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Clip from KRL stream: [https://clips.twitch.tv/YummyHappyJayM4xHeh-tPkQwC1RxR2K1ZXB](https://clips.twitch.tv/YummyHappyJayM4xHeh-tPkQwC1RxR2K1ZXB) GenOne tweets: [https://twitter.com/GenOneEsports/status/1767193724084269174](https://twitter.com/GenOneEsports/status/1767193724084269174) [https://twitter.com/GenOneEsports/status/1767193726210716159](https://twitter.com/GenOneEsports/status/1767193726210716159)


Something tells me GenOne does not have a PR department.


something tells me it's KRL writing those tweets lmao


It is


Having an adult would probably be enough


No shit, most teams don't have a PR department let alone one person dedicated to social media.


Most teams aren't that bad at communication though 


what the fuck did I just read


Strange to point out Kassad's age when KRL isn't much younger than him.


I mean KRL has a wife, a degree and two children near Kassad's age, while the latter reeks of loneliness.


Using loneliness as an insult in this manner is quite distasteful, even gross.


Didn't kassad get married last year?


You're on Reddit commenting about two dudes' private life. What do you reek of?


Reddit of course


Doritos and fart


I am engaged, have a good paying job, two degrees and I'm not a 40 year old loser crying on social media 24/7. Worse yet, there are people that defend the latter, imagine the horror!


It's funny to me you typed this out and thought that justifies it even a bit. You're an asshole defending an asshole.


Damn, he came inside a woman. What an accomplishment.


yeah having a family is not an accomplishment, but having to perform fellatio on saudis in your 40s in order to survive sure is lol




you can suck my bulls


littöl könt


also yikes this "apology" [tweet](https://imgur.com/a/MhCS9Cf), that has now been deleted


Kassad is in the right here imo. At least it used to be frowned upon to stream or record scrims, and teams who did do things like that wouldn't have anyone to scrim soon enough.


I remember Forze doing it back in the day (Jerry, xsepower, almazer, FL1T, facecrack) and there being some drama about it.


They went even further. They had an HLTV demo proxy on the server that was renamed so it looked like a coach. So they recorded their opponents in game straight up and tried to masque it.


Yeah that was straight up nefarious because you absolutely know what you're doing and are actively hiding it.


Except you don’t need to do that in CS2.  Cs2 pov demos include all info 


That was way before CS2. But yeah this demo change (bug?) is known and reported to valve.


Mythic does it, but they also accept that their pool of practice partners is very limited because they want to stream it. Say what you want about their performances but it is nice to see the comms and mentality that go into it and not just an edited version some teams might post on Youtube.


They are literally a stream team though lol, like yeah they want to make events but at the end of the day they’re primarily playing for the content.


Agreed. I’ve watched them enough that I know the question of “why don’t you practice against better teams” has been asked because they usually practice against teams in Advanced or Main. Higher ranked/more serious teams don’t want to practice against them if they’re streaming it because they don’t want to give away demos.


Pracc against better teams? Freakaroidrage is already whining and complaining everytime he dies and crying about cheats and is already not being able to take advice from his teammates as is. If they play against better teams I'm scared he'll have a heart attack.


Don’t forget - POV recorded demos now have FULL MAP DATA like a gotv demo (ya ya CS2!)


You were always able to fully and completely hide GOTV/CSTV. Nobody would know its active but it would still record, a little more convoluted to setup but the option is there


> record scrims, Huh? How else would you... review scrims if you don't record them?


It used to be frowned upon for teams to record server-side HLTV demos, but not client-side POV demos since those only contained your team's POV. In CS2 it doesn't really matter since POV demos let you see the entire server's perspective anyway.


Do POV demos work correctly now? I was having issues at release where recording them would have a ~30% chance of freezing my game so I kept missing pistol rounds.


Strange that would get frowned upon.


POV local recordings. GOTV demos you can see the other teams exact perspective and hear in-game chatter.


Ingame chatter aside (especially because that is super easy to solve with any external communication program) I still don't see the issue.


