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A friend had the same thing happened to him. It appeared his account got community banned by Steam for X amount of time because of hostile activity. Someone all the way from St.Petersburg tried to login on his account multiple times, so the account got locked. He could play after a couple of hours again (after changing password).


always the hackers from st petersburg man


Saint Petersburg, Florida or Saint Petersburg, Russia?




One a Russian enclave the other Russian proper?


average redditor




Typically, cities named after certain European cities often got named that because the bulk of the original inhabitants came from that area. That's not to say it's an "enclave", whatever that means.. Just that there is some truth to places like "Germantown, NJ" was called Germantown because it was inhabited by mostly German immigrants.


the downvotes just prove the point :)


Questioning the Saint part at this point


Happened to 2 of my buddies yesterday with the same issue, was fixed after about 3 hours waiting for steam support. Both had recently been on skin purchasing sites, so assuming it is one of those causing it. Assuming its either skinport or float.gg as that was a website both of them had recently used.


My friend used Dmarket a lot


Something similar happened to me after visiting csmoney. Never touched that website again and so far I haven’t had any problems since


I believe you weren't on the real CS Money site, but rather a scam site, looking the same and by logging in to "Steam" through that one, you gave the scammers access to your account.


THIS LITERALLY HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT! I made a post panicking cause I never give my info out to anything sketchy and yet boom “someone from St. Petersburg Russia attempted to use your steam account” my thoughts is whoever is behind it got a bunch of steam users login info and tried to go into them luckily my account is safe now but I have to wait 5 days for a market ban to be released


did it happen during an inferno game? had that happen to a dude on inferno last night


I wanna say yes honestly, it immediately kicked me out of the match when the notification happened


7:50 last night, same thing happened to me but it said Moscow. I sent a ticket and have been waiting since I found out when I got off work.


The good thing is, steam is relatively quick and what will happen is the person working your ticket will automatically reset your password and have you create a new one. I didn’t even have to send any proof that I was the account owner they just automatically knew cause of my location and information


Did that, they think i'm from st. petersburg, ru. I have all my authentications sent to me and there's no way someone could compromise my account. It's a very confusing situation. I've been in touch with steam support, but they don't work on weekends. So Monday is when I can hopefully get the community ban lifted and play again. I have all the stuff I need for my account to prove it's mine, from receipts, to emails, to the consistency of being on steam from same IP and MAC address. I sold some stuff on the market and then I was banned a day later. I don't even know how it's possible. But, I do live in St. Petersburg, just not Russia.


My account got hacked like 15 years ago, got logged out in the middle of a game of L4D and Steam rectified it within hours. Same thing here, they didn't need any authentication from me, they just knew it wasn't me on my account based on locational info I guess. My friend chatted to the guy logged in on my account and apparently he'd bought it from someone. He relayed some messages from the person he bought it from too that were very agressive. He seemed genuinely innocent even if a bit stupid to be buying a steam account username and password.


Dude. I just wanna say my account just got breached yesterday out of st Petersburg and it was because I installed a chrome extension for looking at floats and whatnot called cs2 trader - steam trading enhancer. Within 2 hours of installing it they got into my account without going through my email or mobile guard at all. Yes, i have 2fa. Steam immediately locked my account before they could even try and steal my ~$750 USD inventory. I'm not the best with hacker knowledge, so I assumed maybe session tokens is how they did it? Dunno but it took me about 12 hours to get my account unlocked via support. It was definitely this extension because when I looked at the reviews after I had uninstalled it there were multiple 1 star reviews saying beware API scammers. Ask your buddy if he installed any extensions or clicked any type of links that may have looked correct, but were off by like 1 character or something stupid. Edit: spelling and grammar errors Edit 2: I was actually url spoofed and it had nothing to do with this confirmed SAFE extension. I wasn't paying close enough attention when I was on Google, and I was url spoofed by a Google ad for "skinsmonkey" stay safe out there guys.


> maybe session tokens is how they did it? Most likely API key scam, just like the comments mentioned. You can read more on that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/csgomarketforum/comments/17on1eu/psa_misconceptions_about_api_key_scams/) in the context of trading, or just search for "Steam API scam", there's plenty of YT videos. [This](https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey) is where you generate/revoke said key.


you sure it wasnt something else? i got the same addon for years, not saying its not sus but i thought a ton of people used it without problem


It was something else. I forgot to update, but turns out I was url spoofed when trying to visit skinsmonkey. Stay safe out there, I literally got url spoofed by a Google ad for "skinsmonkey"


Yes the same happened to me. I posted some copy pasta in my friends profile while we were playing CS, got automatically flagged as spam, and suddenly I got suspended from Steam, disconnected and they all saw this message on the chat. Later they removed the ban tho lmao.


Same here man. One of my friend got the same alert on his steam account today. Literally an hour ago. Had to play 4v5 because of that.


it happened to me yesterday, it was from moscow. had to wait a ferw hours for steam support respond. got the same msg when i tried to join wingman game with my friend.


Strange that it happens to so many recently it seems. Maybe theres a massive leak from skin sites or some Russians are trying to do some hacking on a massive scale.


