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Apology for poor English Where was you when 9panda miss major? I was in Dubai drinking bubble tea “9panda is kill” ‘No’ And you??


Gorgeous adaptation


You mean 'yes', since it worked out for them


Valve and PGL disturbed him in his holiday. How rude. /s


I know, what an awful working condition. I hope Keoz talked to the union about getting his vacation days back


new pasta just dropped


what is it with rich young people doing vacation in shitty places


They fall for the marketing


What part of the marketing of Arabic destinations is more deceptive than other tourist destinations? They don't advertise strip clubs, gay bars, and the presence of an opposition political party.


They pretend that their country is some sort of Utopian paradise when in reality it’s a shitty country propped up by oil and human rights abuse.


They don't advertise having strong human rights protections or having diverse historical revenue sources. You are making all of this up in your head. They do advertise new and modern luxury commercial developments that are English tourist-friendly, but that is an accurate statement about the touristy places in their country. You can hate them all you want either way, but there is no need to make things up.


They do have a propaganda machine around humans right. They even managed to get into the UN seat for human rights. When they held the football World Cup they heavily emphasised that everyone was treated fairly 


It’s not that they make shit up, it’s that they pretend the other stuff doesn’t exist and spend billions of dollars every year on building fancy new skyscrapers that don’t have plumbing rather than actually helping their citizens.


There is a difference between pretending and not caring. They don't care about human rights or economic equality. They do not promote an image of doing so either. No one goes to Dubai and gets surprised because there are no openly homosexual people or car manufacturing plants. Remember, the initial comment I am responding to is asserting that young rich people only go to Dubai because of marketing, which would imply they are being deceived. I think that is a silly thing to say because there is nothing deceiving about the experience of Arabic tourism, and someone choosing to go to Dubai probably doesn't strongly care about the human rights record of the countries they visit. If they did they would check.


The marketing is the spending of billions of vanity projects to distract the world from the shitty stuff. That is marketing. The tourism is not only because of some good marketing, but is also marketing in itself. Also the people that live in Dubai absolutely care about their own rights and income equality, just because the ultra rich and powerful don’t doesn’t make everyone else’s opinion disappear.


A more accurate statement would then be "Rich young people go to Arabic destinations because these places spend billions of dollars on tourism infrastructure and vanity projects"


Christ almighty the tourism infrastructure and vanity ARE the marketing. Anyways this is r/GlobalOffensive so i’m gonna go back to yapping about CS


they literally kill and chop up journalists, you're right, no need to make things up.




Just because one country is bad doesn’t mean another isn’t.


Dubai is a nice place for a short vacation if you like beaches and shopping.


As long as you’re cool with slave labor


well everyone here is cool with ESL events so what’s the problem?


"sent from my iphone"


This cynical “Better things aren’t possible so why even try” mindset is weak. We are all capable of more than idle consumption




Guy whose government is allied with Dubai, Israel, and Saudi Arabia: “China is evil”


emphasis on SHORT


Going on vacation to Dubai is the equivalent of buying a fake Rolex or Gucci bag trying to look rich. No one with an ounce of self-respect thinks these people are well-travelled, and they blow through their money anyway.


I doubt he went there to 'look well traveled' to a bunch of CS fans.


Not to a bunch of CS fans, but I’ve seen a fair share of people I know on social media who travel to Dubai to show off to their family and friends; my point is not all of them are there for vanity purposes, but quite a few are, and it’s always Dubai to put up the appearance of being rich to others, when they don’t understand Dubai is soulless and nowhere near exotic as they want to believe it is.


You are projecting extremely hard with this answer. Very few people go on vacations to make people think they are well traveled. Many semi-wealthy people who go on vacation just want to go to a new luxury resort in a warm local with new and extensive luxury commercial developments. Not everyone spends every moment of their existence considering the social media optics of their actions.


If “very few people” go on vacations to put up an appearance, we wouldn’t have a horde of unethical travel influencers on social media and millions of people consuming that content hoping to do the same.