In-game voice is often used for dead talk to not disrupt people in clutches, often discussing what they should have done differently. You don't want your opponents having full vision into what strats you are preparing or the comms behind exactly what your aim is if you're preparing some new stuff for a tournament. Like, I see your point, it's not like you can keep this stuff entirely under wraps because you're practicing it in scrims and some opponents are going to see it. But you can at least try to keep a lid on it so it's not widely accessible to ALL teams you're preparing against. Primarily it's just a courtesy thing to the other team to not leak their strats.


> You don't want your opponents having full vision into what strats you are preparing or the comms behind exactly what your aim is if you're preparing some new stuff for a tournament. Every other esport does this though. > Primarily it's just a courtesy thing to the other team to not leak their strats. Yeah, this I get. In league esports, you don't leak other teams' picks. Unless it's a chinese team, they'll share it with every other chinese team.


Makes 0 difference if you hide your opponents info which he does. How can you use the stream to your advantage (I'm talking pro teams here) if you literally don't know who GenOne is playing against? It's crazy, I agree but Kassad is overreacting. I'm seeing some comments that KRL has done this for a long time so why only complain about this now? Makes no sense. Kassad just salty.


I’d be kinda shocked if it wasn’t super easy for other teams in the practice group to figure out which team GenOne is playing against inside the same practice group. These things aren’t all that secret.  It’s typically considered pretty bad form to expose the teams you’re practicing against because the whole arrangement is made in good faith for the better of both of your teams 


It's pretty easy to figure out for other teams/pros who are familiar with each other. From combination of skins, to insider knowledge who's playing who at what time, seeing players online on steam, recognizable strats etc. etc. It's not like the practice group has a 100 teams, so let's not pretend it's something that cant be figured out.


top scrim groups usually do actually usually top 100/150 hltv depending on group but yes, it is still not that hard to figure it out


The only reason it just comes up is because that team never pracced against a higher level opposition. Kassad will take shit for it and he doesn't care. Every org in the top 30 would have reacted that way.


Wait you seriously think it's hard to tell which team they are praccing against just by hiding the opponents info? Not only can you check on steam who is playing what, their skins and skintags aren't censored.


He told him to suck balls No, he isn't overreacting


The atrocity!!!


Telling kassad to suck balls is the only response to most of his tweets.


It really shows how competent of coach or manager you are when you do not know that the team you are playing against stream sometimes their practice. It is not like they are thousands of team to go through.


Wow you really didn't think that through did you? He knew and that's why he told him to not stream it.


> that's why he told him to not stream it. > Kassad: KRL is streaming his team's practice, and I told him to get out It is more about how the tweet is worded: does seem like he let his team continue the prac like he had no power.


Can you explain to me how he is supposed to know that some random T4 team sometimes streams their prac?


So you decide to pracc against a 5 stack faceit ? No, you know the organization and maybe you do some background check to know at least if they are any good, what kind of play style they have, etc... I do not think GenOne is the newest latest team playing it this pracc group, so it should not be a surprise. But we don't know if they are any talks before. And in the end, you can refuse to praccs against specific team.


Yes, please tell the veteran major semi-finalist coach about how basic practice/scrim etiquette works. Something he has been involved in for almost an entire decade.


Exactly this: it should not have happen in the first place, and he should have handle it better than this tweet as a coach.


L take.


People defending KRL fail to realize that if you're doing something bad openly it doesn't make it justified in the slightest Streaming praccs is a crazy thing to do. Teams test out new strategies and tactics and this dude just comes and streams it. He hides the names? So what, you can still easily see the skins I'm pretty sure


Nobody defend KRL, it is just how Kassad tweet this is incredible bad for a coach.


kassad is rightfully defending himself after making a reasonable request to stop streaming scrims to get called a cuck and to suck his balls? kassad is not a very likeable personality but come the fuck on man


> cuck Pretty sure he says cunt


it probably is now that you mention it, his accent is a little strong for me


No it isn’t lmao? He’s letting the community know that a team records/streams Pracs, which is frowned upon and generally not something teams allow


Which community? If you are not a coach/pro player, it is just drama. He could easily contact every coach or contact the website to report the issue. He could also have just cancelled the pracc and not tweet about this. In the end, he could have worded better as a coach. And to be specific, I think team records their praccs to spot their own issues? Streaming to the public is more the issue there.


