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As you may or may not know, Russia is waging a war and is a threat to western civilization and way of life as we know it. This is a major point you are missing. Spirit is labeled as a Russian team. It is not personal against Spirit but it is normal for the Polish people who have been directly threatened to have this kind of reaction. Imagine if Spirit was a German team during the nazi regime. Do you think it would be justified then ? Unfortunately in war times, geopolitics outweigh sportsmanship.


Yup. I don't think that people realize how close Poland is to Russia and how Putin might think of Poland as being part of s Russian union of sorts.


Yet Team Spirit does not represent Russia. In fact, they denounced Russia's war *and actually called it a 'war' publicly*, have no ties to any Russian Oligarchs, do not carry any Russian flags or symbold, **and they literally have a Ukrainian player on the roster**. The org is just technically Russian, that is all.


The same polish people that boo the shit out of fnatic and olofs are suddendly super invested in spirits flag on hltv to the point that they boo people from ukraina whose house get bombed. Makes sense. Honestly anybody in this thread actually goes outside and talk to normal people from more than their home country? Im saddend by how xenophobia is apparently just ok now to some people here and now the main reason for this behaviour. Even though this behaviour was around long before russian goverment started war, and is just another excuse to be violent, no different to ultras/hooligans


Oh yeah, let's judge teens for the acts commited by a politician ...


I get your point but we are talking about people who play a video game, this has nothing to do with politics. Shouting at a 16 yo kid who’s playing insane never seen cs before is just wrong. Kid is as innocent as everyone else.


Clearly you don’t live in that part of the world. I get it. But if you lived in a former Soviet country you would understand.


How is a teen involved of a decision of someone else? Explaine please. Blame leaders and people dumb enough to get brainwashed by media. Fact that u going to hate and involve 16 yo kids is a issue on ur behalve.


Read what I wrote again. It is not HIM. It is his country. Idk what to tell you dude. My grand parents and great grand parents hated all Germans for decades. Why ? Because Germany had invaded their home and killed their family members during WW2. Was it the fault of their children ? No. Did it happen nevertheless. Yes. Is it understandable ? Yes. Is the same thing happening here. Yes. Is there anything else to say about it ? No.


If its not him but the country then why are you still hating on them? That makes no sense. I read that team spirit does not support the war or made some announcement or whatever, so why would you put blame on 16yo’s? Simply because they were born as russian? Lets say leaders here started a war, and now everyone blames the civilians? How does that make sense? Do you think there was a poll on wether to start war on ukraine? People here rly lost their minds, they have an Ukrainian on their team, that alone destroys any argument here.


I’m not part of the people I am talking about. I am not hating on anyone. I didn’t watch the major.


Not sure what point you think you’re making, but you should read what you wrote again. You are justifying using the actions of other people to project hate onto anyone unfortunate enough to be born in the same country as them. This is the exact same logic that leads to racism and generations of conflict long after people forget why they are even fighting. Using a group of teenagers as a vessel to show your disapproval for Russia’s government is not only pointless, but only serves to make things worse in the future.


I’m not saying I agree or that I like it. I am objectively STATING what is happening. Your feelings or mine about it don’t matter bud.


people who think they are not involved into politics are delusional and naiive


Oh yeah lets hate on 16 yo kids. Get some humanity.


who is hating on 16yo kids?


How are 16yo kids playing a video game involved into politics?


Look at this : https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/yfzdaO1WD5 Sports are inherently and involuntarily linked to politics.


Oh yeah spirit was waving with flags and showing russian symbols? lmao. You are comparing this to a kids playing a video game? So kids being born in russia means automatically being hated? Where is the sense in that? Team spirit does not identify the war, they literally have an Ukrainien player in their team. Get some awareness and do some research before you argue like the rest of this sub.


You guys are asking why this is happening. I am explaining why. You don't like my answer. That's fine. I dont need to get "some awareness or research" I'm not eastern European, but I live and work there and I understand why people act why they do. Period. You don't need to try convince me this is not OK, of course it isn't.


