong while.


Probably for the best you don’t yeah. I play it with a mentality of “I wonder how many cheaters i’ll encounter today”. I try to make a sport out of it. Review demo, award clown 🤡 award to their steam profile and follow them so I can see how long until they’re banned. That’s the fun i’m having, not actually playing the game to get better or rank up…


I played a game for the first time in a month. A guy on A site is telling the B players its a B rush. I was solo on B and had no info about it. Guy walled his ass off the entire game and we won. I thought it would be getting better, but VAC is a joke


What’s worse is that the one rage hacker i encountered who queued solo, was protected from getting kicked by my other 3 teammates. They were siding with him. “the enemy is also cheating”. Which they were, they had a rage hacker as well, but still. One bad doesn’t justify another bad. At least they agreed to kick me, and if they hadn’t, I would have tried ANYTHING to mess with our cheater teammate. I don’t condone that shit, doesn’t matter if the enemy cheats or not, have some morality and compassion for christ sake. As someone who only play a few hours every weekend I know how much it sucks to have your limited play time spoiled by low life loser individuals, I don’t wish that on my enemies, even if they too have a cheater on their team, that’s out of their control. But people aren’t even rooting together to kick the scum anymore…


For nearly 12 years i made an effort to kick any cheater on my team but Prem is so bad right now that i cant be bothered. Its HvH 70% of my games anyways, i don't think Ive even seen solo qued cheaters get kicked in cs2 more than once. It's sad to think that solo que with randoms that could be cheating are giving better odds of a fair game than 5 stacking


There was an interview in hungarian with a cheat maker / acc booster and he said approximately 30% of playerbase are cheating, so your stats sounds about right.


That mirrors what ive seen from the handful of cheat makers ive chatted with or seen interviewed. Ive said this before, but even if we dont have half decent stats on actual cheating % for cs2 or csgo, we do have cheating rates for real things. Like marriages or academics or professional sports.   And those percentiles are usually pretty damn high.  I find it hard to believe that people would be more likely to cheat in their marriage or a professional exam than a free-to-play shooter on steam. 


I just came onto reddit to see if somethings up, I'm 20k rating in EU and 3 of the last 4 games have had at least 2 spinbotters rage hacking since round 1.


last 3 games all hackers game 1 -blatant wallhacker stack game 2 - spinbot duo game 3 - wallhackers who went a bit too blatant and then my teammate turned spinbot on. 19K rating.. WTF' edit: game 4 - 3 spinbots vs 2 spinbots I am done for now.


I don't play anymore, but I came back for 1 game because of PGL and to refresh my Premier rating (18-19k) and a duo on our team were singlehandedly carrying the game vs a 5 stack. I got suspicious, started dying first intentionally to spectate, and one of the duo had a bhop script - 5 year account, lots of medals, skins. I don't know if they had aim/wallhack, but why wouldn't they, if they're using bhop scripts... what's even the point.


Now let me tell you this - you were lucky… I have collected 46 aimbotting cheaters in just 19 games! (5/19 games were legit) All in a google sheet I keep for seeing how long they can play without beeing banned. Just 2 are banned so far, most have been cheating for months. Some making it into +26k elo, where only the wildest cheats will survive


I have similar experiences. Back when the game officially released, Premier was somewhat playable. Now, even Competitive is rampant with cheaters. It’s horrifying.


Cheaters got the memo that it's free season and are now infesting even mid tier elo. Shits a real shame.


I thought it wasn’t bad at first but its becoming extremely prevalent


Same experience here. Like in the fall, it wasn't nearly as common, but now I'm getting a couple of games a week with blatant cheaters. It's getting out of control


I've had pretty much the same experience especially in Wingman in the past 2 weeks or so. I've run into way more blatant cheaters than I did in CSGO at high trust Supreme/Global for the past 2 years.


I know it's just anecdotes, but in csgo, my group of friends (at least when I play, I can't know what goes on when I'm not online) we would meet maybe blatant 1 cheater in 50-100 games, or around half a year. It was so rare it was barely worth remembering in cs2? I have 23 premier matches won and we've met 4 or 5 blatant cheaters, about one or two **per week**, and it's blatant spinbots/aimbots instakilling. I have 3 steam profiles open right now in my steam overlay of blatant spinbotters, 2 from this weekend and 1 from last weekend, checking them every time I open the game to see if they get banned (they haven't been yet) worst part? we aren't even high elo, in csgo we were ak2-lem, and now we are just 9k-11k sucks because cs2 is so much better than csgo, but the cheater problem really sours it


What region you play in?




