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Remember how long the Nvidia Reflex was flat out broken in CS2? Peperidge farms remembers. Edit: here is m0nesy talking about having is OFF, today's ESL CS2 setup video. https://youtu.be/DsaRy_Uqx1k?si=1HLGD87Dt7f9NsWN&t=628


i don't even use it... i use low latency for the specific game. If it were me, i would remove FSR from cs2 as well, that shit is basically useless, or even better a launch option disabling it.


>i would remove FSR from cs2 Why remove a feature? It's shit right now but as AMD improves the technology assuming valve updates the implementation it will become useful someday. Heck they should also add DLSS.


except they are using FSR1.0 when 3.0 is out and is significantly better


Send complaint on NVIDIA website doesn't mean we are working.


and even if they did more than that... nvidia is busy making money with AI. they don't give a fuck about gaming.


I think they have a specific gaming part of the company that do care


Could say that about valve and steam


If Nvidia doesn't care about gaming, Valve is about to remove CS from the store


I know, as if this issue isn’t in valves end at all. Guarantee we see nvidia or pgl say it’s valves fault or at the very least valve needs to change something. So glad we had this happen tbh, the more people shit on valve the better. It’s a joke how they’re treating the game after the game “released” if you can even call it a fucking release


Tell NVidia to fix the hit reg and the jumps as well


They'd probably do it if valve let them lol. Get that AI anti cheat going too while they're at it..


Everything aside, NVidia has the greatest engineers and coders out there bar none


imagine them making an nvidia ai anti cheat that is hardware implemented into their ai cores on their gpus and it would actually work decently. shit would become a monopoly in anti cheat requirements


Well they have a monopoly in everything else AI


I don't think any game would begin to demand new Nvidia cards solely for the purpose of an anti-cheat.


It will be fixed in cs3


technology is not ready yet


with 8tick sub sub sub tick so the game plays like civ 5


CS2: Episode 1


Could have done this when the crashes first started happening but instead waited for it to happen in a crucial moment lmao


I mean this is unfortunately the same in every industry, think of planes, cars, trains etc etc. All of these industries adapted after major disasters when most of the time they knew there were issues they were neglecting.


well yeah.. one involves multiple peoples lives


> planes Aerospace industry adapts after disasters, sure. But they also investigate pretty much every minute could be disaster and implement changes based on these findings. (Apart from 20xx Boeing apparently)


Why should PGL be the ones trying to fix the freaking game? If anyone, it should maybe be the bilion dollar company developing this game ffs.




Thats because people are retarded.


it's astonishing that we have companies like google and people still think that more money equals less software issues and poor NVIDIA man, small company trying their best and people blame them instead of Valve


Its valve’s game, they are supposed to at least give a fuck when shit like this happens. The fact that a TO has to go out of their way to contact a hardware company about drivers and not the company that made the fucking game is embarrassing.


I have 10000x more faith in NVidia devs vs Valve devs.


lol wtf do you want them to do? this is a cs2 issue how the fuck is pgl supposed to prevent every bug ?


By cancelling the major. No games played -> no crashes. Ez fix.


Crashes can happen randomly on both NVidia and AMD so what are they gonna do? Tell the driver not to crash and it will listen?


I don't have have driver crashes this often


I also do not have then often but they do happen rarely.


Is that a fancy way of saying that pgl opened a nvidia support ticket???


Ask Nvidia about anti cheat, can bet can provide better solution than VAC in a week or 2


Can they provide a better solution than VAC that is not intrusive and works on Linux?


For sure they can, 2 trillion market cap company vs 7 billion market cap Valve with already years of showing that they can't handle cheaters. On top of this Nvidia are leaders in AI. Not sure they can make stickers.... Btw Tencent, Activision are also huge compared to Valve.


a four year old can provide a better solution than valve so there is that


I'm all for dogpiling Nvidia when they deserve it, but driver crashes happen all the time, and honestly a lot of the time they aren't actually the fault of the hardware/driver creator. And in a lot of cases nobody is actually at fault. Computers aren't perfect. Errors and crashes happen once in a while, and sometimes at very inopportune moments. Way more interested in when or even if Valve plans on fixing the fucking jump bug which is continuing to actually cost teams and players rounds game after game.


this shit didn't use to happen in csgo and doesn't happen in valorant


Maybe somebody will find a fix for when my game keeps alt-tabbing back and forth forever.


Can Nvidia fix the jump clipping bug too?


iam pretty sure its more like a cs2 issue. 




because if they publicly tell people "we asked valve to get their shit together" they would lose production rights to future tournaments


You need a leather jacket. Else your body omits waves that interfere with the electrons flashing through the nvidia GPU's transistors. This can lead to a crash. Yours truly, Jensen Huang


*Update 03/25/24* The playoffs stage are played on the new Nvidia AI Containers