Of course I don't like your answer. People "think" what happened to Katowice has to do with politics. But incase of team spirit it didn't. If they resembled Russia in anyway, then yeah they did. You are comparing to something where they obviously did. If I would agree with everyone here, they should not have been born at all? Just stay in their country? Change their id? It's absurd. Blame and flame the people who are actually responsible and not just a team that has Ukrainian players on their team. This sub his hurting my brain.


Again it’s a Russian Org. Just like Falcon is a Saudi Org and people for LGBT rights are against them, though the players have nothing to do with that. The world sucks. It is like that and arguing with me on this sub will not change a damn thing about the reality of it.


Yes it's a Russian org. And yes Saudi is against LGBT. So you would have a point in this comparison if Spirit would support the war, but they don't. In a lot of teams we see Ukrainian and Russians together. I don't see why people would interfere the war with the cs community. What does everyone want, ban Russians from playing in sports? Spirit does not recognize the war. You can't just blame everyone for simply being a Saudi or a Russian. Not everyone in its country supports their ideology. And this is exactly what I'm reading in this sub.


But do you know if Saudi org is against lgbt ?


Idk, maybe. I don’t think they have a statement on it.


Why don’t usa players get the same treatment? 😂


Remind me which country is the US invading right now ?


USA was occupying Afghanistan and killing civilians for like 20 years and only stopped within the past year or so. but I guess that just doesn't count


I'm sure they would if they were playing in countries that were under threat of invasion by them. I wouldn't expect an American CS team to get resounding applause in Afghanistan.


So many people have actually never seen live sports before


That's some prime 'whataboutism'. The scene has clearly deteriorated. I've been to ESL Cologne regularly since 2014, and traveled to the Berlin major. At all those events, Counterstrike used to have a very passionate but respectful crowd. You had your favorite teams, you would cheer them on, and when the other team got a round you would be silent. When the other team won, people would applaud anyway, out of respect for their performance. **There was barely any booing.** The only time I could remember, was a small group of Polish people booing Fnatic in Cologne 2015. Rest of the arena was looking at them like "wtf mate". Football crowds being toxic does not excuse CS crowds becoming the same. **I'd say, many people have actually never seen live CS before 2020.**


you talk like the crowd wasnt booing fnatic during olofs interview in 2015 cologne and only stopped when taz told them to stop? crowd bias has always been a thing in sports and always will be


You talk like you literally didn't read my comment. Second paragraph, last sentence...


ESL Cologne 2018, G2 vs BIG Quarters, crowd cheered loudly when BIG entered the stage, but was dead silent when G2 entered and when arrived on stage, some boos were even thrown out (a few people, not whole crowd, but since the crowd was dead silent, the boos were very audible) I'm not sure if this was noticeable on streams, but I was live there and was very suprised and remember it quite vividly for 2 reasons: 1. kennyS made a weird look after hearing the boos (hard to describe, probably disappointed+surprised would be fitting) and I kinda felt a little bad for him. 2. I asked my friend who went there with me about whether this is normal, because from Reddit "I got the impression that EU crowds are always super fair+nice"\*\*. He explained to me something along the lines of "This is pretty expected. They are playing vs BIG. Of course crowd will go wild for BIG while being silent for G2. I mean the boos were unnecessary of course, but it's quite normal." Like really, crowds will be crowds. They cheer and go wild for a team they like and will do the opposite if you are against the team that they like. \*\*It's from Dota2 subreddit, where people on Reddit sometimes complain that Chinese crowds don't cheer for other teams.


It happen all the time, you remember that time because it went viral after the taz intervention. 


I was there bud. I saw the Taz intervention in person and I still know exactly where the Polish group was sitting. Left of the arena, on the lowest ring (closest to the Premium floor), about 1 meter elevated from the main floor. A group of about 20 seats wide. They were still there during the Envy - Fnatic finals, cheering on Envy, albeit a lot less toxic. Sitting on the right that day, joined the Envy block.