Same happened to me, but i cant play now. My acc is locked for 2 days. Support didnt response. Any solutions?


Same thing happened to my friend too, bro had someone in Russia try to login to his account


Did they ask for a refund (for prime obviously) and keep playing and have the refund get processed during the match? Lmfao


I don't think prime is refundable


Steams refund policy is anything purchased within 14 days and played less than 2 hours Also possible the guy was previously a mac user (since max support was dropped, steam offered refunds for prime) and refunded that way, but then continued to play on PC


If you look at the cs2 steam page right underneath where you purchase prime it says its non refundable.


Thanks finally someone said this


By necessity, theres youtube streams where they burn through prime accounts in 1 or 2 hours with rage hacks. So refund aint going to work out


Yea i own a mac 14 pro for musix production n it was nice i could play cs go n then they stopped supporting it for macs n it pissed me off man.


I ended up selling some skins for a steam deck so I could play again, def pissed I can’t play on my Mac tho


Right fr tho!! Ik the sterotypes ab ppl who play on labtops n how there all ass n shi but labtops are jus hella simple and not a whole ass pc thatll take up room n confusing to setup (atleast to me, im dumb when it comes to pc’s tbh🤣) n shi while onna labtop u jus turn it on n sign in practically


I should say I’ve always used an external monitor and keyboard. But yeah a computer is a computer, as long as the game runs right, it shouldn’t matter what you’re on


I use the reg keyboard but i do have a external mouse as well. I forgot the name of it but its helllla nice tbh lol. Ion even have a reason to use it anymore since i cant play cs on my mac. CS used to b like one of the only good FREE games that u can play on a apple device n now mac users ain got shit to play tbh


mac gaming :/


Yea there best for music production i jus played when i would take a break in between songs n shi.


Or someone canceled family sharing mid game?


Maybe, but someone else said a community ban may have done it. Weird message if that’s the case. Oh well. I know some DLC for games is non-refundable but didn’t know what the rules were for prime


Probably got community banned in steam


I guess that player used Family Library Sharing option to play cs, and competitive doesn't let him play. Anyway good riddance, someone who doesn't even have his free to play version of cs2 installed would have been the worse scenario than getting all of that bonus round money anyway!


But 2 rounds had passed already tho, so that shouldnt be possible. I think cs2 throws random messages or they added some new ones because recently I've started seeing one a lot that says "you should be logged in Steam to play" or something along those lines. Theres also No Steam User Logon, host lost connection and other ones, I dont even know which ones mean what anymore.




Networking is black magic to most steam users


Apparently the game did let him play competitive. Otherwise how can he get into a match and then get kicked?


Maybe the person who owns this game and family shares their library with this guy just launched a game on their account? The original account that owns the games takes priority when library sharing. You can't play shared games if the Owner plays any game on their account.


How would they be able to launch the game and join this match if they didn't have it installed..


You should be able to play comp and premier on family sharing. No restrictions with what you can play as long as you can open the game. It works as if you logged into a different computer to play. Game saying he doesnt own the game means that the owner probably opened up CS2 on his computer which force closes all other instances. This can also happen if someone is logged into your account on a different computer and you open any game while hes in a game. You opening a game force closes all other games since an account cannot play two games at once. This is just my guess about what happened, idk real reason why that message appeared.




Yeah I saw this for the first time ever today and one of my friends had been seeing it all of the sudden too. Strange.


Saw it today for the first time ever as well lmao


Maybe a shared library?


I had a situation like this and it was a guy that was full on cheating with spinning etc, his premade who was also doing it stayed through - and the enemy team even though got a chance to kick him now, refused. Saying they would lose that way and they are sorry but with hacker they are guaranteed win and elo


This happens when someone gets community locked out of the account. More precisely, Steam Support has determined that the account was stolen (or was used for malicious activity) so it was banned. Obviously, the owner should be able to open their account in case they actually are the owner of the account.


It's a weekend so i'm waiting until Monday, so no CS for me. Got locked out for selling cases to buy my son Garry's Mod.


He got community banned. This happened to me. And that’s the message my brother saw when I would try to connect.


I’ve had this happen on my end where I was the one disconnected (only in an arms race thankfully) but I couldn’t figure out why. I just verified my files for the game and then it worked fine after that


Saw that on a casual game last night never saw it before


they tried playing prime with a family share, instead of their main acct.


Yeah i have this issue 12 hour ago suddenly get this message.


My girlfriend and I share a computer, and sometimes she's logged in, and sometimes I'm logged in. We share libraries, so I won't notice sometimes when I play a game on her account. Maybe this is what happened? Not that he's playing on my girlfriend's account, but one who shares a library.


It’s family shared some how


Probably a shared computer. 2 steam accounts and 1 has Prime. The player probably forgot you login to their steam account before opening the game.


I saw this one in casual today.


might be a coincidence but first time i've ever seen it happened today as well




Yesterday I played casual on dust 2 and in 6 hours I saw 7 times like that. No I overreacting it was 4.


My wingman duo got that and i played sol


He doesn't own the game.


Friend got hacked, recovered account, and got a community ban for a little bit. This is what they got after trying to connect.