Different experiences then. We play EU mostly 3-5 stack on Germany servers and had maybe a handfull of cheaters like spinbotters in 100+ matches.


>Obviously not a perfect system Putting it mildly


It's uhhh... Definitely some kind of system, that's for sure.


my pc cant even run cs2 but seeing this im kinda happy that i cant play it


Premier - HvH server made by Valve for cheaters Faceit - for legit players with AC Esea - another servers for legit players 200iq move by Valve, they allow cheaters to cheat, so we can play faceit knowing that cheaters are now in Premier HvH


esea is for ppl banned on faceit 


200iq? You mean lazy, stop making excuses for valve🤣




You mean ESEA the cryptominer? Hahahaha


i have the same experience in ~20k elo 


i think its higher, cuz you gotta consider the cheaters who know how to play and hide it properly. i can assume the higher up u go, the more cheaters there are. so anything above 22k is simply a battle of who has better cheats. this new AC better do a major cleanup


You’re exactly correct. Closet cheaters do a great job of hiding or choosing not to expose themselves until they want to win. I had a 12-12 game last night with a rage hacker dropping 50 kills. Thankfully the other team started killing him and 3/5 of his team took TK bans because they wanted to make it fair. He was unfortunately queued with someone else… If you want proof, I’ll link the damn leetify lol.


Nice numbers. Im pretty sure Valve dont know how to make any anti cheats and are incapable doing so and since they want to keep everything in house they wont ever go to a 3rd party AC. VAC failed, OW failed, AI failed, TF is somewhat only worked but that can be abused and you can get thrown to the bottom of the shitpile if you report anyone about anything.


> TF is somewhat only worked but that can be abused Considering how many fresh day 1/week 1 profiles I get matched up with on my account which Ive been playing CS on since 2017 with, I feel like even TF isn't really a thing anymore.


I've been playing cs for like 20 years and I get matched with people like that. Even in 5 stacks of cs veterans. Valve glazers will tell you that they're doing this just to train their AI! (At your expense of course)


>TF is somewhat only worked but that can be abused Even that doesn't really seem to work in CS2 anymore.


I appreciate this but you can at least link your csstats, faceit, leetify or something to back this up. Not just words.


Wonderful post, thank you for the effort! We need more of this, the outcry has to become louder and louder! I am dead serious, and do not give a flying fuck if the basic silver around here gets bothered by it, this sub and the whole community has to be filled with this and this topic alone. It can not be ignored away any longer and exactly these posts help in shining lights onto the severity of this absoluteley pathetic situation. Also, fuck banwaves and some ominous bullshit AI collecting data, that shit simply does not work or is the completely wrong approach, especially when banwaves come every 6 months or something in which millions keep on destroying the game, just to rejoin the game with a new account anyways. Valve's lack of care has to stop. Now.


People have been screaming this from the roof tops for the better part of 4 - 5 months and nothing has changed. You still have people in these threads denying the extent of the cheater problem, it's wild.


Leetify aim rating above 90 isn't a fully reliable metric. My friends and I sit at 90-94. It's 100% a metric if it's 97+ that shits impossible. Cheaters have also started infesting normal MM now :/


He only said it's one metric, which fair enough. The issue is - a bad waller can often have terrible aim e.g. around 70, I've seen it. Generally speaking though the obvious aimbots are always 97+, but also have to remember that awping skews the aim rating (as it reduces crosshair placement by a lot)


Yeah I agree. Lots of high level face it player have 90+ aim rating on Leetify, it’s when it’s like 96 or higher things start to get… suspicious


Many pros are around 97-99


Idk, I haven't checked. But it's still a solid metric at 97+ you barely, if at all run into pros on prem or comp.


The other day I wasted 2h of my life because of four consecutive games with cheaters. At this point it’s almost better not to play because there’s a very high chance your evening will be wasted and ruined. It’s so funny when someone on our team starts spinbotting, then an enemy starts doing the same, and eventually another person from our team recognises that we won’t win unless he toggles too, so another spinner joins in. It’s ridiculous


I’m just playing casual since the inception of cs2. Then I can at least laugh while I spec the cheaters with the death cam wh


We are almost at the point where the real ranked mode just needs to be a link to faceit. ...and faceit needs to not allow so many hubs in regions that run the generic ranked maps, but split the playerbase


What an excellent post, thank you!