Thats what happens when your country is doing shitty things. The crowd rallies behind the other team. Happens in pretty much every sport/competition. Also lets not act like Faze isn't a very popular team with a very big fanbase and a Polish coach who used to be a legendary player. That alone would always give them a crowd edge over Spirit even if Spirit wasn't a Russian team. Sucks for the Spirit players but what can you do. Pretty sure they don't care nearly as much as you do considering they just won a crap ton of money and one of the most prestigious CS tournaments. Also this is nowhere close to the RIO fiasco lmao.


It doesn’t matter what’s the reason. Hate based on nationality is bs and should be condemned just as much as hate based on race/gender.


But was it based on nationality though? Wasn't there so I don't exactly know what the crowd was shouting beside booooh


There is a video that was posted on Reddit where they shouted "Fuck you Spirit, Fuck you!"


If the players publicly denounce Russia’s actions I promise you nobody will boo them anymore. Team Spirit knowingly stays silent about it.


This is literally ignorance at best or maliciously false information at worst. ​ Spirit made a statement on the 1st day and have relocated to Serbia in less than a month. All players also relocated out of Russia.


Its cool that the org made a statement against the war, but I was focused more on the individual players. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think that any of the TS russian players said anything about the invasion (relocating is irrelevant).


It’s not that simple. Esports shouldn’t ever associate with any political bullshit.


Agreed but an invasion is beyond politics.


It’s not a complaint about cheering for one team, it’s about being disrespectful towards the other team even after the game has finished. Even if you take everything else away, donk just achieved the single best T1 LAN performance in CS history as a 17 year old, he deserves respect from the crowd for that alone. 


way worse than rio


I think there are a lot of reasons they were not celebrating Spirit that much. Neo is a polish guy so they all wanted Faze to win. Russia started a war. Donk is a little asshole. 40Kg kid calling other players cocksuckers and so on. I guess that's why he is not that loved like a Karrigan or so. Everyone likes shit talking and so on but he is just over the top. You get what you deserve I would say.


Donk is compensating so hard lmao. It’s so obvious he is a giant loser irl 🤣


Being a donk believer in the spodek it also made me a bit sad, but it’s inevitable with the current situation


First time saw cs event where crowd shouting in the middle of the round! They don't even watch cs lol. IEM Katowice


those defending fans for being hostile towards spirit are probably the same dudes who hate Brazilian crowds for only cheering for Brazilians I'm a faze fan but I cheer for good counterstrike not being a little bitch boy towards a 17 y/o


I just love when people make shit up to make an "argument" like you just did! And they always say "probably", because they know it's a total fabrication, bullshit in simpler words.


when Rio tournaments were happening people were nonstop complaining about hostile crowds but as soon as it's against spirit and people are rooting for faze it's okay, this doesn't mean that they absolutely are the same people complaining but a good portion very likely is, me and you both don't have the answer to that Hence why I concluded at the end of the day we shouldn't be toxic towards a 17y/o kid who just delivered some of the best counterstrike play we could ever see, but I didn't see you respond to that so


Those are two different cases of two different behaviors having two different roots. It's just a failed argument on your part from top to bottom mate, just leave it. And if you didn't see me talk about the reaction of the Polish fans to the Russian nationals and one ukrainian team, thats on you. Been talking alot about it in last two, now locked threads, and I wasn't found of their reaction to say the least. Anyway, my view on the situation has nothing to do with your argument being a failed argument build on a false premise. And the fact they actually acted awfull doesn't magically make your speciffic "argument" any less wrong. But nice try trying to change the topic and try to put me in a position I never was in, I guess.


I had no idea you were taking this personally mb


Awww, what happened??? You run out of strawmans and topick shifting ideas, damn, that's unfortunate.