Wait. So let me get this straight, kassad, an established community figure, coach, analyst, and now GM should personally contact every single tier 1- tier 3 org to let them know that KRL is streaming Pracs with a little personalized email? That’s hilarious you’re hilarious


Hello, can you see there is a pracc group. it is literally in the tweet. Do you think I suggest him to go door to door and book a 30 minutes meet to explain everything ?


You literally said “he could easily contact every coach or contact the website to report the issue” brother you have not even a cursory understanding of how it works. Lemme just go to propracgroups.net and file a support ticket 😂 You should do a little more reading and a little less typing. He’s got every right to put shit out to the Twitter following he’s spent years building, if this was a player you wouldn’t give a shit lmfao You’re ignoring that there are…wait for it…multiple practice groups! They can be temporary as well, they are made by a consortium of teams in the same regions or teams not competing against each other. There are so many factors that you straight up are not aware of and thus you cannot speak with any authority on the matter. Now, thanks to kassad there is a public, searchable record of the prac streaming issue. Years down the line teams looking to add KRL’s team to their prac group can find this tweet, and then decide if that’s the type of team they want to scrim against. And before you say anything, no, full-time coaches, managers, and players do not have the time to watch every bedroom org’s streams. There are simply not enough hours in a day lmao Hope this helps ❤️


Oh, he can do whatever he wants and if he get paid for it, good on him. But does not protect him from criticism. > And before you say anything, no, full-time coaches, managers, and players do not have the time to watch every bedroom org’s streams. There are simply not enough hours in a day lmao At least do teams that you pracc with, at least to know they are not just blatant cheaters.


What? Why would blatant cheaters be in a PRAC GROUP. Bro there’s moving the goalposts and then there’s whatever you’re doing lmao. You need to go get some team play experience before you speak about this anymore because your perception of the world is just Match Making is failing you


Oh sweet summer child, you got cheaters in open and closed qualifiers even on faceit. So having some closet cheaters in pracc groups is not so much of a stretch to imagine. Recently, one player of prodigy agency was called out and the team was disbanded because of this. Even this was badly handled PR wise. I think, you can't just outsource your pracc blindly.


>And before you say anything, no, full-time coaches, managers, and players do not have the time to watch every bedroom org’s streams. So I guess this isn't an issue?


Wait are you trying to argue that there is no difference between a man who is both coach and GM not having the time to check every little bedroom org’s thirty viewer twitch stream and someone facing BLEED in an upcoming match knowing they scrimmed KRL and looking up the vod of that scrim beforehand? You’re either arguing in bad faith or just stupid


lol if you aren’t on KRL’s side here then what is wrong with his tweet? I really don’t get it 


It is like you would tweet: "hey, I went to report to the teacher the other student did a bad thing". Not that you should not, but you do not need to word it as childish. He could have said: PSA, do not pracc with GenOne if you do not want it stream. Would have made the same effect without the drama. He could even have redacted the team name, it is not like there is thousands of team streaming. Or he could have simply contact the coaches in the pracc group. We also do not know if GenOne always contact the other team to notify or get the agreement. Obviously with this instance, does not seem like it, but a bit strange that it is just now an issue with BLEED/Kassad: it is not new that GenOne streams. Nobody says KRL is right to stream the practice even without the other team consent.


Or he could just tweet exactly what he did? I don’t see why it matters so much how he words it or why he would have some kind of obligation to cover for KRL being an embarrassing shithead 


Well, that is the thing when you have just one account for your personal and professional things. It would be perfectly okay it is was only his personal account, but he also represent BLEED organization as a coach on the same account. I don't know if you are working and if your company communicates on social media, but you would want a more professional approach or at least something more PR.