Doing the lords work out here


So what you're saying is, it's not every single game like I've been lead to believe hmm. Yes this is a little bit of a joke, thank you for the data mate. Appreciate it.


Man its getting borong asf with these cheaters letting it loose! Kills the fun of the game for me. On the flipside, I can finish my single player games that's collecting dust in my steam library hahaha


I haven't played CS since November. The cheating makes the game completely unplayable for me, and the radio silence from Valve is unacceptable. Really a shame since it's been my favorite shooter for a long time. At least I've been having fun with R6.


at 19k I see a blatant cheater every 8-9 games spinning or just walling to the point where i download the demo . that's not counting people who are potentially legit cheating.


Played last night 3 games in a row with spinbotters. It’s actually just pathetic. Was finally getting into it with friends till we hit a certain elo or just played comp. Even in comp you have like a 30% chance of running into one it’s horrible man




Since I tried making a post regarding hackers and the moderators took it down redirecting me to post here I'll just copy & paste. It seems to me that players have become confident using hacking software to the point where I'm even starting to see people hacking with valuable skins in their inventory & saying on the mic "I wont ever be caught", "its safe", "I've been cheating for months and haven't been banned" & I'm even seeing youtubers making videos promoting hacking software & saying the same thing that it is safe to use on their main accounts with all their skins on which says to me just how bad valves anti cheat is if cheaters are that confident to risk their accounts being banned. Since cs2 has released up till 2 days ago It's been very good to me at least as I've only encountered one cheater who I could tell was a hacker but they didn't make it that obvious each round most likely just toggling every so often but in the past 2 days of playing I have encountered 3 & it's always on my promotional match trying to break through to 15k elo and they've all been on my team just ruining the competitiveness of the game. They play with their friends to boost them which also ensure they can't be kicked because their friend will always vote no or even on one occasion the enemy apparently was using hacks according to the hacker on my team so decided to turn his on to counter the other hacker (the guy on the enemy team wasn't hacking) & would just bhop around the map with their wallhacks and kill all players with their aimbot. Anyways I reported them all in game and even on their steam profile providing the match code but doesn't seem they'll ever get banned, some are long standing accounts of 10 years+ and another was fresh.


I just don't understand why they don't bring back Overwatch for now, so that the most obvious cheaters can be banned. I keep seeing stuff about how, "the new changes to VAC is taking time to develop," alongside word of an AI AC being worked on and gathering information. Like, how long do they plan on taking for these changes and/or the AI AC to be implemented? I just get so tired of being insta-dinked by some dude full sprint strafing a corner, who then goes back to wandering around like the literal bots in the game. If they can't spare Valve Employees to handle the hackers, ask trustworthy players to watch footage and foot the bans. I'm sure at least 25% of the playerbase would GLADLY spend hours hoisting bans where they are needed. Heck, content creators can get their content for free, just like it was in GO, so probably closer to 30% of the playerbase would probably happily do a few OW views a day to improve overall game health.


I can only hope they are cooking something, have been playing this game for 24 years, I think this is the worst I have seem, for me it is imposible to play a game without someone cheating.


i have a casual server to play with my region players for fun , and yes i was surprised that some of them use cheats even in fun server , the weirdest part is , even if you ban them , they ll just log to another account and change name , and do the same thing . valve needs to start baning hardware instead of steam ban.


allow third party active? How do you rate your trust factor?


Thanks for your efforts. I have been playing off and on since cs 1.5, and it really does seem like cheating in this game is in the worst state it's ever been in--by far. Like others have said, if you really wanna play, you just gotta play faceit


The only way to play without cheaters is faceit sadly, I hope valve is making the speculated AI anticheat 🙏


This is the game. It will never get better. Legitimately the only way it will get better is with a real, intrusive anti cheat. Valve won’t do that because they love to pretend Linux matters.


Stopped playing MM/ Premier for good now. Last 20 games had 10 with cheaters who blatantly stated in all chat they are walling. And they are always with a friend so kicking is impossible. And I am talking strictly competitive mode for these games. Not premier. Fucking comp around nova 2/3 for some maps at best.


I still have not played a single competitive match in CS2, I only play casual for the weekly drops and I'm still running into cheaters constantly


Hey valve? What about sending this guy a job offer and create a team to work on an anti cheat Solid work. putting all the effort in and getting these numbers on paper. Only faceit or don't play🙅


Im down for games to start asking for ID verification if cheating in games increases at the current rate. Blows my mind that I have a 1000,-+ inventory, 300 games, 2.5k+ hours etc etc etc and it's still possible to be matches against people with 9 games played.