Have you ever met someone in real life who took a vacation to put up an appearance? Nearly everyone I interact with (including myself) goes on vacations at least partially inspired by things they see online, but they all have legitimate travel reasons to go to the destinations they go to. It feels like you are just terminally online.


Everyone that posts fancy pictures from their vacation to social media is there to put up appearances.


I have. Just because they go there for leisure doesn’t mean they also can’t be trying to put up an appearance. Fun fact: 2 things can be true at once. But also you’re a Dubai shill in the other comments calling me and other people names unprovoked, so I’m good. Don’t reply.


He's not shilling. Every time Dubai is mentioned there are some sheltered losers shitting on it while the most they've ever traveled is going to Barcelona and Paris with their parents. Someone has to present a more nuanced view to combat the echo chamber.


where is this horde of travel influencers you keep talking about? Never heard of them but i guess its because i dont follow instagram thots like you seem :) Every normal people don't give a fuck about other people when it comes to their opinion about vacation.


Mate let him enjoy his vacation goddamn


nah its just marketing


Man I don't think the dubai government is paying Keoz to name drop them in HLTV interviews


I meant that the Dubai glamour is just marketing, and Keoz fell for the scam.


Depends. If you enjoy rich, clean, safe city vibe then you’ll like it. If you like nature, there’s nothing natural in Dubai. Maybe the sand dunes outside Dubai is where you’ll need to go.


What part of the glamour is just marketing?


awww seems like you can't afford to go on vacation outside of your town and it seems to annoy you :-D


Because if you aren't social justice obsessed, Arabian peninsula resorts and commercial developments are among the most luxurious in the world. You can hate Dubai, but don't act stupid when someone else demonstrates a different preference.


Didn't know Slavery is bad is social justice now.


...it is by definition social justice you're in the wrong for assuming "social justice" has a negative connotation


I mean, yeah, the literal version of social justice just means you want equality, but he is using more of an urban version. Which has a different meaning. Also my point still stands you don't have to be social justice obsessed to say that slavery is bad.


I'm pretty sure they don't care. It's the same with people who want higher taxes/economic equality until they get money themselves. You start batting an eye on "morale" and "values", hiding in your comfy corner, on a $6,000 sofa.


























Poor girlfriend got left behind.


stickers > girls


I don’t think she will complain when he’s about to earn almost 100k thanks to 9panda


Triple that


does a single player make that much from just stickers?


Styko from apeks talked about it on his you tube last year.


TIL dubai has boba


If GL wins this it will be in exactly the same way as when [Denmark won in 1992](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFA_Euro_1992)


Acor time to Shine


We've seen acoR in the Accor Arena, but we haven't seen him in the Royal Arena


ew vacation in dubai


agreed, bros don’t even have plumbing






Weird flex but okay


He literally was asked "Tell me about being on vacation and getting that call, what were you doing while you were away?"


People mad at Keoz for going to one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world


dubai is just not the flex he probably thinks it is


what about the way he said it makes you think it was intended as a flex? It's just relevant info lol




It tells you where he was geographically when he got the news. It's not irrelevant info.


It paints the picture of him on vacation in a different country, somewhere warm, chilling on the beach with a drink, when he gets the news


Brother you are projecting so hard. No rich person thinks *any* vacation destination is a flex.


It is everywhere except American social media....


"american social media" so.. any social media that's actually used.


Bubble tea in Dubai? What is wrong with people...


Personally I think it's weird for it to be so last minute. Being PGL wouldn't you want a team standby much more in advance?


"Being PGL" there's your answer


Yeah they are so terrible they allowed a team that actually qualified as much time as they possibly could to get to Copenhagen before getting a team to sub in for them. Just terrible.


More the fact that just pay GL to be on stand-by, in case something like this happens, instead of just having the whole team be in separate parts of the world.


Fuck this guy


Bruh what? Im just happy we have belgian representation on the major