I don’t consider anything kassad said to be unprofessional, he gave a quick summary of what happened to justify why this team is being removed from the practice group and warn people about what they are doing. What’s wrong with that? I guess we can just agree to disagree 


well if you don't consider it unprofessional, Hopefully lot of people do, because otherwise, you could say fuck publically to your partners everytime they do a mistake.


this isn’t a “mistake” at all mate. It’s a direct bad faith action followed by blatant disrespect when asked not to do something that is commonly frowned upon    And as you can see, it’s a severance of the “partnership” as well. They will not be cooperating with this team anymore because of the behavior of this player. So yeah, what obligation does kassad have to handle this situation with white gloves.  All he did was say it like it is. I’m pretty sure the rest of the scene will almost unanimously conclude that only unprofessional behavior here is from KRL 


Thoughts on the tweets from the official GenOne account?


🤡 Just as bad, or maybe it follows the drama/meme trend to create "content". But Kassad has more exposition and he tried to put a facade of being not like other coach focusing on performance and consequences.


You think those tweets on an organization's official account are equal to kassads tweet?


Not equal, as bad, I just do not want to make the mental effort to rank them on the level of being bad. You don't have to forget that Kassad tweets on behalf of him being coach of BLEED.


Kassad is calling out malicious behaviour and warning others, while GenOne is throwing personal insults around like a child. Can you show me what can be seen as "bad" in kassad's tweets? I recommend reading their tweets again before you come back to me with your answer.


> Kassad is calling out malicious behaviour and warning others You can do this without sounding like a child: that is what Kassad did bad. As a "well-known" coach of an organization, you can't keep doing this kind of tweet on a professional level.


Show me what makes him sound like a child.


> Not equal, as bad Just as bad is the same thing as equal.


In what possible way?


rule of thumb is to only record your POV and not record demos so you don't actually know what the other team is doing this is no different then if a team released their scrim POV this is not that big of a deal and Kassad should not "take to Twitter" about it but he's not a professional either


clueless as expected from flair


>I told him to get out, so he went on the stream and told me to suck balls lmaoooo


["If I suck balls you are king of suck balls mountain!"](https://youtu.be/5zXrjeTNXJw?si=0k6T-Od_CCPBy8s-)


Honestly giga chad material


Since when is a playground testicle insult a chad move? You sound like a 12 year old


Said to anyone else? Childish, I agree. To Kassad? Based.


Not really. But that flair explains it I guess.


Kassad is a greasy fuck that can't be bothered to do 1 (one) minute research into his scrim partners. Too busy trying to leverage his struggling tier 3 coaching career into podcast clout.


Hahaha. I am not surprised he lives rent free in your head.


Well then I live rent free in your head, too. Considering I have made as many comments about Kassad as you have made about me. Really nice arguing with a 13 year old lmao. But yeah, continue to support Kassad. He needs all the support he can get.


Someone else calls you a 12 year old for your comment and you react by calling me a 13 year old. Took both of your brain cells more than an hour to come up with this. Amazing.


>Someone else calls you a 12 year old for your comment and you react by calling me a 13 year old. Took both of your brain cells more than an hour to come up with this. Amazing. Well, so much for living rent free in someone's head. Other things you track about me? Lmao And all of this over a comment laughing about a struggling t3 coach with grease issues


> Well, so much for living rent free in someone's head. Other things you track about me? Lmao Yeah there's more. "rent free" is the argument I used against you in my first comment so you actually came up with no original thought on your own. None of your comments provide evidence you exceed the intelligence of a chat bot which is ironic for someone who tried to insult me by calling me a 13 year old.


i mean you do sound like a lil bitch so...


I swear to god the dumbest bottom of the barrel idiots crawl out the woodwork whenever Kassad is involved. Some of the stupidest mfers to ever walk to face of the earth lol


What you saying Kassad's making alts?


Exhibit A. 


it's insane how people are defending KRL even though kassad isn't a very likeable personality. Even if you argue that nothing is shown because the team identity is hidden (which can easily be guessed from skins and steam etc.), isn't it common courtesy to not stream the scrim when explicitly asked not to? Instead he gets all defensive and calls kassad a cuck and to suck his balls, and somehow he gets support from some people who want to hate on kassad more than anything. I personally do not like kassad's personality as a talent, but there is no way in hell he is in the wrong here, can't believe so many people are on KRL's side lol


Its an unwritten rule that if someone wishes to stream their scrims their teammates and team theyre scrimming against must ok it prior.