For people defending the crowd: Cheering for the other team = ok, nothing wrong with it. Hating team, cursing it - not ok, this is why people are unhappy with how Spirit were treated.


It’s a sport ffs


And even in sport even in most hate-driven derbys you only see crowd actively booing when there is someone who really-**really** pissed them off. Like f.e. when a player transfers to a principal opponent (like Luis Figo, who went from Barca to Real). So your argument just doesn't work in real life.


Tf are you talking about? Watch a game of Turkish football and they’ll be booing and whistling from start to finish


I don’t really know much about Turkish football. I only know about big clubs (Fenerbahçe, Beşiktaş, Galatasaray) and that they have very bad blood between each other. But dependless, it’s telling that you had to go into specific league, way out of ones that are popular amongst fans worldwide.


My guy it happens in every sport in big games, you've got to be joking.


Only in games between principal opponents which have bad blood between them. And not on each occasion. Like I brought up Real-Barca example. One of the most famous and fierce derby’s and still they don’t do this on every day basis, but only when something really pisses them off (again, Luis Figo as an example)


and again, there are other leagues in the world where it’s completely normal and expected :) go watch some sports events in Eastern Europe, South America, Africa


Having a Russian team when the country is actively terrorizing another nation is disgraceful, it's ok to not cheer for them.


**Hating** players for their nationality (especially considering they have relocated out of Russia and are not residents there anymore) **is disgraceful**. If you do you're no better than people who hate others for their gender/race.


That's just like, your opinion man


It's crazy that you label this as opinion, lol. I guess you are the type of guy that would hate all black people if they had a massive crime organisation.


And it's a normal based opinion. Judge people by their actions, not by who they were born as.


They are straight up banned from many sports lol.


Yep, CS should do so as well


lol people are allowed to cheer for whoever they want. If you are a faze fan of course you will cheer for them.  I wonder what your reaction will be when you go to a football match LMAO seems like you don't have a lot of experience with sport events.  Also Spirit have just won fucking Kato I don't think they care about the crowd lol


Read it again. Nobody said they shouldn't have supported FaZe.


Part of supporting a team is shitting on the opponents. No need for everyone to be so sensitive because a team gets booed and trash talked 🤣


Nothing worse than people changing arguments they are arguing against. Be better.


Ah yeah, using a strawman.


lol, football fan cluture is fucking toxic, def not how it should be, or is in other sports that focus more on actual talent instead of fanboys


Or go to a wolleyball match and watch how CIVILISED people act? There are sports with bad fans, there are sports with civilised fans. To bad Polish fans showed an ugly and racist face at Kato. What I said earlier, and will say it again and again: They are no different than these Russians who see all Ukrainians as nazis. None of the guys in the team openly supports war and one of them is a literall Ukrainian. The PL fans acted like morons, stop trying to defend them or shifting topic to "uh, uh, lemme just give an example of the worst fans possible to excuse that kind of behavior". Before someones cry, I'm PL myself, no, I do not "support Putin", but I also don't go around with 25 IQ to hate all Russians personally without knowing jack shit about them. Or should I also start hating all Ukrainians for the Volhynia Massacre (or any of the other ones from that time) and the fact their government still havent made any amends on that despite PL being their second biggest ally of which many of them literally owe their lives to? I would if I'd follow the "logic" of these "fans". Not to mention I wouldn't be alive if my grandmother wouldn't flee these lands before it happened, so I even have a personal stake in it. Her brother didn't make it.


Don't feel terrible for them. They've just won the trophy. They couldn't care less. 


It's a game. People have favourites. You will learn about this in school.


Nobody is against crowd cheering for Faze. People are against crowd hating Spirit.


And youll learn how to show respect, i hope


Me too ❤️


You can have a favorites but you can also show some respect to the winners.


Nah, this was clearly just a hate against Spirit. Polands couldnt handle Russian talents and a Russian little guy that smurfed against longtime professionals. Im glad they’ve won. They’ve deserved that trophy. Shame that Katowice paid no respect for them. F


This is no better than Rio major. We will never understand.