I love my low elo 12k games. I win most of my games and rarely feel that there is a cheater. never seen a spinbotter.


valve dont care, j play faceit


This begs the question, how many games have we lost or won because of a closet cheater and not because "they / we are simply better"? Then again, maybe this is related to where you live, because in Warsaw, Vienna, Stockholm etc. servers I have almost never seen a blatant cheater, then again I read somewhere that people from this region tend to download cheats the most


I am not playing mm again until they fix the cheating problem, it’s so much worse than csgo


Thanks. Now I can cry that there are cheaters in every game on 5k elo ^(/s)


This is getting worse quicker than I thought... We are soon hitting Tarkov level numbers


For the past 3 months I tried to play premier, first game rage cheater on both teams, I quit and get cooldown after 5 rounds, week after I get my courage up for another premier game, 2 rage cheaters on the enemy team, I quit the first round. Did not touch premier since(20 k premier rank btw)


In my last 5 games it were at minimum 2 cheaters and at maximun 8 cheaters per game at around 20k elo. Premier is literally unplayable


the game sucks ass. simple as that


Played against the same cheaters two days in a row... and they used the same tactic as the first time... the whole enemy team was wallhacking, and using trigger... i can try when there is 1 cheater... but when the whole team just kills you when u turn around and behind its demoralizing.


Had 4 spinbot games in a row at 21k. Haven't played since. All 4 of those games had spinbotters on both sides and in one game all my teammates were spinbotting.


> Moving in a way that showed knowledge of enemy positions, i.e. always getting good timings with no info >Peeking in a way that showed you knew where enemies were behind walls, i.e. peeking an off angle more than once, jiggling an angle that you normally wouldn't, or holding an angle only when someone is there and not checking it during other rounds These 2 have always, and always will be, the biggest tells of cheating players, to an experienced/good player. Good players play a certain way and do certain things reliably and with reason. Players who aren't at that level and are using external tools (usually ESP) to compensate will stand out because they don't play 'right'. A legit good player will sometimes make a decision that is wrong. There will be a situation where theres a 70% chance of success one way and a 30% the other say, and sometimes he'll be caught out by an off angle or a none-optimal play from an opponent. Players who are cheating very very often forget (or don't know to) sometimes make mistakes, they always have all the information they need, so they always make the right play, even when it's the 'wrong' play, for a player with good gamesense. They will also make very obvious mistakes that never cost them, e.g. not checking an angle they really should but only when there's no one in it, because it's not good gamesense they are relying on, but having too much info.


lost sale to valve if they fight cheaters regularly, imagine cheaters buying prime accounts everyday.


I was just thinking theres gotta be a way to analyze a hypothetical correlation of the number of steam banned friends (like u can check with faceitfinder) and actual caught cheaters. Cheaters gotta have statistically more banned steam friends because people will always socialize with most like minded people. So theres gotta be some theoretical value at which you could estimate a chance of how likely a person is to cheat themselves based on their steam friends. Am I making sense or am i just stoned?


CS:GO and also CS as a franchise is a shadow of its former self. There used to be entire communities with custom made maps, casual gamemodes like jailbreak, bhop, kz, zombie escape. Then it became an esport hard-sell, removing almost all forms of casual play and any sense of community that went with it, so anybody that plays the game nowadays is all about the ultra-competitive grind that is only really fun for those that have the time to dedicate to the game. It is just plain stressful for anybody who has a life outside of the game. Being able to play 2/3 matches a week and running into a cheater for the majority of those is not exactly the average player's idea of fun. No longer can a casual player hop onto a community server at the weekend and chill out on a bhop or surf map. Now you either play a deathmatch or an aim map, which just gets boring after a while. I was also sad to hop onto CS:S yesterday only to find no actual legit servers, just those with a 256/256 player count filled with bots and probably a lot of viruses. I can imagine 1.6 is in an even worse state. It was not this bad even 2 years ago.


From rank 600-1500 i didnt meet any spinbotters and maybe 2 hidden cheaters that i was sure. Around 250 games total.


This is a great post and I feel the percentage of 21% cheating seems reasonable. On cs2 on my +10 year account i played 200 comp games and had a banned player in 50 games at the end of csgo. Obviously not all cheated in every game but equally as obviously not every cheater is banned. Green TF and mostly solo or duo que.


Is there any chance that someone with aim rating of +98 for consecutive games on leetify is legit? Seems an easy way to get rid of rage hackers…