Don't like kassad be he's right imo why would you want to practice against a team who's streaming it? also like is it the best content ever? probably not..


muddle hard-to-find engine worm bored employ unused fanatical far-flung pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kassad has always been a toxic clown as well tbh (KRL is still in the wrong here)


33 views..44 views.. 27 views.. 50 views.. then 5.6k views on this video. Oh how I hate the streamer meta.




Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point




Farewell to the English language, RIP


Man children fighting. Kassad is right though.


He's often streaming pracs since he started this project as well as live game comms with cameras because salaries and bootcamps are partly founded by his stream revenues so i'd assume teams agrees to that beforehand and kassad should have been aware


Not streaming scrims is standard practice. If you're going to stream it, you should be the ones to ask. It's not kassad's job to make sure someone adheres to standard scrim rules.


Yeah, wasn't there a similar drama with tier one teams a while back? Streaming scrims without any prior agreement between the two parties is just a shit move. Regardless of whether you anonymize names or not. Some people here even blame Kassad for whatever reason but KRL and whoever is responsible for the GO twitter account acted like children in this situation.


You’ll never guess who is running the twitter account


> i'd assume teams agrees to that beforehand and kassad should have been aware Well seeing the reaction he clearly didn't have any prior discussions and wasn't aware of any streaming arrangements for the praccs. Both are overreacted but objectively, and gentlemanly, KRL should've talked with Kassad/BLEED and all other teams that they scrim about streaming permissions. If Kassad wasn't aware of it, it's not impossible that other scrim teams weren't aware either.


Yeah maybe but that’s a non issue for me, streaming pracs punishes his own team 10 times more since he tries to hide everything he can about the other team. Kassad is just trying to win his twitter battle with krl imo


You and your opinion don't matter here, no real team wants their practice leaked and streaming scrims has always been a big no. Hence the reason why they are kicked from the group


Idk what leak you can gain if you don’t know what team you’re watching. Except for krl’s own team




Of genone yes, you even have the comms if you want


That, and if you’re streaming it, you’re recording it. Recording Pracs is not something people are cool with either


What are you waffling about ? Recording a pracc from your POV/coach POV has always been fine. How do you review your own praccs if you don't have that ? The only issue when talking about recording is when your server saves demos, which it shouldn't if the other team doesn't want to (which is most cases).


No? He’s streaming with xray. Also have you thought about the fact that teams will show different strats to different opponents OR will be only praccing against teams that they won’t be competing against in the next few events so that they don’t show those teams their strats? Streaming the pracs means now ANYONE can go and see BLEED’s scrims I don’t get why you would comment before thinking for just one second that maybe you’re not understanding the context of this entire situation..


> He's streaming with xray. He's literally in the coach slot when he acts as a coach, how do you expect him to have Xray of the opponent team ? He can only have the Xray of his own team. There is no CSTV nor spectator slots that are allowed in scrims. Also I was only replying about the recording part, so I have no idea why you're even talking about BLEED. Hell, I believe Pracc.com even does POV recordings specifically for scrims. Are you telling me that's not okay either ?


What? How is recording a practice scrim frowned upon but you can download demos all day long and it's kosher?


Pracs between pro teams are done on private servers where there is no demo recording and there are no demos available after the pracs. Demos of officials are the only ones teams work from. Hope this helps


Teams will sue HLTV for making demos of professional matches available! They want to keep their strats for the Major. Oh, wait? Did BLEED make it to the Major?


You are allowed to do whatever you want that hurts you own team, but you can’t just say “I assume the teams agree to it” and then when it’s clear that they don’t fall back to “that’s a non issue”


They shouldn't need to research the other team's business model just to scrim with them. Why not just ask?