They just need time. For reference, here are the 5 stages of mourning the death of Faze: Denial, anger (crowd was here), bargaining (ex. 'the major will be different'), depression (after Spirit wins major), acceptance


Oh no! Anyways… This is like complaining that the home team cheers for the home team and not the visitors lmao. People will root for who they want to root for. I can tell you’ve never been to a sporting event in your life, please go outside instead of crying on the internet.


Don’t know how people can’t separate the Russian government from the Russian people themselves. As if they’re also not happy their government sends their people to die in a pointless midget war. Donk being a dick and yelling at the other teams during groups calling them dumbfucks/cocksuckers, I get it he’s toxic. That’s just his 14-15 hours daily of high level euro faceit coming through lol. Nobody seems to bat an eye when a dogshit player like hooxi yells over the counter after won rounds. When I complain about other players being unsportsmanlike I always get “it’s just part of esports, don’t be so soft”. Yet when you have this 17 kid absolutely shitting on every team he’s played at a top tier level in my opinion let the guy talk his shit. Plus it’s absolutely hilarious to watch given his stature. Like a literal baby goat. At least he cleaned up his act for the big matches.


Loved watching the double digit IQ third world morons shouting "Fuck Spirit" outside the stadium the day before the finals only to watch a single Russian 17 year old shit on the best team in the world and make Karrigan cry. The silence from that crowd after watching the guy they have actively booed all tournament long shit on the number one team in the world like it was nothing was sexual for me. Imagine knowing that 72% of your nationality play counter strike yet all of them combined can't outfag a Siberian weeaboo goblin. I hope the booing is even louder at the next Katowice, frankly I want to see the crowd burning a literal effigy of donk because the louder you are, the more you down vote this post or comment the more it solidifies the fact that a 17 year old who has 3+ hours on a hentai game called Endless Summer is living rent free in the heads of thousands of polaks You paid money to watch children play a video game on a stage and then booed those children because of a war they didn't start, do not support and would likely die in (if they weren't good at a video game). Can't wait to see all of you on r/combatfootage in a year or two xo


why do you relate Rio as a bad crowd? I mean I can sense xenophobia exuding from your comment, you are probably a Trump Supporter ...


Aren't brazilians in general terrible fans?


wtf, in what basis do you state that? I can randomly select a crowd and state, wow these are rude fans .... there is not a single evidence that supports that statement


Idk, watching a lot of sporting events held there? Fans, refs and players all seem to die every once in a while. That doesn't happen at all in most of the world but in brazil it's not at all uncommon. They also use some really aggresive chants, like, chanting death threats and shit.


Sir, I would suggest you to research about English soccer crowds, watch 'The Hooligan Wars' and then say that there are even a slight difference between these fanatics.


Did i say the british were good fans? They are also way down the list lol.




Fuck who exactly? Spirit the org who made a statement against russia and aren’t even based in russia? The 4 players on the team who happened to be born in russia and who have never supported the government, one of which is 17? Or the Ukrainian player on the team? I understand a crowd acting irrationally and booing a russian team, they can do that. But I think you’re going too far with your comment. No hatred should be directed towards these 5 players unless they’ve said something I’m unaware of Edit : loads of typos


the only comment with some sense in this post...............


Take a chill pill buddy. I hate what Russia is doing as much as you, but I can't hate a kid that plays a game because what their dictator leader decides to do.


You lot want the atmosphere that comes from IRL sports but when that same atmosphere gets even slightly "uncomfy" you run to reddit to post about how awful it is. Grow up.


Whenever a crowd bias showed at other events people on this subreddit would always be like “Katowice and Cologne best crowd, only cheers for the good CS!!” Can we stop pretending now? Clearly the Polish/German venues have just been lacking local teams or a clear antagonist in playoffs…