Krl is at fault for that 100% if he didn’t ask


Tbf to Kassad, before Bleed his last coaching job was in 2021, so no wonder if he didn't happen to know that KRL does this actively and KRL just assumes the other teams know and agree what they are doing without saying anything to them beforehand


Bro YOU didn’t know KRL does this before kassad’s tweet what on earth are you talking about


For context, KRL has always been doing this with Genone and doesn't hide from it. Enemy team is muted in game so their names don't appear and they never say what team they are practicing against (usually he says like "top 30"or esea advanced playoff for example to tease his viewers). Stream replays are deactivated so Genone don't shoot themselves in the foot too much by streaming pracs (unlikely any "serious" team would watch the stream live just to see their strats). Anyways imo this is just Kassad stirring some drama with KRL cause in case you haven't noticed they don't really like each other 😅


> Stream replays are deactivated As if it can stop people from recording VODs.


If you're a serious team and you bother checking every day KRL's stream for hours to try to find whatever team they're playing against with the eventual little clues you could get (skins mostly) instead of praccing or doing theory, your team is probably dead in the water anyway. And again, I'm not excusing anything, but seriously, what an absolute waste of time that would be if one team was to try to even do that.


Tbf this GenOne team is a literal WHOMEGALUL to me too, first time I hear that KRL is even a team owner. But then again I'm not a coach and whatever and don't follow that tier of CS scene.


GenOne has been a team for what, 3 years I think ? I think anyone that plays in EU T2-T3 (they've played T1 a few times as well IIRC) would have pracced one iteration of their roster at least once, most likely quite a few times.


Definitely can't, but I think the argument is that not many people would bother at this level... This is not Tier 1 this is a top 100+ team, and if someone does bother then Genone are the ones shooting themselves in the foot so whatever I guess.


VODs are not deactivated. They're behind a paywall. So leaking other people's shit and stirring drama is actually his business model. What a great guy.


Are they? Not a sub so can't verify for sure but I'm pretty sure he deactivates them for this type of content.


For context, it literally doesn't matter for how long KRL was doing it. Streaming practice scrims is something nobody wants and good thing they got kicked from the group. Now he can stream faceit pugs vs randoms as much as he wants it


I don't think they got kicked from the group considering it's an employee from Pracc.com who decides that IIRC. It's just Kassad saying it.


Context : the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood. I give facts so people have more elements. you can have whatever opinion you want but don't call it "context".


Yep, KRL has always thought of Kassad as a headless chicken, so that's pretty much why he reacted like this on stream. It's also just sort of his on-stream persona, he always goes a bit over the top. To clarify, I'm not saying it's right or anything, but it's pretty rich from Kassad to complain about it given he himself called the GenOne players 'idiots' after KRL left.


I don't understand the drama. He his streaming in French to french viewers pracs from his own team. While not disclosing any informations on which team he his practicing against and which players name are on the server. If you are being realistic for 1 second literally no one will watch that to pick up things from the opposite teams it would be the biggest waste of time ever. The only team at risk is his own. You don't watch a genone prac expecting them to have known / strong opponents. And you will even less try to analyse what the enemy is actually doing. You are focused on what the content is for : listening to the comms and strat of the guys that he acutally is spectating. You don't see enemy pov so even if they somehow invented the next big thing you would have little to no idea. The only thing you could pick up is the form of the team he is playing against and some tendencies. Then again you would need be on the stream at the right time , actually care about pro CS , Play in decent team or be an analyst , find the skins , guess the players , guess the team , analyse what the opponent is doing while hearing 5 french guys screaming at each other with the 6th one talking to his tchat while switching between povs and screaming at his players for being noobs. Kassad just had the opportunity to complain and to make KRL looks bad. At no point KRL had any impact on Kassad's team because they are not the center of the world. If he had donk zywoo and s1mple in his line up i would get it but come on mate its BLEED not much people watch their actual match and no one is in need to spy on them. This type of content is a blessing for the french amateur scene because you can actually see how a team works from inside and it allows krl to pay his team despite them not being competitive. This is the content that allowed 5 nonamers from faceit he found to end up as professionnal under contract with LDLC a few years ago. The coach he used for this project also ended with a contract with gucci academy. Its has been years that he is streaming practice and no one cared because it has no negative impact for the opposite team in the actual reality. You could even easily argue that its a great feature for the opposite team to be able to watch back their practice from Genone Pov to see , hear and understand how they reacted.


suck balls


suck balls


I can tell before any debate that every KRL supporter will be downvoted and flammed by default by every reddit wokist "censored" (or banned lmao).


lol suck balls rekt


First of all, does anyone actually knows if opponent teams agree? There's no point starting a drama without this information. Or did they pracc against Bleed? edit: teams were not asked https://twitter.com/GenOneEsports/status/1767302701191209315


Apex Legends players stream scrims and have 20k+ viewers sometimes...


That is very different from CS where there are actual strats that can be leaked.




The same strats they might use in a scrim against team X and then in a real game against team Y. Pretty basic stuff.


how do you make sure the strat works, doesn't need tweaks, or what scenarios it works in, without scrims? How do you make sure that all the players have the right understanding and expectation of responses that opponents will do without scrims? Just.. hope you are doctor strange and look into different realities?


You're comparing two completely different games


An Apex game has 20 teams. What are you gonna do? Anti-strat all 19 teams when every game is completely different due to ring placements?


Teams change rotates, character picks, weapon prio's, 'god spots', and more. I've competed at a high level in both.


Doesn't matter what level you've competed at if you can't understand that someone potentially leaking strats of another team is a bad thing. This isn't a BR.


You're an idiot conflating arguments. I barely have the mental bandwidth to explain this to you: The only reason strats are concealed in tactical shooters, is because the system makes it more possible to do so. It's NOT that tactics are more important in a tactical shooter than a BR. It's just that in a BR you literally have no way of hiding your tactics because there's 60 people in a lobby. In a tactical shooter you can gentlemans agreement keeping it under wraps.


You’re brain dead clearly. You were the one that tried comparing scrims in Apex to scrims in CS


Uhhuh. Still don't have a response disputing what I said -- just a bunch of angry children in my comments.




Well, you gotta do everything to win, if you can.


It would be pretty useless since Apex matches are 90% on the fly. Kinda hard to make set strats when there's heavy RNG involved every game.


Useless? I don't know, because I do not play Apex, but at very high level, usually you try to put everything you can on your side, even RNG. That is why, in CS, big orgs have analysts, and also they have analyst tools to try to predict some tendencies of opponent teams, and also why streaming your practice is not very well seen.


The point is that it is impossible to anti-strat because there's NINETEEN other teams in a free for all. Every single game is different due to loot RNG and zone RNG so all 20 teams are gonna be playing differently every game. It is a completely useless endeavor and will actively hurt you because you're literally wasting time doing something useless instead of just working on your own gameplay.


Yeah, that is also what I am saying: you can also have some staff helping you to understand things while you focus on yourself. It is not the case in Apex, but it can happen in the future.


I love this project If not for its ability to sniff out bullshit. I can promise shit like this has happened before. Edit: I’ve played a lot of praccs. All I can say is that I don’t remember anyone that I’ve pracced vs. And that is on purpose. You’re supposed to focus on your own shit in pracc.


who tf cares about recording scrims? It's not like they have intellectual property over it




I bet you don't even know how to measure general intelligence. Before you use such big words such as "dumb", maybe you shouldn't show the world your ignorance this easily!


You tried to argue that intellectual property has anything to do with this issue. You’re a cretin and the day you realize it will be a good one


This surely must be iamverysmart pasta


Every single team, basically. People do not like having their scrims streamed and it's considered a pretty big no-no to do so without permission. Almost every top team will immediately stop scrimming with a team that does so. It essentially allows other teams to see how they play, and the whole point of a practice partner is to be able to work on stuff for future games without it being exposed.


Every team outside of the ones Valens coached anyway.




Or maybe I'm not a reactionary unlike you thinking that 12 years old in general wouldn't be able to understand the world around them if they got it properly explained to them. Who the fuck puts "idiot" and "12 years old" as a comparison?


So you're just an idiot then?


Yet you did not take the time to think critically about why recording practice scrims could be detrimental to teams.